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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-552819


To investigate the dynamic change of TNF ? and HSP70 after gunshot wound on limbs of canine in hot and humid environment, the canines were divided into three groups: trauma in normal environment group(NE), trauma in heat acclimatization group (HA), trauma in hot and humid environment group(HHE). Tumor necrosis factor ? (TNF ?) and HSP70 were measured at the time of 0, 1, 3, 4, 6 ,8 , 10, 14, 18, 24h after canine being gunshot. The results showed: ①TNF ? in muscle tissue from gunshot wound tract was significantly higher than that in blood plasma( P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-553742


Eighteen Chinese mongrel dogs were divided into 3 groups randomly according to the given environment: normal environment (NE) group, hot and humid environment (HHE) group, heat acclimatization (HA) group. The dynamic changes in the lymphocyte subsets with CD4 + , CD8 + ,CD11a + ,CD11b + expressions and neutrophil with CD11a and CD11b expressions in peripheral blood were detected post trauma using mAb FACS immuno fluerescence technique. In HHE group, there was a temporary increase (1h) and prolonged decrease (10h) in CD4 + subset, with an increase in CD8 + subset (4h later), resulting in final decrease in CD4 + /CD8 + ratio. In addition, CD11a + T cell decreased 8h later, with a mild change in CD11b + subset. The mechanism is unclear presently. Adaptive training seemed to raise the level of CD4 + and CD11a + lymphocyte subsets and suppress the expression of CD8 + subset. The expression of CD11a and CD11b in NE group increased immediately after injury, presenting a second peak at 4h. The second peak with a higher level was also observed in HHE group, but its duration was shorter than that of the NE group. Heat acclimatization lowered the level of the second peak, though it was remarkably prolonged. Changes in lymphocyte subsets and adhesion molecules of neutrophil suggested that hot and humid environment might suppress the immunity after gunshot injuries, while adaptive exercise could blunt the immunosuppressive response.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-553744


To explore the effect of heat acclimatization to the content of SOD and MDA in dogs with gunshot wound in limbs in hot and humid environment, eighteen Chinese mongrels were divided into 3 groups randomly according to the given environment: heat acclimatization(HA) group, normal environment(NE)group, and hot and humid environment(HHE) group. The contents of superoxide dismutast(SOD) and malonaldehyde(MDA) in muscle tissues of the gunshot wound track were assayed at 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18 an 24h respectively after wounding. The results showed that the contents of MDA in both HA and HHE groups began to ascend on postinjury hour(PIH) 1, peaking at PIH10 in HA group and PIH6 in HHE group, with the former lower than the latter. There was no significant difference between the contents of MDA in the three groups at PIH18. The content of SOD in HA group began to rise immediately after injury, which was 1h earlier than that in the other two groups, and it was higher than that in HHE group after PIH4. The content of SOD was too low to be measured at PIH10 in HHE group, and this result was 4h earlier than that in the other two groups. In conclusion, SOD and MDA play an important role in the pathophysiological process of gunshot wound in hot and humid environment. Heat acclimatization can be favorable to mitigate pathophysiological changes, and it might be an effective method to prevent rapid deterioration of gunshot injuries in hot and humid environment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-553746


To investigate the pathological changes in gunshot wound track in limbs of dogs produced under a hot and humid environment, 8 dogs were randomly divided into two groups: hot and humid environment group (HHE) and normal environment group(NE). Gross examination, optical microscopic examination (OM), electron microscopic examination (EM) were performed, and ATP, ADP, AMP content, energy charge (EC) in the gunshot wounds were observed at 4, 8, 12, 24h after wounding. The results indicated that 6~8 h after the injury, the wound tracks and discolored area of tissue in HHE group were more distinguished and enlarged than those in NE group, and the swelling of wounded limbs was obvious. Some of the wounds began to be odoriferous. The signs of infection began to be obvious. While the wounds of NE group did not give off obvious odor of decay until 12~24h after the injury. Under OM and EM, necrosis and damage of muscle fibers in the wound tracts were more obvious in the HHE group than that in NE group, showing a tendency of deterioration. In contrast the changes in the injured tissues in NE group showed a tendency of improving. ATP content of the injured tissues in the contusion region of HHE group was lower than that of NE group at 8h, ATP content of tissues in the shock region of HHE group was decreased continuously and was lower than that of NE group at 12h. ADP content of tissues in the contusion area of HHE group was lower than that of NE group at 8h and also in shock area at 12h. AMP content of tissues in the contusion area of HHE group was higher than that of NE group at 12h, whereas EC of tissues in the contusion area of HHE group was lower than that of NE group at 8h and 12h. Histopathological changes in tissues in the gunshot wound were serious and deteriorated gradually in hot and humid environment. At the same time the energy storage of muscle tissue in the gunshot wound track was lower and decreased more remarkably in this environment. Therefore early and complete debridement of gunshot wounds inflicted in hot and humid environment should be emphasized.