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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993713


Objective:To analyze the clinical characteristics and prognosis of patients with AIDS-related lymphoma (ARL).Methods:The clinical data of 84 patients with ARL admitted in the First Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine from March 2013 to October 2021 were retrospectively reviewed, and the influencing factors for prognosis of patients were analyzed by Cox proportional risk regression model.Results:Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma accounted for 95.2% (80/84) of all cases; 52.3% (44/84) of the patients presented with B symptoms of lymphoma such as fever, night sweats, and weight loss, and 84.5% (71/84) of them were classified as stage Ⅲ~Ⅳ by Ann Arbor staging; 58.0% (47/81) patients had CD4 + T cell count ≤200/μL at baseline; 30 (35.7%) patients had pulmonary infection, 11 (13.1%) patients had digestive tract infection, and 21.4% (18/84) patients had sepsis. The 1-year survival rate of 84 patients was 70.2% (59/84). Multivariate Cox survival analysis showed that International prognostic index (IPI) score >3 ( HR=5.094, 95% CI 1.877-13.824, P=0.001) was an independent risk factors and rituximab treatment ( HR=0.354, 95% CI 0.152-0.823, P=0.016) was an independent protective factor for the prognosis of patients with ARL. Conclusions:The clinical manifestations of ARL are diverse, and it is often diagnosed in the late stage of the disease with adverse prognosis. IPI score and Rituximab treatment are key prognostic factors in patients with ARL.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-869284


Objective:To study the effect of low-to-moderate dose glucocorticoid therapy on viral clearance in patients with COVID-19.Methods:A total of 72 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 from January 19 to February 17, 2020 at the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine were recruited. All patients received oral arbidol and combination of lopinavir/ritonavir or darunavir/cobistitat for antiviral therapy, and symptomatic supportive care. Among them, 51 patients received methylprednisolone (0.75-1.50 mg·kg -1·d -1) (glucocorticoid treatment group), and 21 patients did not use glucocorticoid (control group). The time of virologic negative conversion in sputum and the time of radiologic recovery in lung since onset were compared between the two groups. The Kruskal-Wallis test or Fisher exact test was used to compare the difference between groups. Results:The median ages of the glucocorticoid group and the control group were 52 (45, 62) and 46 (32, 56) years ( χ2=4.365, P<0.05). The clinical conditions at hospital admission were different between the two groups ( P<0.01). The severe cases accounted for 52.0%, while moderate cases in the control group accounted for 71.4%. The median times from the onset to virologic negative conversion in the two groups were 15 (13, 20) and 14 (12, 20) days ( P>0.05). The median times from onset to radiologic recovery were 13 (11, 15) and 13 (12, 17) days in the two groups ( P>0.05). In moderate cases, the median times from the onset to virologic conversion in sputum were 13 (11, 18) days in the glucocorticoid group and 13 (12, 15) days in the control group ( P>0.05). The median times from onset to radiologic recovery in lung were 12 (10, 15) and 13 (12, 17) days, respectively ( P>0.05). Conclusions:Low-to-moderate glucocorticoid treatment has no effect on the time of virus clearance in patients with different clinical types of COVID-19, and also no effect on accelerating radiologic recovery in lung, so it is not recommended.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811496


Objective@#To study the effect of low-to-moderate dose glucocorticoid therapy on viral clearance time in patients with COVID-19.@*Methods@#A total of 72 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 from January 19 to February 17, 2020 at the First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University were recruited. All patients received oral abidol and/or combined lopinavir/ritonavir, darunavir antiviral, and symptomatic supportive care. Among them, 51 patients received methylprednisolone (0.75-1.50 mg·kg-1·d-1) (glucocorticoid treatment group), and 21 patients who did not use glucocorticoid were the control group. The time of stable virologic conversion insputumand the time of radiologic recovery in lungsince onset were compared between the two groups and among the normal patients.The Kruskal-Wallis test or Fisher exact test was used to compare the difference between groups.@*Results@#The median ages of the glucocorticoid group and the control group were 52 [interquartile range (IQR):45, 62] years and 46 (IQR: 32, 56)years, and the differences were significant (P<0.05). The clinical conditions at hospital admission were different between the two groups (P<0.01). There were 52.0% critical ill patients in the glucocorticoid treatment group, compared to that of 71.4% normal patients in the control group. The median times from the onset tostable virologic conversion to negative in the two groups were 15 (IQR:13,20) days and 14 (IQR:12,20) days (P>0.05), and the difference was no statistically significant. The median times from onset to radiologic recovery were 13 (IQR: 11,15) days and 13 (IQR:12,17) days in the two groups, and there was no difference (P>0.05). In ordinary patients, the median timesfrom the onset tostable virologic conversion insputum were no difference (P>0.05), with 13 (IQR:11,18) days in the glucocorticoid group and 13 (IQR:12,15) days in the control group; The median times from onset to radiologic recovery in lungwere also no difference (P>0.05), with 12 (IQR: 10,15)days in the glucocorticoid group and 13 (IQR: 12,17) days inthe control group.@*Conclusions@#Low-to-moderate glucocorticoid treatment has no effect on the time of virus clearance in patients with different clinical types of COVID-19. The glucocorticoid is not recommended since no effectiveness on accelerating the improvement of radiologic recovery in lung has been observed.