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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205367


Introduction: Pulmonary function testing is the gold standard for physicians to diagnose and manage respiratory problems. An obstructive defect is indicated by low forced expiratory volume in one second/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) ratio, defined as less than 0.7 or below the fifth percentile. If an obstructive defect is present, the physician should determine if the disease is reversible based on the increase in FEV1 or FVC after bronchodilator treatment (i.e., increase of more than 12% and 200 ml in adults). An FVC below the fifth percentile indicates a restrictive pattern based on NHANES III data in adults. If both the FEV1/FVC ratio and the FVC are low, the patient has a mixed defect. Method: A total of 60 patients having respiratory distress, who attended chest OPD underwent a pulmonary function test. Results: In this study out of 60 patients, 32 patients had obstructive airway diseases with low FEV1/FVC (53.33%), 8 of them (13.33%) had restrictive lung diseases, ten patients(16.66%) had mixed features and rest ten patients(16.66%) had normal spirometry. Among those 32 patients of obstructive features, 22 (68.75%) had reversible airway diseases. Severity was measured among the other ten non-reversible obstructive patients according to the GOLD criteria. Conclusion: Pulmonary function test is the fundamental first-line investigation to diagnose obstructive and restrictive lung diseases and also to differentiate between reversible and non-reversible obstruction. It is also a vital tool for determining the severity among non-reversible obstructive airway patients.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205274


Introduction: Lymph nodes are an integral component of the immune system and their enlargement is commonly noted in clinical practice in a wide spectrum of diseases, including infections like tuberculosis and malignancy. FNAC is an important diagnostic tool for rapid evaluation of mainly superficial lesions, especially of lymph nodes. It is cost effective, relatively less traumatic, and enables the pathologist to provide the clinician with a diagnosis in a very short time, and hence is ideal especially for OPD patients. Objectives: 1. To study the age and sex distribution of the patients of FNAC of peripheral lymph node. 2. To study the spectrum of diseases diagnosed on FNAC of peripheral lymph nodes. Methods: Cross-sectional hospital based Observational study. Total 50 patients who had superficial lymphadenopathy were included in this study. Male patients were 21 (42%) and Female patients were 29 (58%). FNAC was performed on this 50 patients. Diagnosis was made by light Microscopy. Result was tabulated and statistical analysis was done. Results: Male patients were 21 (42%) and Female patients were 29 (58%). 50 % patients were in the age group of 21 to 40 years. Reactive hyperplasia was 46% and Granulomatous lymphadenitis was 18%. Cervical lymph nodes were most commonly involved. Conclusion: FNAC is a simple, quick, low cost, minimally invasive and easy diagnostic procedure which is very much helpful in the diagnosis of diseases causing superficial lymphadenopathy in all age groups. Reactive hyperplasia of lymph node was the most common cytological diagnosis followed by Granulomatous lymphadenitis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205268


Introduction: MDR-TB is defined as resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin, with or without resistance to other anti-TB drugs. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) remains a public health crisis and a health security threat. Kanamycin, is an aminoglycoside antibiotic used to treat multi-drug resistant TB in the intensive phase. Objective: To analyze the patients of MDR-TB with respect to age, sex and presence of comorbidities like diabetes mellitus. Also to study the incidence of hearing impairments among patients of MDR-TB receiving injectable Kanamycin. Methods: 40 patients of MDR-TB diagnosed by sputum culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST) have been classified on the basis of age, sex and presence of diabetes mellitus. All have received injectable Kanamycin for 6months in their intensive phase (IP). Patients giving history of auditory impairments underwent pure tone audiometry (PTA) for detection of sensory neural hearing loss, if any. Result: Out of 40 patients of MDR-TB, 30 were males and the rest 10 were females. Age ranges from 12 to 70 years among which maximum patients fell in the age group of 21-30 years (12 patients). 16 patients were diabetic. After getting Kanamycin, 8 patients gave the history of auditory disturbances and only 1 patient found to have severe sensory neural hearing loss confirmed by pure tone audiometry. Conclusion: Prevalence of MDR-TB has been found more among males and in younger age group. Diabetes Mellitus play a major role here. Kanamycin induced hearing loss is not a very serious concern in our study.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205266


Introduction: Immunoglobulin E dependent mechanisms play an important role in the development of airway inflammation in allergic asthma. Atopic patients with severe asthma frequently have poorly controlled disease. Many have poor asthma control despite intensive treatment. Severe allergic asthma patients frequently treated with oral corticosteroids and therefore may develop serious side-effects. Anti-IgE antibody had been used in severe persistent allergic asthma in Western countries. However, its long-term efficacy in patients in India has not been reported. Objective: To assess the efficacy of anti IgE therapy in patients with severe allergic asthma. Method: 30 (16 male and 14 female) patients, with mean age of 49 having severe persistent allergic asthma, with recurrent exacerbations and on oral/IV steroids, received Omalizumab 150mg/300mg/450 mg for 1 year. Total dose of oral Steroids, use of rescue medications, changes in lung function (FEV1) were recorded at the baseline, 16 weeks & at end of the treatment (52 weeks) and then analyzed. Results: Significant reduction observed in total oral steroid use at 16 week & at 52 weeks. -10.5mg (p<0.003) & 22.5mg respectively. Use of rescue medications decreased by -7.90 puffs(p- <0.001) at 16 weeks and by -13.67 puffs (13.67 (p -<0.001) at 52 weeks. Improvements in lung Function (FEV1) observed with a tune of 700 ml. from Baseline after 52 weeks therapy. Conclusion: Use of anti-IgE antibody for 1 year is well tolerated and led to an overall significant improvement in patients with severe persistent allergic asthma.