OBJECTIVES@#To discuss the demands and countermeasures for outpatients and emergency patients during the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in large general hospital.@*METHODS@#By analyzing patients' demands, outpatient service system and emergency system complemented each other with the help of "internet medical" to provide online medical treatment, self-diagnosed pneumonia program, online pharmacies, outpatient appointment and online pre-examination services, open green channels for special patients, and to provide referral services for critical patients. The COVID-19 suspected patients and other common fever patients were separated from other patients.@*RESULTS@#From January 28 to March 1, we have received 26 000 patients online, 1 856 special patients, 2 929 suspected patients and common fever patients including 31 confirmed patients, 0 case of misdiagnosis and cross-infection.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Targeting patient's demands and taking appropriate measures are effective on meeting the needs of outpatients' and emergency patients' medical services.