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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202202975, feb. 2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1524319


Introducción. La evaluación de la condición física (CF), junto con otros indicadores de salud, es una estrategia utilizada para conocer el estado actual de los escolares. El principal objetivo fue medir en escolares sanluiseños el estado de salud actual, los niveles de CF y construir tablas de referencias de CF. Población y métodos. Escolares entre 9 y 12 años de edad (ambos sexos) fueron evaluados con dos indicadores de salud: índice de masa corporal y presión arterial. La CF fue medida con la batería ALPHA-Fitness. El orden de las pruebas fue el siguiente: tensión arterial, masa corporal, estatura, longitud de pie y mano, salto en longitud, velocidad en 30 metros, agilidad 4 × 10 m y la prueba de ida y vuelta en 20 metros. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la maduración biológica. Resultados. Fueron evaluados 15548 escolares. Los valores promedios fueron presión arterial sistólica 101 ± 10 mmHg y diastólica 66 ± 7 mmHg; IMC 20,2 ± 4,3 kg/m2. Para la CF fueron las siguientes: componente cardiorrespiratorio VO2 máx. 39,87 ± 3,2 ml/kg/min y velocidad alcanzada en la prueba de ida y vuelta en 20 m 8,9 ± 0,6 km/h; componente neuromuscular; salto en longitud: 120,6 ± 23,9 cm, velocidad 30 m: 6,56 ± 0,85 s, agilidad 4 × 10 m: 15,17 ± 1,82 s. El rendimiento siempre fue superior en el grupo masculino (p <0,001). Conclusión. Los escolares mostraron niveles saludables de presión arterial. El 50 % de la muestra fue clasificada con sobrepeso u obesidad según el IMC. En ambos sexos, se observaron bajos niveles de CF. Por primera vez, se elaboraron tablas de referencia de CF en escolares sanluiseños

Introduction. The assessment of physical fitness (PF), is useful strategy to know the current status of schoolchildren. Our primary objective was to measure the current health status and PF levels of schoolchildren in San Luis and to develop PF reference tables. Population and methods. Schoolchildren aged 9 to 12 years (boys and girls) were assessed based on 2 health indicators: body mass index and blood pressure. PF was measured using the ALPHA-Fitness test battery. Blood pressure, body mass, height, foot and hand length, standing long jump, 30 m sprint, 4 × 10 m agility test, and 20 m shuttle run test were assessed. The body mass index (BMI) and biological maturation were estimated. Results. A total of 15 548 schoolchildren were assessed. Average systolic blood pressure was 101 ± 10 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure, 66 ± 7 mmHg; BMI: 20.2 ± 4.3 kg/m2. Average PF was, in the cardiorespiratory component, VO2 max.: 39.87 ± 3.2 mL/kg/min and speed reached during the 20 m shuttle run test: 8.9 ± 0.6 km/h; in the musculoskeletal component, standing long jump: 120.6 ± 23.9 cm, 30 m sprint: 6.56 ± 0.85 s, 4 × 10 m agility test: 15.17 ± 1.82 s. The performance was better in the boys group (p < 0.001). Conclusion. Blood pressure was normal. Fifty percent of the sample was overweight or obese as per their BMI. Both boys and girls showed low PF levels. PF reference tables for schoolchildren from San Luis were developed for the first time.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Physical Fitness/psychology , Exercise Test , Argentina , Exercise/psychology , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469250


Abstract Soybean meal is an inexpensive plant origin protein which has been used in practical diets as a replacement of animal protein such as fish meal or chicken meal, due to the uneconomical price of animal protein diets. Consequently, a research study was conducted on some commercial species of Indian major carps i.e. Catla (Cattla cattla), Rohu (Labeo rohita) and Mrigala (Cirhinus mrigala) (Hamilton, 1822) to estimate optimum dietary protein requirement of soy bean meal in diet in an intensive polyculture. Three different diets (SBM I, SBM II and SBM III) were formulated by 80%, 50% and 20% replacement of fish meal with soybean meal from a 45% fish meal diet (control).Highest monthly mean weight gain was obtained by SBM II (with 35% CP and about 50% substitution of fish meal), while SBM III (45% Crude Protein and about 20% substitution of fish meal) was stood second. All tested diets respond enormously by producing high yield as compare to control diet, though SBM II generated highest yield among all. On the bases of the following research, it was revealed that the SBM can surrogate even50% fish meal without any augmentation of other amino acids in the diet of Indian major carps.

Resumo O farelo de soja é uma proteína de origem vegetal de baixo custo que tem sido usada em dietas práticas como um substituto da proteína animal, como farinha de peixe ou farinha de frango, devido ao preço não econômico das dietas com proteína animal. Consequentemente, um estudo/pesquisa foi realizado com algumas espécies comerciais de carpas principais indianas, ou seja, Catla (Cattla cattla), Rohu (Labeo rohita) e Mrigala (Cirhinus mrigala) (Hamilton, 1822), para estimar a necessidade ideal de proteína dietética de farelo de soja na dieta em uma policultura intensiva. Três dietas diferentes (SBM I, SBM II e SBM III) foram formuladas por 80%, 50% e 20% de substituição de farinha de peixe por farelo de soja de uma dieta de 45% de farinha de peixe (controle). O maior ganho de peso médio mensal foi obtido por SBM II (com 35% PB e cerca de 50% de substituição de farinha de peixe), enquanto SBM III (45% de proteína bruta e cerca de 20% de substituição de farinha de peixe) ficou em segundo lugar. Todas as dietas testadas respondem enormemente produzindo alto rendimento em comparação com a dieta controle, embora SBM II tenha gerado o maior rendimento entre todas. Com base na pesquisa a seguir, foi revelado que o SBM pode substituir até 50% da farinha de peixe sem qualquer aumento de outros aminoácidos na dieta das carpas principais indianas.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469298


Abstract The assessment of the comparative effect of biosal (phytopesticide), deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin (pyrethroids) were made against two fodder pests, Hermolaus modestus and Hermolaus ocimumi by filter paper impregnation method. The activity of total protein contents, GPT (glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) and GOT (glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase) were affected in Hermolaus modestus and Hermolaus ocimumi against biosal, deltamethrin, and lambda cyhalothrin. The activity of total protein contents in H. modestus was 31.053%, 4.607%, and 24.575%, against biosal, deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively. The activity of total protein contents was observed as 24.202%, 15.25%, and 56.036% against deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and biosal, respectively in H. ocimumi. The activity of GOT was observed as 98.675% for biosal 33.95% for deltamethrin and 83.619% for lambda-cyhalothrin in H. modestus. The GOT activity was estimated in H. ocimumi as 78.831%, 47.645%, and 71.287% against biosal, deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively. The efficacy of GPT enzyme against biosal, deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin was calculated as 89.26%, 73.07%, and 47.58%, respectively in H. modestus. The H. ocimumi showed GPT activity as 77.58% for biosal, 68.84% for deltamethrin, and 52.67% for lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively.

Resumo A avaliação do efeito comparativo do biosal (fitopesticida), deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina (piretróides) foi feita contra duas pragas forrageiras, Hermolaus modestus e Hermolaus ocimumi, pelo método de impregnação com papel de filtro. A atividade do conteúdo de proteína total, GPT (transaminase glutâmico-pirúvica) e GOT (oxaloacetato transaminase glutâmico) foram afetados em Hermolaus modestus e Hermolaus ocimumi contra biosal, deltametrina e lambda cialotrina. A atividade do conteúdo de proteína total em H. modestus foi 31.053%, 4.607% e 24.575%, contra biosal, deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina, respectivamente. A atividade do conteúdo de proteína total foi observada como 24.202%, 15.25% e 56,036% contra deltametrina, lambda-cialotrina e biosal, respectivamente em H. ocimumi. A atividade do GOT foi observada em 98.675% para o biosal, 33,95% para a deltametrina e 83.619% para a lambda-cialotrina em H. modestus. A atividade do GOT foi estimada em H. ocimumi como 78.831%, 47.645% e 71.287% contra biosal, deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina, respectivamente. A eficácia da enzima GPT contra biosal, deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina foi calculada como 89.26%, 73.07% e 47.58%, respectivamente em H. modestus. A H. ocimumi apresentou atividade GPT de 77.58% para biosal, 68.84% para deltametrina e 52.67% para lambda-cialotrina, respectivamente.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469312


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to find out a possible association between ABO blood groups or Rh and diabetes mellitus (DM) in the local population of eight (8) different towns of Karachi, Pakistan. For this purpose a survey was carried out in Karachi to have a practical observation of these towns during the period of 9 months from June 2019 to Feb. 2020. Out of eighteen (18) towns of Karachi, samples (N= 584) were collected from only eight (8) Towns of Karachi and gave a code-number to each town. Diabetic group sample was (n1=432) & pre-diabetes sample was (n2 =152). A standard Abbot Company Glucometer for Random Blood Sugar (RBS) and Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) tests, standard blood anti sera were used for ABO/Rh blood type. Health assessment techniques were performed ethically by taking informed consent from all registered subjects. Finally data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. In our current study, the comparison of ABO blood groups frequencies between diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals were carried out. The percentage values of blood Group-B as given as: (32% in DM vs. 31% in pre-diabetics), followed by blood Group-O as: (18% in DM vs. 11% in pre-diabetics). Contrary to Group-B & O, blood Group-A and Group-AB were distribution percentage higher pre-diabetic as compared to DM patients, as given as: Group-A (32% in pre-diabetics vs. 26% in DM) & Group-AB (26% in pre-diabetics vs. 24% in diabetics patients). In addition, percentage distribution of Rh system was also calculated, in which Rh+ve Group was high and more common in DM patients as compared to pre-diabetics; numerically given as: Rh+ve Group (80% in DM vs. 72% in pre-diabetics). Different views and dimensions of the research topic were studied through literature support, some have found no any association and some established a positive association still some were not clear in making a solid conclusion. It is concluded that DM has a positive correlation with ABO blood groups, and people with Group-B have increased susceptibility to DM disease.

Resumo O objetivo principal deste estudo foi descobrir uma possível associação entre grupos sanguíneos ABO ou Rh e diabetes mellitus (DM) na população local de oito (8) diferentes cidades de Karachi, Paquistão. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento em Karachi para observação prática dessas cidades durante o período de 9 meses de junho de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020.De dezoito (18) cidades de Karachi, as amostras (N = 584) foram coletadas de apenas oito (8) cidades de Karachi e deram um número-código para cada cidade. A amostra do grupo de diabéticos foi (n1 = 432) e a amostra de pré-diabetes foi (n2 = 152). Um glicômetro padrão da Abbot Company para testes de açúcar no sangue aleatório (RBS) e açúcar no sangue em jejum (FBS), antissoros de sangue padrão foram usados para o tipo de sangue ABO / Rh. As técnicas de avaliação de saúde foram realizadas de forma ética, tomando o consentimento informado de todos os indivíduos registrados. Finalmente, os dados foram analisados pelo SPSS versão 20.0.No presente estudo, foi realizada a comparação das frequências dos grupos sanguíneos ABO entre diabéticos e pré-diabéticos. Os valores percentuais do sangue do Grupo-B são dados como: (32% em DM vs. 31% em pré-diabéticos), seguido pelo sangue do Grupo-O como: (18% em DM vs. 11% em pré-diabéticos). Ao contrário dos Grupos B e O, sangue do Grupo-A e Grupo-AB tiveram distribuição percentual maior de pré-diabéticos em comparação com pacientes com DM, dado como: Grupo-A (32% em pré-diabéticos vs. 26% em DM) e Grupo AB (26% em pré-diabéticos vs. 24% em pacientes diabéticos). Além disso, também foi calculada a distribuição percentual do sistema Rh, no qual o Grupo Rh + ve foi elevado e mais comum em pacientes com DM em comparação aos pré-diabéticos; dados numericamente como: Grupo Rh + ve (80% em DM vs. 72% em pré-diabéticos). Diferentes visões e dimensões do tema de pesquisa foram estudadas com o suporte da literatura, alguns não encontraram nenhuma associação e alguns estabeleceram uma associação positiva, embora alguns não estivessem claros em fazer uma conclusão sólida. Conclui-se que o DM tem correlação positiva com os grupos sanguíneos ABO, e as pessoas com o Grupo B têm maior suscetibilidade à doença DM.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469370


Abstract Binders are the products that are used to bind, glue or hold the various feed ingredients together in order to maintain pellet integrity. For aqua-culturists, feed manufacturing is an expensive exercise due to the high cost of ingredients along with traditional artificial binders. The use of grain starches as aqua feed binders have advantages which include availability of that binder, nutritional contribution, and minimization of feed cost. A research trial was conducted to test physical properties such as palatability, water stability, dustiness, friability, settling velocity and floatation time of locally available starch i.e. wheat gluten, pea starch and guar gum and to assist their incorporation in on-farm aqua feed. Results revealed that among these three starch, the starch from pea source was proved superior over other two (wheat gluten and guar gum) as all physical quality parameters (dustiness, water stability and friability) revealed better performance of pea starch except pelletability in which guar gum performed best. Although not a single diet proved best in case of flotation time (Tf) and settling velocity (Vset) at varying lengths (6mm, 9mm and 12 mm). This finding indicates the significance of suitable binders for optimal water pollution and sustainable aquaculture. The use of these binders i.e. wheat gluten, pea starch and guar gum in fish feed pellets may also reduce dependence on synthetic binders and minimizes cost.

Resumo Aglutinantes são produtos usados para unir, colar ou manter juntos os vários ingredientes da ração, a fim de conservar a integridade do pellet. Para os aquicultores, a fabricação de ração é uma atividade difícil e cara por causa do alto preço dos aglutinantes artificiais tradicionais. O uso de amidos de grãos como aglutinantes de rações aquáticas tem vantagens que incluem acessibilidade, disponibilidade, contribuição nutricional e minimização do custo da ração. Um ensaio de pesquisa foi conduzido para testar propriedades físicas, como palatabilidade, estabilidade em água, pulverulência, friabilidade, velocidade de sedimentação e tempo de flutuação de amido disponível localmente, ou seja, glúten de trigo, amido de ervilha e goma de guar, e para auxiliar sua incorporação em rações aquáticas. Os resultados revelaram que, entre esses três amidos, o amido de ervilha se mostrou superior aos outros dois (glúten de trigo e goma de guar), pois todos os parâmetros de qualidade física (pulverulência, estabilidade da água e friabilidade) obtiveram melhor desempenho, exceto peletabilidade, em que a goma de guar se destacou. Nenhuma dieta se mostrou melhor no caso de tempo de flotação (Tf) e velocidade de sedimentação em comprimentos variados (6 mm, 9 mm e 12 mm). Essa descoberta indica a importância de aglutinantes adequados para a poluição ótima da água e a aquicultura sustentável. O uso desses aglutinantes, ou seja, glúten de trigo, amido de ervilha e goma de guar, em pellets de ração para peixes também pode reduzir a dependência de aglutinantes sintéticos e minimizar o custo.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253613, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345548


Abstract Soybean meal is an inexpensive plant origin protein which has been used in practical diets as a replacement of animal protein such as fish meal or chicken meal, due to the uneconomical price of animal protein diets. Consequently, a research study was conducted on some commercial species of Indian major carps i.e. Catla (Cattla cattla), Rohu (Labeo rohita) and Mrigala (Cirhinus mrigala) (Hamilton, 1822) to estimate optimum dietary protein requirement of soy bean meal in diet in an intensive polyculture. Three different diets (SBM I, SBM II and SBM III) were formulated by 80%, 50% and 20% replacement of fish meal with soybean meal from a 45% fish meal diet (control).Highest monthly mean weight gain was obtained by SBM II (with 35% CP and about 50% substitution of fish meal), while SBM III (45% Crude Protein and about 20% substitution of fish meal) was stood second. All tested diets respond enormously by producing high yield as compare to control diet, though SBM II generated highest yield among all. On the bases of the following research, it was revealed that the SBM can surrogate even50% fish meal without any augmentation of other amino acids in the diet of Indian major carps.

Resumo O farelo de soja é uma proteína de origem vegetal de baixo custo que tem sido usada em dietas práticas como um substituto da proteína animal, como farinha de peixe ou farinha de frango, devido ao preço não econômico das dietas com proteína animal. Consequentemente, um estudo/pesquisa foi realizado com algumas espécies comerciais de carpas principais indianas, ou seja, Catla (Cattla cattla), Rohu (Labeo rohita) e Mrigala (Cirhinus mrigala) (Hamilton, 1822), para estimar a necessidade ideal de proteína dietética de farelo de soja na dieta em uma policultura intensiva. Três dietas diferentes (SBM I, SBM II e SBM III) foram formuladas por 80%, 50% e 20% de substituição de farinha de peixe por farelo de soja de uma dieta de 45% de farinha de peixe (controle). O maior ganho de peso médio mensal foi obtido por SBM II (com 35% PB e cerca de 50% de substituição de farinha de peixe), enquanto SBM III (45% de proteína bruta e cerca de 20% de substituição de farinha de peixe) ficou em segundo lugar. Todas as dietas testadas respondem enormemente produzindo alto rendimento em comparação com a dieta controle, embora SBM II tenha gerado o maior rendimento entre todas. Com base na pesquisa a seguir, foi revelado que o SBM pode substituir até 50% da farinha de peixe sem qualquer aumento de outros aminoácidos na dieta das carpas principais indianas.

Animals , Carps , Cyprinidae , Glycine max , Seafood , Diet/veterinary , Animal Feed/analysis , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253948, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355909


Abstract The assessment of the comparative effect of biosal (phytopesticide), deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin (pyrethroids) were made against two fodder pests, Hermolaus modestus and Hermolaus ocimumi by filter paper impregnation method. The activity of total protein contents, GPT (glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) and GOT (glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase) were affected in Hermolaus modestus and Hermolaus ocimumi against biosal, deltamethrin, and lambda cyhalothrin. The activity of total protein contents in H. modestus was 31.053%, 4.607%, and 24.575%, against biosal, deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively. The activity of total protein contents was observed as 24.202%, 15.25%, and 56.036% against deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and biosal, respectively in H. ocimumi. The activity of GOT was observed as 98.675% for biosal 33.95% for deltamethrin and 83.619% for lambda-cyhalothrin in H. modestus. The GOT activity was estimated in H. ocimumi as 78.831%, 47.645%, and 71.287% against biosal, deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively. The efficacy of GPT enzyme against biosal, deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin was calculated as 89.26%, 73.07%, and 47.58%, respectively in H. modestus. The H. ocimumi showed GPT activity as 77.58% for biosal, 68.84% for deltamethrin, and 52.67% for lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively.

Resumo A avaliação do efeito comparativo do biosal (fitopesticida), deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina (piretróides) foi feita contra duas pragas forrageiras, Hermolaus modestus e Hermolaus ocimumi, pelo método de impregnação com papel de filtro. A atividade do conteúdo de proteína total, GPT (transaminase glutâmico-pirúvica) e GOT (oxaloacetato transaminase glutâmico) foram afetados em Hermolaus modestus e Hermolaus ocimumi contra biosal, deltametrina e lambda cialotrina. A atividade do conteúdo de proteína total em H. modestus foi 31.053%, 4.607% e 24.575%, contra biosal, deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina, respectivamente. A atividade do conteúdo de proteína total foi observada como 24.202%, 15.25% e 56,036% contra deltametrina, lambda-cialotrina e biosal, respectivamente em H. ocimumi. A atividade do GOT foi observada em 98.675% para o biosal, 33,95% para a deltametrina e 83.619% para a lambda-cialotrina em H. modestus. A atividade do GOT foi estimada em H. ocimumi como 78.831%, 47.645% e 71.287% contra biosal, deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina, respectivamente. A eficácia da enzima GPT contra biosal, deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina foi calculada como 89.26%, 73.07% e 47.58%, respectivamente em H. modestus. A H. ocimumi apresentou atividade GPT de 77.58% para biosal, 68.84% para deltametrina e 52.67% para lambda-cialotrina, respectivamente.

Animals , Pyrethrins , Insecticides , Heteroptera , Alanine Transaminase , Animal Feed , Nitriles
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e252952, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355913


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to find out a possible association between ABO blood groups or Rh and diabetes mellitus (DM) in the local population of eight (8) different towns of Karachi, Pakistan. For this purpose a survey was carried out in Karachi to have a practical observation of these towns during the period of 9 months from June 2019 to Feb. 2020. Out of eighteen (18) towns of Karachi, samples (N= 584) were collected from only eight (8) Towns of Karachi and gave a code-number to each town. Diabetic group sample was (n1=432) & pre-diabetes sample was (n2 =152). A standard Abbot Company Glucometer for Random Blood Sugar (RBS) and Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) tests, standard blood anti sera were used for ABO/Rh blood type. Health assessment techniques were performed ethically by taking informed consent from all registered subjects. Finally data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. In our current study, the comparison of ABO blood groups frequencies between diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals were carried out. The percentage values of blood Group-B as given as: (32% in DM vs. 31% in pre-diabetics), followed by blood Group-O as: (18% in DM vs. 11% in pre-diabetics). Contrary to Group-"B" & "O", blood Group-A and Group-AB were distribution percentage higher pre-diabetic as compared to DM patients, as given as: Group-A (32% in pre-diabetics vs. 26% in DM) & Group-AB (26% in pre-diabetics vs. 24% in diabetic's patients). In addition, percentage distribution of Rh system was also calculated, in which Rh+ve Group was high and more common in DM patients as compared to pre-diabetics; numerically given as: Rh+ve Group (80% in DM vs. 72% in pre-diabetics). Different views and dimensions of the research topic were studied through literature support, some have found no any association and some established a positive association still some were not clear in making a solid conclusion. It is concluded that DM has a positive correlation with ABO blood groups, and people with Group-B have increased susceptibility to DM disease.

Resumo O objetivo principal deste estudo foi descobrir uma possível associação entre grupos sanguíneos ABO ou Rh e diabetes mellitus (DM) na população local de oito (8) diferentes cidades de Karachi, Paquistão. Para tanto, foi realizado um levantamento em Karachi para observação prática dessas cidades durante o período de 9 meses de junho de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020.De dezoito (18) cidades de Karachi, as amostras (N = 584) foram coletadas de apenas oito (8) cidades de Karachi e deram um número-código para cada cidade. A amostra do grupo de diabéticos foi (n1 = 432) e a amostra de pré-diabetes foi (n2 = 152). Um glicômetro padrão da Abbot Company para testes de açúcar no sangue aleatório (RBS) e açúcar no sangue em jejum (FBS), antissoros de sangue padrão foram usados ​​para o tipo de sangue ABO / Rh. As técnicas de avaliação de saúde foram realizadas de forma ética, tomando o consentimento informado de todos os indivíduos registrados. Finalmente, os dados foram analisados ​​pelo SPSS versão 20.0.No presente estudo, foi realizada a comparação das frequências dos grupos sanguíneos ABO entre diabéticos e pré-diabéticos. Os valores percentuais do sangue do Grupo-B são dados como: (32% em DM vs. 31% em pré-diabéticos), seguido pelo sangue do Grupo-O como: (18% em DM vs. 11% em pré-diabéticos). Ao contrário dos Grupos "B" e "O", sangue do Grupo-A e Grupo-AB tiveram distribuição percentual maior de pré-diabéticos em comparação com pacientes com DM, dado como: Grupo-A (32% em pré-diabéticos vs. 26% em DM) e Grupo AB (26% em pré-diabéticos vs. 24% em pacientes diabéticos). Além disso, também foi calculada a distribuição percentual do sistema Rh, no qual o Grupo Rh + ve foi elevado e mais comum em pacientes com DM em comparação aos pré-diabéticos; dados numericamente como: Grupo Rh + ve (80% em DM vs. 72% em pré-diabéticos). Diferentes visões e dimensões do tema de pesquisa foram estudadas com o suporte da literatura, alguns não encontraram nenhuma associação e alguns estabeleceram uma associação positiva, embora alguns não estivessem claros em fazer uma conclusão sólida. Conclui-se que o DM tem correlação positiva com os grupos sanguíneos ABO, e as pessoas com o Grupo B têm maior suscetibilidade à doença DM.

Humans , Rh-Hr Blood-Group System , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Pakistan/epidemiology , ABO Blood-Group System , Cities
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e256242, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360226


Binders are the products that are used to bind, glue or hold the various feed ingredients together in order to maintain pellet integrity. For aqua-culturists, feed manufacturing is an expensive exercise due to the high cost of ingredients along with traditional artificial binders. The use of grain starches as aqua feed binders have advantages which include availability of that binder, nutritional contribution, and minimization of feed cost. A research trial was conducted to test physical properties such as palatability, water stability, dustiness, friability, settling velocity and floatation time of locally available starch i.e. wheat gluten, pea starch and guar gum and to assist their incorporation in on-farm aqua feed. Results revealed that among these three starch, the starch from pea source was proved superior over other two (wheat gluten and guar gum) as all physical quality parameters (dustiness, water stability and friability) revealed better performance of pea starch except pelletability in which guar gum performed best. Although not a single diet proved best in case of flotation time (Tf) and settling velocity (Vset) at varying lengths (6mm, 9mm and 12 mm). This finding indicates the significance of suitable binders for optimal water pollution and sustainable aquaculture. The use of these binders i.e. wheat gluten, pea starch and guar gum in fish feed pellets may also reduce dependence on synthetic binders and minimizes cost.

Aglutinantes são produtos usados para unir, colar ou manter juntos os vários ingredientes da ração, a fim de conservar a integridade do pellet. Para os aquicultores, a fabricação de ração é uma atividade difícil e cara por causa do alto preço dos aglutinantes artificiais tradicionais. O uso de amidos de grãos como aglutinantes de rações aquáticas tem vantagens que incluem acessibilidade, disponibilidade, contribuição nutricional e minimização do custo da ração. Um ensaio de pesquisa foi conduzido para testar propriedades físicas, como palatabilidade, estabilidade em água, pulverulência, friabilidade, velocidade de sedimentação e tempo de flutuação de amido disponível localmente, ou seja, glúten de trigo, amido de ervilha e goma de guar, e para auxiliar sua incorporação em rações aquáticas. Os resultados revelaram que, entre esses três amidos, o amido de ervilha se mostrou superior aos outros dois (glúten de trigo e goma de guar), pois todos os parâmetros de qualidade física (pulverulência, estabilidade da água e friabilidade) obtiveram melhor desempenho, exceto peletabilidade, em que a goma de guar se destacou. Nenhuma dieta se mostrou melhor no caso de tempo de flotação (Tf) e velocidade de sedimentação em comprimentos variados (6 mm, 9 mm e 12 mm). Essa descoberta indica a importância de aglutinantes adequados para a poluição ótima da água e a aquicultura sustentável. O uso desses aglutinantes, ou seja, glúten de trigo, amido de ervilha e goma de guar, em pellets de ração para peixes também pode reduzir a dependência de aglutinantes sintéticos e minimizar o custo.

Starch , Aquaculture , Glutens , Animal Feed/economics
Sudan j. med. sci ; 17(3): 377-386, 2022. tales, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398225


Hepatobiliary surgery through laparoscopic approach is becoming a routine. Knowledge of extrahepatic arterial tree is essential for surgical and imaging procedures. Anatomical complexity is expected since the liver is developed by mergingof lobules with its separate blood supply. This makes a wide range of variations in the pattern of vascular arrangement and so reinforces the need for an accurate understanding of full spectrum of variations. This study aimed to investigate the variations in origin and distribution of extrahepatic arterial supply. Fifty volunteers (32 males and 18 females) aged 20­70 years were randomly recruited from the department of CT scan in Al Amal Hospital, Khartoum North, Sudan. The patients were already candidates for CT angiography with contrast for conditions other than hepatobiliary diseases. The reported data is related to those who accepted to participate in the study. Patients with history of hepatobiliary disease were excluded. 3D views of the scans were treated and the extrahepatic arterial tree was traced in a computer-based software. Key findings suggest that Michel's classification was considered the standard template for description ­ 76% of them showed Michel's type I classification. Types III and V constituted about 2%. About 4% of the cases were represented by types VI and IX. Other types of variations constituted about 12%. To conclude, although type I classification which describes the textbook pattern of hepatic artery distribution was significantly detected among the Sudanese population, other variants were to be considered since they are related to major arteries like aorta and superior mesenteric.

Humans , Adult , Hepatic Artery , Liver Diseases , Periodicity , Digestive System Diseases , Computed Tomography Angiography
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 1038-1045, Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012393


A scientific determination of fertilization ability of the sperm can be made by motility, viability and morphological examinations that are called as potential fertility criteria. Some previous studies documented only the total morphological defect rates without including the morphologic subjects. As it is recorded in many studies, the success of IUI, ICSI and IVF depends mainly on the quality of the collected semen. 1) Determine and classify the common morphological defects and rates of sperms. 2) Analyze the effect of age on the sperm abnormalities and to assess the impact of environment on changing normal sperm characteristics. 3) Determine the common types of semen abnormalities (Asthenoterato-zoospermia, Asthenozoospermia, Azoopyospermia, Azoospermia, Hypospermia, Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, Oligoasthenozoopyospermia, Oligoasthenozoospermia and Teratozoospermia). 4) Determine the range of teratozoospermic index (TZI) and sperm deformity index (SDI). A prospective case series study for 566 men of infertile couples who were requesting semen analysis was applied to those came to the ULTRALAB laboratory center main campus and ULTRALAB branch of the Sudan Assisted Reproduction Center (SARC), Khartoum, Sudan. Data collection was done for 20 months from April 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2011. analysis of semen samples was done using Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). 1) The study demonstrates that there are differences in normality and abnormality of sperm morphology parameters of sperm between Sudanese population and other studies including WHO standards. 2) SDI and TZI were higher in overall semen as well as in abnormal semen samples. 3) Common semen abnormalities were oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, asthenoteratozoospermia and asthenozoospermia. There are differences in sperm morphology of both normal and abnormal parameters between Sudanese population and other studies including WHO standards.

Se realizó una determinación científica de la capacidad de fertilización de los espermatozoides mediante motilidad, viabilidad y exámenes morfológicos denominados criterios de fertilidad potencial. Algunos estudios previos documentan solamente el total de las tasas de defectos morfológicos sin incluir a los sujetos morfológicos. Como se registra en muchos estudios, el éxito de IUI, ICSI y FIV depende principalmente de la calidad del semen recolectado. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: 1) Determinar y clasificar los defectos morfológicos comunes y las tasas de espermatozoides; 2) Analizar el efecto de la edad en las anomalías de los espermatozoides y evaluar el impacto del medio ambiente en el cambio de las características normales de los espermatozoides; 3) Determinar los tipos comunes de anomalías en el semen (astenoterato-zoospermia, astenozoospermia, azoopiepermia, azoospermia, hipospermia, oligoastenoteratozoospermia, oligoastenozoopermia, oligoastenozoospermia y teratozoospermia); 4) Determinar el rango del índice teratozoospérmico (TZI) y el índice de deformidad del esperma (IDE). Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de series de casos en 566 hombres, de parejas infértiles, que solicitaban análisis de semen en laboratorios ULTRALAB y la sucursal de ULTRALAB del Centro de Reproducción Asistida de Sudán (SARC), Jartum, Sudán. La recolección de datos se realizó durante 20 meses, desde el 1 de abril de 2010 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2011. El análisis de las muestras de semen se realizó mediante el análisis de semen asistido por computadora (CASA). Existen diferencias en la normalidad y anormalidad de los parámetros de la morfología de los espermatozoides entre la población sudanesa y otros estudios, incluidas las normas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Los parámetros SDI y TZI fueron más altos en el semen general, así como en muestras de semen anormales. Las anomalías comunes del semen fueron oligoastenatoatoospermia, astenoteratozoospermia y astenozoospermia. Existen diferencias en la morfología de los espermatozoides de los parámetros normales y anormales entre la población sudanesa y otros estudios que incluyen las normas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud.

Humans , Male , Spermatozoa/abnormalities , Semen Analysis/methods , Infertility, Male , Reference Values , Sudan , Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted , Prospective Studies , Teratozoospermia
Int. braz. j. urol ; 43(6): 1075-1083, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-892933


ABSTRACT Objectives: Based on imaging features, nephrometry scoring systems have been conceived to create a standardized and reproducible way to characterize renal tumor anatomy. However, less is known about which of these individual measures are important with regard to clinically relevant perioperative outcomes such as ischemia time (IT), estimated blood loss (EBL), length of hospital stay (LOS), and change in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) after robotic partial nephrectomy (PN). We aimed to assess the utility of the RENAL and PADUA scores, their subscales, and C-index for predicting these outcomes. Materials and Methods: We analyzed imaging studies from 283 patients who underwent robotic PN between 2008 and 2014 to assign nephrometry scores (NS): PADUA, RENAL and C-index. Univariate linear regression was used to assess whether the NS or any of their subscales were associated with EBL or IT. Multivariable linear regression and linear regression models were created to assess LOS and eGFR. Results: The three NS were significantly associated with EBL, IT, LOS, and eGFR at 12 months after surgery. All subscales with the exception of anterior/posterior were significantly associated with EBL and IT. Collecting system, renal rim location, renal sinus, exophytic/endophytic, and nearness to collecting system were significant predictors for LOS. Only renal rim location, renal sinus invasion and polar location were significantly associated with eGFR at 12 months. Conclusions: Tumor size and depth are important characteristics for predicting robotic PN outcomes and thus could be used individually as a simplified way to report tumors features for research and patient counseling purposes.

Humans , Male , Female , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Glomerular Filtration Rate/physiology , Kidney Neoplasms/surgery , Nephrectomy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Blood Loss, Surgical , Treatment Outcome , Tumor Burden , Ischemia/etiology , Ischemia/physiopathology , Kidney Neoplasms/physiopathology , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Staging
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167718


Background: HAV infection is endemic in many developing countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal etc. Several seroprevalence studies show high rates of sero-positivity among children by sub-clinical infection. Therefore mass vaccination against HAV has not been recommended in endemic countries. Objective: To determine whether routine hepatitis A vaccination is indicated for all Bangladeshi children & also to know whether pre-vaccination screening is necessary. Materials & Methods: Serum samples from 254 children aged between 1-15 years were tested for antibody (IgM & IgG) against hepatitis A virus (HAV) to determine the seroprevalence of HAV antibody and do a cost-benefit analysis for decision making about vaccination against HAV among the children of Bangladesh. Results: Hepatitis A virus antibody was positive in 141 (55.5%) of 254 children. Age-specific sero-prevalence was 13 (23.2%) of 56 in 1-3 year,64 (55.2%) of 116 in 3-5 year, 39 (70.9%) of 55 in 5-10 year & 25 (92.6%) of 27 in 10-15 year age group. Cost benefit analysis showed that the total cost of screening followed by vaccination was almost 1.8 times less than the total cost of vaccination of all children without screening. Conclusions: Majority of the children were found sero-positive against HAV around 15 year of age. Therefore mass vaccination against HAV may not be required for Bangladeshi children.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-168336


Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a very rare condition which may result in sudden coronary occlusion, acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. It usually occurs in young women during pregnancy or postpartum period and in most cases it involves a single coronary artery. The exact etiology is unknown. The prognosis of SCAD is uncertain and optimal treatment is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment are key for survival, and when identified early, mortality rate is reduced.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-176221


The purpose of the present study was to see whether subjective variables have any impact on subjective well-being of police population. Six subjective variables were measured such as job position (job rank), marital status, selfreported socioeconomic status, educational qualification, career interest, and staying with family were included in the study. Among these variables job position and educational qualification varied in 4 ways and other four variables varied in 2 ways. The multivariate and univariate test results indicate that the main effects of each of these variables, and their interaction effects were all non-significant. Thus subjective variables are not important determinants of subjective well-being of polices.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-172827


Sturge-Weber syndrome sometimes referred to as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, is a rare congenital neurological and skin disorder. This is case report of 7 years old mentally disabled boy, with long-standing seizures, with a portwine nevi on the right side of the face along the distribution of trigeminal nerve. Interictal encephalogram showed bilateral slow activity, pronounced in the right hemisphere, with epileptogenic activity in the right fronto-parietal region. Computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed intracranial calcifications and atrophy of the right hemisphere of brain. Professional counseling and support in addition to drug treatment provide help to patients and their family to overcome their problems and improve the treatment outcome.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-168297


Background: Aim of the study was to evaluate the primary procedural success of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of de-novo coronary artery lesion by using Bioabsorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS) ABSORB stents eluting Everolimus. Methods: Total 16 patients were enrolled in this very preliminary study of BVS absorb. Among them, Male: 11 and Female: 5. Total 20 stents were deployed. Mean age were for Male: 56 yrs, for Female: 60 yrs. Associated coronary artery disease (CAD) risk factors were Dyslipidemia, High Blood pressure, Diabetes Mellitus, Positive family history (FH) for CAD and Smoking. Patients were followed up clinically. Results: Among the study group; 13 (81%) were Dyslipidemic, 10(62.5%) were hypertensive; 6 (37.5%) patients were Diabetic, FH 3(18.75%), and 2(18%) were all male smoker. Female patients were more obese [Body Mass Index (BMI) M 25: F 27] and developed CAD in advance age. A common stented territory was for left anterior descending artery (LAD): 6 (37.5%), left circumflex artery (LCX) 5 (25%), right coronary artery (RCA) 6(37.5%). One patient had both LCX and LAD stenting. Total 3 patients had double/overlapping stent in RCA lesion. Territory wise distributions of BVS ABSORB stent were for LAD 6(30%), RCA 9 (45%), and LCX 5 (25%). There was no periprocedural or postprocedural complication. Conclusion: BVS ABSORB Everolimus eluting vascular scaffold showed favorable clinical outcome without any major cardiac events (acute or late stent thrombosis, MI or death) over a period of 9 month. Thus, BVS ABSORB would be favorable alternative to other available drug eluting metallic stents.

Ethiop. med. j. (Online) ; 52: 57-64, 2014.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1261963


Background:In January 2011; Health Extension Workers (HEWs) of Ethiopia's Health Extension Program (HEP) began providing pneumonia case management for children less than five years of age through the integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) strategy. Objective. To report the effect of HEP; following the introduction of iCCM; and other accessibility factors on care-seeking behaviors for common childhood illnesses (acute respiratory infection [ARI]; diarrhea; and fever). Methods. Three possible care-seeking outcomes for childhood illnesses were considered: not seeking appropriate care; seeking care from HEP sources; or seeking care from other appropriate sources. The baseline care-seeking outcomes from the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey; 2011; were compared with the care-seeking out-comes in a follow-up iCCM survey in December 2012. The effects of the HEP intensity and other factors on care-seeking outcomes were estimated using regression analyses. Results. Appropriate careseeking for children with acute respiratory infection; ARI; diarrhea; or fever increased two-fold; from 19 at baseline to 38 at follow-up; mainly due to an increase in seeking care for common child-hood illnesses from HEWs. Higher intensity of the HEP and other accessibility factors were associated with higher care-seeking for childhood illnesses from HEP sources. Conclusion. Incorporating iCCM within the HEP service package significantly improved the appropriate care-seeking behaviors for childhoodillnesses in rural Ethiopia

Case Management , Child Health Services , National Health Programs , Patient Acceptance of Health Care
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-168253


Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) in Bangladeshi population is diffuse in nature with small caliber arteries. Now a day, these are treated, by PCI with stent deployment, often multiple in a single coronary artery. However, long term data on In-stent re-stenosis (ISR) in multiple or overlapping stent in single coronary artery in these patients is not yet available. Therefore, the aim of our present study was to assess long-term outcome of stent patency or the development of ISR of varieties stent in single vessel territory. Methods: Patients were prospectively selected from, who underwent coronary angiogram at our hospital for further evaluation of their previous PTCA in the 3-36 months preceding the study for the quantifying period of 2007-2011. Total 51 patients (male: 42, Female: 9) who had multiple stents in one coronary artery were included in this study. Average age was Male: 57; Female:61. Average study period was 3.1 ± 2.4yrs. Results: Our results show that, among the total studied population 82.4% (42) were male and 17.6% (9) were female. Total 114 stent were deployed in 54 vessels of 51 patients. Territory wise distribution of deployed stent was LAD 52(45.6%), RCA 42 (36.8%) and LCX 20(17.5%). Stent used were BMS 45(39.5%), DES 69(60.5%). Re-look Coronary Angiogram (CAG) revealed that Significant ISR (ISR>60%) developed in BMS 8(17.8%) and DES 8(11.5%). Among the different DES the development of significant ISR were in Sirolimus 1(3.2%), Paclitaxel 4(16%), Everolimus 3 (30%). Conclusion: Our study has shown that deployment of multiple stents in a single artery territory (either separately or as overlapping) is safe and has reasonably lower degree of ISR, even when BMS was used. As a whole BMS shows higher degree of ISR than to DES for an average period of follow up of 3.1 yrs.

Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1261743


Background: Considerable improvement in maternal healthcare use has been observed since the inception of the health extension program (HEP) in Ethiopia in 2003. Objective: This paper evaluates the influence of HEP outreach strategies on maternal healthcare use. Method: Cross-sectional survey of 2;916 women with children 0 to 11 months from Amhara; Oromiya; Southern Nations; Nationalities and People's; and Tigray regions; obtained between December 2008 and January 2009; were analyzed using regression models to assess the impacts of HEP strategies on maternal health outcomes. Result: The analyses found that communities (i.e.; kebeles) with relatively high prevalence of model families; higher rate of household visits by health extension workers; and higher rate of household visits by voluntary community health workers were associated with improved antenatal care use; tetanus toxoid vaccination coverage; and receiving postnatal care visits; but the strategies were not associated with deliveries attended by health professionals. Conclusion: Although the impacts of HEP strategies on maternal healthcare use were statistically significant; they were not optimum to reach the maternal mortality reduction targets of the government of Ethiopia. The HEP needs to review and strengthen its community based strategies in order to reach its goals

Health Policy , Information Seeking Behavior , Maternal Welfare