Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o dimorfismo sexual em uma coleção de mandíbulas portuguesas através de uma metodologia métrica digital, utilizando análise estatística descritiva, inferencial e multivariada para identificar quais parâmetros são mais dimórficos e quais são os melhores preditores de sexo. Trinta e três mandíbulas (14 mulheres e 19 homens) e pertences pessoais foram fotograficamente registrados com código e sexo. Os dados foram coletados por tomografia e as medidas foram feitas pelo software Simplant Pro. Foram registrados a largura máxima e mínima do ramo mandibular, altura condilar, altura do processo coronoide, altura da sínfise mandibular, ângulo mandibular, distâncias bimentual, biantegonial, bigonial e bicondilar e comprimento máximo mandibular. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando IBM® SPSS. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os seguintes parâmetros: altura do processo coronoide, altura do côndilo, comprimento máximo da mandíbula e largura mínima do ramo mandibular. Na análise estatística multivariada foi possível identificar a altura do processo coronoide como melhor preditor de sexo com precisão em 72,2% dos casos. Isto permite uma diferenciação mais fácil entre mandíbulas femininas e masculinas com uma precisão de 64,3% e 78,9%, respectivamente. Foi possível concluir que a altura do processo coronoide é o parâmetro mais dimórfico e o melhor preditor de sexo na amostra.
This study aimed to assess sex dimorphism in a collection of Portuguese mandibles through a digital metric methodology by using descriptive, inferential, and multivariate statistical analysis to identify which parameters are the most dimorphic and which are the best sex predictors. Thirty-three mandibles (14 females and 19 males) and personal belongings were photographically registered with code and sex. Data was collected using tomography, and measurements were made using the Simplant Pro software. The maximum and minimum width of the mandibular ramus, condylar height, coronoid process height, mandibular symphysis height, mandibular angle, bi-mental, bi-antegonial, bi-gonial and bi-condylar distances, and maximal mandibular length were registered. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM® SPSS. The results showed statistically significant differences for the following parameters: coronoid process height, condyle height, the maximum length of the mandible, and the minimum width of the mandibular ramus. In the multivariate statistical analysis, it was possible to identify the coronoid process height as the best sex predictor accurately in 72.2% of cases. This allows for easier differentiation between female and male mandibles with an accuracy of 64.3% and 78.9%, respectively. It was possible to conclude that the coronoid process height is the most dimorphic parameter and the best sex predictor in the sample.
Introduction: This case report presents the intentional periodontal maintenance of two periodontal hopeless lower central incisors with a multidisciplinary approach and 20-year follow-up. Case presentation: A 36-year-old male, in 2001, was diagnosed with aggressive periodontitis, gingival swelling, bleeding, and mandibular central incisors with mobility and poor prognosis. Following periodontal therapy (phase I), root canal treatment, and occlusal adjustment, #31 and #41 were gently extracted to remove the granulation tissues, calculus, and infected cementum from the root surface. Then, tetracycline-HCl was applied for 5 minutes on the root surfaces. The teeth were repositioned into the sockets and splinted with a lingual bar. At 3 months, the bar was removed, and a free gingival autogenous graft was done to improve the local keratinized tissue width. Mobility scores, pocket depths, and clinical attachment levels were recorded, and radiographs were taken at 1, 5, and 20 years. The 5-year follow-up showed that the teeth were clinically and radiographically in function. There was a reduction in probing depth and a gain in clinical attachment and radiographic alveolar bone levels. After 20 years, #41 was stable, but #31 had external root resorption, leading to a new treatment plan (dental implants) and extraction. Conclusion: The clinical result of this case was satisfactory for 20 years. Intentional periodontal maintenance of the teeth may be an alternative treatment, even considering the high level of complexity.
Humans , Male , Adult , Patient Care Planning , Periodontics , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Time , Periodontal Attachment LossABSTRACT
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the intra- and inter-examiner reliability when using the DC/TMD axis 1 and verify the replicability and validity of the data obtained.Methods: The sample comprised 30 volunteers (students) of the Instituto Universitário de Ciências da Saúde Norte (Portugal). The calibration process consisted of a volunteer selection, theoretical and practical training, data collection, and agreement calculation. Examiners received proper previous training. Three dental practitioners applied the questionnaire (T1) and re-examined all the participants one week later (T2). To measure the degree of inter and intra-examiner agreement, multiple Kappa coefficients were obtained when nominal or ordinal variables were involved. When the correspondence between quantifiable variables was assessed, Pearson correlation coefficients and their statistical significance were replicated.Results: Regarding opening patterns, a strong overall agreement was obtained, only showing discrepancies in left-assisted and unassisted maximum openings (from -0.034 to -0.370 and -0.630 to -0.933, respectively). A high level of inter-examiner agreement during TMJ noise during the opening assessment was obtained, only displaying variations in clicks (Kappa -0.423 to 0.757). Protrusion movement showed negative kappa and weaker agreement of all measurements (Kappa between -0.034 and -0037). Small discrepancies were obtained from palpation assessment (left lateral pole- Kappa -0.034).Conclusion: There was no discernible and persistent difference in the amount of agreement among the three examiners, demonstrating that all three examiners were capable of participating in data collecting by employing the DC/TMD questionnaire. The findings indicated nearly perfect intra- and inter-examiner concordance scores.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/classification , Clinical Diagnosis , Data Collection , DentistsABSTRACT
The biological sealing (BS) around implants is a dominant factor to determine the long-term success of peri-implant health. There are several features of the BS around implants in common with the soft tissue attached to teeth, such as the presence of crevicular fluid, acquired pellicle, epithelium; otherwise, the quality of the BS around implants is weaker compared with the junctional epithelium of natural teeth. Then, this article aimed to describe three cases report showing the presence of a BS (cuticle-crevice fluid-acquired pellicle) around the fixed crowns on dental implants in the anterior zone, through photographic analysis. It was used a Nikon 8100 camera with a 105 mm macro lens and a Macro Ring circular flash. A photographic profile examination was made always showing the clinical case and, specifically, the focal point in the crown-gingival tissue (prosthesis boundary and peri-implant tissue), highlighting the anatomical gingiva on the ceramic prosthetic crown at an angle between 140 to 160 degrees. Although cases 1 and 2 had 1-year follow-up and case 3 around 4 years, the common findings for all treatments done were: (i) oral rehabilitation with crowns on dental implants; (ii) patients satisfied with the esthetic and functional result; (iii) stability of the soft tissue around the crowns; (iv) all the patients had a good oral hygiene; (v) presence of a thin membrane associated with the acquire pellicle, similar to an annular cuticle, which we named cuticle-acquired pellicle complex or tertiary cuticle or prosthetic-implant cuticle. This complex (cuticle-crevicular fluid-acquired pellicle) is suggested to be the responsible by the BS on dental implants. Moreover, the cuticle (epithelial part in the peri-implant sulcus), although similar to teeth, may be considered a tertiary pellicle due to be found on ceramic crowns on dental implants, differently of the primary and secondary pellicle. Whitin the limitation of these three cases reports, the BS was reported and can be introduced the new concept of the "cuticle-crevicular fluid-acquired pellicle complex" or "prosthetic-implant cuticle".