Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis (IGD) is a rare skin condition commonly associated with autoimmune diseases.Lesions typically occur bilaterally on the lateral trunk and proximal extremities and present as variable cutaneous lesions. A 63-year-old female with a 1-year history of a skin rash on her face visited the dermatology department of our hospital. The patient had received a dermal filler injection with unidentified gradients on the face of an unlicensed practitioner 20 years before. The lesions on the left cheek were tender, violaceous, coalescing, and annular. A violaceous round nodule with tenderness was observed on the left chin and glabella. She denied having any systemic complaints. The biopsy specimen showed diffuse interstitial CD68+ histiocytic infiltration involving the reticular dermis around the degenerative collagen bundles. The patient was diagnosed with IGD. The patient was treated with systemic steroids and showed clinical improvement. Herein, we report a case of IGD after an unknown dermal filler injection, along with a literature review.
Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas are rare diseases comprising nodular to diffuse lymphoid cell infiltration with an overlying grenz zone and no epidermal involvement upon histological analysis. Diagnostics can become challenging when lymphomas exhibit the characteristics of both B and T-cells. Differential diagnoses may include reactive proliferations, cutaneous composite lymphomas, and transformed mycosis fungoides. Immunohistochemistry and gene arrangement tests may be beneficial to clarify the diagnosis. Herein, we report a rare case of epidermotropic EBV-positive cutaneous B-cell lymphoma along with a literature review.
Clear cell acanthoma is a rare benign tumor, which usually presents as a solitary erythematous to brown colored papule or nodule, with a predilection for the lower leg of t hemiddle-aged and older individuals. An 11-year-old male presented with a 1-month history of bilateral brownish colored and exudative plaques on the both areolae.Histopathologic examination showed psoriasiform proliferation of pale keratinocytes and neutrophil exocytosis. Therefore, the patient was diagnosed with clear cell acanthoma. Typically, clear cell acanthoma occurs as a unilateral lesion on the leg in an adult. However, our case shows a bilateral lesion as well as the uncommon age and site.To our knowledge, this case of bilateral clear cell acanthoma has been rarely reported in Korea. Herein, we report a case of clear cell acanthoma that occurred on both areolae in a child.
Background@#Prurigo nodularis (PN) is a severely pruritic chronic skin disease, and its management is challenging.Although some studies have described the natural course and demographics of PN, there are few studies on the quality of life (QOL) or psychological problems in patients with PN. @*Objective@#This study aimed to evaluate the QOL and psychological problems of PN patients and identify the factors which effect on the QOL and psychological problems of these patients. @*Methods@#We performed a cross-sectional study of 41 patients with PN who visited the Department of Dermatology at Konyang University Hospital between November 2022 and March 2023. Age, sex, clinical features, itch Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were evaluated through the questionnaire. @*Results@#PN patients had mean DLQI, BDI, ISI, and BAI scores of 13.9, 15.0, 8.9, and 13.0, respectively. There were no significant differences in the DLQI, BDI, ISI, or BAI scores with respect to sex, smoking, alcohol, drug history, disease duration, or treatment duration. Patients with systemic diseases or other dermatologic diseases were more likely to have higher DLQI scores than those without any associated disease (p=0.043 and p=0.015). Moreover, patients with higher itch NRS scores had higher DLQI and ISI scores (p=0.002 and p=0.030). @*Conclusion@#We found that PN had a large impact on QOL and mental health. Therefore, we recommend that dermatologists pay close attention to the psychological aspects when treating and educating patients with PN.
Median raphe cysts (MRCs) are rare benign lesions that occur as a result of congenital defects during the embryological development of the male genitalia in the fetal period. It can develop anywhere along the midline, from the meatus to the anus. Pigmented MRCs are rare subtypes that contain melanin pigments or melanocytes in the epithelium, and there are only eight such cases reported worldwide. We report herein a case of pigmented MRC in the perineum of a 3-year-old boy. The clinical features include a linear tubular structure and foreign body granuloma at the tip of the linear cystic lesion and rare histological findings of pigmented cuboidal epithelium and squamous epithelium. Immunohistochemical staining revealed strong positivity for c-kit in the pigmented cuboidal epithelium. In this report, we discuss a rare case of pigmented MRC with a mixed type of squamous epithelium and pigmented cuboidal epithelium and review the associated literature.
no abstract available.
Pleomorphic dermal sarcoma (PDS), formerly known as malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), is a rare mesenchymal tissue tumor. A 40-year-old male presented with a 2-month history of a well-defined, solitary, round, palpable protruding mass with central ulceration, 1.5 cm in diameter. Punch biopsy showed tumor cells of variable size and hyperchromatic nuclei with frequent bizarre atypical cells and atypical mitoses arranged in a storiform-pleomorphic pattern in the entire dermis. After complete resection, PDS was diagnosed because the lesion had invaded the deep subcutaneous fat. Because MFH has been renamed according to the World Health Organization new classification system, we reclassified the 10 cases that have been reported as MFH in Korea. Nine cases were renamed undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, with only one being renamed mucofibrosarcoma. Herein, we report a rare case of PDS treated with surgical excision with a review of the literature.
Background@#Cobalt is an important contact allergen and is contained mainly in metal products. Recent studies have reported an association between leather exposure and cobalt allergic contact dermatitis. However, there is no study on this subject in Korea. @*Objective@#The aim of this study is to examine cobalt content and release from leather sofas, shoes, watch straps, and gloves sold in Korea, and to investigate leather exposure in cobalt allergic contact dermatitis. @*Methods@#We collected 38 leather samples of leather sofa, 15 leather shoes, 8 leather watch straps, and 10 leather gloves sold in Korea. The cobalt spot test and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry were used to confirm cobalt content and release from leather samples. @*Results@#All 71 leather samples were negative for cobalt in the spot test. No cobalt was found in the 35 leathers tested by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. @*Conclusion@#Unlike previous studies, cobalt was not identified in leather in this study. Therefore, the possibility of cobalt allergic contact dermatitis caused by leather is relatively low in Korea. However, further studies with larger numbers of leather samples are needed to obtain more accurate results.
The introduction of immune checkpoint inhibitors, including anti-programmed cell death receptor-1 antibodies (anti-PD-1 Ab), such as nivolumab and pembrolizumab, represents a major breakthrough in cancer therapy. The PD-1 pathway inhibits T cell activation, maintaining a normal and balanced immune response. Anti-PD-1 Ab induces T cell activity by inhibiting the suppressive effect of PD-1 signaling on T cells. Excessive stimulation of T cells represents a potential mechanism for multiple skin lesions. To the best of our knowledge, reports on cutaneous adverse effects during treatment with anti-PD-1 Ab are limited in the dermatological literature of Korea. Herein, we report two rare cases of nivolumab-induced lichenoid drug eruption and pembrolizumab-induced psoriasis.
Background@#Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease, which primarily affects the central face. In 2002, the National Rosacea Society (NRS) committee developed the first diagnostic criteria for rosacea, based on its subtypes. The revised classification in 2017 prompted a proposal to transit from a subtyping to a phenotyping approach, reflecting current insights into rosacea pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and management. @*Objective@#This study aimed to elucidate the clinical features of rosacea and compare two diagnostic criteria in rosacea patients. @*Methods@#We performed a clinical study on 100 patients with rosacea diagnosed according to the 2002 NRS criteria. The age, sex, clinical features, subtypes, severity, and predisposing factors were evaluated using the questionnaire. In addition, we compared the 2002 and 2017 criteria, and evaluated patients if they met the revised criteria. @*Results@#According to the 2002 NRS classification, the erythematotelangiectatic type (88.0%) was the most frequent, followed by the papulopustular (43.0%), ocular (13.0%), and phymatous (6.0%) types. There were 44 overlapping cases, including 38 cases with 2 subtypes mixed and 6 cases with three subtypes. Six patients were diagnosed with rosacea using the 2002 NRS criteria but they did not satisfy the revised 2017 criteria. @*Conclusion@#We found that the diagnostic features of the 2002 criteria are too ambiguous for the diagnosis of rosacea. Therefore, we recommend that dermatologists recognize the necessity of a transition from a subtyping to a phenotyping approach, according to the 2017 criteria for the diagnosis of rosacea.
Poroid hidradenoma (PH) is a rare benign tumor that shows differentiation of the eccrine sweat gland. It occurs mainly in adults, presenting as a 0.5 to 2 cm-sized intradermal nodule, mostly on the head, extremities, trunk and neck. We report two rare cases of PH, one on the face and the other on the heel. The first patient was a 50-year-old male who had a solitary, skin-colored nodule on his right temple for 6 months.The second patient was a 67-year-old female who presented with a solitary, bean-sized, tender nodule on her left heel for 1 year. The common histological examination finding was a well-circumscribed tumor composed of solid portions and large cystic spaces in the center. The tumor cells consisted of small, monomorphic poroid cells and large cuticular cells in both cases. To our knowledge, only few cases of PH have been reported. Herein, we report two rare cases of PHs with literature review
Background@#Cobalt is an important contact allergen and is contained mainly in metal products. Recent studies have reported an association between leather exposure and cobalt allergic contact dermatitis. However, there is no study on this subject in Korea. @*Objective@#The aim of this study is to examine cobalt content and release from leather sofas, shoes, watch straps, and gloves sold in Korea, and to investigate leather exposure in cobalt allergic contact dermatitis. @*Methods@#We collected 38 leather samples of leather sofa, 15 leather shoes, 8 leather watch straps, and 10 leather gloves sold in Korea. The cobalt spot test and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry were used to confirm cobalt content and release from leather samples. @*Results@#All 71 leather samples were negative for cobalt in the spot test. No cobalt was found in the 35 leathers tested by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. @*Conclusion@#Unlike previous studies, cobalt was not identified in leather in this study. Therefore, the possibility of cobalt allergic contact dermatitis caused by leather is relatively low in Korea. However, further studies with larger numbers of leather samples are needed to obtain more accurate results.
The introduction of immune checkpoint inhibitors, including anti-programmed cell death receptor-1 antibodies (anti-PD-1 Ab), such as nivolumab and pembrolizumab, represents a major breakthrough in cancer therapy. The PD-1 pathway inhibits T cell activation, maintaining a normal and balanced immune response. Anti-PD-1 Ab induces T cell activity by inhibiting the suppressive effect of PD-1 signaling on T cells. Excessive stimulation of T cells represents a potential mechanism for multiple skin lesions. To the best of our knowledge, reports on cutaneous adverse effects during treatment with anti-PD-1 Ab are limited in the dermatological literature of Korea. Herein, we report two rare cases of nivolumab-induced lichenoid drug eruption and pembrolizumab-induced psoriasis.
Background@#Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease, which primarily affects the central face. In 2002, the National Rosacea Society (NRS) committee developed the first diagnostic criteria for rosacea, based on its subtypes. The revised classification in 2017 prompted a proposal to transit from a subtyping to a phenotyping approach, reflecting current insights into rosacea pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and management. @*Objective@#This study aimed to elucidate the clinical features of rosacea and compare two diagnostic criteria in rosacea patients. @*Methods@#We performed a clinical study on 100 patients with rosacea diagnosed according to the 2002 NRS criteria. The age, sex, clinical features, subtypes, severity, and predisposing factors were evaluated using the questionnaire. In addition, we compared the 2002 and 2017 criteria, and evaluated patients if they met the revised criteria. @*Results@#According to the 2002 NRS classification, the erythematotelangiectatic type (88.0%) was the most frequent, followed by the papulopustular (43.0%), ocular (13.0%), and phymatous (6.0%) types. There were 44 overlapping cases, including 38 cases with 2 subtypes mixed and 6 cases with three subtypes. Six patients were diagnosed with rosacea using the 2002 NRS criteria but they did not satisfy the revised 2017 criteria. @*Conclusion@#We found that the diagnostic features of the 2002 criteria are too ambiguous for the diagnosis of rosacea. Therefore, we recommend that dermatologists recognize the necessity of a transition from a subtyping to a phenotyping approach, according to the 2017 criteria for the diagnosis of rosacea.
Clear cell hidradenoma (CCH) is a rare benign tumor that shows differentiation toward the structure of a sweat gland. Recently, hidradenoma has been re-classified into apocrine and eccrine variants and CCH has been classified as apocrine differentiation. A 34-year-old man without any underlying diseases presented with an erythematous, papilliform, 1-cm exophytic nodule on the left neck that had been present for 3 years. Skin biopsy specimens were obtained by excision biopsy of his left neck. Histopathologic findings showed a well-circumscribed tumor composed of solid portions with polyhedral cells and clear cells, a tubular space with columnar cells, and decapitation secretion. Additionally, round, basophilic, poroid cells, tubular structures containing hyalinized material, and intercellular bridges were observed in the epidermis. Herein, we present a rare case of CCH with apocrine and eccrine differentiation.
Kikuchi’s disease, also referred to as histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenopathy, is a benign self-limiting lymphadenitis accompanied by mild fever and night sweats. This disorder usually affects young women and presents with non-specific cutaneous findings. A 15-year-old female adolescent presented with erythematous papules and plaques on both cheeks accompanied by fever, night sweats, and right cervical lymphadenopathy. Histopathological evaluation of a skin biopsy specimen showed mild perivascular and periadnexal infiltration in the dermis.Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of lymph nodes revealed coagulative necrosis with lymphocytic, histiocytic, and karyorrhectic debris. We present a rare case of Kikuchi’s disease that was diagnosed based on histopathological evaluation of skin and lymph node specimens.
Poroid hidradenoma (PH) is a rare benign tumor that shows differentiation of the eccrine sweat gland. It occurs mainly in adults, presenting as a 0.5 to 2 cm-sized intradermal nodule, mostly on the head, extremities, trunk and neck. We report two rare cases of PH, one on the face and the other on the heel. The first patient was a 50-year-old male who had a solitary, skin-colored nodule on his right temple for 6 months.The second patient was a 67-year-old female who presented with a solitary, bean-sized, tender nodule on her left heel for 1 year. The common histological examination finding was a well-circumscribed tumor composed of solid portions and large cystic spaces in the center. The tumor cells consisted of small, monomorphic poroid cells and large cuticular cells in both cases. To our knowledge, only few cases of PH have been reported. Herein, we report two rare cases of PHs with literature review
Syringocystadenocarcinoma papilliferum (SCACP) is a rare malignant adnexal neoplasm, which is considered as a malignant counterpart of syringocystadenoma papilliferum (SCAP). Clinically, SCACP appears as a nodule, inflammatory plaque, or tumor. The lesion is usually covered with crusts, which are formed by secretion of the apocrine epithelial cells. Histologically, SCACP resembles SCAP, with cystic papillomatous invaginations connected to the skin surface by funnel-shaped structures lined by infundibular epithelium. The stroma of the tumor consists of a dense inflammatory infiltrate of plasma cells and lymphocytes. SCACP differs from SCAP in terms of the architectural and cytological features of the tumor cells, and is characterized by higher nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear irregularity, coarse chromatin, and increased mitotic activity. However, the immunohistochemical findings of SCACP vary. Since only 49 cases of SCACP have been reported in the English literature, the clinical and histologic characteristics of SCACP have not been fully established. Further studies on the diagnostic criteria for SCACP are warranted. Here, we report a rare case of SCACP and present a review of other relevant literature.
Chromatin , Cytoplasm , Epithelial Cells , Epithelium , Lymphocytes , Plasma Cells , Skin , Sweat Gland NeoplasmsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Rosacea is a relatively common inflammatory skin disease characterized by central facial erythema that persists for several months or longer. Experimental studies have demonstrated that rosacea compromises the epidermal barrier protection against allergens and irritants, rendering rosacea patients susceptible to contact hypersensitivity and skin irritation. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate allergic and irritant reactions to topical agents and cosmetics in rosacea patients using patch tests. METHODS: Rosacea signs and subtypes of 40 patients were recorded and subjective symptoms and clinical experiences related to topical agents and cosmetics were assessed using a questionnaire. Patch tests were performed in these patients using the Korean Standard Series (Chemotechnique Diagnostics, Sweden), the TRUE test® (Mekos Laboratories ApS, Denmark), and 26 selected fragrance and 31 cosmetic antigens (TROLAB, Germany). RESULTS: Of 40 patch-tested patients, 26 (65%) showed at least 1 positive reaction and 13 (32.5%) showed 2 or more positive reactions. The most common allergens were nickel (II) sulfate (50%), cobalt chloride (10%), epoxy resin (7.7%), and thimerosal (7.5%). Thirteen patients (32.5%) experienced irritant patch test reactions. There were no significant differences in allergic or irritant positive reactions between mild, moderate, and severe cases of rosacea or between rosacea subtypes. Irritant reactions were more common in fair-skinned participants. CONCLUSION: Different topical medications are used in the treatment of rosacea patients. Exacerbation of rosacea may be caused by a hypersensitivity reaction or irritation induced by the topical agent or by cosmetics.