BACKGROUND Studies on health-related quality of life are based on the increasingly evident need for medical care not to be limited to preventing death, but to focus instead on the value of health. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to measure the health-related quality of life in hemophilia, using the Hemophilia- Specific Quality of Life (Haem-A-QoL) questionnaire and describe the socioeconomic characteristics and health conditions of these patients. METHODS The Brazilian version of the Hemophilia-Specific Quality of Life questionnaire was administered to hemophiliac adults, treated in an on-demand regime at the Juiz de Fora Regional Blood Center - HEMOMINAS Foundation. The patients were interviewed about demographic and socioeconomic data and their understanding of the questionnaire. Clinical data were collected from medical records. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis. The level of significance was set for p-values < 0.05. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 15.0). RESULTS Thirty-nine patients were evaluated. The mean age was 36.8 years. 84.6% had hemophilia A; 20.5% of the patients had hemophilia classified as mild, 41% as moderate and 38.5% as severe. The records of 10.5% of the patients registered seropositivity for anti-HIV and 57.9% for anti-HCV. Target joints were detected in 69.2%. The mean total Hemophilia-Specific Quality of Life score was 35.55. 'Sports and leisure'and 'Physical health'were the most impaired dimensions and the dimension 'Relationship and partners'was the least impaired. The Hemophilia-Specific Quality of Life scores showed good discriminant validity for hemophilia severity (p-value = 0.001), HIV-infection (p-value = 0.02), HCV-infection (p-value = 0.01) and the presence of target joints (p-value < 0.001)...
Musculoskeletal Diseases/etiology , Hemophilia A , Hemophilia B , Joints , Quality of Life , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
O "teste do pezinho" é uma estratégia para o diagnóstico precoce de algumas doenças congênitas que são, em sua maioria, imperceptíveis ao exame médico no período neonatal e que, se não diagnosticadas e tratadas precocemente, evoluem com sequelas muitas vezes irreversíveis. A drepanocitose é das doenças hematológicas hereditárias humanas a mais comum e mais estudada em todo o mundo. Os rastreios para recém-nascidos iniciaram-se na década de 50 e a partir da década de 70 começaram a ser instalados em diversos estados brasileiros, porém somente nos anos 90 o programa de triagem neonatal foi ampliado para todo o território nacional. A efetivação do Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal foi grande passo para o aumento da sobrevida, redução da hospitalização e das despesas associadas à doença falciforme, as quais representam problema de saúde pública em nosso país. Este artigo apresenta a evolução histórica do processo de criação e implementação da triagem neonatal no Brasil, principalmente em Minas Gerais, e descreve de maneira especial o impacto da doença falciforme em nossa população.
The heel prick test is a strategy aimed at the early diagnosis of some congenital diseases that usually go unnoticed at ordinary medical examinations in the neonatal period and may evolve to cause several irreversible sequelae. Drepanocytosis is one of the most common and studied hematological diseases affecting human beings. The earliest newborn screenings date back to the 1950s, but in Brazil they were first introduced in the 1970, only to be extended to the whole territory in the 1990s. The implantation of the National Newborn Screening Program was a large step to increase patient?s survival and reduce both hospital treatment and sickle cell disease-associated expenses (which represent a significant public health issue in Brazil). This paper reports the historical process of creation and implementation of a newborn screening program in Brazil, especially in the State of Minas Gerais, and also describes the impact of sickle cell disease upon our population.
Humans , Anemia, Sickle Cell/history , Neonatal Screening , BrazilABSTRACT
O transtorno falciforme é a doença hematológica hereditária mais comum no mundo e a Anemia Falciforme é a mais conhecida das alterações hematológicas hereditárias no homem. Este artigo apresenta a evolução histórica do processo de criação e implementação da Triagem Neonatal no Brasil e em partes do mundo. Os rastreios para recém-nascidos iniciaram na década de 50, porém, só a partir da década de 60, os Programas de Triagem Neonatal começaram ser instalados em diversos países. O "Teste do Pezinho" é uma estratégia para o diagnóstico precoce de algumas doenças congênitas que são quase sempre imperceptíveis ao exame médico no período neonatal, mas que evoluem desfavoravelmente, levando ao aparecimento de sequelas muitas vezes irreversíveis. A triagem de hemoglobinopatias é uma análise importante para a prevenção das doenças falcêmicas, as quais representam um problema de Saúde Pública em nosso país. Afinal, estima-se que só no Brasil, existem aproximadamente 10 milhões de indivíduos heterozigotos para os genes das hemoglobinopatias.
Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited hematological disease worldwide, with sickle cell anemia being the most notorious of inherited hematological diseases of humans. This article presents the historical evolution of the process of creation and implementation of Neonatal Screening in Brazil and parts of the world. Newborn screening began in the 50ïs, but it was only in the 60`s that Programs of Neonatal Screening began in several countries.The "Foot Test" is a strategy for the early diagnosis of congenital diseases that are often imperceptible to the medical examination in the neonatal period, but that have an adverse course, leading to the emergence of generally irreversible sequelae. Hemoglobin screening is an important analysis for the prevention of sickle cell disease, which constitutes a Public Health problem in Brazil, where approximately 10 million individuals heterozygous for hemoglobinnopathy genes are estimated to exist.