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Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1392-1395, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887358


Objective@#To understand the relationship between school environment and campus bullying behavior of junior high school students, and to provide scientific basis for the intervention of campus bullying behavior.@*Methods@#Based on the data of "China Education Panel Survey" from 2014 to 2015, the school environment and self reported campus bullying behaviors of 9 300 junior high school students were analyzed.@*Results@#The two level mixed effect linear regression model showed that the frequency of boys campus bullying behavior was higher than girls( B =0.356, P <0.01). Junior high school students in the school with higher student teacher ratio and school average class status had higher frequency of campus bullying behavior( B =-0.007, -0.004, P < 0.05 ). The negative correlation between school average class status and the frequency of bullying behavior of boys was greater than girls( B = -0.006 , P <0.01).@*Conclusion@#Prevention and treatment of junior high school students campus bullying not only needs to start from the individual students, families and peer groups, but also needs to pay attention to the school environment, reduce the school socioeconomic segregation, and pay more attention to boys campus bullying behavior.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 876-878, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-881367


Objective@#To investigate the gender difference of left-behind adolescents mental health in rural junior middle schools, and to explore possible moderating role of parent-child interaction.@*Methods@#Based on the data of China Education Panel Survey (CEPS) from 2014 to 2015, the self-reported parent-child interaction frequency and mental health of 3 470 eighth grade students lived in rural area were analyzed.@*Results@#Mental health scores were higher in left-behind boys (68.90±22.45) whose parents migration compared to left-behind girls (63.59±20.83)(t=3.02, P<0.01). The two-level mixed effect linear regression model showed that the negative impact of parental migration on the parentchild interaction and mental health of left behind girls was greater than that of left behind boys (B=-0.90, -4.02, P<0.05). The frequency of parent-child interaction moderated the gender difference of mental health of left behind adolescents (P<0.01). The above-mentioned gender differences decreased after adding the frequency of parent-child interaction (B=-3.65, P<0.1).@*Conclusion@#The negative impact of parental migration on mental health of left-behind girls in junior high school is stronger than boys. It is needed to take more care of the mental health and promote parent-child communication for left-behind girls.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-616000


Objective To assess the ability of quantitative ultrasound index to predict the severity of CCl4?induced liver fibrosis in a rat model us?ing logistic regression analysis. Methods In a rat model of 40%CCl4?induced liver fibrosis,ultrasound detected the portal vein diameter,blood flow velocity,and Young's modulus. The degree of hepatic fibrosis was determined using a light microscope after hematoxylin and eosin staining of tissue. Results Portal vein diameter and Young's modulus were useful predictors of the severity of liver fibrosis,with statistical significance(P<0.05). Young's modulus was most effective with an R2 value 0.788. Young's modulus combined with the distal diameter of portal vein effectively improved the predictive ability,showing an R2 value 0.821. Conclusion Young's modulus is the most predictive index to assess the severity of liver fibrosis. A combination of multiple indices can improve the ability to predict the severity of liver fibrosis.