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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024053


Objective To investigate the association between microvariants at locus DYS570 and Y-SNPs haplogroup.Methods 89 Y-SNPs and 34 Y-STRs in AIYSNP42,AIYSNP47 and YfilerTM Platinum kits were used to detect the genotype of 116 microvariants at locus DYS570 in Kunming,and the Set-B kit was used to detect the core repeat sequences of the DYS570 locus.The data were statistically analyzed by direct counting method.Then,a network map was drawn by Network 10.2,in order to visualize the genetic information of the sample.Results The results demonstrated that 111 DYS570/18.3-21.3 samples had a core repeat sequence of TTT[TITC]18-21,belonging to subgroup O2a2b1a1a1a4-F14494.A DYS570/20.3 sample had a core repeat sequence of[TTTC]15TTC[TTTC]5,belonging to O2a1b1a1a1a1e-F1365 subgroup.A DYS570/17.1 sample had a core repeat sequence of[TTTC]17 T,belonging to the O2a1b1a1a1a-F11 subgroup.Three DYS570(19.2)samples had[TTTC]3 TT[TTTC]16,belonging to the D1a1a-M15 haplogroup.Conclusion The results indicated that the microvariant with the same core repeat structure at locus DYS570 was associated with haplogroups,and the ancestry origin of samples can be inferenced from microvariant characteristics during the practice of forensic medicine.

Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 670-675,682, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024033


Objective To investigate the association of the DYS527a/b and DYF387S1a/b multi-allele pattern with Y-SNP haplogroups.Methods Samples from 295 unrelated males who carrying the DYS527a/b multi-allele pattern were amplified by the YFilerPlus? kit.The genotypes of their frequency distributions,including three multi-copy loci(DYS527a/b,DYF387S1a/b,DYS385a/b)and other single-copy loci were obtained.The DYS527a/b multi-allele pattern and their haplotypes were examined for the associations with Y-chromosome haplogroups using the AIYSNP42 kit,which contains 42 Y-SNP loci.Based on the above results,the association between the DYS527a/b multi-allele patter and its constituent Y-STR haplotypes and related haplogroups was discussed.Results Among the 295 samples,the DYS527a/b tri-allele pattern and tetra-allele pattern accounted for 97.29%and 2.71%respectively,while the DYF387S1a/b tri-allele pattern and tetra-allele encompassed 54.24%and 4.75%.Null allele was detected in DYS448 in 13.22%of the samples.Here,7 Y-SNPs were deticted such as O-M175 and C-M131 which encompassed 45.76%and 45.08%.The haplogroups of R1-M173,N-M231,D1-M174,J-M304 and F-M89 were less than 13 cases,with frequencies ranging from 4.41%~0.34%.There were Y-STR genotypes differences among haplogroups,as haplogroup O-M175 was represented by 4 genotypes of Y-STR profiles characterized by DYS385a/b(12/12,as well as 12/17,12/18,12/19),DYS392(13),DYS593(16)and DYS393(12),and haplogroup C-M130 was characterized by DYS527a/b(19/20/21),DYS385a/b(11),DYS593(17),DYS390(23),Y_GATA_H4(11),and DYS444(13)and so on.Conclusion The DYS527a/b multi-allele pattern is frequently observed in the Kunming population with haplogroup C-M130.In the samples from haplogroups O,C,R1 and N,the DYS527a/b and DYF387S1a/b haplotypes frequently exhibit the multi-allele pattern.Given the frequencies of different haplogroups and the association between Y-SNP haplogroups and Y-STR loci,it could be helpful to look for more details in the paternal lineage search.