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Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi ; Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi;(12): 906-910, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-799914


Objective@#To study the effect of activated carbon on the purification of formaldehyde in the clean workshop return air purification device and its influencing factors.@*Methods@#From May to June 2018, choosed 4 different commercial activated carbons (bamboo charcoal, 1-3 mm, 3-5 mm; coconut shell charcoal, 6-12 mesh, 8-16 mesh) to make 5 types of activated carbon purification net. In the simulated clean plant laboratory, the detection of occupational disease hazards was used to test the purification effect of different types of activated carbon purification nets on formaldehyde.@*Results@#The purification effect of different types of activated carbon increased with the prolongation of purification time, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) . Compared with other types of activated carbon, coconut shell charcoal (8-16 mesh, double layer) had the best purification effect, 15 min and 30 min purification efficiency was 58.72% and 85.20% respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) . The purification effect of double-layer coconut shell charcoal was better than single layer (P<0.05) . The purification effect of double-layer coconut shell charcoal (8-16 mesh) was better than double-layer coconut shell charcoal (6-12 mesh) , the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) . Coconut shell charcoal (8-16 mesh, double layer) had better purification effect than bamboo charcoal (P<0.05) .@*Conclusion@#Different specific surface area, particle size, and thickness of activated carbon have a certain effect on the purification effect of formaldehyde, and its selection has a certain significance in improving the occupational health protection level in the clean plant, solving the safe use of return air and reducing energy consumption.

Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi ; Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi;(12): 347-351, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805116


Objective@#To effectively reduce the concentration of poisons in cleanroom, protect the health of workers, realize the optimization and automatic control of the new return air device. And the influence of initial concentration, air volume, temperature and relative humidity of formaldehyde on the purification effect of the new return air device was explored.@*Methods@#The purification effect of the new return air device installed with the activated carbon and the photocatalyst purification net or ordinary activated carbon purification network was tested in a 60 m3 simulated cleanroom. The concentration of formaldehyde was determined by solution absorption-phenol reagent spectrophotometry. Based on the single factor experiment to determine the combination of two purification nets. The effects of air volume, initial formaldehyde concentration, temperature and relative humidity on the purification effect of the new return air device were investigated by orthogonal test. Then, the performance parameters of the return air device to purify formaldehyde were determined.@*Results@#The formaldehyde purification efficiency of the two types of purification nets in the new return air device was higher than that of the ordinary activated carbon purification network (P<0.05) . The combination of activated carbon and photocatalyst purification net has no effect on the formaldehyde purification efficiency of the return air device (P>0.05) . According to the direct analysis and variance analysis, air volume was the most sensitive factor (F value is 18.894, P<0.05) , followed by initial concentration (F value is 16.128, P<0.05) , while temperature and relative humidity have little effect (F value is 0.041 and 0.599, respectively, P>0.05) . LSD analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the purification efficiency of formaldehyde between 475 m3/h and 626 m3/h (P>0.05) . From the perspective of formaldehyde purification efficiency and energy saving, when the air volume is set to 475 m3/h, the new return air device has higher purification efficiency for high concentration of formaldehyde.@*Conclusion@#The new return air device consisting of activated carbon and photocatalyst purification net can play a good purification role in cleanroom with different temperatures and different humidity. Its formaldehyde purification efficiency is affected by air volume and initial concentration.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 1370-1371,1425, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-602375


To explore the establishment of a scientific and innovative working mode of the national drug reference standards. Methods:Project management was adopted. Results and Conclusion: The project management mode can effectively ar-range the work of the national drug reference standards including raw material collection, research, review, subpackage, package and so on, which exhibits guiding significance for the development direction and improving products supplement.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-544584


Objective To keep the homeostasis of pressure grad, temperature and humidity among every area, and to ensure the protective effect of engineering barrier in biology safety. Methods DDC was used in the control system based on the transducer and special data collection equipment, and the figure monitoring system was established. The computer was used to save and process the data of real time and then the related output devices were regulated according to the situation. The alarm will be sounded if any data is out of the limit. Results The system could collect real-time simulation quantity signal of pressure, temperature, humidity, resistance, device work condition and so on in every area in laboratory, such as air-condition, air filter, fan and electric-performer's start-stop(operate) state. The alarm information was showed by CRT coloured dynamic emulational figure. Monitoring center could rework the local control parameters through the DDC controller, the system could adjust the device output automatically. Monitoring center could make alert automatically and the tache and causation were displayed then the operator could deal with the alert message according to the user grade. Conclusion The automatic control system introduced in this article can observe the indoor environment state and control the running parameters of the device availably and immediately. It can meet the requirement of laboratory biological safety.