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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-597315


Objective To observe the influence of different extraction technologies on baicalin content in QinShao tablet. Methods Determine the changes of baicalin content in two different decocting methods: 1 to decoct Baical Skullcap Root together with other Chinese medicines, and 2 to decoct Baical Skullcap Root after other medicines. Results The result showed the later decocting method (decoct baical skullcap root later) can increase the content of baicalin by 5.2mg/g. Conclusion To decoct Baical Skullcap Root after other medicines in QinShao tablet can increase the content of baicalin and thus enhance its clinical therapeutic effects.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-393812


Objective To study the protective function and the mechanism of Shenqi Dihuang decoction on the kidney of type 2 diabetes melltuds rats. Methods Type 2 diabetes mellitus rat models were set up by injection of small dose of streptozotocin (STZ). The SD rats were randomized into a control group, a model group and a treatment group. The treatment group was given Shenqi Dihuang decoction. The control group and the model group were given the same amount of water. After 24 weeks, renal morphology examination and biochemical indicator were examined. The levels of Ang-Ⅱ and endothelin (ET) in senum were tested by radioimmunoassay and the level of transforming growth factorβ1 (TGF-β1) in renal cortex were determined by immunohistochemistry. Results The kidney function and kidney lesions were significantly improved in the treatment group than in the model group. Ang-Ⅱ And ET levels in serum and renal cortex was reduced, and the expression of TGF-β1 in the treatment group was decreased. Conclusion Shenqi Dihuang Decoction has protective effect on the kidney of diabetic rats, the mechanism may be related to its inhibition on the over expression of Ang- Ⅱ, ET and TGF-β1.