SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The radical change in the treatment of breast cancer has promoted the necessity for more comprehensive training of the professionals involved, ensuring the preservation of oncological safety while also allowing for cosmetic interventions to benefit breast cancer survivors. The aim of this study was to present the methods employed in the training of breast surgeons, highlighting the importance of oncoplasty and breast reconstruction. METHODS: A literature review was conducted in two databases, identifying articles related to medical education in the context of oncoplastic surgery and breast reconstruction. We also assessed the Brazilian experience in oncoplastic centers. RESULTS: The basis for educational discussions was derived from 16 articles. We observed approaches that included hands-on courses utilizing simulator models, porcine models, cadaver labs, and fellowship programs. Positive outcomes were observed in Brazil, a fact based on seven oncoplasty training centers for senior mastologists and five training centers for junior mastologists. From 2009 to 2023, an estimated 452 seniors and 42 juniors received training, representing approximately 30% of mastologists in Brazil who have acquired training and experience in oncoplasty. CONCLUSION: Despite the limited number of publications on training methods, oncoplastic centers have made significant progress in Brazil, establishing a successful model that can be replicated in other countries.
Abstract Objective: To compare the medical image interpretation's time between the conventional and automated methods of breast ultrasound in patients with breast lesions. Secondarily, to evaluate the agreement between the two methods and interobservers. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. The agreement's degrees were established in relation to the breast lesions's ultrasound descriptors. To determine the accuracy of each method, a biopsy of suspicious lesions was performed, considering the histopathological result as the diagnostic gold standard. Results: We evaluated 27 women. Conventional ultrasound used an average medical time of 10.77 minutes (± 2.55) greater than the average of 7.38 minutes (± 2.06) for automated ultrasound (p<0.001). The degrees of agreement between the methods ranged from 0.75 to 0.95 for researcher 1 and from 0.71 to 0.98 for researcher 2. Among the researchers, the degrees of agreement were between 0.63 and 1 for automated ultrasound and between 0.68 and 1 for conventional ultrasound. The area of the ROC curve for the conventional method was 0.67 (p=0.003) for researcher 1 and 0.72 (p<0.001) for researcher 2. The area of the ROC curve for the automated method was 0. 69 (p=0.001) for researcher 1 and 0.78 (p<0.001) for researcher 2. Conclusion: We observed less time devoted by the physician to automated ultrasound compared to conventional ultrasound, maintaining accuracy. There was substantial or strong to perfect interobserver agreement and substantial or strong to almost perfect agreement between the methods.
Humans , Female , Breast/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms , Imaging, Three-DimensionalABSTRACT
Abstract In this integrative review, we aimed to describe the records of time devoted by physicians to breast ultrasound in a review of articles in the literature, in order to observe whether the automation of the method enabled a reduction in these values. We selected articles from the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and MEDLINE databases, through Virtual Health Library (BVS), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), PubMed, and Scopus. We obtained 561 articles, and, after excluding duplicates and screening procedures, 9 were selected, whose main information related to the guiding question of the research was synthesized and analyzed. It was concluded that the automation of breast ultrasound represents a possible strategy for optimization of the medical time dedicated to the method, but this needs to be better evaluated in comparative studies between both methods (traditional and automated), with methodology directed to the specific investigation of this potentiality.
Resumo Na presente revisão integrativa, objetivamos descrever os registros de tempo dedicado pelos médicos à ultrassonografia mamária em revisão de artigos da literatura, visando observar se a automação do método possibilitou redução destes valores. Selecionamos artigos nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e MEDLINE, através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed e Scopus. Obtivemos 561 artigos e, após a exclusão de artigos duplicados e procedimentos de triagem, foram selecionados 9 artigos, cujas informações principais relativas à pergunta norteadora da pesquisa foram sintetizadas e analisadas. Foi concluído que a automação da ultrassonografia mamária representa uma possível estratégia de otimização do tempo médico dedicado ao método; porém, essa conclusão necessita ser melhor avaliada em estudos comparativos entre ambos os métodos (tradicional e automatizado), com metodologia direcionada à investigação específica desta potencialidade.
Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Imaging, Three-DimensionalABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of study methodology and evaluation type on the selection of studies during the presentation of scientific events. METHODS: A prospective, observational, transversal approach was applied to a cohort of studies that were submitted for presentation at the 2021 Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium. Three forms of criteria (CR) were presented. CR1 was based on six criteria (method, ethics, design, originality, promotion, and social contribution); CR2 graded the studies from 0 to 10 for each study, and CR3 was based on five criteria (presentation, method, originality, scientific knowledge, and social contribution). To evaluate the item correlation, Cronbach's alpha and factorial analysis were performed. For the evaluation of differences between the tests, we used the Kruskal-Wallis and post-hoc Dunn tests. To determine the differences in the study classifications, we used the Friedman test and Namenyi's all-pairs comparisons. RESULTS: A total of 122 studies were evaluated. There was also a good correlation with the items concerning criterion 1 (α=0.730) and 3 (α=0.937). Evaluating CR1 methodology, study design and social contribution (p=0.741) represents the main factor and CR3 methodology, and the scientific contribution (p=0.994) represents the main factor. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed differences in the results (p<0.001) for all the criteria that were used [CR1-CR2 (p<0.001), CR1-CR3 (p<0.001), and CR2-CR3 (p=0.004)]. The Friedman test showed differences in the ranking of the studies (p<0.001) for all studies (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Methodologies that use multiple criteria show good correlation and should be taken into account when ranking the best studies.
Abstract Objective Nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) has been traditionally used in selected cases with tumor-to-nipple distance > 2 cm and negative frozen section of the base of the nipple. Recommending NSM in unselected populations remains controversial. The present study evaluated the oncological outcomes of patients submitted to NSM in an unselected population seen at a single center. Methods This retrospective cohort study included unselected patients with invasive carcinoma or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) who underwent NSM in 2010 to 2020. The endpoints were locoregional recurrence, disease-free survival (DFS), and overall survival (OS), irrespective of tumor size or tumor-to-nipple distance. Results Seventy-six patients (mean age 46.1 years) (58 invasive carcinomas/18 DCIS) were included. The most invasive carcinomas were hormone-positive (60%) (HER2 overexpression: 24%; triple-negative: 16%), while 39% of DCIS were high-grade. Invasive carcinomas were T2 in 66% of cases, with axillary metastases in 38%. Surgical margins were all negative. All patients with invasive carcinoma received systemic treatment and 38% underwent radiotherapy. After a mean of 34.8 months, 3 patients with invasive carcinoma (5.1%) and 1 with DCIS (5.5%) had local recurrence. Two patients had distant metastasis and died during follow-up. The 5-year OS and DFS rates for invasive carcinoma were 98% and 83%, respectively. Conclusion In unselected cases, the 5-year oncological outcomes following NSM were found to be acceptable and comparable to previous reports. Further studies are required.
Resumo Objetivo A mastectomia poupadora do complexo areolo-mamilar (MPM) tem sido tradicionalmente utilizada em casos selecionados com distância tumor-mamilo > 2 cm e biópsia de congelação da base do mamilo negativa. Recomendar MPM em populações não selecionadas continua controverso. Este estudo avaliou os resultados oncológicos de pacientes submetidas à MPM em uma população não selecionada atendida em um único centro. Métodos Coorte retrospectivo incluindo pacientes não selecionadas com carcinoma invasivo ou carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS) submetidas à MPM entre 2010 e 2020. Os desfechos incluíram: recorrência locorregional, sobrevida livre de doença (SLD) e sobrevida global (SG), independentemente do tamanho do tumor ou da distância tumor-mamilo. Resultados Setenta e seis pacientes (média: 46,1 anos de idade) (58 carcinomas invasivos/18 CDIS) foram incluídas. A maioria dos carcinomas invasivos era hormônio-positivo (60%) (superexpressão de HER2: 24%; triplo-negativo: 16%), enquanto 39% dos CDIS eram de alto grau histológico. Os carcinomas invasivos foram T2 em 66% dos casos, com metástases axilares em 38%. As margens cirúrgicas foram todas negativas. Todas as pacientes com carcinoma invasivo receberam tratamento sistêmico e 38% receberam radioterapia. Após um período médio de 34,8 meses, 3 pacientes com carcinoma invasivo (5,1%) e 1 com CDIS (5,5%) apresentaram recidiva local. Durante o acompanhamento, duas pacientes tiveram metástase à distância e vieram a óbito. As taxas de SG e SLD aos 5 anos para carcinoma invasivo foram de 98% e 83%, respectivamente. Conclusão Em casos não selecionados, os resultados oncológicos de 5 anos após MPM foram considerados aceitáveis e comparáveis a resultados anteriores. Estudos adicionais são necessários.
Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms , Mastectomy, Segmental , Mastectomy, Subcutaneous , MastectomyABSTRACT
Introduction: Most of the data on metastatic breast cancer (MBC) originate from hospital-based studies or controlled trials involving specific populations and controlled treatments. In this respect, few population-based studies have analyzed the profile of MBC in low- and middle-income countries. Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of women with de novo MBC using data from a population-based cancer registry (PBCR). Methods: An ecological study conducted in a PBCR in Goiânia, Brazil, for the 19952011 period. Women with MBC at diagnosis were included and the standardized incidence rate and annual percent change (APC) over the period were calculated. The women's clinical and demographic characteristics and data on diagnosis and treatment were analyzed. Results: Overall, 5,289 cases of breast cancer were registered in the Goiânia PBCR, 277 (5.2%) at metastatic stage. The adjusted incidence was 8.9/100,000 in 1995 and 6.04/100,000 in 2011 (APC: 1.1; p=0.6). Most of the patients (70.3%) were receiving care within the public healthcare system and the mean age at diagnosis was 54.7±14.5 years. Additional data for a subpopulation of 156 patients were identified at the city's two main treatment centers. According to immunohistochemistry, 53 women (67.1%) had hormone receptor-positive cancer. Of these, 14.0% (6/43) received endocrine therapy as first-line systemic treatment and 48.5% (17/35) as second-line treatment. A comparison of clinical data between the 19952003 and 20042011 periods revealed no significant differences in age, histological grade, locoregional staging, the presence of symptoms at diagnosis, or in treatment. Conclusion: This study population of women with MBC consisted predominantly of locally advanced tumors and the luminal-like subtype. The incidence rate of MBC in Goiânia did not change over the 17-year period. Most cases received chemotherapy as firstline systemic treatment irrespective of the tumor phenotype.
ABSTRACT We have previously reported the impact of covid-19 pandemic on breast cancer screening, in Brazil: among women aged 50-69 years, mammography attendance decreased by 42% in public healthcare (SUS), comparing 2019 and 2020. In this short communication, we wish to present: a) an update of the number of mammograms performed, in 2021; b) an exploratory analysis of the characteristics of the screened population between 2019 and 2021. A total of 1.675.307 mammograms were performed in 2021, nearly 15% lower than pre-pandemic levels. Almost a third, 29.5% of them, had intervals greater than three years. In accordance with our previous study, the number of patients with palpable lumps on physical exam increased. The consequences of postponing breast cancer screening during the pandemic are still uncertain. Unfortunately, as of December 2021, screening attendance has not resumed. On the contrary, our results show an increase in the fraction of women with mammography delayed beyond three years.
Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Mammography/statistics & numerical data , Women's Health/trends , Early Detection of Cancer , COVID-19ABSTRACT
Introdução: No mundo todo, estima-se que aproximadamente 11 milhões de cirurgias plásticas sejam realizadas a cada ano. Indivíduos com diferentes necessidades e perfis sociodemográficos distintos têm utilizado meios semelhantes na busca dos prestadores de serviços médicos, modificando as relações de consumo. Assim, faz-se necessária uma análise mais detalhada sobre as características dos consumidores dos serviços de saúde relacionados à cirurgia plástica e sobre os fatores que impactam em sua tomada de decisão, uma vez que os pacientes e seus familiares precisam se sentir seguros ao buscar tratamento médico e os profissionais devem ser os facilitadores desse processo. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de vida real, prospectivo, observacional e descritivo, conduzido em um único centro hospitalar. Foram incluídos na amostra 501 pacientes submetidos a cirurgias plásticas, no período de junho a novembro de 2017, realizadas exclusivamente por cirurgiões especialistas pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBCP). Foram avaliadas as características sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida e os critérios para a escolha do cirurgião. Resultados: A amostra foi composta predominantemente por mulheres adultas jovens, pardas, casadas, com índice de massa corpórea (IMC) normal, nível superior de escolaridade e pertencentes à alta classe média, cuja maioria mostrou-se fisicamente ativa e não revelou qualquer vício. O critério mais utilizado para a escolha do cirurgião plástico foi a indicação de amigos ou familiares. Conclusão: Este estudo produziu resultados confiáveis para a descrição das características sociodemográficas e hábitos de vida dos pacientes, permitindo identificar o fator mais relevante na escolha do cirurgião plástico.
Introduction: Around the world, approximately 11 million plastic surgeries are estimated to be performed each year. Individuals with different needs and sociodemographic profiles have used similar means to search for medical service providers, modifying consumer relations. Thus, is necessary a more detailed analysis of consumers' characteristics of health services related to plastic surgery and the factors that impact their decision-making, since patients and their families need to feel safe when seeking medical treatment, and professionals should be the facilitators of this process. Methods: This is a real-life, prospective, observational, and descriptive study conducted in a single hospital center. We included in the sample 501 patients submitted to plastic surgeries, from June to November 2017, performed exclusively by specialist surgeons by the Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBCP). Sociodemographic characteristics, life habits, and criteria for the surgeon's choice were evaluated. Results: The sample consisted predominantly of young, brown, married adult women with average body mass index (BMI), higher education level, and belonging to the upper-middle class, most of whom were physically active and did not reveal any bias. The most used criterion for choosing the plastic surgeon was the indication of friends or family. Conclusion: This study produced reliable results for describing patients' sociodemographic characteristics and life habits, allowing the identification of the most relevant factor in the plastic surgeon's choice.
Objective: To discuss the practical difficulties associated with breast cancer staging, especially in the context of populationbased cancer registries (PBCR). Methods: This is a short communication that discusses the importance and temporal evolution of breast cancer staging, as well as the limitations and new challenges associated with this process. Results: This study discusses the importance and temporal evolution of breast cancer staging, as well as the limitations and new challenges associated with this process. Minimal divergences in physical examination and disagreements in imaging tests can classify the patient in a higher or lower stage of the disease. In some population-based registries, up to 20% of the information regarding the clinical stage of breast cancer may be mistaken. Conclusion: We highlight the necessity for continuing education and constant training for all professionals involved in the breast cancer epidemiological context. The utilization of new technologies can help standardize the information and reduce the divergences related to cancer staging registry.
Diagnosis in psychiatry is a thorough and potentially artificial process. In this letter, we discuss this diagnostic process in the context of a young patient who underwent nipple-sparing mastectomy after falsifying a breast biopsy report revealing invasive ductal carcinoma. The secondary pathology revision was also forged by the patient and confirmed the diagnosis. The patient was summoned by the Service's board and admitted the falsification of breast cancer reports. After evaluation at the Psychiatric Service, changes in vital mood, psychosis, delusional activity and obsessive-compulsive symptoms were ruled out. In view of the growing demand for prophylactic mastectomy observed worldwide, similar cases may become more frequent.