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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038315


ObjectiveTo explore the efficacy and safety of using a tourniquet in amputation for lower limb gangrene. MethodsAll patients underwent amputation for lower limb gangrene from January, 2009 to June, 2023 in Beijing Bo'ai Hospital were reviewed, involving 41 patients with a total of 44 limbs, and they were divided into non-tourniquet group (n = 28) and tourniquet group (n = 16) according to whether a tourniquet was used during surgery. The amputation field clearness, surgical bleeding, incision healing, reoperation rate within 30 days post-operation, intraoperative blood pressure and heart rate, and operation time were compared. ResultsThe amputation field was clearer in the tourniquet group (χ2 = 42.385, P < 0.001), with less bleeding (Z = -2.082, P < 0.05). No tourniquet-related local damages, such as nerve damage and skin injuries, was observed in the limbs using tourniquets. The incidence of grade A of incision healing was not significantly different (χ2 = 0.028, P = 0.624). ConclusionApplication of tourniquet can improve the amputation field clearness and reduce bleeding during amputation for lower limb gangrene, without affecting incision healing.

Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine ; (12): 319-324, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1035406


Intraocular silicone oil injection is a common method for treating retinal detachment. Cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, corneal lesions, and silicone oil emulsification are relatively common complications of intraocular silicone oil tamponade. The migration of silicone oil from the vitreous body into the ventricles along the optic nerve is extremely rare, which is easily misdiagnosed as intraventricular hemorrhage, and colloidal cyst. This paper reviews the overview, migration pathway, clinical characteristics, imaging features, treatment and outcomes of silicone oil migration into the ventricular system in order to improve the understanding of this phenomenon among clinical colleagues.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-697146


Objective To explore the nursing essentials of complicated incision infection and embedding syndrome after percutaneous endoscopy gastrojejunostomy(PEGJ). Methods Comprehensive treatment and care including improved nursing methods, negative pressure suction, the dressing strengthening, and enteral nutrition. Results The swelling of the incision gradually subsided. On the 18th day, there was slight redness around the tube, no exudate, no fever, and the incision healed well. On the 20th day, family members were taught with routine maintenance method of the PEG/J tube, and the patient was discharged from hospital with the tube home for continue treatment. Conclusion Comprehensive nursing methods according to cause analysis can improve the curative effect of complications after PEGJ implantation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953866


@#ObjectiveTo design a reciprocal gait prosthesis connecting with the other prosthetic accessories for the bilateral hip disarticulation amputees.MethodsThe principle of reciprocal gait orthosis for paraplegia was used in the design, fitting reciprocal gait prosthesis for an amputee, which was compared with an ordinary bilateral Canadian type hip disarticulation prosthesis in the walking velocity and energy expenditure.ResultsThe amputee walked at lower energy expenditure and more like normal gait with reciprocal gait prosthesis while the walking velocity decreased, compared with the conventional prosthesis.ConclusionThis reciprocal gait prosthesis for bilateral hip disarticulation amputee needs less energy expenditure during walking like normal gait.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953867


@#ObjectiveTo design a weight-bearing pressure casting system for transtibial prostheses to make the total surface bearing socket and to control the stump and bearing during the casting process.MethodsThe weight-bearing pressure casting system was designed. 6 cases weared the socket by this method and traditional patellar tendon bearing socket by hand casting. Socket interface pressure was compared, and the effect of casting was assessed.ResultsCompared with patellar tendon bearing socket, the socket pressure in the socked by this method was distributed more equally throughout the transtibial residual limb during the casting process, and completed the stumps compression and stump-end pressure control.ConclusionWeight-bearing pressure casting system can make the total surface bearing socket, and improve the fit of the socket.