BACKGROUND Few studies have focused on microbial diversity in indoor environments of ships, as well as the role of the microbiome and its ecological interconnections. In this study, we investigated the microbiome and virome present on the internal surfaces of a polar ship in different stages (beginning, during, and at the end) of the Brazilian Antarctic expedition in order to evaluate abundance of microorganisms in different periods. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS We used shotgun metagenomic analysis on pooled samples from sampling surfaces in the ship's interior to track the microbial diversity. FINDINGS Considering the total fraction of the microbiome, the relative abundance of bacteria, eukaryotes, viruses, and archaea was 83.7%, 16.2%, 0.04%, and 0.002%, respectively. Proteobacteria was the most abundant bacterial phyla, followed by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. Concerning the virome, the greatest richness of viral species was identified during the middle of the trip, including ten viral families after de novo assembly: Autographiviridae, Chrysoviridae, Genomoviridae, Herelleviridae, Myoviridae, Partitiviridae, Podoviridae, Potyviridae, Siphoviridae, and Virgaviridae. MAIN CONCLUSIONS This study contributed to the knowledge of microbial diversity in naval transportation facilities, and variations in the abundance of microorganisms probably occurred due to factors such as the number of passengers and activities on the ship.
Abstract Pancreas transplantation is a well-established treatment for patients with complicated diabetes mellitus and advanced renal failure. The most common procedure is simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation, in which the pancreas graft is positioned in the right pelvic region and the kidney graft is positioned in the left iliac fossa. Various imaging methods are used for the post-transplantation evaluation of the graft parenchyma and vascular anatomy, as well as for the identification of possible complications. As the number of cases increases, it is fundamental that radiologists understand the surgical procedure and the postoperative anatomy, as well as to recognize the possible postoperative complications and their imaging aspects, with the aim of providing the best guidance in the postoperative management of transplant recipients.
Resumo O transplante de pâncreas representa uma terapia bem estabelecida no tratamento de pacientes com diabetes mellitus complicada com insuficiência renal em estágios avançados. A maior parte ocorre em associação ao transplante renal (transplante simultâneo de pâncreas e rim), no qual se posiciona o enxerto pancreático na região pélvica direita e o enxerto renal na fossa ilíaca esquerda. Diversos métodos de imagem são utilizados para avaliação parenquimatosa dos enxertos, bem como a anatomia vascular e as possíveis complicações. A compreensão do procedimento cirúrgico, das técnicas utilizadas e da anatomia pós-cirúrgica é fundamental à medida que o número de casos aumenta, assim como conhecer as possíveis complicações associadas e seus aspectos de imagem, com a finalidade de proporcionar o melhor direcionamento no manejo pós-operatório de receptores de transplantes.
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an important zoonosis in Brazil. Previous identification of parasitized dogs can also help prevent the disease in humans, even in non-endemic areas of the country. The Brazilian Ministry of Health recommends diagnosis in dogs using a DPP® (rapid test) as a screening test and an immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA) as a confirmatory test (DPP®+ELISA), and culling infected dogs as a legal control measure. However, the accuracy of these serological tests has been questioned. METHODS: VL in dogs was investigated in a non-endemic area of the São Paulo state for three consecutive years, and the performances of different diagnostic tests were compared. RESULTS: A total of 331 dog samples were collected in 2015, 373 in 2016, and 347 in 2017. The seroprevalence by DPP®+ELISA was 3.3, 3.2, and 0.3%, respectively, and by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), it was 3.0, 5.6, and 5.5%, respectively. ELISA confirmed 18.4% of DPP® positive samples. The concordance between the IFA and DPP® was 83.9%. The concordance between IFA and DPP®+ELISA was 92.9%. A molecular diagnostic test (PCR) was performed in 63.2% of the seropositive samples, all of which were negative. CONCLUSIONS: In non-endemic areas, diagnostic tests in dogs should be carefully evaluated to avoid false results.
Animals , Dogs , Leishmania infantum/genetics , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/diagnosis , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/veterinary , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/veterinary , Antibodies, Protozoan , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Pathology, MolecularABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Diseases of the bovine digestive system make up an important group of diseases, often being responsible for significant economic losses in the livestock sector. The current work aimed to carry out a retrospective study of the diseases of the digestive system in cattle diagnosed at the Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, from January 1999 to December 2018. In this period, a total of 9,343 cattle were admitted to the CBG-UFRPE, of which 2,238 (24.0%) were diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system. In two decades, the total number of cattle admitted annually by the institution almost doubled as well as the number of cases of digestive diseases. The diseases categorized as mechanical/motor were the most prevalent (33.6%), followed by fermentative (28.4%), gastroenteritis (16.0%), esophageal diseases (9.7%), and diseases of the oral cavity (4.5%). Lesions of the rectum and anus, congenital alterations, and other digestive diseases showed relative frequencies below 4%. Traumatic reticulitis and its sequelae (14.5%) are the most prevalent disorders, followed by simple indigestion (10.1%), esophageal and intestinal obstructive disorders (9.0%), non-specific gastroenteritis (8.6%), displaced abomasum (RDA and LDA) (5.5%), and frothy bloat, ruminal lactic acidosis, and impaction of the forestomach and abomasum, which represented approximately 5% each. In general, these diseases presented a lethality rate of 46.0%, with emphasis on mechanical/motor diseases with a lethality rate of 73.8%. In general, diseases were more prevalent in females, crossbreeds, aged over 24 months, and raised in a semi-intensive system. Diseases of the digestive system increased over the years studied, representing a considerable portion of the diseases that affect cattle raised in this region, which makes up the main milk basin in the State of Pernambuco, confirming its economic and social impact in the region.
RESUMO: As enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos compõem importante grupo de doenças frequentemente responsáveis por perdas econômicas significativas no setor pecuário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo retrospectivo das enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos diagnosticadas na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2018. Neste período foi atendido um total de 9.343 bovinos dos quais 2.238 (24,0%) foram diagnosticados com enfermidades do sistema digestório. Em duas décadas, o número total de bovinos atendidos anualmente pela instituição quase dobrou, assim como o número de casos de doenças digestivas. As enfermidades categorizadas como de natureza mecânica/motora foram as mais prevalentes (33,6%), seguidas das fermentativas (28,4%), das gastroenterites (16,0%), das enfermidades esofágicas (9,7%) e das enfermidades da cavidade oral (4,5%). As lesões do reto e ânus, as alterações congênitas e outras enfermidades digestórias apresentaram frequências relativas inferiores a 4%. As reticulites traumáticas e suas sequelas (14,5%) destacaram-se como as doenças mais prevalentes, seguidas das indigestões simples (10,1%), dos transtornos obstrutivos esofágicos e intestinais (9,0%), das gastroenterites inespecíficas (8,6%), dos deslocamentos de abomaso (DAD e DAE) (5,5%) e do timpanismo espumoso, acidose láctica ruminal e compactações dos pré-estômagos e abomaso, que representaram aproximadamente 5% cada. No geral estas enfermidades apresentaram taxa de letalidade de 46,0%, com destaque para as enfermidades de natureza mecânica/motora cuja letalidade foi de 73,8%. De maneira geral as enfermidades foram mais prevalentes em fêmeas mestiças, com idade superior a 24 meses, criadas em sistema semi-intensivo. As enfermidades do sistema digestório, crescentes ao longo dos anos estudados, representaram parcela considerável das doenças que acometem os bovinos criados na região que compõe a principal bacia leiteira do Estado de Pernambuco, ratificando seu impacto econômico e social para a região.
Diseases of the bovine digestive system make up an important group of diseases, often being responsible for significant economic losses in the livestock sector. The current work aimed to carry out a retrospective study of the diseases of the digestive system in cattle diagnosed at the "Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns", "Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco", from January 1999 to December 2018. In this period, a total of 9,343 cattle were admitted to the CBG-UFRPE, of which 2,238 (24.0%) were diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system. In two decades, the total number of cattle admitted annually by the institution almost doubled as well as the number of cases of digestive diseases. The diseases categorized as mechanical/motor were the most prevalent (33.6%), followed by fermentative (28.4%), gastroenteritis (16.0%), esophageal diseases (9.7%), and diseases of the oral cavity (4.5%). Lesions of the rectum and anus, congenital alterations, and other digestive diseases showed relative frequencies below 4%. Traumatic reticulitis and its sequelae (14.5%) are the most prevalent disorders, followed by simple indigestion (10.1%), esophageal and intestinal obstructive disorders (9.0%), non-specific gastroenteritis (8.6%), displaced abomasum (RDA and LDA) (5.5%), and frothy bloat, ruminal lactic acidosis, and impaction of the forestomach and abomasum, which represented approximately 5% each. In general, these diseases presented a lethality rate of 46.0%, with emphasis on mechanical/motor diseases with a lethality rate of 73.8%. In general, diseases were more prevalent in females, crossbreeds, aged over 24 months, and raised in a semi-intensive system. Diseases of the digestive system increased over the years studied, representing a considerable portion of the diseases that affect cattle raised in this region, which makes up the main milk basin in the State of Pernambuco, confirming its economic and social impact in the region.(AU)
As enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos compõem importante grupo de doenças frequentemente responsáveis por perdas econômicas significativas no setor pecuário. Este trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo retrospectivo das enfermidades do sistema digestório dos bovinos diagnosticadas na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2018. Neste período foi atendido um total de 9.343 bovinos dos quais 2.238 (24,0%) foram diagnosticados com enfermidades do sistema digestório. Em duas décadas, o número total de bovinos atendidos anualmente pela instituição quase dobrou, assim como o número de casos de doenças digestivas. As enfermidades categorizadas como de natureza mecânica/motora foram as mais prevalentes (33,6%), seguidas das fermentativas (28,4%), das gastroenterites (16,0%), das enfermidades esofágicas (9,7%) e das enfermidades da cavidade oral (4,5%). As lesões do reto e ânus, as alterações congênitas e outras enfermidades digestórias apresentaram frequências relativas inferiores a 4%. As reticulites traumáticas e suas sequelas (14,5%) destacaram-se como as doenças mais prevalentes, seguidas das indigestões simples (10,1%), dos transtornos obstrutivos esofágicos e intestinais (9,0%), das gastroenterites inespecíficas (8,6%), dos deslocamentos de abomaso (DAD e DAE) (5,5%) e do timpanismo espumoso, acidose láctica ruminal e compactações dos pré-estômagos e abomaso, que representaram aproximadamente 5% cada. No geral estas enfermidades apresentaram taxa de letalidade de 46,0%, com destaque para as enfermidades de natureza mecânica/motora cuja letalidade foi de 73,8%. De maneira geral as enfermidades foram mais prevalentes em fêmeas mestiças, com idade superior a 24 meses, criadas em sistema semi-intensivo. As enfermidades do sistema digestório, crescentes ao longo dos anos estudados, representaram parcela considerável das doenças que acometem os bovinos criados na região que compõe a principal bacia leiteira do Estado de Pernambuco, ratificando seu impacto econômico e social para a região.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Seasons , Retrospective Studies , Digestive System , Livestock , Gastroenteritis , UniversitiesABSTRACT
Mammary tumors in female dogs are the most frequent and corresponds to half of the canine tumors. The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors associated with the occurrence of mammary tumors in female dogs and to evaluate the macroscopic characteristics of these neoformations, using 386 dogs from the "Outubro Rosa Pets" events done within the cities of Uberlândia and Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in 2015 (n=194), 2016 (n=105) and 2017 (n=87). For the determination of risk factors, the binary logistic regression test (P<0.05) was performed. The occurrence of mammary tumors was 23.6% (91/386). The significant risk factors identified were increased age (P<0.001), overweight (P=0.048) and non-castration (P<0.001) with a chance of, respectively, 1.6, 2.3 and 9.3 times for the development of mammary tumors. In dogs with mammary tumors (n=91), 153 lesions were present, of which 39 female dogs had two or more lesions (42.8%). Most of the lesions were at the caudal abdominal (M4) and inguinal (M5) mammary glands (60.13%, 92/153). Relative to the size of the lesions, it was observed that in 78% of the female dogs the lesions were determined asT1 (<3cm), 16.5% were T2 (3-5cm) and 5.5% T3 (>5cm). At least 15.4% (14/91) of the dogs had one of the regional lymph nodes increased. In conclusion, the occurrence of mammary tumors in the evaluated population was 23.6% and that age, overweight and non-realization of ovariohysterectomy are risk factors associated with the development of mammary tumors.(AU)
Em cadelas os tumores mamários são os mais frequentes e correspondem a aproximadamente metade dos tumores em cães. Este estudo teve os objetivos de determinar os fatores de risco envolvidos na ocorrência de tumores mamários em cadelas e avaliar as características macroscópicas destas neoformações, utilizando 386 cadelas do evento "Outubro Rosa Pets" nos municípios de Uberlândia e Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brasil, em 2015 (n=194), 2016 (n=105) e 2017 (n=87). Para a determinação dos fatores de risco utilizou-se o teste de Regressão logística binária (P<0,05). A ocorrência de tumores mamários foi de 23,6% (91/386). Os fatores de risco significativos identificados foram aumento da idade (P<0,001), sobrepeso (P=0,048) e não-castração (P<0,001) com a chance de, respectivamente, 1,6, 2,3 e 9,3 vezes de desenvolvimento de tumores mamários. Nas cadelas com tumores mamários (n=91), constatou-se a presença de 153 lesões, sendo que 39 cadelas apresentaram duas ou mais lesões (42,8%). A maioria das lesões localizaram-se nas mamas abdominais caudais (M4) e inguinais (M5) (60,13%; 92/153). Em relação ao tamanho das lesões, observou-se que 78% das cadelas eram T1 (<3cm), 16,5% T2 (3-5cm) e 5,5% T3 (>5cm). Pelo menos 15,4% (14/91) das cadelas apresentaram um dos linfonodos regionais aumentados. Conclui-se que a ocorrência dos tumores mamários na população avaliada foi de 23,6% e que a idade, sobrepeso e não ovariohisterectomia são fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de tumores mamários.(AU)
Animals , Female , Dogs , Mammary Neoplasms, Animal/etiology , Mammary Neoplasms, Animal/epidemiology , Dog Diseases , Mammary Neoplasms, Animal/prevention & control , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira and domestic dogs can act as host of some serovars. In order to analyze the transmission dynamics in a dog population, with and without immunization, a longitudinal study was carried out with a focus to evaluate antibody response and to identify serovars. Blood samples were collected in three consecutive years (2015 to 2017) from 331, 373 and 347 dogs respectively. The dog seroprevalence in each year was 11%, 7% and 14%, respectively, and the incidence in 2016 was 5% and in 2017, 14%. The most frequent serovars were Cynopteri and Butembo in 2015, Cynopteri, Butembo and Hardjoprajitno in 2016, and Canicola and Butembo in 2017. Dogs can play a role as sentinel animals and hosts of Leptospira serovars. The percentage of seropositive dogs due to vaccination was higher than the previous years without immunization and lower than in previous years for other serovars, which we interpret as evidence for the importance of immunization. These parameters associated with active canine population control are important for prevention and control of leptospirosis not only in dogs but alsoto inhibit the transmission between dogs and humans.(AU)
A leptospirose é uma zoonose causada pelo agente etiológico Leptospira. Cães domésticos atuam como hospedeiro de diversos sorovares deste agente. Com intuito de analisar a dinâmica da leptospirose em uma população canina, com e sem imunização, um estudo longitudinal foi realizado avaliando a resposta sorológica destes animais e identificando seus sorovares. Foram coletadas amostras de 331, 373 e 347 cães em três anos consecutivos (2015 a 2017). As soroprevalências foram de 11%, 7% e 14%, respectivamente, e a incidência em 2016 foi de 5% e em 2017 de 14%. Os sorovares mais frequentes foram Cynopteri e Butembo em 2015, Cynopteri, Butembo e Hardjoprajitno em 2016, e Canicola e Butembo em 2017. Estes cães estão atuando como bio-indicadores da presença de Leptospira na região do estudo, incluindo sorovares zoonóticos, e contribuindo com a sua manutenção no ambiente. A soropositividade para sorovares protegidos pela vacina foi mais alta do que nos anos anteriores à imunização, enquanto para os sorovares não protegidos pela vacina diminuiu, demonstrando a importância da imunização para essa população de cães. Medidas de prevenção e controle para a leptospirose, como imunização e controle populacional canino, são recomendadas no local para inibir a transmissão do agente entre as populações de cães e humanos envolvidas.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Vaccination/veterinary , Leptospira/isolation & purification , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/prevention & control , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Leptospirosis/veterinaryABSTRACT
We characterized the network of cattle movements in Mato Grosso, Brazila state responsible for a significant amount of Brazilian beef exports. In this analysis, we were particularly interested in the importance of slaughterhouses in the network of cattle movements, in the characteristics of the trade for different purposes (especially for reproduction, fattening, and slaughter), and about the importance of the main traders. We found that the median distance of all movements was 79.0 km, with an interquartile range between 37.2 and 163.2 km, which suggests a relatively short-range trade pattern; roughly 20% of the premises purchasing more animals were responsible for 95% of the animals purchased and 20% of the premises selling more animals were responsible for 86% of the animals sold, indicating the importance of the cattle trade hubs. Fitting the degree distribution using a power-law distribution, we obtained a scaling parameter of 2.59, indicating that the cattle movement network of Mato Grosso is less dense than other observed cattle movement networks. The networks for fattening, reproduction, and slaughtering only comprised 73%, 56%, and 25% of all nodes and 52%, 30%, and 17% of all edges, respectively; and slaughterhouses had the highest in-degrees and total degrees, followed by markets and farms, playing the role of main cattle trade hubs. Therefore, slaughterhouses are potentially useful as surveillance points to detect cases, and controlling important trader premises may optimize the use of resources for controlling diseases.(AU)
Caracterizamos a rede de trânsito de bovinos em Mato Grosso, Brasil um estado responsável por uma quantidade significativa das exportações brasileiras de carne bovina. Nesta análise, o interesse foi na importância de abatedouros na rede de trânsito de bovinos, nas características do comércio para diferentes finalidades (especialmente para reprodução, engorda e abate), e sobre a importância dos principais comerciantes. Encontramos que a distância mediana de todos os movimentos foi de 79,0 km, com um intervalo interquartil entre 37,2 e 163,2 km, o que sugere um padrão de comércio de alcance relativamente curto; cerca de 20% dos estabelecimentos que compram mais animais foram responsáveis por 95% dos animais comprados e 20% dos estabelecimentos que vendem mais animais foram responsáveis por 86% dos animais vendidos, o que mostra a importância dos principais comerciantes de bovinos. Ajustando a distribuição de graus usando uma distribuição de lei de potência, obtivemos um parâmetro de escala de 2,59, indicando que a rede de movimentação de bovinos de Mato Grosso é menos densa do que outras redes de trânsito bovino observadas. As redes para engorda, reprodução e abate compreenderam 73%, 56% e 25% de todos os nós e 52%, 30% e 17% de todas as arestas, respectivamente; e os frigoríficos tiveram os mais altos graus de entrada e totais, seguidos por mercados e fazendas, desempenhando o papel de principais pontos de comércio de gado. Por conseguinte, abatedouros são potencialmente úteis como pontos de vigilância para detectar casos, e o controle de estabelecimentos importantes para o comércio pode otimizar o uso de recursos para o controle de doenças.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Cattle , Commerce , Abattoirs/economicsABSTRACT
Abstract Dogs are hosts of the protozoans Toxoplasma gondii, which causes an important public health disease, and Neospora caninum. Studies that have evaluated toxoplasmosis and neosporosis for prolonged periods in dog populations are rare. We analyzed infection by both parasites in a domestic dog population over three consecutive years in São Paulo state, Brazil. In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of collection, 181, 193 and 172 domiciles were visited, and blood samples of 331, 371 and 348 dogs were collected for antibody serology, respectively. The seroprevalence of T. gondii in each year was 27.2%, 22.5% and 43.9%, respectively, and that of N. caninum was 7.8%, 4.8% and 6.8%, respectively. The incidence rates for T. gondii in the 2nd and 3rd collections were 13.2% and 30.0%, and those for N. caninum were 3.3% and 4.4%, respectively. Positive and negative serological conversions for both agents occurred at high frequencies during the study period. This study reveals the canine population's serological profile and demonstrates the constant exposure of dogs to the investigated pathogens, indicating the need for prevention and control measures in the region.
Resumo Os cães são hospedeiros dos protozoários Toxoplasma gondii, que causam uma importante doença para a saúde pública, e Neospora caninum. Estudos que avaliam a toxoplasmose e a neosporose por períodos prolongados em populações caninas são raros. Foi analisada a infecção por esses dois parasitas em uma população de cães domésticos e domiciliados por três anos consecutivos, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Nos 1º, 2º e 3º anos de coletas, 181, 193 e 172 domicílios foram visitados, nos quais foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 331, 371 e 348 cães para sorologia, respectivamente. A soroprevalência de T. gondii em cada ano foi de 27,2%, 22,5% e 43,9%, respectivamente; e a de N. caninum foi de 7,8%, 4,8% e 6,8%, respectivamente. As taxas de incidência para T. gondii, nas 2ª e 3ª coletas, foram de 13,2% e 30,0%, respectivamente; e para N. caninum, 3,3% e 4,4%, respectivamente. As conversões sorológicas positivas e negativas para ambos os agentes ocorreram em alta frequência durante o período analisado. Este estudo revela o perfil sorológico da população canina e demonstra sua constante exposição aos patógenos investigados, o que requer medidas de prevenção e controle na região.
Animals , Dogs , Coccidiosis/parasitology , Coccidiosis/blood , Coccidiosis/veterinary , Coccidiosis/epidemiology , Neospora , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Rural Population , Toxoplasma , Brazil/epidemiology , Antibodies, Protozoan/blood , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Toxoplasmosis, Animal/blood , Toxoplasmosis, Animal/epidemiology , IncidenceABSTRACT
Abstract This retrospective study evaluated facial profile pleasantness determined by two protocols of Class II treatment. The sample comprised facial profile silhouettes obtained retrospectively from the pretreatment (T1) and posttreatment (T2) cephalograms of 60 patients (42 males and 18 females) divided into two groups. One group of 30 patients (mean age of 12.84 years) was treated with the extraction of maxillary first premolars (mean treatment time of 2.7 years), and the other group of 30 patients (mean age of 12.81 years) was treated with a mandibular advancement appliance (Forsus) (mean treatment time of 2.49 years). The facial profile silhouettes (T1 and T2) were randomly distributed in an album containing one patient per sheet. The examiners consisted of 60 orthodontists and 60 lay individuals, who analyzed the profiles in regard to facial pleasantness, using the Likert scale. A comparison between stages T1 and T2 of the two treatment protocols and between the examiners was performed by mixed-design analysis of variance at a significance level of 5%. The results demonstrated a significant difference between T1 and T2 (greater scores for T2 compared to T1), and between lay individuals and orthodontists (orthodontists assigned higher scores), but with no significant difference between the treatment protocols. Both protocols produced positive effects on the facial profile esthetics, from the standpoint of lay individuals and orthodontists.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tooth Extraction/methods , Esthetics, Dental , Face/pathology , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/pathology , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/therapy , Orthodontics, Corrective/methods , Perception , Bicuspid/surgery , Observer Variation , Cephalometry , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Orthodontists , Orthodontic Appliances, FixedABSTRACT
Mycobacterium bovis is the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, a disease that affects dairy herds throughout the Brazilian territory, constituting a neglected zoonosis transmitted by raw milk and its derivatives. In this study, we evaluated the presence of M. bovis and other mycobacteria in Minas cheese obtained from open fairs in the city of São Paulo between 2012 and 2013. Samples (n = 133) were decontaminated using hexa-cetylpyridinium chloride and seeded on StonebrinkLeslie medium. The isolates were submitted to molecular identification by TB Multiplex PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene and amplicon nucleotide sequencing. From 16 cheese samples (12%), we obtained 26 putative colonies of Mycobacterium spp, none of which belonged to any of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, or Mycobacterium intracellulare complexes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that sample sequences were grouped in a clade that includes only non-tuberculous mycobacteria with proximity to sequences obtained from Mycobacterium novocastrense (3 sequences), Mycobacterium holsaticum (1 sequence), and Mycobacterium elephantis (2 sequences). Although no epidemiological evidence was found regarding the importance of oral transmission of mycobacteria in healthy people, their importance in the immunosuppressed population remains uncertain.(AU)
Mycobacterium bovis é o agente da tuberculose bovina, doença que acomete o rebanho em todo território brasileiro e é uma negligenciada zoonose transmitida pelo leite e seus derivados. Este trabalho avaliou a presença de M. bovise outras micobactérias, em queijo minas meia-cura, obtidos em feiras-livres na cidade de São Paulo, entre os anos de 2012 e 2013. As amostras (n = 133) foram descontaminadas pelo método HPC (hexa-cetyl-pyridinium chloride) e semeadas em meio Stonebrink Leslie. Os isolados foram submetidos à identificação molecular por PCR TB multiplex, pesquisando-se o gene 16S rRNA, e ao sequenciamento nucleotídico. Dezesseis amostras (12%) possuiam 26 colônias sugestivas de Mycobacterium spp, mas nenhuma delas pertencia aos complexos Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium e Mycobacterium intracellulare. A análise filogenética mostrou que todas as amostras estavam agrupadas em clados que incluem apenas micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT), sendo que algumas possuiam proximidade com sequências obtidas de Mycobacterium novocastrense (3 sequências), Mycobacterium hosaticum(1 sequência) e Mycobacterium elephantis (2 sequências). Embora no momento não haja evidência epidemiológica da importância da transmissão oral das micobactérias pra indivíduos saudáveis, sua importância na população imunossuprimida ainda é incerta.(AU)
Animals , Cheese/virology , Mycobacterium , Market SanitationABSTRACT
The analysis of animal movement patterns may help identify farm premises with a potentially high risk of infectious disease introduction. Farm herd sizes and bovine movement data from 2007 in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, were analyzed. There are three different biomes in Mato Grosso: the Amazon, Cerrado, and Pantanal. The analysis of the animal trade between and within biomes would enable characterization of the connections between the biomes and the intensity of the internal trade within each biome. We conducted the following analyses: 1) the concentration of cattle on farm premises in the state and in each biome, 2) the number and relative frequency of cattle moved between biomes, and 3) the most frequent purposes for cattle movements. Twenty percent (20%) of the farm premises had 81.15% of the herd population. Those premises may be important not only for the spread of infectious diseases, but also for the implementation of surveillance and control strategies. Most of the cattle movement was intrastate (97.1%), and internal movements within each biome were predominant (88.6%). A high percentage of movement from the Pantanal was to the Cerrado (48.6%), the biome that received the most cattle for slaughter, fattening and reproduction (62.4%, 56.8%, and 49.1% of all movements for slaughter, fattening, and reproduction, respectively). The primary purposes for cattle trade were fattening (43.5%), slaughter (31.5%), and reproduction (22.7%). Presumably, movements for slaughter has a low risk of disease spread. In contrast, movements for fattening and reproduction purposes (66.2% of all movements) may contribute to an increased risk of the spread of infectious diseases.(AU)
A análise dos padrões de trânsito animal pode ajudar a identificar estabelecimentos sob um risco potencialmente maior de introdução de doença infecciosa. Foram analisadas a rede de trânsito de bovinos no estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil, e uma base de dados com tamanho de rebanho, ambas de 2007. Há três biomas diferentes em Mato Grosso: Amazônia, Cerrado e Pantanal. A análise do trânsito animal entre e dentro dos biomas nos permitiu caracterizar quão conectados são os biomas e quão intenso é o trânsito interno dentro de cada bioma. Conduzimos as seguintes análises: 1) se o rebanho bovino está concentrado em alguns estabelecimentos no estado todo e em cada bioma; 2) sobre o número absoluto e a frequência relativa de bovinos movimentados entre os biomas; e 3) quais são os propósitos mais frequentes para o trânsito animal. Encontramos que 20% dos estabelecimentos possuíam 81,15% do rebanho total do estado. Estes estabelecimentos podem ser importantes para o espalhamento de doenças infecciosas, mas também para a implementação de estratégias de vigilância e controle. A maior parte do trânsito foi dentro do estado (97,1%), e o trânsito interno dentro de cada bioma foi predominante (88,6%). Um percentual alto de movimentos do Pantanal (48,6%) foi para o Cerrado, o bioma que recebeu mais bovinos para abate, engorda e reprodução (62,4%, 56,8% e 49,1% de todos os movimentos para abate, engorda e reprodução, respectivemente). Os principais propósitos para o comércio de bovinos foram engorda (43,5%), abate (31,5%) e reprodução (22,7%). Movimentos para abate presumivelmente oferecem um baixo risco para espalhamento de doença. Em contraste, movimentos para engorda e reprodução (66,2% de todos os movimentos) podem contribuir para o aumento do risco de espalhamento de doenças infecciosas.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Brucellosis, Bovine/epidemiology , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Ecosystem , Amazonian Ecosystem , Grassland , Wetlands , Animal HusbandryABSTRACT
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate clinically dogs that underwent tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) six months previously. Methods: Dogs of various breeds, gender, weight, and age that had CCL rupture and underwent TTA for treatment were included in this study. Parapatellar arthrotomy was performed in all patients to assess the joint for a ruptured ligament and meniscal injury before the TTA. The appropriate cage for the TTA was chosen with planning surgery. The surgical procedure was performed according to the literature, using a modified Maquet technique. Six months after surgery, lameness during walking; muscular atrophy; crepitation, cranial drawer and tibial compression tests and quality of life based on owner's evaluation were assessed. Results: Postoperative complications were observed in only one knee (4.76%), with a surgical site seroma. The mean lameness score at walking was 0.29 (± 0.64). The mean score regarding muscular atrophy was 0.95 (± 1.56). The mean score of the cranial drawer test, in a range from 0 to 5, was 1.52 (± 1.54). The owners rated the dog's quality of life as excellent in 44%, good in 30%, and moderate in 17%. Conclusion: This clinical study supports the affirmation that patients who undergo TTA for treatment of CCL rupture have an acceptable response.
Animals , Male , Female , Dogs , Osteotomy/veterinary , Tibia/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Dog Diseases/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/veterinary , Osteotomy/methods , Quality of Life , Rupture/surgery , Rupture/veterinary , Prospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/surgeryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Cytology is used as detection and screening method of malignant and pre-malignant lesions showing their potential since the original works of Papanicolaou. The cytological smears are usually stained with the Pap staining, although this method is time consuming and requires different reagents. The aim of this study is to assess the quality of an original Blue staining in exfoliative smears comparing it with the standard Papanicolaou staining. The new Blue staining allows staining gynecological cytology with high quality standards at reduced cost and time when compared to the Papanicolaou method.
RESUMO A citologia é utilizada como método de detecção e rastreio de lesões malignas e pré-malignas e mostra seu potencial desde os trabalhos originais de Papanicolaou. Geralmente, os esfregaços citológicos são corados com a coloração de Papanicolaou, apesar desse método exigir muito tempo e vários reagentes. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a qualidade de uma coloração original Blue Stain em esfregaços esfoliativos comparando-a com a coloração standard de Papanicolaou. O novo método de coloração Blue Stain permite corar citologias ginecológicas com elevados padrões de qualidade a um custo e tempo reduzidos quando comparado com o método de Papanicolaou.
Horses are highly susceptible to parasitism. Helminth infections cause great harm to the animals and to their breeders. This study aimed at evaluating socioeconomic, cultural and management factors associated with the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths of horses. A total of 40 farmas the Mangalarga Marchador horse breed were visited in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil, where interviews were conducted. Horse feces were collected on the farms and coproparasitological laboratory tests were conducted to quantify the infection and to identify parasites. Data were tabulated in Epidata and analyzed using the SPSS 20.0 software. A great similarity between breeds was observed, specifically in their profiles, as well as in their animal management techniques and in their parasite control habits. The cyathostome was the most prevalent helminth, followed by Oxyuris and large strongyles. The farms which prioritize only equine production are less likely to have animals with massive helminth infection.(AU)
Os equinos são animais muito susceptíveis ao parasitismo. As helmintoses causam grandes prejuízos tanto para os animais, quanto para os criadores. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os fatores sócio-econômicos-culturais e de manejo associados à prevalência de helmintos gastrointestinais de equinos. Foram visitados 40 criatórios de equinos Mangalarga Marchador no Sul de Minas Gerais, nos quais foram realizadas entrevistas. Foram coletadas fezes dos animais nas propriedades e realizados exames laboratoriais coproparasitológicos a fim de quantificar a infecção dos animais e identificar os parasitos. Os dados foram tabulados no Epidata e analisados no software SPSS 20.0. Observou-se uma grande semelhança no perfil dos criadores, assim como na caracterização da propriedade, manejo e controle de parasitos. Os ciatostomíneos foram os helmintos mais prevalentes, seguidos pelo Oxyuris e os grandes estrôngilos. As propriedades que priorizam a equinocultura têm menor chance de apresentar animais com infecção maciça.(AU)
Animals , Helminths/pathogenicity , Horses/parasitology , Epidemiology/classificationABSTRACT
Abstract Actinomycosis remains characteristically uncommon, but is still an important cause of morbidity. Its clinical presentation is usually indolent and chronic as slow growing masses that can evolve into fistulae, and for that reason are frequently underdiagnosed. Actinomyces spp is often disregarded clinically and is classified as a colonizing microorganism. In this review of literature, we concomitantly present 11 cases of actinomycosis with different localizations, diagnosed at a tertiary hospital between 2009 and 2016. We outline the findings of at least one factor of immunosuppression in > 90% of the reported cases.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Penicillins/administration & dosage , Actinomycosis/drug therapy , Immunosuppression Therapy , Amoxicillin/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Actinomycosis/diagnosis , Actinomycosis/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Middle AgedABSTRACT
For canine and feline population management in an urban area, a set of well-developed strategies is required to prevent overpopulation, the abandonment of animals, and zoonosis. An understanding of the dynamics of these populations and a characterization of these populations are necessary for action planning. The proposed strategies should be monitored and evaluated so that canine and feline population management programs are properly implemented. Population management programs can be improved through evidence based adaptive management. The objective of this study was to characterize the canine and feline populations and their dynamics in an urban area and to evaluate the impact of a birth control program. Three cross-sectional census surveys and a birth control program were conducted in a neighborhood of São Paulo area with 4,275 households. The two first surveys were performed in 2005 and 2006, prior to implementation of the birth control program, and were used to characterize the canine and feline populations. The third survey was performed in 2008, eighteen months after the birth control strategy had been established. The canine population decreased from 2006 to 2008, after birth control. The mean age for the canine population was 3.36 years; 65% of the dogs were younger than 3 years of age. The mean life expectancy at birth was 3.9 years for male dogs and 5.9 years for female dogs. The mean age for the feline population was 1.66 years; 74% of the cats were 1 year of age or less. The canine and feline populations had a high mortality rate for juveniles younger than 1 year of age. There was an 8% and an 18% decrease in canine and feline birth rates, respectively, after spay or neuter intervention. There was a high animal population turnover, which was more pronounced in the feline population.(AU)
Para o manejo populacional canino e felino em área urbana, um conjunto de estratégias é necessário para evitar a superpopulação, o abandono animal e a transmissão de zoonoses. O entendimento da dinâmica e a caracterização dessas populações são fundamentais para o planejamento das ações, monitoramento e avaliação do programa de manejo populacional e de suas estratégias. Programas de manejo populacional podem ser melhorados por meio de uma gestão adaptativa baseada em evidências. Para avaliar o impacto do controle reprodutivo de cães e gatos foram feitos três estudos transversais por meio de censos em uma área de São Paulo com 4.275 famílias. Os dois primeiros censos foram realizados em 2005 e 2006, antes do controle reprodutivo, e usado para caracterizar as populações canina e felina. O terceiro censo foi realizada em 2008, 18 meses após a estratégia de controle reprodutivo ter iniciado. A população canina diminuiu de 2006 a 2008, após o controle reprodutivo. A idade média para a população canina foi 3,36 anos. A expectativa de vida média ao nascer foi de 3,9 anos para os cães machos e 5,9 anos para as fêmeas. A idade média da população felina foi de 1,66 anos. 65% dos cães eram menores de 3 anos de idade e 74% dos gatos tinham 1 ano de idade ou menos. As populações canina e felina tiveram alta taxa de mortalidade de animais jovens. Houve uma diminuição de 8% e 18% nas taxas de natalidade canina e felina, respectivamente, após a intervenção do controle reprodutivo. Houve uma elevada renovação da população animal, mais pronunciada para a população felina.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Castration/veterinary , Cats , Population Dynamics , Dogs , Quality ControlABSTRACT
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) are zoonotic reservoirs for Leptospira spp. and Toxoplasma gondii, and influence diseases in urban areas. METHODS: Free-ranging and laboratory-raised rats from two zoos in southern Brazil were tested for Leptospira spp. and T. gondii using microscopic agglutination and modified agglutination tests, respectively. RESULTS: Overall, 25.6% and 4.6% free-ranging rats tested positive for Leptospira spp. and T. gondii, respectively, with co-seropositivity occurring in two animals. For laboratory-raised rats, 20% tested positive for Leptospira spp. Also, Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc and Leptospira noguchii serovar Panama were found. CONCLUSIONS: Serosurveys can show the environmental prevalence of zoonotic pathogens.
Animals , Male , Female , Toxoplasma/immunology , Antibodies, Protozoan/blood , Toxoplasmosis, Animal/epidemiology , Leptospira/immunology , Leptospirosis/veterinary , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Urban Population , Brazil/epidemiology , Agglutination Tests , Toxoplasmosis, Animal/diagnosis , Population Surveillance , Prevalence , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Animals, ZooABSTRACT
Neste artigo, procuramos problematizar aspectos do processo de desenvolvimento do Kung Fu na China e de sua posterior difusão para o Ocidente à luz da teoria sociológica de Norbert Elias. Para cumprir este objetivo, estruturamos o texto em três partes. Na primeira delas, apresentamos alguns elementos da teoria de Elias que são úteis para estudar o Kung Fu. Na segunda parte do artigo, por sua vez, trazemos alguns indícios acerca do processo de difusão do Kung Fu para o Ocidente, tomando como leitura auxiliar a obra "O Mosteiro de Shaolin" de Meir Shahar. Na terceira e última parte do texto, sugerimos que a recepção do Kung Fu no Ocidente engendra um processo social que conjuga elementos da tradição chinesa e da modernidade capitalista, conferindo a essa prática um caráter híbrido e polissêmico.
In this paper, we discuss aspects of the development process of Kung Fu in China and its subsequent spread to the West in the light of sociological theory of Norbert Elias. To meet this goal, we have structured the text into three parts. In the first, we present some elements of theory of Elias that are useful to study Kung Fu. In the second part of the article, in turn, bring some evidence about the Kung Fu diffusion process to the West, taking as a reading aid work "Shaolin Monastery" of Meir Shahar. The third and final part of the text, we suggest that the reception of Kung Fu in the West engenders a social process that combines elements of Chinese tradition and capitalist modernity, giving the practice a hybrid and ambiguous character
En este trabajo se discuten los aspectos del proceso de desarrollo de Kung Fu en China y su posterior propagación hacia el Occidente, a la luz de la teoría sociológica de Norbert Elias. Para cumplir con este objetivo, hemos estructurado el texto en tres partes. En la primera, se presentan algunos elementos de la teoría de Elias que son útiles para estudiar el Kung Fu. En la segunda parte del artículo, a su vez, trae algunas evidencias sobre el proceso de difusión de Kung Fu al Occidente, teniendo como lectura de apoyo el trabajo "Monasterio de Shaolin" de Meir Shahar. En la tercera y última parte del texto, se sugiere que la recepción de lo Kung Fu en Occidente engendra un proceso social que combina elementos de la tradición chino y la modernidad capitalista, dando a la práctica un carácter híbrido y plural.
Martial Arts/trends , Diffusion of Innovation , Cultural Diffusion , China , Western WorldABSTRACT
The animal trade is an important risk factor that affects the spread of diseases among animals and herds. The goal of the present study was to characterize the cattle movement network in Pernambuco, Brazil, based on the animal movement permits (Guias de Trânsito Animal; GTAs) from 2012 to 2013, and identify the intensity of the commercial relationship between farm premises. A total of 737,950 GTAs were issued, and the movement of 3,481,185 cattle (1,688,585 in 2012 and 1,792,600 in 2013) was analyzed. Of the moved animals analyzed, 52.57% (1,829,907/3,481,185) were involved in the movement of cattle in or out of livestock markets, indicating that livestock markets played a major role in the network. Approximately 20% of the more-connected premises were responsible for approximately 87% of the movement related to sales and 95% of the movement related to purchases. Considering the important role of livestock markets and the intense cattle trade between farm premises, surveillance, and control measures could be more efficient if targeted to livestock markets and highly connected premises to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.(AU)
O comércio de animais é um importante fator de risco para a disseminação de doenças entre animais e rebanhos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar a rede de movimentação de bovinos em Pernambuco, com base nas guias de trânsito animal (GTAs) de 2012 a 2013, e identificar a intensidade da relação comercial entre os estabelecimentos. Foram analisadas 737.950 GTAs emitidas, e as movimentações de bovinos totalizaram 3.481.185 animais (1.688.585 em 2012 e 1.792.600 em 2013). Um percentual de 52,57% (1.829.907/3.481.185) das movimentações de bovinos envolveu entrada ou saída de feiras de gado, indicando que as feiras desempenharam um papel importante na rede. Aproximadamente 20% dos estabelecimentos mais conectados foram responsáveis por aproximadamente 87% das movimentações relacionadas às vendas, e 95% das movimentações, relacionadas às compras. Considerando o importante papel das feiras e o intenso comércio de bovinos entre as propriedades, medidas de vigilância e controle podem ser mais eficientes se aplicadas em feiras e estabelecimentos altamente conectados, para prevenir a propagação de doenças infecciosas.(AU)