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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371665


A study was conducted to determine the effect of aging on motor ability and to establish a test battery for physical fitness in the elderly. The subjects were 150 men aged 18 to 83 years. The test items examined were selected, according to Fleishman's list of motor abilities; (1) trunk flexion, (2) grip and isometric knee extension strength, (3) postural sway with eyes open and closed, (4) step test, (5) walking test at preferred and maximum speeds, (6) simple visual reaction time, (7) peg-board test, (8) finger tapping test at maximum rate and in time to metronome sounds. Performances for the test items, except for preferred walking speed and coefficient of variation in finger tapping at 5 Hz, showed significant decreases with aging. The decrease in motor performance at age 80 years relative to the level at age 20 years was less than 30% for finger dexterity and reaction time, 40-60% for muscle strength, maximum walking speed and the step test, and over 70% for trunk flexion and postural sway with eyes closed. A test battery composed of trunk flexion, grip strength, knee extension, step test, walking as fast as possible, postural sway with eyes closed, and finger tapping, is therefore recommended for assessing the effect of aging on physical fitness.