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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029915


Clinical application of mass spectrometry technology has attracted the attention of clinical laboratory experts due to its high sensitivity, high specificity, and capacities of simultaneous detection of multiple compounds. In recent years, mass spectrometry technology has made significant achievements in the fields of identification of pathogenic microorganism, detection of trace elements and heavy metals, small molecule hormones, vitamins, amino acids, peptides and proteins, as well as therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) and poisoning drugs screening. In order to further clarify the opportunities and challenges brought by this complex mass spectrometry technology in the field of clinical laboratory, the Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine invited experts and scholars of laboratory medicine to share their experience and opinions on related items focusing on the positioning of mass spectrometry technology in the clinical laboratory, the development and improvement of the clinical laboratory by mass spectrometry technology, the challenges of interpreting mass spectrometry test results, the challenges of operating and managing clinical mass spectrometry laboratories, and ways of improving the application of clinical mass spectrometry laboratories with this technology. Agreement was achieved in that the introduction of mass spectrometry technology into the clinical laboratory could bring new directions and opportunities for clinical testing and research, and also is associated with a series of challenges such as the difficulty of sample pretreatment, the high cost and complexity of mass spectrometry technology, the complexity of data processing and interpretation, the lack of standards and norms, and the issue of determining the price of mass spectrometry examinations.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-885938


Reference materials are one of the major approaches to achieve measurement accuracy and metrological comparability. Different functions of reference materials should also be distinguished when applied to mass spectrometry as an emerging technology in clinical laboratory. Proper reference materials for validation, calibration and quality control of measurement method can ensure the accuracy and comparability of test results. Based on the problems of reference materials in clinical mass spectrometry, the precautions for the use of reference materials are summarized in the aspects of measurement method validation, calibrator usage and quality control.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756456


Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E, K) or water-soluble (vitamins B and vitamin C). Traditional methods of immunoassay have only been developed for vitamins D,B6, B9 and B12. However, they cannot distinguish between vitamin subtypes such as D2, D3 and associated epi isomers (which has higher leveks in infants),giving false positive or negative results. Mass spectrometry has become a gold standard method for small molecule analysis in biological samples with its advantages in speed,resolution,sensitivity and specificity. It is widely used in clinical research and diagnosis and provides an efficient method for simultaneous detection of multivitamins in one injection using one low volume sample collection.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-512860


Objective To explore the effectiveness of humanistic care nursing applicated in otorhinolaryngology endoscopy.Methods 124 patients with otorhinolaryngology endoscopy were selected as the research subjects,and they were randomly divided into two groups according to the digital table,62 cases in each group.The normal group was given the general nursing measures,the research group was given the humanistic care in nursing care concept.And then,the HAMA scores,HAMD scores,satisfaction and incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups.Results The HAMA scores and HAMD scores of the two groups before nursing had no significant differences (t =0.452,0.526,all P > 0.05).The patients of the two groups all suffered from mild anxiety and depressive symptoms.After nursing,the HAMA scores of the research group[(7.51 ± 0.25) points] and HAMD scores[(9.30 ± 0.10) points] decreased obviously lower,it showed the patients' anxiety and depression significantly improved,there were statistically significant differences compared with the normal group (t =5.231,4.798,all P < 0.05).The patients'satisfaction rate of the research group was 96.77%,which of the normal group was only 82.23%,the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (x2 =6.328,P < 0.05).Conclusion Patients with otorhin olaryngology endoscopy in daily nursing into humanistic care nursing concept can achieve more significant effect,and it can significantly improve patients with bad mood and nursing satisfaction,reduce the incidence of adverse reactions,and it is worthy of recommending to adopt.