Apresenta-se um modelo experimental de ostectomia de tíbia em coelhos para estudo de biomateriais em processos de reparação óssea. Foi realizada falha segmentar de 6mm de diâmetro na região metafisária medial proximal de tíbia de 72 coelhos as quais foram preenchidas com substituto ósseo e avaliadas clinicamente, por exame radiográfico e por meio de tomografia computadorizada feixe cônico, em diferentes tempos. Conclui-se que a metáfise medial proximal de tíbia de coelhos é adequada como modelo para estudos que avaliem o comportamento de enxertos e/ou biomateriais em falhas ósseas.
Is presented an experimental model of tibial ostectomy in rabbits to study biomaterials during bone repair process. Segmental failure of 6 mm diameter was performed in the medial proximal tibial metaphyseal region of 72 rabbits, which were filled with bone substitute and evaluated by clinical exam, X-ray, and cone beam computed tomography at different times. It is concluded that the medial proximal tibial metaphysis region of rabbits is suitable as a model for studies that evaluate the behavior of grafts and/or biomaterials on bone defects.
Animals , Rabbits , Rabbits/surgery , Rabbits/injuries , Bone Substitutes , Tibia/injuries , Biocompatible MaterialsABSTRACT
Apresenta-se um modelo experimental de ostectomia de tíbia em coelhos para estudo de biomateriais em processos de reparação óssea. Foi realizada falha segmentar de 6mm de diâmetro na região metafisária medial proximal de tíbia de 72 coelhos as quais foram preenchidas com substituto ósseo e avaliadas clinicamente, por exame radiográfico e por meio de tomografia computadorizada feixe cônico, em diferentes tempos. Conclui-se que a metáfise medial proximal de tíbia de coelhos é adequada como modelo para estudos que avaliem o comportamento de enxertos e/ou biomateriais em falhas ósseas.
Is presented an experimental model of tibial ostectomy in rabbits to study biomaterials during bone repair process. Segmental failure of 6 mm diameter was performed in the medial proximal tibial metaphyseal region of 72 rabbits, which were filled with bone substitute and evaluated by clinical exam, X-ray, and cone beam computed tomography at different times. It is concluded that the medial proximal tibial metaphysis region of rabbits is suitable as a model for studies that evaluate the behavior of grafts and/or biomaterials on bone defects.
Animals , Rabbits , Rabbits/surgery , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Bone Substitutes/analysis , Tibia/surgery , Bone Transplantation/veterinary , Fractures, Bone/rehabilitationABSTRACT
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate abdominal ventral wound healing by using a specific biomaterial, a handmade polyamide surgical mesh. Methods: A surgical incisional defect was made in ten rabbits to simulate a hernia in the ventral abdominal musculature. A polyamide surgical mesh was used in hernioplasty. They were monitored for surgical wound healing, and macroscopically and histologically evaluated at the end of the experiment. The polyamide surgical mesh did not cause foreign body reaction, pain, edema, or infection in the surgical site. The manure production was not affected by intestinal tissue adherences to the mesh, consistent with the ultrasonography result where adherences were not observed and organized scarring tissue formed in the incisional defect. The polyamide mesh was fixed over the abdominal wall, and its external and internal sides were surrounded by a vascularized connective tissue. Results: None of the experimental animals developed adherences from internal organs to the polyamide mesh, except two rabbits where the omentum formed adherence to the internal scarring tissue without present herniation or compromise of the rabbit's health. Conclusion: Polyamide surgical mesh for hernioplasty presents, in rabbits, excellent biocompatibility, with minimal body adverse reactions and low cost.
Animals , Male , Rats , Prostheses and Implants , Surgical Mesh , Wound Healing/physiology , Abdominal Wall/surgery , Herniorrhaphy/adverse effects , Hernia, Ventral/surgery , Biocompatible Materials , Tissue Adhesions/physiopathology , Abdominal Muscles/transplantationABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the performance of composites consisting of fragmented cortical bone heteroimplant in association with methylmethacrylate preserved in 98% glycerin, in segmental bone defect of rabbit tibia medial metaphysis. METHODS: In this study were used twelve adult New Zealand rabbits, divided into three groups of four animals each: G30 (30 days), G60 (60 days) and G90 (90 days). The bone defects previously created in the tibia were filled with composites and both were evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography, immediately after surgery and after 30, 60, and 90 days. RESULTS: The composites fulfilled and remained in the sites of bone defects in all cases and were not registered signals of infection, migration or rejection. CONCLUSIONS: The implanted composites promoted the bone defects repair without signals of infection and/or rejection. The composites are one more option for bone defects repair. .
Animals , Rabbits , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Bone Substitutes/therapeutic use , Fracture Healing/physiology , Methylmethacrylates , Tibia/surgery , Models, Animal , Postoperative Period , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Tibia , Tibial Fractures/drug therapyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the performance of composites consisting of fragmented cortical bone heteroimplant in association with methylmethacrylate preserved in 98% glycerin, in segmental bone defect of rabbit tibia medial metaphysis. METHODS: In this study were used twelve adult New Zealand rabbits, divided into three groups of four animals each: G30 (30 days), G60 (60 days) and G90 (90 days). The bone defects previously created in the tibia were filled with composites and both were evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography, immediately after surgery and after 30, 60, and 90 days. RESULTS: The composites fulfilled and remained in the sites of bone defects in all cases and were not registered signals of infection, migration or rejection. CONCLUSIONS: The implanted composites promoted the bone defects repair without signals of infection and/or rejection. The composites are one more option for bone defects repair.
Animals , Rabbits , Tibial Fractures/surgery , Tibial Fractures/diagnostic imaging , Biocompatible Materials , Methylmethacrylates , Prostheses and Implants/veterinaryABSTRACT
Foi realizada falha segmentar de 6mm na região metafisária da tíbia de 12 coelhos,sendo utilizado enxerto ósseo cotical heterólogo fragmentado conservado em glicerina (98 por cento), para a sua reconstrução. O enxerto foi depositado no leito receptor e a integração deste foi avaliada radiologicamente por 20, 40 e 60 dias. Houve incorporação gradativa, em relação ao tempo, do enxerto no leito receptor, em 100 por cento dos casos. O uso de heteroenxerto ósseo cortical fragmentado e conservado em glicerina a 98 por cento promove a reparação das falhas ósseas, sem sinais de infecção ou rejeição, podendo ser utilizado como substituto ósseo na medicina veterinária...
It was realized a 6mm of segmental defect at the metaphyseal region of the tibia of 12 rabbits and fragmented heterolog cortical bone graft conserved in glycerin (98 percent) was used to the reconstruction. The graft was placed in the receptor bed and its integration was evaluated by radiological exam after 20, 40, and 60 days. There was gradative graft incorporation, by the time, in the receptor bed, in 100 percent of the cases. The use of fragmented cortical bone heterograf conserved in glycerin 98 percent promotes bone defect reparation without signs of infection and can be used like osseous substitute in the veterinary medicine...
Animals , Male , Rabbits , Bone Banks , Transplantation, Heterologous/veterinary , Bone Transplantation/veterinaryABSTRACT
Com o objetivo estudar o efeito de dieta contendo gossipol sobre a qualidade seminal e morfologia dos testículos de touros da raça Nelore, utilizaram-se 16 animais, distribuídos em dois tratamentos: T1, oito touros submetidos a dieta contendo 20 por cento de caroço de algodão e T2, oito touros submetidos a dieta isenta de gossipol. Realizaram-se coletas de sêmen para avaliar a qualidade seminal. Os testículos dos animais foram retirados ao final dos 73 dias de experimento, fragmentos dos mesmos foram preparados para serem analisados em microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e outros fixados em lâminas e corados por hematoxilina-eosina. O consumo médio de caroço de algodão/animal/dia de 1,71kg interferiu na morfologia dos testículos; os túbulos seminíferos apresentaram menor espessura de parede, redução no número de camadas de células espermatogênicas e no volume dos núcleos da célula de Sertoli em relação aos do T2. Por microscopia eletrônica observouse que os touros do T1 apresentavam células de Sertoli com membrana citoplasmática enrugada, acúmulo de lipídeos no citoplasma, mitocôndrias deformadas e algumas espermátides estavam em apoptose. Touros do T1 apresentaram redução na motilidade espermática, aumento no percentual de defeitos espermáticos maiores e totais em relação aos animais do T2. O gossipol alterou a morfologia testicular e reduziu a qualidade espermática dos touros [...]
We studied the effect of a gossypol-enriched diet on the quality of semen and the morphology of testes of Nelore bulls. Sixteen animals were scheduled for 2 treatments: T1, 8 bulls fed a diet containing 20 percent cottonseed and T2, 8 bulls fed a gossypol-free diet. Semen samples were collected in order to evaluate the semen quality. At the end of the 73-day period of treatment, the testes were removed and tissue fragments were prepared for transmission electron microscopy or fixed on slides and stained with haematoxylin-eosin for light microscopy. The mean daily intake of cottonseed by T1 bulls was 1.71 kg/animal, which interfered on testes morphology; the seminiferous tubules had less thick walls, fewer layers of the spermatogenic lineage cells and reduced volumes of Sertoli cell nuclei with regard to T2 bulls. Electron microscopy analyses revealed that the Sertoli cells from T1 animals had a rough cytoplasmic membrane, lipid accumulation in the cytoplasm, deformed mitochondriae; in addition, some apoptotic spermatids were seen. T1 bulls showed reduction of sperm motility and an increase of the percentage of major and total sperm defects in relation to the animals of T2 group. It is concluded that a gossypol-enriched diet promoted alterations in the testicles morphology and it reduced the sperm quality of bulls [...]
Male , Animals , Cattle , Contraceptive Agents, Male/pharmacology , Diet/veterinary , Gossypol/pharmacology , Semen , Testis/ultrastructure , Microscopy, ElectronABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Estudar a ultra-estrutura das vilosidades intestinais de ratos após diferentes tempos de clampeamento total do pedículo hepático. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos, machos, divididos em quatro grupos de 10 animais cada um. O grupo Sham não foi submetido a isquemia. Os grupos E1, E2 e E3 sofreram isquemia de 10, 20 e 30 minutos, respectivamente. Ao final do experimento, fragmentos do intestino delgado (íleo) foram retirados e processados para microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. RESULTADOS: Nos grupos E1 e E2 observou-se infiltração de leucócitos, dilatação vascular e áreas eletrolúcidas na lâmina própria das vilosidades. Já no grupo E3 observou-se desprendimento do revestimento epitelial, desintegração das microvilosidades e núcleos em apoptose. Na lâmina própria notamos áreas hemorrágicas, vasos sangüíneos e linfáticos dilatados e inúmeros leucócitos. CONCLUSÕES: o clampeamento do pedículo hepático hepático provoca congestão esplâncnica, tempo dependente, sendo que aos 30 minutos se nota desprendimento das células epiteliais, apoptose e hemorragia.