Background: In India, 54% of under five children death mainly due to under nutrition. First two years of age is most critical. Nutritional status was assessed by using WHO standard growth chart. Wasting represents acute malnutrition, stunting with chronic, underweight represents both acute and chronic. Based on NFHS-3 data the prevalence of under nutrition rise up to 2 years of age, thereafter more or less stabilizes. Faulty feeding practices plays major role in under nutrition. Hence, this study carried out to assess nutritional status of 6 months to 2 years children in terms of acute and chronic malnutrition and to estimate the association of nutritional status with feeding practices.Methods: Cross sectional study done during March to August 2016. Sample size estimated was 180. Stratified random sampling method used to collect data among children in Peerkankaranai.Results: Mean age of children was 15.82 months. About 61.2% belonged to 12 to 24 months age group. Sex distributions were equal. About 55% belongs to middle socioeconomic status. The prevalence of underweight was 31.65, wasting 15%, stunting 45.6%. Male children affected by chronic malnutrition more than female children. Not initiating breast feeding within 4 hours of birth plays significant role in acute malnutrition. Prevalence of malnutrition was high among those not practising colostrum feeding and exclusive breast feeding. Only 15 mothers not influenced by formula feeding. Feeding frequency and traditional feeding practices had main role in chronic malnutrition.Conclusions: The prevalence of under nutrition among study population was high among this area. Feeding practices should be improved among the mothers.
Background: Gastric carcinomas have various pathological features. Based on patterns of growth and invasiveness, however, they fall into two types: diffuse type and intestinal type. These two types of carcinoma appear to be different in their histogenetic origins. Objectives: To analyse various types of gastric cancer reported in last five years. To compare the features of intestinal and diffuse type gastric carcinoma including gross appearance, staging, grading of tumor. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of 324 gastric cancer which were surgically resected and received over 5 years. The tumors were divided into groups according to their gross and microscopic patterns. Gross appearance was classified based on Borrmann classification. Microscopic features evaluated include tumor cell type, extent of invasion, degree of maturation, formation of glandular structures, nodal metastasis. Results: Totally 320 cases of gastric cancer were received of which 218(68%) were male, 102(32%) were female. Gastric cancers are rare below the age of 30 years. Comparing the type of gastric cancer intestinal type were 269(84%), diffuse type were 24(7.5%) and other type of gastric cancer including GIST, lymphoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma were 27(8.5%). Younger patients have higher stage of lymph node metastasis in diffuse type, but not for the intestinal type. Conclusion: Gastric cancer more common in male (M:F= 2:1) and most frequently seen in 5th decade. Intestinal type constitutes the most common type of gastric tumor. Gross appearance of diffuse type was predominantly infiltrative (79%).
Fatty acid profiles of strains grown under standardized conditions have been used for identification and classification of many bacteria. In this present study, fatty acid analysis of five rhizobial isolates of leguminous tree Pithecellobium dulce at five different localities were carried by gas chromotagraphy, in which totally fifteen fatty acids were identified. But all the fatty acids were not observed in a single isolate though they are isolated from a single species.