Purpose@#Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common serious bacterial infections in young infants. Lumbar puncture (LP) has been used to diagnose coexisting meningitis in infants under 90 days of age with suspected UTI in many hospitals. However, the incidence of bacterial meningitis associated with UTIs is low. We aimed to describe the prevalence of concomitant bacterial meningitis in young infants with UTIs. @*Methods@#The medical records of infants with the first episode of UTI admitted to the ChungAng University Hospital from January 2010 to December 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Infants aged < 90 days who underwent LP with initial evaluation were included. Demographic and clinical features, laboratory findings, and imaging findings were collected and analyzed. @*Results@#Eighty-six infants with UTIs were enrolled in the study. The median age was 61.5 days (interquartile range, 42.3–73.8 days) and boys (90.7%) were predominant. Escherichia coli was the most common pathogen (n=80, 93.0%) and followed by Klebsiella species (n=5, 5.8%). Fifteen (18.1%) specimens produced extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL). Five (5.8%) infants had positive blood culture results. Seven (8.1%) infants showed pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid, but none had coexisting bacterial meningitis. Twenty-four (30.8%) infants showed renal dilatation or hydronephrosis on ultrasonography. Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scans revealed cortical defects in 17 (21.3%) infants while voiding cystourethrography revealed vesicoureteral reflux in 6 (46.2%) infants. @*Conclusion@#Co-existing bacterial meningitis was not observed in young infants with UTIs. LP could not be routinely performed considering the clinical condition of <90 days old UTI patients.
Partial trisomy 1q is a rare chromosomal disorder characterized by ventriculomegaly with craniofacial, renal, cardiac, and finger and toe anomalies. Most reported cases of partial trisomy1q have involved stillborn or premature deaths due to cardiac or liver failure. This case report describes an 18-month-old patient with partial duplication of the 1q32-44 segments and consequent developmental delays who exhibited improvement in developmental status with rehabilitation. Prenatal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging of the mother revealed ventriculomegaly and atrophic changes in the left cerebral hemisphere of the fetus. The infant was born with micrognathia, microphthalmia, macrocephaly, low-set ears, polydactyly, and long feet at 37+5 weeks of gestation. A chromosomal study revealed an abnormal male karyotype of 46,XY,rec(1)dup(1)(q32.1q44)inv(1)(p36.3q32.1)pat. In this rare case of a patient with partial trisomy, we observed improvement in developmental delays following treatment using appropriate rehabilitation techniques. Further research is required to help validate the findings of this case study and establish a standardized rehabilitation technique that can be subsequently applied to such cases.
Background@#After the global epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), lifestyle changes to curb the spread of COVID-19 (e.g., wearing a mask, hand washing, and social distancing) have also affected the outbreak of other infectious diseases. However, few studies have been conducted on whether the incidence of gastrointestinal infections has changed over the past year with COVID-19. In this study, we examined how the incidence of gastrointestinal infections has changed since COVID-19 outbreak through open data. @*Methods@#We summarized the data on the several viruses and bacteria that cause gastrointestinal infections from the open data of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency for 3 years from March 2018 to February 2021 (from Spring 2018 to Winter 2020). Moreover, we confirmed three most common legal gastrointestinal infectious pathogens from March 2016. @*Results@#From March 2020, when the COVID-19 epidemic was in full swing and social distancing and personal hygiene management were heavily emphasized, the incidence of infection from each virus was drastically decreased. The reduction rates compared to the averages of the last 2 years were as follows: total viruses 31.9%, norovirus 40.2%, group A rotavirus 31.8%, enteric adenovirus 13.4%, astrovirus 7.0%, and sapovirus 12.2%. Among bacterial pathogens, the infection rates of Campylobacter and Clostridium perfringens did not decrease but rather increased in some periods when compared to the average of the last two years. The incidence of nontyphoidal Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, or enteropathogenic Escherichia coli somewhat decreased but not significantly compared to the previous two years. @*Conclusion@#The incidence of infection from gastrointestinal viruses, which are mainly caused by the fecal-to-oral route and require direct contact among people, was significantly reduced, whereas the incidence of bacterial pathogens, which have food-mediated transmission as the main cause of infection, did not decrease significantly.
Background@#After the global epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), lifestyle changes to curb the spread of COVID-19 (e.g., wearing a mask, hand washing, and social distancing) have also affected the outbreak of other infectious diseases. However, few studies have been conducted on whether the incidence of gastrointestinal infections has changed over the past year with COVID-19. In this study, we examined how the incidence of gastrointestinal infections has changed since COVID-19 outbreak through open data. @*Methods@#We summarized the data on the several viruses and bacteria that cause gastrointestinal infections from the open data of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency for 3 years from March 2018 to February 2021 (from Spring 2018 to Winter 2020). Moreover, we confirmed three most common legal gastrointestinal infectious pathogens from March 2016. @*Results@#From March 2020, when the COVID-19 epidemic was in full swing and social distancing and personal hygiene management were heavily emphasized, the incidence of infection from each virus was drastically decreased. The reduction rates compared to the averages of the last 2 years were as follows: total viruses 31.9%, norovirus 40.2%, group A rotavirus 31.8%, enteric adenovirus 13.4%, astrovirus 7.0%, and sapovirus 12.2%. Among bacterial pathogens, the infection rates of Campylobacter and Clostridium perfringens did not decrease but rather increased in some periods when compared to the average of the last two years. The incidence of nontyphoidal Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, or enteropathogenic Escherichia coli somewhat decreased but not significantly compared to the previous two years. @*Conclusion@#The incidence of infection from gastrointestinal viruses, which are mainly caused by the fecal-to-oral route and require direct contact among people, was significantly reduced, whereas the incidence of bacterial pathogens, which have food-mediated transmission as the main cause of infection, did not decrease significantly.
Background@#Endoscopy is used for diagnosing and treating various digestive diseases in children as well as in adults. However, in pediatric patients, it is recommended that sufficient sedation should be ensured before conducting endoscopy, since insufficient sedation may cause serious complications. However, in Korea, no studies have yet described the types of sedation drugs, effects of sedation, and efficiency of endoscopy with respect to the sedation instructor. Thus, we investigated the effectiveness of sedative procedures performed by anesthesiologists. @*Methods@#We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients aged < 18 years who underwent endoscopy during March 2014–July 2019. Data of sedation instructors, sedation drugs and their doses, complications, and the recovery after sedation were evaluated. @*Results@#Of 257 patients, 217 underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and 40 underwent colonoscopies. Before EGD, 29 patients (13.4%) underwent sedation by the pediatric endoscopist and 188 (86.6%) were sedated by the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist performed the sedation for all 40 patients who underwent colonoscopy. Endoscopic examinations performed by the anesthesiologist were relatively more time-consuming (401.0 ± 135.1 seconds vs. 274.9 ± 106.1 seconds, P < 0.001). We observed that in patients who underwent EGD, there was a difference in the dose of midazolam administered (P = 0.000). When comparing EGD and colonoscopy in patients undergoing sedation by the anesthesiologist, there were no significant differences in the doses of midazolam and ketamine, but the dose of propofol increased for colonoscopy (2.50 ± 0.95 mg/kg vs. 4.71 ± 1.66 mg/kg, P = 0.000). The cognitive recovery time according to drug dose was associated with propofol only in EGD with a shorter endoscopy time. The longer cognitive recovery time in colonoscopy and the discharge time of EGD and colonoscopies were not associated with propofol use. @*Conclusion@#When sedation is performed by an anesthesiologist, various drugs are used with sufficient doses and complications are reduced, but the discharge time does not change. For performing pediatric endoscopy in Korea, anesthesiologists should be considered for inducing anesthesia.
PURPOSE: As the importance of breastfeeding has been reinforced, human milk is often stored for practical reasons. Therefore, we evaluated optimal storage and processing methods for human milk from a nutritional standpoint. METHODS: Human milk samples were collected between June 2017 and February 2018. Also, data about maternal information were collected. Human milk was analyzed for macronutrients and caloric content. The samples were subdivided into groups for nutrient analysis. The control group (fresh milk) was not stored or processed. The other groups (9 groups) consisted of samples analyzed based on different storage temperatures (room temperature, refrigerated, frozen), defrosting methods (bottle warmer, room temperature thawing, microwave oven), and storage period (1 week, 1 month, 2 months) and compared with the control group. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in the nutrient content of human milk among the collected samples. A significant change in the content of macronutrients in milk samples was observed under storage condition at different temperatures for 1 week with subsequent thawing with bottle warmer compared to fresh milk. Under storage at −20°C for 1 week with subsequent thawing with different defrosting methods, a significant change in the content of macronutrients in milk samples was observed compared to fresh milk. After storage at −20°C for different periods and thawing with a bottle warmer, a significant change in macronutrient content in milk samples was observed compared to fresh milk regardless of the storage period. CONCLUSION: Unlike previous guidelines, changes in macronutrient content in milk samples were observed regardless of the method of storing and thawing. Apparently, it is proposed that mothers should feed fresh human milk to their babies without storing.
Humans , Breast Feeding , Infant Formula , Methods , Microwaves , Milk , Milk, Human , MothersABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: An increase in the numbers of patients with gastrointestinal symptoms has recently been observed. PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy on intestinal inflammation in children and adolescents as confirmed by clinical manifestations and objectively assessed by fecal calprotectin (FC) level measurement. METHODS: Consecutive children (aged 3–18 years) who presented with gastrointestinal symptoms and were treated with or without PPI for at least 1 month were enrolled. Patients were divided into PPI and non-PPI groups. The PPI group was further subdivided by treatment duration and type of PPI used. Stool samples were collected for FC evaluation at baseline and after treatment and clinical data and FC levels were compared between the groups. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients (15 boys, 36 girls) were enrolled in the study. The PPI group included 37 patients, while the non-PPI group included 14 patients. Clinical symptoms were not significantly different. FC levels and laboratory results, including C-reactive protein levels, white blood cell count, and absolute neutrophil count, were not statistically different before versus after PPI treatment. After treatment, FC levels decreased to 8.1 mg/kg (-575.4 to 340.3 mg/kg) in the PPI group and increased to 5.6 mg/kg (-460.0 to 186.9 mg/kg) in the non-PPI group compared to those before treatment (P=0.841). The number of patients with increased FC levels was not significantly different between the 2 groups (48.6% vs. 64.3%, P=0.363), similar to that observed in patients with an FC level > 50 mg/kg (24.3% and 7.1%, P=0.250). PPI therapy type and duration did not affect the FC levels (P=0.811 and P=0.502, respectively). CONCLUSION: Although we aimed to confirm the evidence of intestinal inflammation due to PPI use in children and adolescents through clinical symptoms and FC measurement, no significant changes were observed.
Adolescent , Child , Humans , C-Reactive Protein , Inflammation , Leukocyte Count , Leukocyte L1 Antigen Complex , Neutrophils , Proton Pump Inhibitors , Proton Pumps , ProtonsABSTRACT
PURPOSE@#Growth and development of infants can be periodically assessed through health screening, but iron deficiency anemia, which is common in infants, is difficult to detect by conducting only infant health screening. This study evaluated the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in infants who visited Chung-Ang university hospital between 9 and 12 months of age. The study also determined the difference of anemia between term and preterm infants.@*METHODS@#The subjects of this study were infants aged 9 to 12 months who visited outpatient clinics of Chung-Ang University Hospital from January 2006 to August 2018 for the purpose of infant health screening and immunizations. We divided the subjects as the term group and the preterm group, and their medical records were retrospectively analyzed.@*RESULTS@#One hundred and fifty-two infants were included in the study. There were 51 in the preterm infant group and 101 in the term infant group. Thirteen infants were diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, and 12 infants of these infants were in the term group and one infant was in the preterm group, which was statistically significant (P<0.001). There are significant differences in the hemoglobin (12.0±1.1 g/dL, 12.6±1.2 g/dL), hematocrit (35.8%±2.7%, 36.7%±3.2%), serum iron (60.8±25.4 µg/dL, 73.5±40.9 µg/dL), and unsaturated iron binding capacity (279.1±67.7 µg/dL, 252.0±47.5 µg/dL) between the term infant group and the preterm infant group, respectively (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Iron deficiency anemia was significantly more often diagnosed in term infants than that in preterm infants. Preterm infants may have a lower prevalence of iron deficiency anemia than do term infants because the preterm infants are taking iron supplements prophylactically. Therefore, iron deficiency anemia should be prevented in term infants, and it is important to confirm the presence of iron deficiency anemia by conducting blood tests during the first 9 to 12 months of life.
PURPOSE: This study investigated predictive factors for severe neonatal thrombocytopenia, which greatly increases the need for intensive care and is associated with a high mortality rate in premature infants. Factors adopted for prompt identification of at-risk newborns include blood test results and birth history. This study analyzed the relationship between the presence of severe neonatal thrombocytopenia and the mortality rate. The causes of thrombocytopenia in premature infants were also examined. METHODS: This retrospective study evaluated 625 premature infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Chung-Ang University Medical Center. The neonates were classified into 3 groups according to the severity of thrombocytopenia: mild (100×10⁹/L≤platelet < 150×10⁹/L), moderate (50×10⁹/L≤platelet < 100×10⁹/L), or severe (platelet < 50×10⁹/L). Analysis of blood samples obtained at the onset of thrombocytopenia included platelet count, white blood cell (WBC) count, hemoglobin level, hematocrit level, absolute neutrophil count, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level. RESULTS: Of the 625 premature infants admitted to our NICU, 214 were detected with thrombocytopenia. The mortality rate in thrombocytopenic neonates was 18.2% (39/214), whereas a mortality rate of only 1.0% was observed in non-thrombocytopenic neonates. The major causes of thrombocytopenia were perinatal insufficiency and sepsis in premature infants. Severe thrombocytopenia was noted more frequently in premature infants with higher WBC counts and in those with a younger gestational age. CONCLUSION: Platelet count, WBC count, and gestational age are reliable predictors for severe neonatal thrombocytopenia. The major causes of thrombocytopenia were perinatal insufficiency and sepsis in premature infants.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Academic Medical Centers , C-Reactive Protein , Classification , Critical Care , Gestational Age , Hematocrit , Hematologic Tests , Infant, Premature , Intensive Care, Neonatal , Leukocytes , Mortality , Neutrophils , Platelet Count , Reproductive History , Retrospective Studies , Sepsis , Thrombocytopenia , Thrombocytopenia, Neonatal AlloimmuneABSTRACT
PURPOSE: A relationship between Febrile seizure (FS) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) has been found in several studies. However, few studies have focused on the role of IDA in complex febrile seizures (CFS) and simple febrile seizures (SFS) and there is no report on whether IDA is a risk factor for recurrence. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of IDA in SFS and CFS and to examine the effect of IDA on recurrence. METHODS: Patients (n=166) who had been diagnosed with FS were enrolled in our study. Subjects were divided into the following groups for analysis: the SFS and CFS groups, recurrence and non-recurrence groups. The onset age was compared in each group of patients and laboratory test results based on IDA were compared. RESULTS: Between the SFS and the CFS groups, there was no significant difference in laboratory test results based on IDA. There was a significant difference in onset age between the two groups and the onset age tended to be lower in the CFS group (24.00 vs. 16.49 months) (P=0.004). Comparing recurrence and non-recurrence groups, the mean corpuscular volume was significantly different (P=0.043) with the recurrence group having a lower mean corpuscular volume level (78.92 vs. 77.48). The onset age in the recurrence group was lower (26.02 vs. 19.68 months). CONCLUSION: This study suggests that onset age could be a risk factor for CFS, and IDA may not contribute to elevating the risk of CFS. However, IDA may play an important role in the recurrence of FS.
Humans , Age of Onset , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Erythrocyte Indices , Iron , Recurrence , Risk Factors , Seizures, FebrileABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Escherichia coli sequence type (ST) 131, a multidrug-resistant clone causing extraintestinal infections, has rapidly become prevalent worldwide. However, the epidemiological and clinical features of pediatric infections are poorly understood. We aimed to explore the characteristics of ST131 Escherichia coli isolated from Korean children with urinary tract infections. METHODS: We examined 114 uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) isolates from children hospitalized at Chung-Ang University Hospital between 2011 and 2014. Bacterial strains were classified into STs by partial sequencing of seven housekeeping genes (adk, fumC, gyrB, icd, mdh, purA, and recA). Clinical characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility were compared between ST131 and non-ST131 UPEC isolates. RESULTS: Sixteen UPEC isolates (14.0%) were extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producers; 50.0% of ESBL-producers were ST131 isolates. Of all the isolates tested, 13.2% (15 of 114) were classified as ST131. There were no statistically significant associations between ST131 and age, sex, or clinical characteristics, including fever, white blood cell counts in urine and serum, C-reactive protein, radiologic abnormalities, and clinical outcome. However, ST131 isolates showed significantly lower rates of susceptibility to cefazolin (26.7%), cefotaxime (40.0%), cefepime (40.0%), and ciprofloxacin (53.3%) than non-ST131 isolates (65.7%, 91.9%, 92.9%, and 87.9%, respectively; P<0.001 for all). ESBL was more frequently produced in ST131 (53.3%) than in non-ST131 (8.1%) isolates (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: ST131 E. coli isolates were prevalent uropathogens in children at a single medical center in Korea between 2011 and 2014. Although ST131 isolates showed higher rates of antimicrobial resistance, clinical presentation and outcomes of patients were similar to those of patients infected with non-ST131 isolates.
Child , Humans , C-Reactive Protein , Cefazolin , Cefotaxime , Ciprofloxacin , Clone Cells , Escherichia coli , Fever , Genes, Essential , Korea , Leukocyte Count , Multilocus Sequence Typing , Urinary Tract Infections , Urinary Tract , Uropathogenic Escherichia coliABSTRACT
Adequate organ growth is an important aspect of growth evaluation in children. Renal size is an important indicator of adequate renal growth; computed tomography (CT) can closely estimate actual kidney size. However, insufficient data are available on normal renal size as measured by CT. This study aimed to evaluate the relationships of anthropometric indices with renal length and volume measured by CT in Korean pediatric patients. Renal length and volume were measured using CT images in 272 pediatric patients (age < 18 years) without renal disease. Data for anthropometric indices—including height, weight, and body surface area (BSA)—were obtained using medical records. Using the equation for an ellipsoid, renal volume was calculated in cubic centimeters. Height showed greatest correlation with renal length on stepwise multiple linear regression analysis; BSA showed the strongest significant correlation with renal volume. The mean renal size for each age group and height group was determined; it showed a tendency to increase with age and height. This is the first Korean study to report the relationship between body indices and renal size measured by CT. These results can serve as normative standards for assessing adequate renal growth.
Child , Humans , Body Surface Area , Kidney , Linear Models , Medical Records , Regression AnalysisABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in young children may progress to severe active tuberculosis (TB) disease and serve as a reservoir for future transmission of TB disease. There are limited data on interferon-γ release assay (IGRA) performance in young children, which our research aims to address by investigating the usefulness of IGRA for the diagnosis of LTBI. METHODS: We performed a tuberculin skin test (TST) and IGRA on children who were younger than 18 years and were admitted to Chung-Ang University Hospital during May 2011-June 2015. Blood samples for IGRA were collected, processed, and interpreted according to manufacturer protocol. RESULTS: Among 149 children, 31 (20.8%) and 10 (6.7%) were diagnosed with LTBI and active pulmonary TB, respectively. In subjects lacking contact history with active TB patients, TST and IGRA results were positive in 41.4% (29 of 70) and 12.9% (9 of 70) subjects, respectively. The agreement (kappa) of TST and IGRA was 0.123. The control group, consisting of non-TB-infected subjects, showed no correlation between age and changes in interferon-γ concentration after nil antigen, TB-specific antigen, or mitogen stimulation in IGRAs (P=0.384, P=0.176, and P=0.077, respectively). In serial IGRAs, interferon-γ response to TB antigen increased in IGRA-positive LTBI subjects, but did not change considerably in initially IGRA-negative LTBI or control subjects. CONCLUSION: The lack of decrease in interferon-γ response in young children indicates that IGRA could be considered for this age group. Serial IGRA tests might accurately diagnose LTBI in children lacking contact history with active TB patients.
Child , Humans , Diagnosis , Interferon-gamma Release Tests , Latent Tuberculosis , Skin Tests , Tuberculin , TuberculosisABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Monitoring pneumococcal carriage rates is important. We developed and evaluated the accuracy of a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) protocol for the detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae. METHODS: In October 2014, 157 nasopharyngeal aspirates were collected from patients aged <18 years admitted to Chung-Ang University Hospital. We developed and evaluated a real-time PCR method for detecting S. pneumoniae by comparing culture findings with the results of the real-time PCR using genomic DNA (gDNA). Of 157 samples, 20 specimens were analyzed in order to compare the results of cultures, realtime PCR, and real-time RT-PCR. RESULTS: The concordance rate between culture findings and the results of real-time PCR was 0.922 (P <0.01, Fisher exact test). The 133 culture-negative samples were confirmed to be negative for S. pneumoniae using real-time PCR. Of the remaining 24 culture-positive samples, 21 were identified as S. pneumonia-positive using real-time PCR. The results of real-time RT-PCR and real-time PCR from 20 specimens were consistent with culture findings for all S. pneumoniae-positive samples except one. Culture and real-time RT-PCR required 26.5 and 4.5 hours to perform, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study established a real-time RT-PCR method for the detection of pneumococcal carriage in the nasopharynx. Real-time RT-PCR is an accurate, convenient, and time-saving method; therefore, it may be useful for collecting epidemiologic data regarding pneumococcal carriage in children.
Child , Humans , DNA , Methods , Nasopharynx , Pneumonia , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Reverse Transcription , RNA , Streptococcus pneumoniaeABSTRACT
Although central catheter-related complications are frequently reported and are inevitable in the neonatal care unit, the incidence of pericardiac tamponade is low but may be fatal. Index of suspicion, prompt diagnosis, and urgent pericardiocentesis are crucial for lifesaving. We encountered two premature cases of central venous catheter-related pericardial tamponade. The first case was a 4-day-old male premature infant (gestational age [GA], 33(+5) weeks; birth weight [BW], 1,864 g), and the second case was a 4-day-old female premature infant (GA, 28(+6) week; BW, 1,050 g). Each infant had an indwelling central venous catheter since birth and at the third day of hospitalization. The conditions of the babies suddenly deteriorated, but both babies were successfully resuscitated with urgent echocardiography and prompt pericardiocentesis.
Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Birth Weight , Cardiac Tamponade , Central Venous Catheters , Diagnosis , Echocardiography , Hospitalization , Incidence , Infant, Premature , Parturition , PericardiocentesisABSTRACT
PURPOSE: The symptoms and signs of urinary tract infection (UTI) in early infancy are non-specific. Prompt diagnosis of UTI is important, as untreated UTI results in renal damage. Especially, febrile UTI in young infants coexist with other serious bacterial infections. The purpose this study was to propose modified Rochester criteria to differentiate viral infection from urinary tract infection. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective investigation of 168 infants less than three months old with a tympanic temperature >38degrees C who were admitted to Chung-Ang University Hospital between 2011 and 2014. We compared the symptoms, physical examination results, and laboratory data between viral infection and UTI groups. A modified Rochester criterion was composed of statistically significant factors. RESULTS: A total of 76 and 92 infants with UTI and a viral infection, respectively, were included. Statistically significant differences in gender, previous admission history, neutrophil ratio, and urine WBC count were found between the two study groups. Using a cut off value of 3 points, the sensitivity and specificity of the modified Rochester criteria were 71.28% and 78.57%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The modified Rochester criteria may give an outline for identifying young infants with UTI.
Humans , Infant , Bacterial Infections , Diagnosis , Neutrophils , Physical Examination , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Urinary Tract Infections , Urinary TractABSTRACT
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a critical source of infections in neonatal intensive care units. Early diagnosis and treatment are important due to the significant morbidity of MRSA infection. MRSA sepsis can be disseminated despite antibiotics, therefore the extent of the infection should be evaluated. Common complications of MRSA sepsis include infective endocarditis, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, meningitis, septic shock.Urgent evaluation of other possible suppurative complications in neoate are necessary. Therefore echocardiogram, chest X-ray, ophthalmic examination, brain sonography and spinal tapping are needed. In this study, we present a case of MRSA sepsis in a preterm infant, accompanied by endophthalmitis and endocarditis in spite of the early diagnosis and treatment.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Brain , Early Diagnosis , Endocarditis , Endophthalmitis , Infant, Premature , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Meningitis , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Osteomyelitis , Pneumonia , Sepsis , Spinal Puncture , ThoraxABSTRACT
PURPOSE: We investigated the molecular types of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) by using conventional phylogrouping, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and fimH genotyping. METHODS: Samples of patients younger than 18 years of age were collected from the Chung-Ang University Hospital over 2 years. Conventional phylogenetic grouping for UPEC strains was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Bacterial strain sequence types (STs) were classified on the basis of the results of partial sequencing of seven housekeeping genes. In addition, we analyzed nucleotide variations in a 424-base pair fragment of fimH, a major virulence factor in UPEC. RESULTS: Sixty-four UPEC isolates were analyzed in this study. Phylogenetic grouping revealed that group B2 was the most common type (n=54, 84%). We identified 16 distinctive STs using MLST. The most common STs were ST95 (35.9%), ST73 (15.6%), ST131 (12.5%), ST69 (7.8%), and ST14 (6.3%). Fourteen fimH allele types were identified, of which 11 had been previously reported, and the remaining three were identified in this study. f1 (n=28, 45.2%) was found to be the most common allele type, followed by f6 and f9 (n=7, 11.3% each). Comparative analysis of the results from the three different molecular typing techniques revealed that both MLST and fimH typing generated more discriminatory UPEC types than did PCR-based phylogrouping. CONCLUSION: We characterized UPEC molecular types isolated from Korean children by MLST and fimH genotyping. fimH genotyping might serve as a useful molecular test for large epidemiologic studies of UPEC isolates.
Child , Humans , Alleles , Epidemiologic Studies , Genes, Essential , Molecular Typing , Multilocus Sequence Typing , Phylogeny , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Urinary Tract Infections , Uropathogenic Escherichia coli , VirulenceABSTRACT
In children presenting to hospital with gastrointestinal symptoms, diseases such as intussusception and acute appendicitis require particular attention and careful examination. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are important because of possible severe complications such as peritonitis and death. Intussusception and appendicitis share similar clinical manifestations. More importantly, the presence of acute appendicitis together with intussusception in children is very rare. We describe an interesting case of a 38-month-old boy who presented with abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant. His vital signs were stable and laboratory test findings showed no specific alterations. We detected tenderness in the right lower quadrant. A computed tomography scan showed an ileocolic intussusception with no strangulation and diffuse wall thickening of the appendix trapped within the intussusception. The patient underwent an appendectomy and manual reduction.
Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Male , Abdominal Pain , Appendectomy , Appendicitis , Appendix , Early Diagnosis , Intussusception , Peritonitis , Vital SignsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a promising biomarker in the detection of kidney injury. Early diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI), one of the most common infections in children, is important in order to avert long-term consequences. We assessed whether serum NGAL (sNGAL) or urine NGAL (uNGAL) would be reliable markers of UTI and evaluated the appropriate diagnostic cutoff value for the screening of UTI in children. METHODS: A total of 812 urine specimens and 323 serum samples, collected from pediatric patients, were analyzed. UTI was diagnosed on the basis of culture results and symptoms reported by the patients. NGAL values were measured by using ELISA. RESULTS: NGAL values were more elevated in the UTI cases than in the non-UTI cases, but the difference between the values were not statistically significant (P=0.190 for sNGAL and P=0.064 for uNGAL). The optimal diagnostic cutoff values of sNGAL and uNGAL for UTI screening were 65.25 ng/mL and 5.75 ng/mL, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that it is not appropriate to use NGAL as a marker for early diagnosis of UTI in children.