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Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-151135


Demographic study of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and drug utilization in population is the basis for assessment of cardiovascular disease management. Aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of CVDs with drug utilization and current trends in Bangladesh. A cross-sectional type of descriptive study was carried out at the outdoor of National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD), Dhaka from July’09 to August’09. A total of 780 patients, who acquiesce with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were interviewed with structured questionnaire and followed up by prescription monitoring. Out of the total patients with a male, female ratio of 5.3: 4.7, 45.90% patients were over 55 years and 69.62% patients had come from urban area. The patients had lipid level disorder (47.05%), hypertension (28.05%), heart failure (27.25%), ischaemic heart disease (21.55%) and 40.39% were associated with diabetes. Individual patient got 6.35 ± 1.56 no. of drug of different class of which most frequently prescribed drugs were antiatherogenic (97.67%), lipid lowering agents (95.35%), antianginal (79.07%), beta-blockers (51.16%), ACE inhibitors (30.23%), diuretics (37.21%), anxiolytics (81.4%) etc. This data may be propitious for the general physicians for optimizing rational use of cardiovascular drugs and also accessible in formulating strategy for effective cardiovascular disease management.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167098


ABSTRACT: Bangladesh pharmaceutical sector has been growing at a remarkable speed since 1982. From the meager 30% national market share, now it is supplying 97% of our annual demand. Around 1,100 generics are now available in a total of around 12,000 trade name products. The national market size has crossed 6,000 crore taka per annum, where the local multinational share is only 7%. Our industries are now exporting drugs to 72 countries. But just because our pharmaceutical sector has developed its own backbone does not meant that our pharmaceutical industries have solved the relevant bioethical questions. There are complaints that some companies do not pursue necessary bioethical norm as at various levels of its manufacturing processes. Still a good number of small companies sell sub-standard and counterfeit drugs, and yet some are not following accepted GMP standards. Moreover, for capturing foreign markets we need clinical trials and bioequivalence study results. These study needs human subjects as volunteers. In a poverty-stricken country like us, if we do not establish these clinical trial and bioequivalence norms, everything becomes irrelevant. If we can establish theses norms, this could be the beginning of a new era for further growth of our pharmaceutical industries vis-à-vis our public health national economy.