The Preservation of fruits and vegetable freshness is crucial in the agri-food industry to reduce postharvest losses and waste. Edible Coating emerges as a promising approach for extending the shelf life of these perishable goods. This study examines the role of edible coatings, with particular emphasis on aloe vera and sodium alginate as sustainable and natural coating agents. Studies demonstrate that these coatings effectively reduce moisture loss, control gas exchange, and inhibit microbial activity, which are critical factors in maintaining product quality. Aloe vera and sodium alginate coatings, particularly when enriched with essential oil, significantly enhance antimicrobial properties and preserve texture and color during extended storage. Through process optimization, the study investigates fine-tuning coating methods, ingredient concentrations, and storage conditions to optimize their efficacy. Additionally, quality characterization techniques are explored for quantitatively assessing the impact on freshness, sensory qualities, and overall quality. By addressing postharvest loss challenges, this review highlights aloe vera and sodium alginate coatings, and their potential for sustainable food preservation, contributing to reduced food wastage and fulfilling consumer demand for high-quality produce.
Background: Hypertension, a major cause of cardiovascular disease, is increasingly common among urban professionals, including school teachers, who face unique stressors and lifestyle challenges. Understanding these factors is essential for developing targeted health interventions. This study aims to determine the prevalence and key determinants of hypertension among government school teachers in Patna. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from November 2021 to October 2022 with 1321 teachers from 325 urban schools in Patna. The sample size was calculated based on a 45.4% estimated hypertension prevalence, with a 3% margin of error and 20% non-response rate. Teachers were selected using stratified sampling with probability proportional to size. Results: Of the 1283 respondents, 61.34% were male and 38.66% female. The overall prevalence of hypertension was 14.1%, higher in males (15.5%) than females (11.9%). Hypertension was significantly associated with frequent fast-food consumption, extra salt intake, tobacco use, stress, and higher BMI (p<0.05), though not with age, gender, physical activity, or depression. Conclusions: Improving dietary habits, reducing tobacco use, and managing BMI among teachers can significantly reduce hypertension. Healthier teachers create a better teaching environment, positively impacting student learning outcomes and enhancing the overall educational experience.
The Rutaceae family includes Aegle marmelos L., a moderately sized aromatic tree that is also known as Bael, Bengal quince, golden apple, Japanese bitter orange, stone apple, or wood apple. It is mostly found in tropical or subtropical regions. Fever, seminal weakness, nausea, vomiting, swellings, diarrhea, dyspepsia, and intermittent fever are the most common ailments that bael leaves are used to treat. Because of their high phenolic and flavonoid content, leaves have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-thrombotic, cardioprotective, and vasodilatory properties. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the phytochemical components, antioxidant capacity, GC-MS analysis, total phenolic & flavonoid contents in the methanolic extracts of A. marmelos leaves. Various secondary metabolites were observed in the aqueous and methanolic A. marmelos leaf extracts. TLC analysis of methanolic extracts revealed five distinct spots having different Rf values. Total phenolic content was found to be 33 ± 7.62 mg GAE/g, flavonoid content was 307.8 ± 130.12 mg QE/g. The highest antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of A. marmelos leaves was obtained at 1000 µg/ml conc. and it was dose dependent. Many biologically active compounds were present as analysed by GC-MS. The highest peak area of Perylo[1,12-def]-1,3-dioxepin-5,11-dione, 6,12-dihydroxy-8,9-bis(2-hydroxypropyl)-7,10-dimethoxy-, stereoisomer (3.502%) was observed.
This study intends to optimize production and evaluation of nutritional quality of composite flour comprising wheat and millet. The experimental design for the composite flour was laid down using I-optimal mixture design of response surface methodology (RSM). With extensive literature survey, wheat, finger millet, barnyard millet, and foxtail millet were selected to understand the health benefits of wheat flour. A total of 24 flour blends were prepared by incorporating wheat flour (40–85%), finger millet flour (5–20%), barnyard millet flour (5–20%), and foxtail millet (5–20%) as independent variables; however, the responses were protein, antinutrient (Tannin), and antioxidants (1,1-diphenyl 2-picryl hydrazyl). The statistical and numerical optimization technique of RSM was used to optimize multiple responses simultaneously. After optimization, eight distinct solutions were obtained using the software. Out of the eight solutions, the best optimum level of fortified mixture was selected and wheat (51.09%), finger millet (20%), barnyard millet (8.91%), and foxtail millet (20%) with protein content (23.19 mg g–1), antinutrient content (9.07 mg g–1), and antioxidant activity (61.52%), along with the highest desirability (0.845), were found to be the best. The optimized mixed flour obtained from wheat and millet blends had superior nutritional properties, making it an appropriate choice for consumers with dietary requirements, particularly those allergic to gluten. Furthermore, the optimized wheat–millet flour is suitable for large-scale production and can be used to improve consumers’ nutrient delivery and protein requirements. The study optimized composite flour through mixture design application and highlighted the applicability of RSM in the food industry. The outcome indicates that fortified flour finds its applicability in the food industry, particularly for products such as biscuits, noodles, pasta, and other bakery items.
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has been shown to govern a number of aspects of plant development, enabling the plant to survive and adapt to its surroundings, in response to unfavorable conditions that are abiotic in nature. As a staple crop, rice is particularly vulnerable to a variety of abiotic stresses including drought, salt, heavy metal toxicity, and high temperatures. In tandem, these stresses have a significant detrimental impact on rice productivity and quality. PGPR is a rhizosphere-dwelling microorganism that can improve plant development through a variety of distinctive methods, including nutrient uptake, phytohormone synthesis, modification of plant stress signaling pathways, and stimulation of stress-responsive genes. In this review, we studied the several abiotic pressures that are encountered and how PGPR can aid in resisting the stresses with a focus on rice crop, we additionally look at how PGPR minimize the dependency of agricultural soils on pesticides and chemical fertilizers. PGPR contributes to the long-term sustainability of ecosystems, plant productivity, and soil health by promoting environmentally friendly and sustainable farming practices.
Background: The most common result of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is diabetic foot ulcers (DFU), and extensive study has been done on the relationship between DFU and diabetes-related variables such as FBS, RBS, and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Methods: During the study period, 150 individuals with a diagnosis of diabetic foot were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. The HbA1c values were determined by drawing blood samples. Wagner categorization grading was carried out following the diabetic foot ulcer examination. Age, gender, length of DM, and other foot ulcer risk variables were also reported as demographics. Results: The majority of the patients (46.7%) had very poor glycemic control (HbA1c level >10). The majority of the patients (43.5%) were 45-60 years old and predominantly male. The majority of the patients were overweight. Higher BMI was significantly associated with diabetic foot ulcers (p<0.05). Longer duration of DM, history of smoking and peripheral neuropathy were significantly associated with the DFU. Mostly, patients with grades 4 and 5 were found to have HbA1c >8%. However, patients with grades 1-3 had HbA1c<8%. The correlation of HbA1c with DFU showed a statistically significant linear relationship with p < 0.05. Conclusion: The longer duration of DM, increased HbA1c, and diabetic neuropathy are the common risk factors of diabetic foot. We have also established a positive association between uncontrolled diabetes and diabetic foot ulcers
Millets, a group of small-seeded grasses, have been cultivated for thousands of years and are an integral part of traditional diets in many regions of the world. The nutritional value, resilience to harsh environmental conditions, and potential for sustainable agriculture, millets have been largely overlooked and underutilized in modern food systems, the nutritional benefits of millets, their role in ensuring food security, and strategies for promoting their cultivation and consumption. Millets are rich in essential nutrients, including protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and offer numerous health benefits, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, millets are well-suited to climate-resilient agriculture, requiring less water and fertilizer than many other cereal crops. By promoting the cultivation and consumption of millet, policymakers, researchers, and agricultural stakeholders can enhance food security, support small-scale farmers, and promote sustainable food systems and the need for increased investment in millet research, the development of value chains, and consumer education to realize the full potential of millets in addressing global food security challenges.
Potentilla fulgens Wall (Rosaceae), a well-known medicinal plant native to Asian regions has a rich history of traditional use for treating skin, gastrointestinal tract, and various metabolic disorders. Research has addressed that the plant is applied topically to treat conditions such as wounds, ulcers, and other skin ailments. Surprisingly, no prior investigation has explored the dermal toxicity of this plant. Therefore, the study was set to conduct the acute and subacute toxicity assessments on the ethyl acetate (EAPF) and methanol (MEPF) extracts of P. fulgenson Wistar rats. In the acute dermal toxicity study, rats received a single dose and were monitored for 14 days, while in the sub-acute study; they received a daily dose for 28 days. 2,000 and 5,000 mg/kg were tested by applying them to the shaved dorsal skin. Throughout the experiments, changes in physical appearance, behavior, and histological alterations were monitored. The results unequivocally revealed no abnormal physical or physiological changes, behavioral deviations, or mortality in any of the rats in both acute and sub-acute dermal toxicity assessments. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences (nsp > 0.05) in body weight, kidney, liver, spleen weights, hematological parameters, or blood biochemistry values between the treatment and control groups. These findings were further substantiated by the normal macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the rats’ skin, kidneys, liver, and spleen. In conclusion, our study affirms that the application of EAPF and MEPF to the skin does not induce acute or subacute skin irritation nor elicit systemic toxic responses in rats.
This is an exhaustive narrative review on nutritional importance regarding periodontium health. Macronutrients have a significant impact on oral health. Highly refined carbohydrate intake has been linked to dental cavities and periodontal diseases. In contrast, complex carbohydrates in whole grains and vegetables promote periodontal health. Proteins are essential for host defenses and the synthesis of connective tissues, making them crucial for periodontal well-being. Vegetable proteins positively affect periodontal health. Dietary fats promote inflammation and increase the risk of periodontal disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known for their anti-inflammatory properties and minimizing periodontal inflammation. Vitamins and minerals are essential in maintaining periodontal health. Vitamins A, D, and K are necessary for oral epithelial integrity, bone growth, and tissue maintenance. Ca2+ and Mg2+ deficiencies have been associated with severe periodontal diseases. Antioxidants like vitamin C can mitigate periodontal inflammation. Most dental practitioners acknowledge that a person’s nutritional status attenuates periodontal disorders. The severity of inflammation in the gums is indirectly impacted by the inherent resistance of the periodontal tissues to infection at a systemic level. Dental professionals should address local irritants through different procedures, promote daily plaque control at home, and offer nutritional counseling on improving overall periodontal health
Introduction: Nasoalveolar Moulding (NAM) is a pre-surgical technique designed to reshape the alveolus, lip, and nose in infants with cleft lip and palate. The objectives of NAM for bilateral cleft lip and palate include: retracting the premaxilla using extraoral traction via lip taping, preserving the arch form with a passive appliance, developing clinically significant columellar tissue, and achieving harmonious nasal tip projection. Aim and Objective: To access effectiveness of nasoalveolar moulding on alveolus and nose in bilateral cleft lip and palate. Study Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: IGIMS, Patna. Between March 2022 and March 2024. Material and Method: This descriptive study comprised 10 infants with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP), undergoing nasoalveolar moulding (NAM). The mean age of the infants at the start of the study was <6 weeks, impression was taken over which NAM appliance was fabricated and adjusted weekly depending upon progress of the treatment. Nasal stents were incorporated once the cleft width was reduced to 6 mm. Duration of treatment extends to 25 to 29 weeks. Post NAM impression was taken, alveolar and nasal measurements were recorded. Result: Right & left Alveolar cleft width, mid-palatal arch width decreases significantly. Columellar length, right & left nasal height increase due to tissue elongation. Right & left nasal width and bialar width decreases significantly. Conclusion: NAM therapy should be considered an integral part of the multidisciplinary approach to managing cleft lip and palate, improving not only the surgical outcomes but also the overall quality of life for affected infants.
Takayasu抯 arteritis (TA) a.k.a pulseless disease is a chronic inflammatory occlusive thrombo-aortopathy. It is a rare inflammatory disease affecting large arteries, often leading to significant diagnostic challenges, especially when presenting with atypical symptoms. This case report explores a patient, whose primary complaints were chest pain and no neurological or constitutional symptoms, diverging from the common presentations of diminished pulses or limb claudication. Advanced imaging, including CT Aortogram and interventions like cardiac angiography, played a crucial role in detecting vascular inflammation and stenosis, facilitating accurate diagnosis and management. The case underscores the importance of considering Takayasu arteritis in differential diagnoses, even with non-classical presentations. This present case demonstrates rare and unique presentation of TA where patient presents with myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock and also explains the diagnostic dilemma of TA with such unusual presentation.
The present study was carried out to assess the phytochemical and antioxidant potential of 24 chilli landraces grown in hilly regions of India viz. Himachal Pradesh & Assam and genotypes were evaluated for different phytochemical parameters and antioxidant assays. Highest total sugar (3.43 %), reducing sugar (2.22 %), polyphenolic content (153.85 mg /100g GAE), total carotenoids (101.66 mg/100g), ascorbic acid (12.85 mg/100g) and reducing power assay (70.76 mM/g TE) were found in the genotype 慍hilli SC-1�, while 慍hilli CHI-15� was found superior for total flavonoid content (547.01 mg/100g QE). The genotype, 慍hilli SC-1抐ollowed 慍hilli L-2� were found best owing to their Trolox equivalent antioxidant activity. The above results were also confirmed with spectral studies using FT-IR spectroscopy and genotype 慍hili SC-1� was found best in all the concerned parameters as the highest peaks of the respective sample were observed concerning all other samples. Further, principal component analysis indicated that the genotype 慍hilli SC-1�, 慍hilli LC-2�, 慍hilli AC-9� and 慍hilli AC-10� are the major contributors to divergence within different quality traits under study.
Antimicrobial resistance causes substantial risks to human health globally, and millions of people die worldwide due to multiple drug resistances. Beta-lactam drugs are common for curing infections, and resistance to these drugs cause serious threat to humans. The resistance is acquired by the gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa by producing beta-lactamases such as metallo beta-lactamase (MBL), extended-spectrum beta-lactamase enzymes (ESBL), and AmpC ?-lactamases. Hence, this study was intended to detect the occurrence of MBL, ESBL, and AmpC ?-lactamases producing P. aeruginosa and to evaluate antibiotic sensitivity at the Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India. A total of 163 P. aeruginosa were isolated from the different samples of patients, such as urine, blood, sputum, pus, and pleural fluids. The P. aeruginosa was characterized morphologically, biochemically, and with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. Their antibiotic sensitivity was evaluated by the Kirby-Baur disc diffusion method. Antibiotic sensitivity tests of P. aeruginosa showed 163/163 were susceptible to Polymyxin-B, 78/163 and 65/163 were resistant against Ceftazidime (CAZ) and IMP antibiotics, respectively. The IMP, CAZ, and cefoxitin-resistant isolates were selected and further evaluated for ESBL, MBL, and AmpC enzyme production. In conclusion, the findings of this study indicated a significant presence of ESBL, MBL, and AmpC enzyme-producing P. aeruginosa among the patients. The ESBL prevalence was much higher in indoor patients than in outdoor patients. The total prevalence of MBL-producing strains in Imipenem-resistant P. aeruginosa (IRPA) was (46/62) 74.19%, which is an alarming signal. There was a higher prevalence of IRPA MBL-producing strains in indoor patients (36/46) 78.6% as compared to outdoor patients (10/16) 62.50%. Identification of bronchoalveolar lavage and sputum was also done using the Biofire Film Array, which revealed the resistant genes, including NDM (20 genes), CTX-M (17 genes), OXA-48-like (9 genes), VIM (5 genes), and IMP (2 genes). Antibiotics like cefotaxime and CAZ have less effect, but carbapenems and aminoglycosides are the best options for treating ESBL-producing P. aeruginosa. Drugs not recommended for treating this pathogen are penicillins and sulfonamides like co-trimoxazoles. Strict infection control measures, careful monitoring of antibiotic administration, and routine screening for ESBL-producing strains are advised before treating the patients.
Exploring medicinal plants for their natural products to benefit humanity has been a practice since ancient times. Berberis aristata, also known as tree turmeric or Indian barberry, has a dominant spot in conventional medicine for 2500 plus years. In the latter years, this particular species has gained prime attention in pharmaceutical zone due to its scarcity. The plant and its formulations are used to treat numerous human health threats including cancer, diabetes, diarrhea, wound relieving, infections of eyes and ears, gynecological disorders, and HIV-AIDS. The bioactive compounds present in B. aristata are found to contain anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-microbial properties. The plant is critically jeopardized species of Indian Himalaya due to the collection of its roots at a large scale for obtaining berberine alkaloid and its conservation is of great concern. At present, isolation of endophytic entities from remedial plants revolutionized the path of discovering drugs from medicinal plants. Endophytes can produce the same bioactive as their host plant as well as another bioactive to address a variety of human health issues. The review examines the bioprospecting of B. aristata, a medicinal shrub from the family Berberidaceae, and its associated endophytes for the production of bioactive compounds with application to human health. Finally, the review provides a comprehensive outlook on the current status and future prospects of bioprospecting B. aristata and its endophytes to combat future human health threats is an exciting area of research that should be further explored.
Probiotics are living microorganisms known for their beneficial properties and have been extensively researched and utilized in various products worldwide. These microorganisms have essential nutritional needs and exhibit significant functional qualities. Probiotics have been employed to enhance the well-being of both animals and humans by influencing the balance of microorganisms in the intestines. Several probiotic strains, such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacilli, became identified and studied for their potential in mitigating the incidence of gastrointestinal (GI) infections or as a therapeutic approach for treating such infections. With the rise of microbiota displaying resistance and tolerance to traditional medications and antibiotics, the effectiveness of drugs has diminished. Several probiotic strains have been identified to possess notable properties, including potent anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Consequently, introducing beneficial bacterial species into the GI tract offers an appealing approach to restore microbial balance and prevent diseases. Furthermore, probiotics have demonstrated the capacity to inhibiting the action of intestinal bacterial enzymes responsible being synthesizing colonic carcinogens. Probiotics offer a promising preventive and therapeutic advancement, but further research is required to better understand their specific impact on intestinal health. Probiotics can also exert a direct influence on other microorganisms, including pathogens, which is crucial in preventing and treating infections and restoring the balance of microorganisms in the GI tract. The present review deals with probiotic formulations, their mechanisms, and role in human health.
In India, in particular in rural regions, the Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) has been crucial in treating malnutrition and improving access to education for schoolchildren. The Mid-Day Meal Scheme's implementation and efficacy in the Bihar district of Arwal are both investigated in this study. this study highlights how significantly the Mid-Day Meal Scheme has improved the nutritional and academic outcomes of rural schoolchildren in Bihar while also highlighting areas that need more focus for programme improvement. A representative sample of rural schools was used to gather data using a quantitative methodology. By using many sorts of indicators, including attendance, dropout rates, and academic achievement, the study evaluated the nutritional and educational status of children. The result illustrate the benefits of the programme by showing improvements in height, weight, classroom hunger, enrollment, retention, attendance, and a decrease in dropout rates. On the other hand, assessments regarding academic ability and attention span were less favourable. When parents and instructors were asked about their opinions of the classroom hunger and attendance, both groups of people said that things had much improved. On the subject of academic achievement and attention span, differences were identified. The report highlights the need for additional study to fully comprehend the Mid-Day Meal Scheme's long-term effect.
Moringa oleifera, commonly known as the Drumstick tree, is a multifaceted plant having extensive medicinal and nutritional applications. Various species of the plant are distributed across different tropical and sub-tropical areas around the world for diverse usage. It has also been recognized in Ayurveda as well as Unani systems of medicine for prevention and treatment of different diseases along with applications in environmental management, such as water purification and biopesticides. The plant is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and various bioactive compounds like flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. Its leaves, pods, and flowers are used as dietary supplements, offering significant health benefits, particularly in underdeveloped countries. It is known for a wide range of pharmacological properties, such as antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer activities, making it a valuable resource in traditional and modern medicine. Various scientific studies have highlighted its potential in reducing cholesterol, boosting immune responses, and inhibiting the growth of various pathogens as well as cancer cells. This review highlights the multifaceted utility of Moringa oleifera i.e., nutritional value of Moringa oleifera, its phytochemical richness and certain therapeutic properties such as antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-microbial and anti-cancer properties thus showing its versatility.
Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) typically presents with mucocutaneous bleeding. Splenectomy, rituximab, and thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RAs) are the recommended second-line therapy. Eltrombopag is one of the TPO-RAs used for the treatment of steroid-refractory ITP, with a response rate of 70–80%. Though rare, yet various cases of venous thromboembolism have been reported from clinical trials as well as real-world studies. We present a case of ITP that was refractory to corticosteroid and second-line drugs; however, it responded to eltrombopag. While having a complete response on eltrombopag, the patient developed Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.
Minimally invasive surgery is increasingly employed in the treatment of thyroid diseases. Several minimal access approaches to the thyroid gland have been described. Minimally invasive surgery is rapidly expanding its role in almost all the surgical sub-specialties. There is also a growing demand for minimally invasive approaches, as nowadays, patients are more concerned about cosmesis in addition to their original surgery. Although its role in thyroid surgery has already been proven earlier, it is not yet accepted as a routine approach amongst many thyroid surgeons. The commonly performed surgeries have been endoscopic lobectomies. We have done one such procedure in our institution with a successful outcome.
The future of farming holds great promise with the advancement of biological control techniques aimed at enhancing crop health and sustainability. Biological control involves harnessing natural enemies of pests, such as predators, parasitoids, and pathogens, to manage pest populations in agricultural ecosystems. This approach contrasts with conventional pesticide use, offering more environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions to pest management challenges. In recent years, biological control has seen significant technological advancements that promise to revolutionize crop protection practices. One such innovation is the development and application of microbial biopesticides, which utilize naturally occurring microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and viruses to suppress pests and diseases. These biopesticides are often specific to target pests, minimizing harm to beneficial organisms and reducing chemical residues in crops and the environment. Moreover, the integration of precision agriculture technologies and data analytics has enhanced the efficacy and deployment of biological control strategies. Farmers can now monitor pest populations in real time, making informed decisions on when and where to apply biological agents. This precision not only optimizes pest control efforts but also minimizes input costs and environmental impact. Looking ahead, the future of farming with biological control techniques lies in further refining these methods through ongoing research and innovation. Advances in genetic technologies, such as CRISPR-based gene editing, offer the potential to engineer crops with inherent resistance to pests and diseases, reducing reliance on external control measures altogether. Furthermore, the promotion of ecological approaches like habitat manipulation and conservation biological control will enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services within agricultural landscapes, fostering resilient farming systems capable of adapting to future challenges posed by climate change and evolving pest pressures.