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J Environ Biol ; 2024 Sept; 45(5): 595-602
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238387


Aim: Doubled haploid technology was utilized to accelerate the development of maize lines with traits suitable for high planting density, enabling the identification of potential parental lines for hybrid development under these conditions. Methodology: Two F1 populations (PML-119 x PML-185 and PML-95 x PML-172) were used to generate doubled haploid lines, confirmed using polymorphic markers phi115 and umc1887. These lines were phenotypically evaluated under high density (60 cm x 15 cm) and normal density (60 cm x 20 cm) conditions. Results: Using doubled haploid technology, 67 lines were developed from two source populations with traits such as narrow leaf angle, moderate plant height, and sparse tassel for high planting density stress tolerance. Molecular marker screening confirmed the homozygosity of these lines. Agronomic evaluation under narrow plant-to-plant spacing (15 cm) identified eight potential donor lines amenable to high planting density stress, ready for use as parents in breeding high-density tolerant hybrids. Interpretation: Potential donor doubled haploid lines viz. DH2-4, DH2-8, DH2-9, DH2-11, DH2-14, DH2-15 derived from Population-3 X CIM2GTAIL P2 and DH2-4, DH2-23 derived from Population-9 X CIM2GTAIL P2 were identified for utilization as putative parents of hybrids suitable for planting under high planting density conditions.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234157


Background: For colorectal surgery, the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) group has conducted a thorough analysis of perioperative treatment. When combined, a series of operations known as colorectal resection result in a shorter duration of stay, fewer problems, and an early recovery of gut function. Until recently, it was considered typical to stay in the hospital for 10 to 14 days after a big bowel resection. This study aimed to study the effects of a multimodal perioperative care protocol in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer in a tertiary care hospital in eastern Rajasthan, India. Methods: This was prospective randomized-controlled trial. Patients who are undergoing elective colorectal cancer surgery in tertiary care hospital (Sawai Man Singh hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan) in year 2016 -17. Results: Hospital stays were 6.64�842 (median 6-9) and 8.25�52 (median 6-12) days (p=0.002) for 30 patients (n=14 in the multimodal group and 16 in the control group), respectively. Complication rates were 13.40% and 20.31% (p=0.019), 30-day readmission rates were 14.28% and 25% (p=0.029), and mortality rates were 7.14% and 12.5% in the multimodal and control groups. Conclusions: Complications, readmission rates, and death were all considerably lower in the multimodal group compared to the control group following the implementation of the multimodal perioperative treatment protocol during the hospital stay for colorectal cancer.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226802


Aqueous ethanol extracts of Mucuna pruriens seed (AEMPS), Datura metel leaf (AEDML) and seed (AEDMS), and Tapinanthus globiferus (AETGL) Growing on Azadirachta indica host tree are being evaluated for their anxiolytic, antidepressant, anti-parkinsonian, and addictive activities in other studies. The aim of this study was to investigate the liability or otherwise of extracts of the selected medicinal plants for some benzodiazepines-related neurobehavioural toxicities in mice. Actophotometry was used for the evaluation of the locomotory activity related to central nervous system depressant (cns) effect, diazepam-induced sleep potentiation for hypnotic liability, rodent beam (rod)-walking assay for balance and motor co-ordination, and novel object recognition test (NORT) for cognitive deficit evaluation. The results indicate, compared to negative control (distilled water) treatment mean values of 4.69�95 % locomotory activity reduction, 430.71�.80 sec. sleep onset and 168.43�.56 min. duration, 5.00�00 balance/motor co-ordination performance, and 54.41�99 novel object recognition, treatments with high oral doses of AETGL and AEMPS (1500 mg/kg each) did not significantly negatively impact these behavioural indices but even enhanced novel object recognition. High oral doses of AEDML and AEDMS (750 mg/kg each), and tramadol (133 mg/kg) caused significant (p<0.05) 42.24�64, 27.73�17, and 36.74�44, mean % locomotory activity reductions, 196.86�.12, 193.88�.39, and 189.14�.31 second mean sleep onsets and 319.71�.85, 309.57�.27, and 356.00�.01 minute mean sleep durations, 1.67�42, 1.30�40, 1.833�48 mean balance/motor co-ordination performances, and 40.49�45, 31.33�23, 19.37�96 mean novel object recognitions, respectively. Diazepam (2 mg/kg) treatment caused 33.71�19 mean % locomotory activity reduction, 1.33�49 mean balance/motor co-ordination performance, and 29.91�81 mean novel object recognitions. Additionally, most mouse groups exposed to tramadol, AEDML, and AEDMS extracts displayed unusual (hallucination-like, predator-like) fearful trepidations when in proximity with the novel objects. These findings indicate AETGL and AEMPS extracts may be devoid of neurobehavioural toxicities but tramadol, diazepam, AEDML and AEDMS extracts may be liable to significant sedative, hypnotic, myo-relaxant, and anti-cognitive effects. These findings justify the traditional uses of Tapinanthus species and Mucuna pruriens extracts for the treatment of memory deficits and related neurological disorders. They also justify the morbid and fatal toxicity risks associated with the use of Datura metel extracts, tramadol, and the benzodiazepines.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233312


Background: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a life-threatening emergency with an overall mortality rate of around 10%. Complete Rockall score is designed to identify patients who are at greater risk of adverse outcome. The aim of this study was to assess the Rockall score as a predictor of adverse outcome in elderly population presenting with UGIB. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study to be carried out in indoor patients presenting with upper GI bleed and to study the correlation between Rockall score and outcome of patients at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur during 2020-2022. Results: Patients were grouped according to Rockall score with number of patients having score less than 3-13, 3-6-63, more than 6-18. Out of 120 cases, 56 (46.66%) had re-bleeding during hospital stay has an average score of 5.05 and rest 64 (53.33%) did not had re-bleeding and has a score of 4.11. Number of cases requiring having average score <3 has 8.1, score 3-6 has 8.38 and >6 has 9.67 has average hospital of stay (days). Number of cases requiring intensive care were 27 (22.5%) has 5.19 average Rockall score. Out of 120 studied cases, 101 (84.16%) were discharged has 4.29 and 19 (15.83%) were expired has 5.95 average Rockall score. Conclusions: Acute UGIB is a medical emergency and Rockall score is ideal to stratify elderly patients to anticipate outcome and prognosis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233136


Background: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a life-threatening emergency with an overall mortality rate of around 10%. Complete Rockall score is designed to identify patients who are at greater risk of adverse outcome. The aim of this study was to assess the Rockall score as a predictor of adverse outcome in elderly population presenting with UGIB. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study to be carried out in indoor patients presenting with upper GI bleed and to study the correlation between Rockall score and outcome of patients at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur during 2020-2022. Results: Patients were grouped according to Rockall score with number of patients having score less than 3-13, 3-6-63, more than 6-18. Out of 120 cases, 56 (46.66%) had re-bleeding during hospital stay has an average score of 5.05 and rest 64 (53.33%) did not had re-bleeding and has a score of 4.11. Number of cases requiring having average score <3 has 8.1, score 3-6 has 8.38 and >6 has 9.67 has average hospital of stay (days). Number of cases requiring intensive care were 27 (22.5%) has 5.19 average Rockall score. Out of 120 studied cases, 101 (84.16%) were discharged has 4.29 and 19 (15.83%) were expired has 5.95 average Rockall score. Conclusions: Acute UGIB is a medical emergency and Rockall score is ideal to stratify elderly patients to anticipate outcome and prognosis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231356


Effects of supraphysiologic Glucocorticoid levels originating from exogenous administration of Glucocorticoids known as iatrogenic Cushing syndrome and endogenous overproduction by the adrenal gland (ACTH dependent) or by abnormal adrenocortical tissues (ACTH independent) known as ectopic Cushing syndrome. We report a case of a 50-year-old male patient with symptoms of abdominal distension, swelling of the face, fat deposition around the neck, buffalo hump, and loss of muscles in the upper limbs. The patient had a history of administration of Betamethasone 0.5mg for about 6 months and Methylprednisolone 16mg OD for 15 days. The patient was diagnosed with iatrogenic Cushing syndrome. The steroid dose was tapered gradually to bring back the adrenal function to a normal position. The co-morbid condition leads to the overall worsening of health condition. Therefore, strict control of the co-morbid condition must be a priority. Similar management strategies were adopted by slowly tapering the dose of steroids weekly along with the addition of Furosemide and Metformin to the treatment regimen to control the underlying co-morbid conditions. The case was well managed with appropriate guidelines followed by medication. Identification and diagnosis of this kind of clinical condition are not always clear and consistent. Hence, awareness of diverse forms of presentation of this disorder should be encouraged. Clinical pharmacists have to be aware of these rare syndromes and support the clinicians in whatever ability is required. Far outreach to all healthcare professionals in the form of such case studies can also be an additional tool to create awareness.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235561


Aims: Hydroalcoholic T. dodoneifolius, B.pinnatum and T. catappa leaf extracts were investigated for their acute toxicity and anxiolytic activities. Study Design: Acute toxicity (LD50) was determined using the limit dose acute and Anxiolytic activities were assessed by open-field field behavioural testing in mice. Place and Duration of Study: The study took place in the Neurobehavioural room of Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in late December 2022. Methodology: Groups of mice (n=6; equal sexes) were each exposed to the open-field paradigm (OFT) following 1 hour of single oral administration of distilled water, extracts (125, 250, and 500 mg/kg) and diazepam (0. 5 mg/kg) using the behavioural indices of mean centre zone time (M%CZT), centre zone re-entry (MCZR) and defeaction/urination frequency (MD/UF). Results: Acute toxicity testing shows that the three extracts are safe with LD50 of 5g/kg. Behavioural results indicate, compared to the distilled water treatment (M%CZT, 6.39±1.53; MCZR, 4.67±1.15, & MU/UF, 4.83±0.75), single acute T. dodoneifolius (M%CZT, 7.50±1.73, 13.72±2.43, & 20.94±3.91*; MCZR, 7.33±0.88, 9.50±0.76, & 11.50±1.6*; MD/UF, 4.17±0.48, 3.17±0.54, & 1.83±0.60*), and B.pinnatum (M%CZT, 9.72±1.91, 9.78±1.32, & 19.67±2.01*; MCZR, 6.00±1.15, 10.50±0.76, & 12.50±1.72*; MD/UF, 3.17±0.79, 2.33±0.42, & 1.33±0.49*) extract treatments demonstrated consistent dose-dependency in their anxiolytic activity across the three parameters with T. catappa extract (M%CZT, 6.95±1.27, 12.17±2.01, & 16.84±1.49*; MCZR, 8.17±1.60, 10.17±1.67, & 10.83±1.96; MD/UF, 2.83±0.60, 2.00±0.73, & 3.67±0.42) exhibiting dose-pendent anxiolytic effect only on the M%CZT. However, at the highest dose level of 500 mg/kg, all plant extract treatments caused anxiolytic effects that are comparable with those of 0.5 mg/kg diazepam treatments (M%CZT, 22.61±1.31*; MCZR, 12.17±1.66*; & MD/UF, 2.62±0.21*). Conclusion: These findings justify the traditional use of these medicinal plant extracts in the remediation of nervous and related disorders.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247562, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339410


Abstract To investigate the role of cow dung in soil reclamation and bio assimilation along with bio accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm (P. posthuma) (N=900) earthworms were used and treatment groups of CD-soil mixture of different proportion of cow dung were designed. Nonlethal doses of lead acetate and cadmium chloride were added in treatment groups. Mature P. posthuma were released in each experimental pot maintaining the favorable conditions. The pH, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable cations, and heavy metal level of each mixture was evaluated. The results indicated that bio-assimilation of Pb and Cd by P. posthuma were significantly (P ˂ 0.01) higher in different soil-CD treatments compared to control. Highest bio-assimilation of both metals was observed in T1 of both groups (Pb = 563.8 mg/kg and Cd = 42.95 mg/kg). The contents of both metals were significantly (P ˂ 0.05) lowered in casting. The nutrient concentration in the final castings of all soil-CD treatments were also equally transformed from less or insoluble to more soluble and available for plants, except for carbon level which increased with CD proportion. It is concluded that cow dung as organic matter has a positive effect on soil reclamation and bio-assimilation of metals by P. posthuma.

RESUMO Para investigar o papel do esterco de vaca na recuperação do solo e bioassimilação, juntamente com a bioacumulação de metais pesados ​​em minhocas (P. posthuma) (N = 900), minhocas foram usadas e grupos de tratamento de mistura CD-solo de diferentes proporções de esterco de vaca foram projetados. Doses não letais de acetato de chumbo e cloreto de cádmio foram adicionadas aos grupos de tratamento. P. posthuma maduros foram liberados em cada vaso experimental, mantendo as condições favoráveis. Foram avaliados o pH, carbono, nitrogênio, fósforo, cátions trocáveis ​​e nível de metais pesados ​​de cada mistura. Os resultados indicaram que a bioassimilação de Pb e Cd por P. posthuma foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,01) maior em diferentes tratamentos de solo-CD em relação ao controle. A maior bioassimilação de ambos os metais foi observada em T1 de ambos os grupos (Pb = 563,8 mg / kg e Cd = 42,95 mg / kg). O conteúdo de ambos os metais foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,05) reduzido na fundição. A concentração de nutrientes nas fundições finais de todos os tratamentos de solo-CD também foi igualmente transformada de menos ou insolúvel para mais solúvel e disponível para as plantas, exceto o nível de carbono que aumenta com a proporção de CD. Conclui-se que o esterco de vaca como matéria orgânica tem um efeito positivo na recuperação do solo e na bioassimilação de metais por P. posthuma.

Animals , Female , Oligochaeta , Soil Pollutants , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Soil , Cadmium , Cattle , Bioaccumulation
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247016, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339416


Abstract Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), a native earthworm of Pakistan and Southeast Asia, has wide utilization in vermicomposting and bioremediation process. In this study, P. posthuma coelomic fluid (PCF) and body paste (PBP) was evaluated as antibacterial agent against ampicillin (AMP) resistant five Gram positive and four Gram negative clinical isolates. The antibacterial effect of different doses (i.e. 25-100 µg/ml) of PCF and PBP along with AMP and azithromycin (AZM) (negative and positive controls, respectively) were observed through disc diffusion and micro-dilution methods. All nine clinical isolates were noticed as AMP resistant and AZM sensitive. Antibacterial effects of PCF and PBP were dose dependent and zone of inhibitions (ZI) against all clinical isolates were between 23.4 ± 0.92 to 0 ± 00 mm. The sensitivity profile of PCF and PBP against clinical isolates was noticed as 44.44 and 55.56%, respectively. Both PCF and PBP showed bacteriostatic (BTS) action against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Moreover, the cumulative BTS potential of PCF and PBP against all isolates was 66.67 and 55.56%, respectively. The MICs of PCF and PBP were ranged from 50-200 µg/ml against selected isolates. The bacterial growth curves indicated that PCF and PBP inhibited the growth of all isolates at their specific MIC concentrations. However, PBP has better antibacterial potential compared to PCF against selected isolates. Therefore, it is concluded that both PCF and PBP of P. posthuma possess antibacterial and BTS potential against ampicillin resistant clinical isolates. This organism might be considered as a second choice of antibacterial agents and can further be utilized in pharmaceutical industries for novel drug manufacturing by prospecting bioactive potential agents.

Resumo Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), uma minhoca nativa do Paquistão e sudeste da Ásia, tem ampla utilização em processos de vermicompostagem e biorremediação. Neste estudo, o fluido celômico de P. posthuma (PCF) e a pasta corporal (PBP) foram avaliados como agente antibacteriano contra cinco isolados clínicos Gram-positivos e quatro Gram-negativos resistentes à ampicilina (AMP). O efeito antibacteriano de diferentes doses (ou seja, 25-100 µg / ml) de PCF e PBP juntamente com AMP e azitromicina (AZM) (controles negativo e positivo, respectivamente) foi observado por meio de métodos de difusão em disco e microdiluição. Todos os nove isolados clínicos foram notados como resistentes a AMP e sensíveis a AZM. Os efeitos antibacterianos de PCF e PBP foram dependentes da dose e a zona de inibição (ZI) contra todos os isolados clínicos foi entre 23,4 ± 0,92 a 0 ± 00 mm. O perfil de sensibilidade do PCF e PBP contra isolados clínicos foi observado como 44,44% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Tanto o PCF quanto o PBP mostraram ação bacteriostática (BTS) contra S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Além disso, o potencial BTS cumulativo de PCF e PBP contra todos os isolados foi de 66,67% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Os MICs de PCF e PBP variaram de 50-200 µg / ml contra isolados selecionados. As curvas de crescimento bacteriano indicaram que o PCF e o PBP inibiram o crescimento de todos os isolados em suas concentrações específicas de MIC. No entanto, PBP tem melhor potencial antibacteriano em comparação com PCF contra isolados selecionados. Portanto, conclui-se que tanto o PCF quanto o PBP de P. posthuma possuem potencial antibacteriano e BTS contra isolados clínicos resistentes à ampicilina. Esse organismo pode ser considerado como uma segunda escolha de agentes antibacterianos e pode ainda ser utilizado nas indústrias farmacêuticas para a fabricação de novos medicamentos por meio da prospecção de agentes com potencial bioativo.

Animals , Oligochaeta , Staphylococcus aureus , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Ampicillin/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-10, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468911


Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), a native earthworm of Pakistan and Southeast Asia, has wide utilization in vermicomposting and bioremediation process. In this study, P. posthuma coelomic fluid (PCF) and body paste (PBP) was evaluated as antibacterial agent against ampicillin (AMP) resistant five Gram positive and four Gram negative clinical isolates. The antibacterial effect of different doses (i.e. 25-100 µg/ml) of PCF and PBP along with AMP and azithromycin (AZM) (negative and positive controls, respectively) were observed through disc diffusion and micro-dilution methods. All nine clinical isolates were noticed as AMP resistant and AZM sensitive. Antibacterial effects of PCF and PBP were dose dependent and zone of inhibitions (ZI) against all clinical isolates were between 23.4 ± 0.92 to 0 ± 00 mm. The sensitivity profile of PCF and PBP against clinical isolates was noticed as 44.44 and 55.56%, respectively. Both PCF and PBP showed bacteriostatic (BTS) action against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Moreover, the cumulative BTS potential of PCF and PBP against all isolates was 66.67 and 55.56%, respectively. The MICs of PCF and PBP were ranged from 50-200 µg/ml against selected isolates. The bacterial growth curves indicated that PCF and PBP inhibited the growth of all isolates at their specific MIC concentrations. However, PBP has better antibacterial potential compared to PCF against selected isolates. Therefore, it is concluded that both PCF and PBP of P. posthuma possess antibacterial and BTS potential against ampicillin resistant clinical isolates. This organism might be considered as a second choice of antibacterial agents and can further be utilized in pharmaceutical industries for novel drug manufacturing by prospecting bioactive potential agents.

Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), uma minhoca nativa do Paquistão e sudeste da Ásia, tem ampla utilização em processos de vermicompostagem e biorremediação. Neste estudo, o fluido celômico de P. posthuma (PCF) e a pasta corporal (PBP) foram avaliados como agente antibacteriano contra cinco isolados clínicos Gram-positivos e quatro Gram-negativos resistentes à ampicilina (AMP). O efeito antibacteriano de diferentes doses (ou seja, 25-100 µg / ml) de PCF e PBP juntamente com AMP e azitromicina (AZM) (controles negativo e positivo, respectivamente) foi observado por meio de métodos de difusão em disco e microdiluição. Todos os nove isolados clínicos foram notados como resistentes a AMP e sensíveis a AZM. Os efeitos antibacterianos de PCF e PBP foram dependentes da dose e a zona de inibição (ZI) contra todos os isolados clínicos foi entre 23,4 ± 0,92 a 0 ± 00 mm. O perfil de sensibilidade do PCF e PBP contra isolados clínicos foi observado como 44,44% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Tanto o PCF quanto o PBP mostraram ação bacteriostática (BTS) contra S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Além disso, o potencial BTS cumulativo de PCF e PBP contra todos os isolados foi de 66,67% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Os MICs de PCF e PBP variaram de 50-200 µg / ml contra isolados selecionados. As curvas de crescimento bacteriano indicaram que o PCF e o PBP inibiram o crescimento de todos os isolados em suas concentrações específicas de MIC. No entanto, PBP tem melhor potencial antibacteriano em comparação com PCF contra isolados selecionados. Portanto, conclui-se que tanto o PCF quanto o PBP de P. posthuma possuem potencial antibacteriano e BTS contra isolados clínicos resistentes à ampicilina. Esse organismo pode ser considerado como uma segunda escolha de agentes antibacterianos e pode ainda ser utilizado nas indústrias farmacêuticas para a fabricação de novos medicamentos por meio da prospecção de agentes com potencial bioativo.

Ampicillin , Anti-Bacterial Agents/analysis , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Azithromycin , Oligochaeta
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-7, 2023. map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468913


To investigate the role of cow dung in soil reclamation and bio assimilation along with bio accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm (P. posthuma) (N=900) earthworms were used and treatment groups of CD-soil mixture of different proportion of cow dung were designed. Nonlethal doses of lead acetate and cadmium chloride were added in treatment groups. Mature P. posthuma were released in each experimental pot maintaining the favorable conditions. The pH, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable cations, and heavy metal level of each mixture was evaluated. The results indicated that bio-assimilation of Pb and Cd by P. posthuma were significantly (P ˂ 0.01) higher in different soil-CD treatments compared to control. Highest bio-assimilation of both metals was observed in T¹ of both groups (Pb = 563.8 mg/kg and Cd = 42.95 mg/kg). The contents of both metals were significantly (P ˂ 0.05) lowered in casting. The nutrient concentration in the final castings of all soil-CD treatments were also equally transformed from less or insoluble to more soluble and available for plants, except for carbon level which increased with CD proportion. It is concluded that cow dung as organic matter has a positive effect on soil reclamation and bio-assimilation of metals by P. posthuma.

Para investigar o papel do esterco de vaca na recuperação do solo e bioassimilação, juntamente com a bioacumulação de metais pesados em minhocas (P. posthuma) (N = 900), minhocas foram usadas e grupos de tratamento de mistura CD-solo de diferentes proporções de esterco de vaca foram projetados. Doses não letais de acetato de chumbo e cloreto de cádmio foram adicionadas aos grupos de tratamento. P. posthuma maduros foram liberados em cada vaso experimental, mantendo as condições favoráveis. Foram avaliados o pH, carbono, nitrogênio, fósforo, cátions trocáveis e nível de metais pesados de cada mistura. Os resultados indicaram que a bioassimilação de Pb e Cd por P. posthuma foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,01) maior em diferentes tratamentos de solo-CD em relação ao controle. A maior bioassimilação de ambos os metais foi observada em T1 de ambos os grupos (Pb = 563,8 mg / kg e Cd = 42,95 mg / kg). O conteúdo de ambos os metais foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,05) reduzido na fundição. A concentração de nutrientes nas fundições finais de todos os tratamentos de solo-CD também foi igualmente transformada de menos ou insolúvel para mais solúvel e disponível para as plantas, exceto o nível de carbono que aumenta com a proporção de CD. Conclui-se que o esterco de vaca como matéria orgânica tem um efeito positivo na recuperação do solo e na bioassimilação de metais por P. posthuma.

Lead/administration & dosage , Cadmium/administration & dosage , Manure/analysis , Oligochaeta , Soil Treatment/methods
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469127


Abstract Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), a native earthworm of Pakistan and Southeast Asia, has wide utilization in vermicomposting and bioremediation process. In this study, P. posthuma coelomic fluid (PCF) and body paste (PBP) was evaluated as antibacterial agent against ampicillin (AMP) resistant five Gram positive and four Gram negative clinical isolates. The antibacterial effect of different doses (i.e. 25-100 µg/ml) of PCF and PBP along with AMP and azithromycin (AZM) (negative and positive controls, respectively) were observed through disc diffusion and micro-dilution methods. All nine clinical isolates were noticed as AMP resistant and AZM sensitive. Antibacterial effects of PCF and PBP were dose dependent and zone of inhibitions (ZI) against all clinical isolates were between 23.4 ± 0.92 to 0 ± 00 mm. The sensitivity profile of PCF and PBP against clinical isolates was noticed as 44.44 and 55.56%, respectively. Both PCF and PBP showed bacteriostatic (BTS) action against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Moreover, the cumulative BTS potential of PCF and PBP against all isolates was 66.67 and 55.56%, respectively. The MICs of PCF and PBP were ranged from 50-200 µg/ml against selected isolates. The bacterial growth curves indicated that PCF and PBP inhibited the growth of all isolates at their specific MIC concentrations. However, PBP has better antibacterial potential compared to PCF against selected isolates. Therefore, it is concluded that both PCF and PBP of P. posthuma possess antibacterial and BTS potential against ampicillin resistant clinical isolates. This organism might be considered as a second choice of antibacterial agents and can further be utilized in pharmaceutical industries for novel drug manufacturing by prospecting bioactive potential agents.

Resumo Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), uma minhoca nativa do Paquistão e sudeste da Ásia, tem ampla utilização em processos de vermicompostagem e biorremediação. Neste estudo, o fluido celômico de P. posthuma (PCF) e a pasta corporal (PBP) foram avaliados como agente antibacteriano contra cinco isolados clínicos Gram-positivos e quatro Gram-negativos resistentes à ampicilina (AMP). O efeito antibacteriano de diferentes doses (ou seja, 25-100 µg / ml) de PCF e PBP juntamente com AMP e azitromicina (AZM) (controles negativo e positivo, respectivamente) foi observado por meio de métodos de difusão em disco e microdiluição. Todos os nove isolados clínicos foram notados como resistentes a AMP e sensíveis a AZM. Os efeitos antibacterianos de PCF e PBP foram dependentes da dose e a zona de inibição (ZI) contra todos os isolados clínicos foi entre 23,4 ± 0,92 a 0 ± 00 mm. O perfil de sensibilidade do PCF e PBP contra isolados clínicos foi observado como 44,44% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Tanto o PCF quanto o PBP mostraram ação bacteriostática (BTS) contra S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Além disso, o potencial BTS cumulativo de PCF e PBP contra todos os isolados foi de 66,67% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Os MICs de PCF e PBP variaram de 50-200 µg / ml contra isolados selecionados. As curvas de crescimento bacteriano indicaram que o PCF e o PBP inibiram o crescimento de todos os isolados em suas concentrações específicas de MIC. No entanto, PBP tem melhor potencial antibacteriano em comparação com PCF contra isolados selecionados. Portanto, conclui-se que tanto o PCF quanto o PBP de P. posthuma possuem potencial antibacteriano e BTS contra isolados clínicos resistentes à ampicilina. Esse organismo pode ser considerado como uma segunda escolha de agentes antibacterianos e pode ainda ser utilizado nas indústrias farmacêuticas para a fabricação de novos medicamentos por meio da prospecção de agentes com potencial bioativo.

Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469129


Abstract To investigate the role of cow dung in soil reclamation and bio assimilation along with bio accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm (P. posthuma) (N=900) earthworms were used and treatment groups of CD-soil mixture of different proportion of cow dung were designed. Nonlethal doses of lead acetate and cadmium chloride were added in treatment groups. Mature P. posthuma were released in each experimental pot maintaining the favorable conditions. The pH, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable cations, and heavy metal level of each mixture was evaluated. The results indicated that bio-assimilation of Pb and Cd by P. posthuma were significantly (P 0.01) higher in different soil-CD treatments compared to control. Highest bio-assimilation of both metals was observed in T1 of both groups (Pb = 563.8 mg/kg and Cd = 42.95 mg/kg). The contents of both metals were significantly (P 0.05) lowered in casting. The nutrient concentration in the final castings of all soil-CD treatments were also equally transformed from less or insoluble to more soluble and available for plants, except for carbon level which increased with CD proportion. It is concluded that cow dung as organic matter has a positive effect on soil reclamation and bio-assimilation of metals by P. posthuma.

RESUMO Para investigar o papel do esterco de vaca na recuperação do solo e bioassimilação, juntamente com a bioacumulação de metais pesados em minhocas (P. posthuma) (N = 900), minhocas foram usadas e grupos de tratamento de mistura CD-solo de diferentes proporções de esterco de vaca foram projetados. Doses não letais de acetato de chumbo e cloreto de cádmio foram adicionadas aos grupos de tratamento. P. posthuma maduros foram liberados em cada vaso experimental, mantendo as condições favoráveis. Foram avaliados o pH, carbono, nitrogênio, fósforo, cátions trocáveis e nível de metais pesados de cada mistura. Os resultados indicaram que a bioassimilação de Pb e Cd por P. posthuma foi significativamente (P 0,01) maior em diferentes tratamentos de solo-CD em relação ao controle. A maior bioassimilação de ambos os metais foi observada em T1 de ambos os grupos (Pb = 563,8 mg / kg e Cd = 42,95 mg / kg). O conteúdo de ambos os metais foi significativamente (P 0,05) reduzido na fundição. A concentração de nutrientes nas fundições finais de todos os tratamentos de solo-CD também foi igualmente transformada de menos ou insolúvel para mais solúvel e disponível para as plantas, exceto o nível de carbono que aumenta com a proporção de CD. Conclui-se que o esterco de vaca como matéria orgânica tem um efeito positivo na recuperação do solo e na bioassimilação de metais por P. posthuma.

European J Med Plants ; 2022 Jul; 33(7): 28-40
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219497


The study investigates the therapeutic potential of the Citrus aurantium var. amara essential oil extracted from the blossoms of the bitter orange plant by examining its chemical composition, thermal stability, and potency against infectious disease-causing pathogens. Initially, the volatile components of the essential oil were evaluated by obtaining a chromatographic fingerprint using HPTLC and FTIR spectrum identification. Furthermore, a thermal profile of the essential oil was obtained using the thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetric analysis. A predetermined set of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms were used to examine the antibacterial activity of the essential oil. Lastly, its anti-inflammatory activity was assessed using the albumin denaturation assay. The research concluded that the Citrus aurantium var. Amara essential oil exhibits potential therapeutic characteristics which can be further explored through in vivo studies.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-7, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468564


The emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacterial strains, which are posing a global health threat has developed the interest of scientists to use bacteriophages instead of conventional antibiotics therapy. In light of an increased interest in the use of phage as a bacterial control agent, the study aimed to isolate and characterize lytic phages from sewage effluent. During the current study, bacteriophage AS1 was isolated from sewage effluent against E.coli S2. The lytic activity of phageAS1 was limited to E.coli S2 strain showing monovalent behavior. The calculated phage titer was 3.5×109 pfu/ml. PhageAS1 was stable at a wide range of pH and temperature. The maximum stability was recorded at 37ºC and pH 7.0, while showing its normal lytic activity at temperature 60ºC and from pH 5.0 to 11.0 respectively. At temperature 70ºC, phage activity was somewhat reduced whereas, further increase in temperature and decrease or increase in pH completely inactivated the phage. From the current study, it was concluded that waste water is a best source for finding bacteriophages against multi-drug resistant bacterial strains and can be used as bacterial control agent.

O surgimento de cepas bacterianas multirresistentes (MDR), que representam uma ameaça global à saúde, desenvolveu o interesse dos cientistas em usar bacteriófagos em vez da terapia convencional com antibióticos. Diante do crescente interesse no uso de fago como agente de controle bacteriano, o estudo visou isolar e caracterizar fagos líticos de efluente de esgoto. Durante o estudo atual, o bacteriófago AS1 foi isolado de efluente de esgoto contra E. coli S2. A atividade lítica de phageAS1 foi limitada à cepa E. coli S2, apresentando comportamento monovalente. O título de fago calculado foi de 3,5 x 109 ufp/ml. PhageAS1 foi estável em uma ampla faixa de pH e temperatura. A estabilidade máxima foi registrada a 37ºC e pH 7,0, enquanto mostrou atividade lítica normal em temperatura de 60ºC e pH 5,0 a 11,0, respectivamente. Na temperatura de 70ºC, a atividade do fago foi um pouco reduzida, enquanto o aumento adicional da temperatura e a diminuição ou aumento do pH inativaram completamente o fago. Com base no estudo atual, concluiu-se que a água residual é a melhor fonte para encontrar bacteriófagos contra cepas bacterianas multirresistentes e pode ser usada como agente de controle bacteriano.

Bacteriophages/isolation & purification , Coliphages/isolation & purification , Escherichia coli , Bacteriophage Typing/methods , Wastewater/analysis , Phage Therapy
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468751


Abstract The emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacterial strains, which are posing a global health threat has developed the interest of scientists to use bacteriophages instead of conventional antibiotics therapy. In light of an increased interest in the use of phage as a bacterial control agent, the study aimed to isolate and characterize lytic phages from sewage effluent. During the current study, bacteriophage AS1 was isolated from sewage effluent against E.coli S2. The lytic activity of phageAS1 was limited to E.coli S2 strain showing monovalent behavior. The calculated phage titer was 3.5×109 pfu/ml. PhageAS1 was stable at a wide range of pH and temperature. The maximum stability was recorded at 37ºC and pH 7.0, while showing its normal lytic activity at temperature 60ºC and from pH 5.0 to11.0 respectively. At temperature 70ºC, phage activity was somewhat reduced whereas, further increase in temperature and decrease or increase in pH completely inactivated the phage. From the current study, it was concluded that waste water is a best source for finding bacteriophages against multi-drug resistant bacterial strains and can be used as bacterial control agent.

Resumo O surgimento de cepas bacterianas multirresistentes (MDR), que representam uma ameaça global à saúde, desenvolveu o interesse dos cientistas em usar bacteriófagos em vez da terapia convencional com antibióticos. Diante do crescente interesse no uso de fago como agente de controle bacteriano, o estudo visou isolar e caracterizar fagos líticos de efluente de esgoto. Durante o estudo atual, o bacteriófago AS1 foi isolado de efluente de esgoto contra E. coli S2. A atividade lítica de phageAS1 foi limitada à cepa E. coli S2, apresentando comportamento monovalente. O título de fago calculado foi de 3,5 x 109 ufp/ml. PhageAS1 foi estável em uma ampla faixa de pH e temperatura. A estabilidade máxima foi registrada a 37ºC e pH 7,0, enquanto mostrou atividade lítica normal em temperatura de 60ºC e pH 5,0 a 11,0, respectivamente. Na temperatura de 70ºC, a atividade do fago foi um pouco reduzida, enquanto o aumento adicional da temperatura e a diminuição ou aumento do pH inativaram completamente o fago. Com base no estudo atual, concluiu-se que a água residual é a melhor fonte para encontrar bacteriófagos contra cepas bacterianas multirresistentes e pode ser usada como agente de controle bacteriano.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: e240943, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278469


The emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacterial strains, which are posing a global health threat has developed the interest of scientists to use bacteriophages instead of conventional antibiotics therapy. In light of an increased interest in the use of phage as a bacterial control agent, the study aimed to isolate and characterize lytic phages from sewage effluent. During the current study, bacteriophage AS1 was isolated from sewage effluent against E.coli S2. The lytic activity of phageAS1 was limited to E.coli S2 strain showing monovalent behavior. The calculated phage titer was 3.5×109 pfu/ml. PhageAS1 was stable at a wide range of pH and temperature. The maximum stability was recorded at 37ºC and pH 7.0, while showing its normal lytic activity at temperature 60ºC and from pH 5.0 to11.0 respectively. At temperature 70ºC, phage activity was somewhat reduced whereas, further increase in temperature and decrease or increase in pH completely inactivated the phage. From the current study, it was concluded that waste water is a best source for finding bacteriophages against multi-drug resistant bacterial strains and can be used as bacterial control agent.

O surgimento de cepas bacterianas multirresistentes (MDR), que representam uma ameaça global à saúde, desenvolveu o interesse dos cientistas em usar bacteriófagos em vez da terapia convencional com antibióticos. Diante do crescente interesse no uso de fago como agente de controle bacteriano, o estudo visou isolar e caracterizar fagos líticos de efluente de esgoto. Durante o estudo atual, o bacteriófago AS1 foi isolado de efluente de esgoto contra E. coli S2. A atividade lítica de phageAS1 foi limitada à cepa E. coli S2, apresentando comportamento monovalente. O título de fago calculado foi de 3,5 x 109 ufp/ml. PhageAS1 foi estável em uma ampla faixa de pH e temperatura. A estabilidade máxima foi registrada a 37ºC e pH 7,0, enquanto mostrou atividade lítica normal em temperatura de 60ºC e pH 5,0 a 11,0, respectivamente. Na temperatura de 70ºC, a atividade do fago foi um pouco reduzida, enquanto o aumento adicional da temperatura e a diminuição ou aumento do pH inativaram completamente o fago. Com base no estudo atual, concluiu-se que a água residual é a melhor fonte para encontrar bacteriófagos contra cepas bacterianas multirresistentes e pode ser usada como agente de controle bacteriano.

Sewage , Bacteriophages , Pakistan , Temperature , Coliphages
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-196135


Background: Scrub typhus is lesser known cause of fever of unknown origin in India. Even if there have been reports documenting the prevalence of scrub typhus in different parts of India, it is still an unknown entity, and clinicians usually do not consider it as differential diagnosis. The present study was performed to document the prevalence of scrub typhus among febrile patients in western part of Uttar Pradesh and to assess the clinical profile of infected patients on the one hand and knowledge, attitude, and practices among clinicians on the other. Materials and Methods: A total of 357 adult patients with fever of more than 5-day duration were recruited. All patients underwent complete physical examination, and detailed clinical history was elicited as per predesigned pro forma. After primary screening to rule out malaria, enteric fever, and leptospirosis infection, secondary screening for scrub typhus was done by rapid screen test and IgM ELISA. Results: Scrub typhus infection was positive in 91 (25.5%) cases. The most common symptoms among the patients were fever (100%), pain in abdomen (79.1%), pedal edema 56 (61.5%), rash 44 (48.3%), headache 44 (48.3%), vomiting 42 (46.1%), constipation 33 (36.2%), cough 28 (30.7%), and lymphadenopathy 20 (21.9%). The median values of interleukin-8, interferon-gamma, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in healthy controls were 15.54 pg/ml, 7.77 pg/ml, and 54.1 pg/ml, respectively, while the median values of these cytokines in scrub typhus-positive patients were 21.04 pg/ml, 8.74 pg/ml, and 73.8 pg/ml, respectively. Conclusion: Our results highlight that scrub typhus infection is an important cause of pyrexia of unknown origin, and active surveillance is necessary to assess the exact magnitude and distribution of the disease.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-172813


To determine the factors related with depression among adolescent students, 165 male adolescent students aged 15 to 19 years from 2 urban schools and colleges were interviewed with semi-structured questionnaire during January to June 2012.The socio demographic details, smoking and depression histories were recorded. The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) was used to measure the presence of depression. Smoking behavior was measured by a number of questions. Almost 49% respondents were depressed and 66% were smokers. Most of the respondents started smoking around the age of 14.3 years (54.1%) by the influence of their friends. Among the smokers 82.7% were depressed while 17.3% were depressed among nonsmokers (c2=19.69, p=<0.001). Parental smoking affected 62.5% respondents for depression against 59.4% normal respondents whose parents were non smokers (c2=7.52, p=.006). Domestic violence (c2=18.4, p=<0.001), familial disharmony (c2=18.44, p=0.001), stressful events in the life (c2=21.38, p=<0.001), failure in love (c2=12.6, p=0.002) also played roles for depression. After adjusting the non significant factors in logistic regression, familial disharmony (p<0.001), smoking (p=0.005) and stress (p=0.04) became significant factors associated with depression. Depression level was higher among adolescent smoker than nonsmoker students.