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Braz. dent. j ; 32(3): 56-64, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1345501


Abstract It aims on evaluate the effect of the test environment on static fatigue behavior of lithium disilicate-based (LD), and yttrium oxide-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) ceramics. Specimens of LD (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent) and YSZ (IPS e.max ZirCAD MO, 3 mol% Y2O3, Ivoclar Vivadent) were randomly allocated into three groups: tested in air, inert (paraffin oil, Sigma Aldrich) or distilled water. The static fatigue test (n=15) was performed using a piston-on-three ball assembly, adapted from ISO 6872, as follows: starting load 100 N for LD and 300 N for YSZ; loading application time set to 1 hour for each loading step; step size of 50 N for LD and 100 N for YSZ, applied successively until fracture. Data from static fatigue strength (MPa) and time to fracture (hours) were recorded. Fractographic analysis was executed. Survival analysis corroborates absence of influence of environment on static fatigue outcomes (fatigue strength, time to fracture and survival rates) for YSZ. For LD, specimens tested in air presented statistically superior survival rate and static fatigue strength (p= 0.025). In regards of time to fracture, LD tested in air were superior than when tested in distilled water (p=0.019) or inert (p=0.017) environments. No statistical differences for Weibull modulus were observed. Failures started on the tensile stress surface. Thus, the test environment did not affect slow crack growth (SCG) mechanisms during static fatigue test of YSZ ceramics, but it plays a significant role for the static fatigue behavior of lithium disilicate-based glass ceramics, indicating a high susceptibility to SCG.

Resumo O presente estudo objetivou investigar a influência do ambiente de teste no comportamento a fadiga estática (resistência à fratura e tempo para falha) de cerâmicas à base de dissilicato de lítio (LD) e zircônia estabilizada com ítria (YSZ). Espécimes de LD (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent) e YSZ (IPS e.max ZirCAD MO, 3mol% Y2O3, Ivoclar Vivadent) foram obtidos e alocados aleatoriamente em três grupos: testado em ar, em líquido inerte (óleo de parafina) ou em água destilada. O teste de fadiga estática (n= 15) foi realizado usando o teste pistão sobre três esferas, ISO 6872, da seguinte forma: carga inicial 100 N para LD e 300 N para YSZ; tempo de aplicação de carregamento definido para 1 hora para cada etapa de carregamento; tamanho do passo de 50 N para LD e 100 N para YSZ, aplicados sucessivamente até a fratura. Dados de resistência à fadiga estática (MPa) e tempo até a fratura (horas) foram registrados. A análise fractográfica foi executada. A análise de sobrevivência corrobora a ausência de influência do ambiente de teste nos resultados de fadiga estática (resistência à fadiga, tempo de fratura e taxas de sobrevivência) para a YSZ. Para LD, os corpos de prova testados em ar apresentaram taxa de sobrevivência e resistência à fadiga estática estatisticamente superiores (p= 0,025). Em relação ao tempo de fratura, os espécimes LD testados em ar foram superiores aos testados em água destilada (p= 0,019) ou em ambiente inerte (p= 0,017). Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas para o módulo de Weibull. Todas as falhas começaram no lado onde se concentra a tensão de tração (lado de baixo) durante o teste. Com base nisso, observa-se que o ambiente de teste não afetou os mecanismos de crescimento lento de trinca durante o teste de fadiga estática da cerâmica YSZ, mas desempenha um papel significativo na resistência à fadiga estática da cerâmica de vidro à base de dissilicato de lítio, indicando alta susceptibilidade ao crescimento lento e subcrítico de trincas.

Ceramics , Dental Porcelain , Surface Properties , Zirconium , Materials Testing , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Stress Analysis , Glass
RFO UPF ; 22(1): 101-113, 28/08/2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-848732


To critically assess in vitro methods used to evaluate the mechanical behavior of endodontically treated teeth restored with intra-radicular posts and cores. Literature review: a literature search of in vitro studies was conducted in PubMed database using the search terms: ("endodontic*" OR "intracanal post") AND ("fracture" OR "resistance" OR "load" OR "strength"). A filter for publication date was set to return studies from the last five years (from October 2010 to October 2015). The research strategy resulted in 1,556 studies. After the analysis of the eligibility criteria, 92 articles were included in a descriptive analysis. Human upper central incisors were used most frequently. The natural mobility of teeth was simulated using an artificial periodontal ligament in 66.7% of the studies. In 32.2% of the studies, the load to fracture was applied directly to the core. Thermocycling was performed in 27.2% of the studies. Cyclic loading was used in 38% of the studies. Final considerations: periodontal ligament simulation, thermocycling and cyclic loads are some methods that have been employed to approximate laboratory studies to the clinical conditions that teeth restored intra-radicular posts and cores are submitted. Novel test methodologies, such as step-test and staircase approach, have been used to evaluate the fatigue behavior of this systems. However, it is important do highlight that, considering the context in which most of the included studies were performed, the extrapolation of the results to the clinical practice should be made carefully

RFO UPF ; 17(1)jan.-abr. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-644824


Introduction: Extramural programs allow dental students to be trained facing the reality of people?s lives and their health needs. This study describes the experiences of an extramural program developed at the Federal University of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Methods: Professors and dentists participated in activities directed to a group of recyclable material collectors and their families, who are part of a singing group. The aim of the activities is to provide dental care, health promotion, health education and disease prevention. Results: Up until now, 80 people have been involved in the program. It was possible to observe that the collectors have gained confidence and self-esteem and positive changes in their behavior regarding health. The academic training was enriched by the educational, clinical and humanistic experience by interacting with the social context of the collectors. Conclusion: An endeavor to improve the health of these people has guaranteed an opportunity to train the health professional in a qualified teaching and learning environment in front of social reality.