Background/Aims@#This study aims to investigate the effect of a fermented rice drink with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum JSA22 on symptoms, blood tests, microbiomes, and fecal metabolites in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who were overweight. @*Methods@#Sixty overweight (body mass index ≥ 23 kg/m2 ) patients aged between 20 and 65 with IBS were enrolled. Patients were divided into 2 groups and administered either a fermented rice drink or an nonfermented rice drink for a month. The symptom questionnaire, blood samples, and stool samples for microbiome and metabolite were collected before and after the month of rice drink administration.The primary efficacy variable was the subject’s global assessment of IBS symptoms. @*Results@#In both groups, global IBS symptoms, including abdominal pain, bowel habit, urgency, and abdominal distension, improved significantly (P < 0.01). The abdominal bloating was more significantly improved in the fermented rice drink group than in the nonfermented rice drink group (P < 0.05). Significant changes were not observed in metabolic syndrome-related blood tests or fecal metabolites in either group. However, microbiome analysis showed significant differences in genus levels before and after consuming fermented rice drink, such as in Blautia in stool (P = 0.020) and Prevotella (P = 0.017) and Oribacterium (P = 0.018) in saliva. @*Conclusions@#The fermented rice drink with L. plantarum JSA22 showed a beneficial effect in reducing abdominal distension in IBS patients. Bacteria that reduce visceral fat accumulation increased in the stool and saliva of patients who consumed fermented rice drinks.
Background/Aims@#Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) generally shows sex differences, and psychiatric comorbidities play an important role in its pathogenesis.We aim to measure the levels of gender roles and investigate their relationship with psychiatric factors in patients with IBS versus healthy controls. @*Methods@#Patients diagnosed with IBS by Rome III and whose colonoscopy findings were normal were enrolled at multiple sites in Korea.The participants completed the Korean Sex Role Inventory–Short Form (KSRI-SF) to assess masculinity and femininity, the stress questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS), and the 36-item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire to assess the quality of life (QOL). @*Results@#In total, 102 patients with IBS (male:female = 35:67; mean age 42.6 ± 16.7 years) and 55 controls (male:female = 20:35; mean age 42.4 ± 11.1 years) were recruited. IBS patients had higher stress (9.69 ± 8.23 vs 4.56 ± 8.31, P < 0.001) and HADS scores (16.12 ± 7.17 vs 10.22 ± 5.74, P < 0.001) than the control group, but showed no significant difference in KSRI-SF scores. No significant differences in HADS and KSRI-SF scores were found between males and females. However, IBS patients whose symptoms worsened due to stress and patients with anxiety or depression had significantly lower masculinity. QOL was poorer in IBS patients than in controls. In stepwise multivariate analyses, the anxiety score, depression score, and the degree of daily life disturbance, not masculinity, were associated with the QOL of IBS patients. @*Conclusions@#IBS patients had higher stress, more psychiatric comorbidities, and lower QOL than controls. Low masculinity, rather than sex, was associated with stress and psychological comorbidities, which deteriorated the QOL in IBS patients.
Background/Aims@#Tegoprazan, a new, fast, and strong potassium-competitive acid blocker, has been approved for the treatment of gastric acid-related diseases in Korea. However, realworld clinical data regarding this drug are scarce. We aimed to compare the Helicobacter pylori eradication rates of tegoprazan- and rabeprazole-based triple therapy. @*Methods@#We retrospectively reviewed data from patients who received first-line treatment for H. pylori infection using tegoprazan- or rabeprazole-based triple therapy for 2 weeks (50 mg tegoprazan or 20 mg rabeprazole+1,000 mg amoxicillin+500 mg clarithromycin twice daily). The primary endpoint was the eradication rate as determined by intention-to-treat analysis. @*Results@#Of the 677 patients included in our study, 344 and 333 received tegoprazan-based and rabeprazole-based triple therapy, respectively. The eradication rate from intention-to-treat analysis was 76.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 72.1% to 81.0%) for tegoprazan-based triple therapy and 75.4% (95% CI, 70.5% to 79.8%) for rabeprazole-based triple therapy. There was no significant difference in the eradication rates between the two groups (p>0.999). Per-protocol analysis also revealed no significant difference between the eradication rates of the two groups (tegoprazan 83.4% [95% CI, 79.0% to 87.2%] vs rabeprazole 83.5% [79.0% to 87.4%], p>0.999).Furthermore, there was no significant difference in adverse event rates between the two groups (tegoprazan, 27.6%; rabeprazole, 25.8%; p=0.604). @*Conclusions@#The eradication rate of tegoprazan-based triple therapy was similar to that of rabeprazole-based triple therapy. Further studies on the dose-escalation effect of tegoprazan for H. pylori eradication and the efficacy of tegoprazan in regimens other than conventional triple therapy are needed.
Autogenous bone grafts from the mandibular ramus are a known source of inadequate bone volume scenarios of the residual alveolar ridge. However, the conventional block-type harvesting technique cannot prevent bone marrow invasion, which can cause postoperative complications such as pain, swelling, and inferior alveolar nerve injury. This study aims to suggest a complication-free harvesting technique and present the results of bone grafting and donor sites. One patient received two dental implants with a complication-free harvesting technique that involves creation of ditching holes with a 1 mm round bur. Sagittal, coronal, and axial osteotomies produced grid-type cortical squares using a micro-saw and a round bur to confirm the cortical thickness. The grid-type cortical bone was harvested from the occlusal aspect, and the harvesting was extended through an additional osteotomy on the exposed and remaining cortical bone to prevent bone marrow invasion. The patient did not suffer postoperative severe pain, swelling, or numbness.After 15 months, the harvested site exhibited new cortical bone lining, and the grafted area had healed to a cortico-cancellous complex with functional loading of the implants. Our technique, grid-type cortical bone harvesting without bone marrow invasion, allowed application of autogenous bone without bone marrow invasion to achieve acceptable bone healing of the dental implants and to regenerate the harvested cortical bone.
Background/Aims@#It remains unclear which maintenance treatment modality is most appropriate for mild gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).We aimed to compare on-demand treatment with continuous treatment using a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) in the maintenance treatment for patients with non-erosive GERD or mild erosive esophagitis. @*Methods@#Patients whose GERD symptoms improved after 4 weeks of standard dose PPI treatment were prospectively enrolled at 25 hospitals.Subsequently, the enrolled patients were randomly assigned to either an on-demand or a continuous maintenance treatment group, and followed in an 8-week interval for up to 24 weeks. @*Results@#A total of 304 patients were randomized to maintenance treatment (continuous, n = 151 vs on-demand, n = 153). The primary outcome, the overall proportion of unwillingness to continue the assigned maintenance treatment modality, failed to confirm the noninferiority of on-demand treatment (45.9%) compared to continuous treatment (36.1%). Compared with the on-demand group, the GERD symptom and health-related quality of life scores significantly more improved and the overall satisfaction score was significantly higher in the continuous treatment group, particularly at week 8 and week 16 of maintenance treatment. Work impairment scores were not different in the 2 groups, but the prescription cost was less in the on-demand group. Serum gastrin levels significantly elevated in the continuous treatment group, but not in the on-demand group. @*Conclusions@#Continuous treatment seems to be more appropriate for the initial maintenance treatment of non-erosive GERD or mild erosive esophagitis than on-demand treatment. Stepping down to on-demand treatment needs to be considered after a sufficient period of continuous treatment.
Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) located in the maxillae have rarely been reported in the literature. Standard treatment modalities for OKC range from marsupialization to marginal resection. However, most of the studies on OKC treatment have been related to mandibular OKCs. The anatomical structure and loose bone density of the maxillae and the empty space of the maxillary sinus could allow rapid growth of a lesion and the ability to tolerate tumor occupancy in the entire maxilla within a short period of time. Therefore, OKCs of the maxillae require more aggressive surgery, such as resection. As an alternative, this report introduces a modified Carnoy’s solution, a strong acid, as an adjuvant chemotherapy after cyst enucleation. This report describes the clinical outcomes of enucleation using a modified Carnoy’s solution in patients with large OKCs on the posterior maxillae. In three cases, application of a modified Carnoy’s solution had few side effects or morbidity. Each patient was followed for four to six years, and none showed any signs of recurrence. In conclusion, adjuvant treatment with a modified Carnoy’s solution can be considered a treatment option capable of reducing the recurrence rate of OKC in the maxillae.
Five-FU is a potent chemotherapeutic agent for suppressing endothelial cell growth. The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of local peritumor injection of 5-FU for patients with advanced gastric cancer (AGC) for the prevention of anemia. Between January 2020 and January 2022, patients aged 18 years or older with AGC and moderate anemia were included. A total of 200 mg of 5-FU was injected per session at ten points of the lesion (20 mg at each point) every 7 days for 4 to 12 weeks. Patients received a blood test for toxicity at every cycle. From one of these patients, endoscopic biopsy specimens were taken from gastric cancer before and after injecting 5-FU for immunostaining. A total of five AGC patients participated in this study. For most patients, hemoglobin levels were maintained without transfusions during 5-FU injection, and expression levels of thrombospondin-1 was increased after injection compared to those before injection. Blood test results during 5-FU injection showed no significant change in serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase/glutamic pyruvic transaminase, total bilirubin, or creatinine level. The results of this study showed the possibility of local peritumor 5-FU injection as a treatment for relieving anemia of patients with gastric cancer.
Advanced or metastatic breast cancer affects multiple organs and is a leading cause of cancer-related death. Cancer metastasis is associated with epithelial-mesenchymal metastasis (EMT). However, the specific signals that induce and regulate EMT in carcinoma cells remain unclear. PRR16/Largen is a cell size regulator that is independent of mTOR and Hippo signalling pathways. However, little is known about the role PRR16 plays in the EMT process. We found that the expression of PRR16 was increased in mesenchymal breast cancer cell lines. PRR16 overexpression induced EMT in MCF7 breast cancer cells and enhances migration and invasion. To determine how PRR16 induces EMT, the binding proteins for PRR16 were screened, revealing that PRR16 binds to Abl interactor 2 (ABI2). We then investigated whether ABI2 is involved in EMT. Gene silencing of ABI2 induces EMT, leading to enhanced migration and invasion. ABI2 is a gene that codes for a protein that interacts with ABL proto-oncogene 1 (ABL1) kinase. Therefore, we investigated whether the change in ABI2 expression affected the activation of ABL1 kinase. The knockdown of ABI2 and PRR16 overexpression increased the phosphorylation of Y412 in ABL1 kinase. Our results suggest that PRR16 may be involved in EMT by binding to ABI2 and interfering with its inhibition of ABL1 kinase. This indicates that ABL1 kinase inhibitors may be potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of PRR16-related breast cancer.
Background/Aims@#Metabolic syndrome has been reported to be a risk factor for metachronous colorectal neoplasia (CRN). However, the impact of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome, on the development of metachronous CRN after polypectomy has been rarely examined. We evaluated the association between NAFLD and the development of metachronous CRN after polypectomy. @*Methods@#Asymptomatic subjects who underwent abdominal ultrasonography and endoscopic removal of ≥ 1 adenomas at the index colonoscopy between 2010 and 2014, and had a follow-up surveillance colonoscopy until 2017 were analyzed. @*Results@#Of 6,182 participants, 2,642 (42.7%) had NAFLD at the time of the index colonoscopy. Patients with NAFLD had significantly higher cumulative incidence rates of metachronous overall CRN than those without NAFLD in both men (19.4% vs. 18.2% at 3 years and 49.2% vs. 44.0% at 5 years; p = 0.001) and women (18.7% vs. 10.5% at 3 years and 56.1% vs. 29.8% at 5 years; p < 0.001). Even after adjusting for confounders, NAFLD remained independently associated with an increased risk of metachronous overall CRN in both men (adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.17; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06 to 1.29) and women (adjusted HR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.27 to 2.07). Additionally, NAFLD was an independent risk factor for metachronous advanced CRN (ACRN) in women (adjusted HR, 2.61; 95% CI, 1.27 to 5.37). @*Conclusions@#NAFLD is related to an increased risk of metachronous CRN after polypectomy. Especially, women with NAFLD are at an increased risk of developing metachronous ACRN. Our results indicate a possible effect of NAFLD on the pathogenesis of CRN.
Background/Aims@#The risk of recurrence of colorectal adenoma among obese individuals without metabolic abnormalities or in those with metabolically healthy obesity is largely unexplored.Therefore, we longitudinally investigated the risk of adenoma occurrence in individuals undergoing surveillance colonoscopy according to metabolic status and obesity. @*Methods@#This retrospective cohort study included 16,872 Korean adults who underwent their first screening colonoscopy between 2003 and 2012 and who then underwent follow-up colonoscopy until 2017. Participants were categorized into a metabolically healthy nonobese group (reference group), a metabolically healthy obese group, a metabolically abnormal nonobese group, and a metabolically abnormal obese group. Hazard ratios (HRs) for adenoma recurrence compared to the reference group were calculated in each group. @*Results@#During a median follow-up duration of 47.3 months (interquartile range, 35.6 to 58.9 months), 3,673 (21.8%) and 292 (1.73%) participants developed adenoma and advanced adenoma, respectively. When age, sex, smoking, alcohol consumption, family history of colorectal cancer, and baseline adenoma risk were adjusted, the risk of adenoma recurrence was increased in metabolically healthy obese individuals (HR, 1.33; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.12 to 1.57) and metabolically abnormal obese individuals (HR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.08 to 1.30) but not in metabolically abnormal nonobese individuals (HR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.94 to 1.13). @*Conclusions@#In this study, metabolically healthy obese individuals and metabolically abnormal obese individuals exhibited increased risks of occurrence of colorectal adenoma diagnosed by surveillance colonoscopy. This finding implies that obesity itself, even without metabolic abnormalities, is associated with an increased risk of adenoma recurrence.
Background/Aims@#Integrated relaxation pressure (IRP) is an important metric for functional evaluation of the lower esophageal sphincter. However, the effectiveness of IRP for evaluation of upper esophageal sphincter (UES) function has not yet been clarified. @*Methods@#High-resolution manometry (HRM) was performed in 180 patients with dysphagia. For comparison, 26 asymptomatic subjects were also recruited. IRP of the UES was defined as means of 0.2, 0.25, or 0.3 seconds (sIRPs) of maximal deglutitive relaxation in a 0.4-second window (a new equation for IRP calculation was developed using MATLAB). Also, the relaxation time interval of the UES, and mesopharyngeal and hypopharyngeal contractility (as a contractile integral) were evaluated using HRM. @*Results@#In normal subjects, mean values of 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3 sIRPs differed significantly from each other (P < 0.05). They were not associated with the relaxation time interval of the UES. In contrast, in patients with dysphagia, mean values of 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3 sIRPs were strongly related to relaxation time intervals of the UES (P < 0.05), and mean values of 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3 sIRPs in patients with aspiration were significantly higher than those of patients without aspiration (P < 0.01). However, in multivariate regression analyses, the main risk factor for aspiration was only a shorter relaxation time interval. @*Conclusions@#IRP values were significantly higher in patients with dysphagia and aspiration. However, its usefulness as a predictive factor for aspiration was less than the relaxation time interval of the UES.
Background/Aims@#Metabolic syndrome has been reported to be a risk factor for metachronous colorectal neoplasia (CRN). However, the impact of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome, on the development of metachronous CRN after polypectomy has been rarely examined. We evaluated the association between NAFLD and the development of metachronous CRN after polypectomy. @*Methods@#Asymptomatic subjects who underwent abdominal ultrasonography and endoscopic removal of ≥ 1 adenomas at the index colonoscopy between 2010 and 2014, and had a follow-up surveillance colonoscopy until 2017 were analyzed. @*Results@#Of 6,182 participants, 2,642 (42.7%) had NAFLD at the time of the index colonoscopy. Patients with NAFLD had significantly higher cumulative incidence rates of metachronous overall CRN than those without NAFLD in both men (19.4% vs. 18.2% at 3 years and 49.2% vs. 44.0% at 5 years; p = 0.001) and women (18.7% vs. 10.5% at 3 years and 56.1% vs. 29.8% at 5 years; p < 0.001). Even after adjusting for confounders, NAFLD remained independently associated with an increased risk of metachronous overall CRN in both men (adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.17; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06 to 1.29) and women (adjusted HR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.27 to 2.07). Additionally, NAFLD was an independent risk factor for metachronous advanced CRN (ACRN) in women (adjusted HR, 2.61; 95% CI, 1.27 to 5.37). @*Conclusions@#NAFLD is related to an increased risk of metachronous CRN after polypectomy. Especially, women with NAFLD are at an increased risk of developing metachronous ACRN. Our results indicate a possible effect of NAFLD on the pathogenesis of CRN.
Background@#Velopharyngeal incompetence (VPI) therapy for cleft palate (speech therapy alone, speech therapy using speech aids, or combined therapy such as speech therapy using a pharyngeal flap), is more effective in younger patients than in adult patients. Speech therapy is known as very difficult for patients who still have VPI as an adult. Because of the possibility of subsequent speech disorders, the timing of surgery for cleft palate is accelerating. Herein, we present a case of an adult with articulation disorder due to VPI who was treated by speech therapy and a speech-aid prosthesis.Case presentation: A woman who underwent cleft palate surgery at 8 years of age still had difficulty with articulation due to VPI as a 24-year-old adult because of a lack of continuous speech therapy. We decided to use a speech-aid application using palatal lift, and a reduction program was conducted four times, along with simultaneous speech therapy, over a period of 1 year and 7 months. During the therapy period, she was able to speak normally within a relatively short period of time, and after implementation of the reduction program, the therapy was completed by completely removing the device. Long-term observations have shown normal speech function without recurrence, even after the device was removed. @*Conclusion@#As seen in this case, speech therapy using speech aids can show a good result for adult patients with cleft palate who missed the usual timing for the treatment of articulation disorders, depending on the situation. Therefore, it is hereby reported as a therapy option worthy of consideration.
Background/Aims@#The risk of recurrence of colorectal adenoma among obese individuals without metabolic abnormalities or in those with metabolically healthy obesity is largely unexplored.Therefore, we longitudinally investigated the risk of adenoma occurrence in individuals undergoing surveillance colonoscopy according to metabolic status and obesity. @*Methods@#This retrospective cohort study included 16,872 Korean adults who underwent their first screening colonoscopy between 2003 and 2012 and who then underwent follow-up colonoscopy until 2017. Participants were categorized into a metabolically healthy nonobese group (reference group), a metabolically healthy obese group, a metabolically abnormal nonobese group, and a metabolically abnormal obese group. Hazard ratios (HRs) for adenoma recurrence compared to the reference group were calculated in each group. @*Results@#During a median follow-up duration of 47.3 months (interquartile range, 35.6 to 58.9 months), 3,673 (21.8%) and 292 (1.73%) participants developed adenoma and advanced adenoma, respectively. When age, sex, smoking, alcohol consumption, family history of colorectal cancer, and baseline adenoma risk were adjusted, the risk of adenoma recurrence was increased in metabolically healthy obese individuals (HR, 1.33; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.12 to 1.57) and metabolically abnormal obese individuals (HR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.08 to 1.30) but not in metabolically abnormal nonobese individuals (HR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.94 to 1.13). @*Conclusions@#In this study, metabolically healthy obese individuals and metabolically abnormal obese individuals exhibited increased risks of occurrence of colorectal adenoma diagnosed by surveillance colonoscopy. This finding implies that obesity itself, even without metabolic abnormalities, is associated with an increased risk of adenoma recurrence.
Background/Aims@#Integrated relaxation pressure (IRP) is an important metric for functional evaluation of the lower esophageal sphincter. However, the effectiveness of IRP for evaluation of upper esophageal sphincter (UES) function has not yet been clarified. @*Methods@#High-resolution manometry (HRM) was performed in 180 patients with dysphagia. For comparison, 26 asymptomatic subjects were also recruited. IRP of the UES was defined as means of 0.2, 0.25, or 0.3 seconds (sIRPs) of maximal deglutitive relaxation in a 0.4-second window (a new equation for IRP calculation was developed using MATLAB). Also, the relaxation time interval of the UES, and mesopharyngeal and hypopharyngeal contractility (as a contractile integral) were evaluated using HRM. @*Results@#In normal subjects, mean values of 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3 sIRPs differed significantly from each other (P < 0.05). They were not associated with the relaxation time interval of the UES. In contrast, in patients with dysphagia, mean values of 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3 sIRPs were strongly related to relaxation time intervals of the UES (P < 0.05), and mean values of 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3 sIRPs in patients with aspiration were significantly higher than those of patients without aspiration (P < 0.01). However, in multivariate regression analyses, the main risk factor for aspiration was only a shorter relaxation time interval. @*Conclusions@#IRP values were significantly higher in patients with dysphagia and aspiration. However, its usefulness as a predictive factor for aspiration was less than the relaxation time interval of the UES.
Purpose@#The impact of changes in body mass index and waist circumference on the development of metachronous colorectal neoplasia (CRN) after polypectomy has rarely been examined. We evaluated the association between changes in overall/abdominal obesity and metachronous CRN risk. @*Materials and Methods@#We studied patients who underwent ≥1 adenoma removal and surveillance colonoscopy. Patients were classified into the following four groups based on the changes in overall obesity from index to follow-up colonoscopy: non-obesity persisted (group 1), obesity to non-obesity (group 2), non-obesity to obesity (group 3), and obesity persisted (group 4). Patients were also divided into another four groups based on similar changes in abdominal obesity (groups 5–8). @*Results@#The number of patients in groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 was 5074, 457, 643, and 3538, respectively, and that in groups 5, 6, 7, and 8 was 4229, 538, 656, and 2189, respectively. Group 4 had a significantly higher risk of metachronous CRN compared to groups 1 and 2. However, metachronous advanced CRN (ACRN) risk was not different among groups 1, 2, 3, and 4. Metachronous CRN risk in group 8 (abdominal obesity persisted) was higher than that in groups 5 (non-abdominal obesity persisted) and 7 (non-abdominal obesity to abdominal obesity), and tended to be higher than that in group 6 (abdominal obesity to non-abdominal obesity). Additionally, group 8 had a significantly higher risk of metachronous ACRN compared to groups 5, 6, and 7. @*Conclusion@#Changes in obesity affected the metachronous CRN risk. In particular, changes in abdominal obesity affected the metachronous ACRN risk.
Objective@#Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in older patients is a potentially life-threatening infection with a poorprognosis. Therefore, is important to predict the mortality rate of CAP for older patients. This study examined the effectsof predictive increases on CAP mortality by adding a biomarker to known CAP severity prediction tools. @*Methods@#A retrospective analysis of information was conducted on patients older than 65 years, who were treated withCAP in five emergency departments from October 2016 to February 2017. The primary outcome was the 28-day mortality.The following were calculated for each patient: qSOFA (quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment), A-DROP (Age,Dehydration, Respiratory failure, Orientation, blood Pressure), CURB-65 (Confusion, Urea level, Respiratory rate, Bloodpressure, age≥65 years), SMART-COP (Systolic blood pressure, Multilobar infiltrates, Albumin, Respiratory rate,Tachycardia, Confusion, Oxygen and pH), NLR (neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio), PLR (platelet:lymphocyte ratio), and CAR(high-sensitivity C-reactive protein:albumin ratio). The prognostic value for the 28-day mortality was determined by multivariatelogistic regression analysis. @*Results@#The 28-day mortality was 12.0% of 693 CAP patients. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that lactate(odds ratio [OR], 1.589; P<0.001) and CAR (OR, 1.208; P=0.006) were correlated with the 28-day mortality. NLR(OR, 1.00; P=0.983) and PLR (OR, 1.00; P=0.784) were not correlated. The area under curve (AUC) was significant asCAR 0.649, lactate 0.737, and SMART-COP 0.735 (P<0.001), and the AUC of lactate+SMART-COP increased significantlyto 0.784 compared to SMART-COP (P=0.014). @*Conclusion@#A combination of lactate and SMART-COP can be used as a tool to assess the severity of older hospitalizedCAP patients who visited emergency departments.
Esophageal achalasia is a primary motility disorder characterized by insufficient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation and loss of esophageal peristalsis. Achalasia is a chronic disease that causes progressive irreversible loss of esophageal motor function. The recent development of high-resolution manometry has facilitated the diagnosis of achalasia, and determining the achalasia subtypes based on high-resolution manometry can be important when deciding on treatment methods. Peroral endoscopic myotomy is less invasive than surgery with comparable efficacy. The present guidelines (the “2019 Seoul Consensus on Esophageal Achalasia Guidelines”) were developed based on evidence-based medicine; the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association and Korean Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility served as the operating and development committees, respectively. The development of the guidelines began in June 2018, and a draft consensus based on the Delphi process was achieved in April 2019. The guidelines consist of 18 recommendations: 2 pertaining to the definition and epidemiology of achalasia, 6 pertaining to diagnoses, and 10 pertaining to treatments. The endoscopic treatment section is based on the latest evidence from meta-analyses. Clinicians (including gastroenterologists, upper gastrointestinal tract surgeons, general physicians, nurses, and other hospital workers) and patients could use these guidelines to make an informed decision on the management of achalasia.
During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, practices of gastrointestinal procedures within the digestive tract require special precautions due to the risk of contraction of severe acute respiratoy syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. Many procedures in the gastrointestinal motility laboratory may be considered moderate to high-risk for viral transmission. Healthcare staff working in gastrointestinal motility laboratories are frequently exposed to splashes, air droplets, mucus, or saliva during the procedures. Moreover, some are aerosol-generating and thus have a high risk of viral transmission. There are multiple guidelines on the practices of gastrointestinal endoscopy during this pandemic. However, such guidelines are still lacking and urgently needed for the practice of gastrointestinal motility laboratories. Hence, the Asian Neurogastroenterology and Motility Association had organized a group of gastrointestinal motility experts and infectious disease specialists to produce a position statement paper based-on current available evidence and consensus opinion with aims to provide a clear guidance on the practices of gastrointestinal motility laboratories during the COVID-19 pandemic. This guideline covers a wide range of topics on gastrointestinal motility activities from scheduling a motility test, the precautions at different steps of the procedure to disinfection for the safety and well-being of the patients and the healthcare workers. These practices may vary in different countries depending on the stages of the pandemic, local or institutional policy, and the availability of healthcare resources. This guideline is useful when the transmission rate of SARS-CoV-2 is high. It may change rapidly depending on the situation of the epidemic and when new evidence becomes available.
Some studies have reported a decrease in the natural killer (NK) cell activity in smokers. However, large-scale data on the relationshipbetween NK cell activity and smoking are unavailable. A cross-sectional study was performed on 12,249 asymptomatic examineeswho underwent an NK cell activity test, between January 2016 and May 2017. The test quantitated the amount of interferon-γsecreted into the plasma by NK cells, using a patented stimulatory cytokine. The mean age of the study population was 39.1 years,and the proportions of “never”, “former”, and “current” smokers were 65.5%, 20.9%, and 13.6%, respectively. Current smokers (1,422pg/mL) had a lower median level of NK cell activity than never smokers (1,504 pg/mL, P = 0.039) and former smokers (1,791 pg/mL, P < 0.001). Among current smokers, NK cell activity decreased with increase in the number of cigarettes smoked among currentsmokers (median, 1,537, 1,429, and 1,175 pg/mL at <10, 10-19, and ≥ 20 pack-years, respectively; P < 0.001). Additionally, itdecreased linearly with increasing quartiles of cotinine levels (median, 1,707, 1,636, 1,348, and 1,292 pg/mL at cotinine levels < 292,292-879, 880-1,509, and ≥ 1,510 ng/mL, respectively; r = –0.122, P < 0.001). NK cell activity was lower in current smokers. It alsodecreased with an increase in the number of cigarettes smoked, and it was negatively correlated with cotinine levels among currentsmokers. Our findings indicate a clear relationship between smoking and decreased NK cell activity.