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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-489533


In order to further deepen the reform of public hospitals, to improve the qualified personnel training in Qingpu, and to enhance the overall level of medical health development, Qingpu Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning In October 2011, a new round of disciplinary construction and personnel training project was also started.Moreover, financial support has been provided to the project.By assessing the whole process, not only has the level of discipline personnel training and medical technology shown significant improvement, the tutors who provided the training also express academic interest and have new a vision for talent cultivation.Qingpu Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning launched a new round of comprehensive program on researcher training and disciplinary construction in 2011, aimed to further deepen the reform of public hospitals,improve the capacity of health research in Qingpu, Shanghai.We have assessed this program and found that this program has significantly improved the quality of training, and medical technology level in those hospitals;in addition, trainees has shown the increase in the interesting in conducting research and raised vision and prospects.