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Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-726071


A nipple can be reconstructed either by nipple sharing or local flap. But donor site scar is inevitable when nipple is reconstructed with local flap method. The scar which remains inside the nipple areolar complex can be hidden by medical tattooing, but elongated scar, which cross over the areolar border leads to poor esthetic result. So as to solve this problem, we used purse string suture method. We reconstructed nipple with C-V flap for 9 patients who previously reconstructed breast with extended latissimus dorsi flap. Purse string suture with 3-0 nylon was used for donor site closure. We minimize 10.7% of the scar length with this method. Enhancement of nipple projection due to the flattening of V limb was attained in addition. We expect the reduction of V-limb of C-V flap and amount of absorption of the reconstructed nipple with purse string suture method.

Humans , Absorption , Breast , Cicatrix , Extremities , Nipples , Nylons , Superficial Back Muscles , Sutures , Tattooing , Tissue Donors
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-726119


Inversion of nipple is a common condition occurring with an incidence of 2% in women. It not only causes irritation and inflammation, but also causes aesthetic problems, affecting sexual relationships and psychological well-being of the patients. Several methods have been introduced to treat this condition in the past century, but the major principle of correction is based on the concept suggested by Schwager, that inverted nipple develops because of the lack of connective tissue located directly beneath the nipple. Based on this concept, many surgeons including Broadbent, Teimourian, and Elshy etc. have proposed that adding bulk of connective tissue and scarifing the ductal system is the principle of the treatment. Author`s method is also based on such a concept, and we have modified the Teimourian method. First, an intraglandular section in the shape of an inverted cone was performed. The crator-like glandular section was closed using horizontal mattress suture, leading to circumglandular V-Y advancement. Second, the donor sites on the areolar area were closed with V-Y advancement. Third, purse-string suture was performed to achieve neck tightening and to compensate for the lack of connective tissue beneath the nipple. Dermal flap suture was done by Foot-plate manner. We operated on 52 cases using this method, 28 patients during past 2 years. After 1 year following the operation, there were just two cases of relapse and virtually no complications. We obtained satisfactory projection of the nipples in all patients except in 2 cases. The resulting shapes and scars were acceptable to all patients.

Female , Humans , Cicatrix , Connective Tissue , Incidence , Inflammation , Neck , Nipples , Recurrence , Sutures , Tissue Donors