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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1042298


Purpose@#Perspectives of radiation oncologists on oligometastatic disease was investigated using multi-layered survey. @*Materials and Methods@#Online survey on the oligometastatic disease was distributed to the board-certified regular members of the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology. The questionnaire consisted of four domains: five questions on demographics; five on the definition of oligometastatic disease; four on the role of local therapy; and three on the oligometastatic disease classification, respectively. @*Results@#A total of 135 radiation oncologists participated in the survey. The median length of practice after board certification was 22.5 years (range, 1 to 44 years), and the vast majority (94.1%) answered affirmatively to the clinical experience in oligometastatic disease management. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents considered the number of involved organs as an independent factor in defining oligometastasis. Most frequently perceived upper limit on the numerical definition of oligometastasis was 5 (64.2%), followed by 3 (26.0%), respectively. Peritoneal and brain metastasis were nominated as the sites to be excluded from oligometastastic disease by 56.3% and 12.6% of the participants, respectively. Vast majority (82.1%) agreed on the role of local treatment in the management of oligometastatic disease. Majority (72%) of the participants acknowledged the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO)–European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) classification of oligometastatic disease, however, only 43.3% answered that they applied this classification in their clinical practice. Underlying reasons against the clinical use were ‘too complicated’ (66.0%), followed by ‘insufficient supporting evidence’ (30.0%), respectively. @*Conclusion@#While most radiation oncologists supported the role of local therapy in oligometastatic disease, there were several inconsistencies in defining and categorizing oligometastatic disease. Continued education and training on oligometastatic disease would be also required to build consensus among participating caregivers.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1042338


Purpose@#This study aimed to determine the role of local ablative radiotherapy (LART) in oligometastatic/oligoprogressive lung adenocarcinoma. @*Materials and Methods@#Patients (n=176) with oligometastatic lung adenocarcinoma treated with LART were identified, and those treated with LART at the initial diagnosis of synchronous oligometastatic disease (OMD group) or treated with LART when they presented with repeat oligoprogression (OPD group) were included. @*Results@#In the OMD group (n=54), the 1- and 3-year progression-free survival (PFS) were 50.9% and 22.5%, respectively, whereas the 1- and 3-year overall survival in the OPD group were 75.9% and 58.1%, respectively. Forty-one patients (75.9%) received LART at all gross disease sites. Tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) use and all-metastatic site LART were significant predictors of higher PFS (p=0.018 and p=0.046, respectively). In patients treated with TKIs at the time of LART (n=23) and those treated with all-metastatic site LART, the 1-year PFS was 86.7%, while that of patients not treated with all-metastatic site LART was 37.5% (p=0.006). In the OPD group (n=122), 67.2% of the patients (n=82) maintained a systemic therapy regimen after LART. The cumulative incidence of changing systemic therapy was 39.6%, 62.9%, and 78.5% at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after LART, respectively. @*Conclusion@#Aggressive LART can be an option to improve survival in patients with oligometastatic disease. Patients with synchronous oligometastatic disease receiving TKI and all-metastatic site LART may have improved PFS. In patients with repeat oligoprogression, LART might potentially extend survival by delaying the need to change the systemic treatment regimen.

Kosin Medical Journal ; : 75-79, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1044965


Giant adrenal myelolipomas are rare, benign, and hormonally inactive tumors. We present the case of a 53-year-old man with a 19-cm retroperitoneal mass, initially suspected to be a retroperitoneal liposarcoma, angiomyolipoma, or adrenal myelolipoma. After conducting endocrine assessments, which were within normal ranges, we decided to perform surgical excision using a modified Makuuchi incision. The tumor was successfully removed, and the final pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of adrenal myelolipoma. The patient was discharged with no complications and remained without disease recurrence or distant metastasis as of 1 year postoperatively. In conclusion, giant myelolipomas are rare and cause symptoms owing to their large size. Surgical removal is recommended for large or symptomatic myelolipomas. The modified Makuuchi incision allows efficient and safe tumor removal in open surgery for giant myelolipomas.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976882


Objective@#: Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a common neurosurgical disease and generally treated with burr-hole surgery alone. Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic agent that potentially reduces recurrence rates and the residual hematoma volume. However, the role of postoperative TXA medication remains unclear to date. This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of adjunctive TXA in the view of early hematoma resolution. @*Methods@#: Between January 2018 and September 2021, patients with CSDH who underwent burr-hole trephination in a single tertiary institute were reviewed. The study population was divided into three groups, TXA, non-TXA, and antithrombotics (AT) groups, according to the medical history of cardio-cerebrovascular disease and TXA administration. The primary endpoint was CSDH recurrence, defined as re-appearance or re-accumulation of CSDH requiring neurosurgical interventions. The secondary outcome was CSDH resolution, defined as complete or near-complete resorption of the CSDH. The CSDH resolution time and serial changes of hematoma thickness were also investigated. @*Results@#: A total of 240 patients was included in the analysis consisting of 185 male and 55 female, with a median age of 74 years. During the median imaging follow-up period of 75 days, 222 patients were reached to the primary or secondary endpoint. TXA was administered as an adjunctive therapy in 41 patients (TXA group, 16.9%) while 114 patients were included in the non-TXA group (47.9%) and 85 were in the AT group. The recurrence rate was the lowest in the TXA group (2.4%), followed by non-TXA (7.0%) and AT (8.2%) groups. However, there was no statistical significance due to the small number of patients with recurrence. CSDH resolution was achieved in 206 patients, and the median estimated time to resolution was significantly faster in the TXA group (p<0.001). Adjunctive TXA administration was a significant positive factor for achieving CSDH resolution (p<0.001). The hematoma thickness was comparable among the three groups at the initial time and after surgery. However, CSDH thickness in the TXA group decreased abruptly in a month and showed a significant difference from that in the other groups (p<0.001). There was no TXA-related adverse event. @*Conclusion@#: The adjunctive use of TXA after CSDH surgery significantly facilitated the resorption of residual CSDH and resulted in the early CSDH resolution. Adjunctive TXA may be an effective treatment option to reduce recurrence by enhancing CSDH resolution in the selective patients.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040371


Background@#Point-of-care testing (POCT) coagulometers are increasingly used for monitoring warfarin therapy. However, in high international normalized ratio (INR) ranges, significant discrepancy in the INR between POCT and conventional laboratory tests occurs. We compared the INR of POCT (CoaguChek XS Plus; Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) with that of a conventional laboratory test (ACL TOP 750; Instrumentation Laboratory SpA, Milan, Italy) and explored possible reasons for discrepancy. @*Methods@#Paired POCT and conventional laboratory test INRs were analyzed in 400 samples from 126 patients undergoing warfarin therapy after cardiac surgery. Coagulation factor and thrombin generation tests were compared using the Mann–Whitney U test. Correlations between coagulation factors and INRs were determined using Pearson correlation coefficients. @*Results@#The mean difference in the INR between the tests increased at high INR ranges. Endogenous thrombin potential levels were decreased at INR <2.0 for CoaguChek XS Plus and 2.0< INR <3.0 for ACL TOP 750 compared with those at INR <2.0 for both tests, indicating a better performance of ACL TOP 750 in assessing thrombin changes. The correlation coefficients of coagulation factors were stronger for ACL TOP 750 INR than for CoaguChek XS Plus INR. Vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors were found to contribute to the INR discrepancy. @*Conclusions@#Decreases in vitamin K-dependent coagulation and anticoagulation factors can explain the significant discrepancy between the two tests in high INR ranges. Since conventional laboratory test INR values are more reliable than POCT INR values, a confirmatory conventional laboratory test is required for high INR ranges.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1041258


Background@#In the era of transcatheter aortic valve implantation, this study was conducted to investigate the current trend of aortic valve procedures in Korea and to evaluate the early and mid-term outcomes of isolated surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) using bioprosthetic valves in contemporary Korea. @*Methods@#Contemporary outcomes of isolated bioprosthetic SAVR in Korea were analyzed using the datasets on a multicenter basis. Patients who underwent isolated SAVR using bioprostheses from June 2015 to May 2019 were included, and those with concomitant cardiac procedures, SAVR with mechanical valve, or SAVR for infective endocarditis were excluded. A total of 456 patients from 4 large-volume centers were enrolled in this study.Median follow-up duration was 43.4 months. Early postoperative outcomes, mid-term clinical outcomes, and echocardiographic outcomes were evaluated. @*Results@#Mean age of the patients was 73.1 ± 7.3 years, and EuroSCORE II was 2.23 ± 2.09. The cardiopulmonary bypass time and aortic cross-clamp times were median 106 and 76 minutes, respectively. SAVR was performed with full median sternotomy (81.8%), right thoracotomy (14.7%), or partial sternotomy (3.5%). Operative mortality was 1.8%. The incidences of stroke and permanent pacemaker implantation were 1.1% and 1.1%, respectively. Paravalvular regurgitation ≥ mild was detected in 2.6% of the patients. Cumulative incidence of all-cause mortality at 5 years was 13.0%. Cumulative incidences of cardiovascular mortality and bioprosthetic valve dysfunction at 5 years were 7.6% and 6.8%, respectively. @*Conclusion@#The most recent data for isolated SAVR using bioprostheses in Korea resulted in excellent early and mid-term outcomes in a multicenter study.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-913784


Symptomatic Rathke’s cleft cysts (RCCs) can be treated by surgical procedures, usually through an endonasal transsphenoidal corridor using either a microscope or an endoscope. We report a large suprasellar extended RCC causing obstructive hydrocephalus, which was efficiently managed by a novel surgical route named “reverse” trans-sellar approach using transventricular neuroendoscopy. A 48-yearold woman complained of persistent headache and a tendency to fall that had begun 6 months previously. The images obtained from MRI scan showed intra- and supra-sellar cystic masses occupying the third ventricle with obstruction of the foramina of Monro and the aqueduct of Sylvius. The cystic wall showed a slight enhancement, and the cystic contents showed iso-signal intensity on T1-and T2-weighted images. Instead of trans-nasal trans-sellar surgery, we decided to operate using a conventional transventricular endoscope. A thin cystic capsule, which blocked the foramina of Monro and the aqueduct of Sylvius, was fenestrated and removed and a third ventriculostomy was performed. The defect in the infundibulum between sellar and suprasellar cysts was widened and used as a corridor to drain cystic contents (reverse trans-sellar route). The final pathological finding revealed an RCC with focal metaplasia. We efficiently managed a large RCC by transventricular neuroendoscopic surgery with cyst fenestration and third ventriculostomy and simultaneously drained the sellar contents using a novel surgical route. Reverse trans-sellar neuroendoscopic surgery is a relevant treatment option for selective patients with large suprasellar extensions of RCCs.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-913819


Purpose@#Preclinical data indicate that response to radiotherapy (RT) depends on DNA damage repair. In this study, we investigated the role of mutations in genes related to DNA damage repair in treatment outcome after RT. @*Materials and Methods@#Patients with solid tumor who participated in next generation sequencing panel screening using biopsied tumor tissue between October 2013 and February 2019 were reviewed and 97 patients that received RT were included in this study. Best response to RT and the cumulative local recurrence rate (LRR) were compared according to absence or presence of missense, nonsense, and frameshift mutations in ATM and/or BRCA1/2. @*Results@#Of the 97 patients, five patients harbored mutation only in ATM, 22 in only BRCA1/2, and six in both ATM and BRCA1/2 (ATMmtBRCAmt). Propensity score matching was performed to select the control group without mutations (ATMwtBRCAwt, n=33). In total, 90 RT-treated target lesions were evaluated in 66 patients. Highest objective response rate of 80% was observed in ATMmtBRCAmt lesions (p=0.007), which was mostly durable. Furthermore, the cumulative 1-year LRR was the lowest in ATMmtBRCAmt lesions and the highest in ATMwtBRCAwt lesions (0% vs. 47.9%, p=0.008). RT-associated toxicities were observed in 10 treatments with no significant difference among the subgroups (p=0.680). @*Conclusion@#Tumors with ATM and BRCA1/2 mutations exhibited superior tumor response and local control after RT compared to tumors without these mutations. The results are hypothesis generating and suggest the need for integrating the tumor mutation profile of DNA repair genes during treatment planning.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-967081


Background@#Anterior choroidal artery (AchA) aneurysms are usually small in diameter because of the size of the involved artery and are often wide-necked. Coil embolization of AchA aneurysm is thus challenging because of serious risks, such as thromboembolic occlusion of artery and perforation of aneurysm dome. Therefore, aneurysmal neck clipping remains widely performed despite a recent increase in the use of coil embolization for aneurysm treatment. We report the treatment results of AchA aneurysms mostly (92.3%) treated with coil embolization at our institute. @*Methods@#The database and medical records of patients who underwent coil embolization for AchA aneurysms were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical and imaging results and procedure-related complications were investigated after coil embolization performed between January 2006 and March 2022 at our institute. @*Results@#In total, 96 AchA aneurysms comprising 65 unruptured and 31 ruptured aneurysms, including only 1 ruptured aneurysm (1.0%) re-embolized at postoperative day 192 because of coil compaction, were evaluated. After the initial coil embolization, complete occlusion was attained in 41, residual neck in 45, and residual aneurysm in 10 patients. Follow-up radiological studies after 6–174 months were performed for 80 aneurysms. Complete occlusion was noted in 57 patients, residual neck in 22, and residual aneurysm in 1. The dysarthria experienced by one (1.0%) patient was the only symptomatic procedure-related complication. After coil embolization, neither delayed new rupture nor re-rupture was observed. @*Conclusions@#The results of this study demonstrate that coil embolization is a safe and effective treatment option for patients with AchA aneurysms.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-967868


Objective@#The establishment of a proper emergency care system can significantly decrease the number of deaths and disabilities. However, this is neglected in many low- and middle-income countries, including Cambodia. At present, many Cambodian hospitals lack designated emergency departments, formal triage systems, and staff trained in emergency medicine. This study sought to measure the functional capacity of the Cambodian emergency care system corresponding to each hospital level using the Emergency Care Assessment Tool (ECAT). @*Methods@#We conducted a survey from April 19, 2021, to April 27, 2021, by distributing survey sheets to a total of eight Cambodian medical staff who were invited to a hospital in South Korea for an educational program. The ECAT comprises items evaluating the capability of hospitals to perform signal functions for each of the six emergent sentinel conditions that could occur prior to death. We analyzed the data by categorizing the hospitals into basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. @*Results@#Basic-level hospitals had weaknesses in signal functions related to altered mental status and trauma care. The intermediate-level hospital showed weaknesses in signal functions related to respiratory failure, altered mental status, shock, and trauma care. Advanced-level hospitals had weaknesses in signal functions related to respiratory failure, trauma, and shock. @*Conclusion@#Our survey shows that most Cambodian hospitals lack the capability to perform the emergency signal functions expected at each level. We believe that this gap can be bridged with proper customized education targeting medical staff based on the level of their hospital and ensuring a proper supply of medical devices.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-968817


Although wearable electrocardiograms (ECGs) are being increasingly applied in clinical settings, validation methods have not been standardized. As an exploratory evaluation, we performed a multicenter clinical trial implementing an approved wearable patch ECG. Healthy male adults were enrolled in 2 study centers. The approved ECGs were deployed for 6 hours, and pulse rates were measured independently with conventional pulse oximetry at selected time points for correlation analyses. The transmission status of the data was evaluated by heart rates and classified into valid, invalid, and missing. A total of 55 subjects (40 in center 1 and 15 in center 2) completed the study. Overall, 77.40% of heart rates were within the valid range. Invalid and missing data accounted for 1.42% and 21.23%, respectively. There were significant differences in valid and missing data between centers. The proportion of missing data in center 1 (24.77%) was more than twice center 2 (11.77%). Heart rates measured by the wearable ECG and conventional pulse oximetry showed a poor correlation (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.0454). In conclusion, we evaluated the multicenter feasibility of implementing wearable ECGs. The results suggest that systems to mitigate multicenter discrepancies and remove artifacts should be implemented prior to performing a clinical trial.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-968974


Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH), which generally occurs in elderly patients, is a frequently diagnosed condition in neurosurgical departments. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the most preferred diagnostic modalities for CSDH assessment. With early diagnosis and adequate management, CSDH may show favorable prognosis in majority of the patients; however, recurrence after surgery can occur in a significant number of patients. The recently increasing number of CSDH studies could reveal the prognostic factors affecting CSDH recurrence. Particularly, radiological characteristics regarding the internal architecture of CSDH are considered closely associated with recurrence in surgically treated CSDH patients. In this literature review, we evaluated the various diagnostic modalities of CSDH and its radiological characteristics on CT and MRI. Furthermore, we summarized the prognostic factors of recurrence for the hematoma type based on the radiological findings.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-968976


The Neurotrauma Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the Korean Neurotraumatology Society (KNTS-NCPGC) is developing clinical guidelines for neurotrauma in line with the capabilities of the Korean Neurotraumatology Society, which is leading pioneering development in the field of neurosurgery. From the mid-1990s, the KNTS-NCPGC has been working to develop guidelines and disseminate evidence-based medicine, including the development of Korean guidelines for the management of severe head injuries and active participation in the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences. The KNTS-NCPGC strives to write and inherit the will of the society through the development of clinical practice guidelines, which are one of the outcomes representing professionalism and public interest and can be expressed in terms of “trust” and “best.” In this review, the history and achievements of KNTS-NCPGC, the status of the ongoing development of guidelines, and the perspectives of the committee are covered.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969001


Syncope is a common symptom in clinical practice. Rotational vertebral artery occlusion syndrome, also referred to as Bow Hunter’s syndrome (BHS), is a rare condition associated with syncope and is caused by mechanical occlusion or stenosis secondary to mechanical compression of the vertebral artery during head rotation. BHS is associated with a multifactorial etiology; however, in most cases, this condition is attributed to degenerative changes. A 53-year-old man visited our hospital for the evaluation of fainting and dizziness episodes that occurred when he turned his head. Evaluation as an outpatient in the Department of Neurology showed a positive result on the Frenzel goggle test. Transfemoral cerebral angiography performed at the Department of Neurosurgery revealed stenosis of the proximal right vertebral artery. Complete occlusion of the vertebral artery was observed, and the head was turned to the right. Decompression and fusion were performed, and the contributory lesion was completely removed. Postoperative imaging confirmed complete removal of the spur and sufficient vertebral artery decompression; the patient’s symptoms resolved postoperatively.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-937262


Radiation-induced cavernous hemangiomas (RICHs) have been increasingly reported as a late complication after conventional radiotherapy. RICH after stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is extremely rare and the few cases have been reported to demonstrate their properties. A 72-year-old female patient presented with progressive neurologic deficits. She underwent tumor surgery for meningioma 13 years ago and two times of SRS for treating a residual tumor. Newly-developed mass was 4.3 cm-sized heterogeneously enhancing mass with severe cerebral edema. She underwent surgical resection and the histologic examinations revealed organized hematoma. Finally, it was diagnosed as a RICH following SRS based on radiological and histological findings and a history of multiple radiosurgeries. Clinical, radiological, and histological features of a RICH following SRS were discussed in this report.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-937298


Objective@#We aimed to investigate the characteristics of frequent emergency department (ED) users in Korea. @*Methods@#We analyzed the Korea Health Panel Study data of a sampled population from the 2005 Population Census of Korea data, and adults (age ≥18 years) who visited the ED at least once a year between 2014 and 2017 were included in the study. People who visited three or more times a year were classified as frequent users. We compared demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related factors between nonfrequent and frequent users. We used a multivariable logistic regression analysis to determine factors related to frequent ED visits. We also compared the characteristics of ED use in both nonfrequent and frequent users. @*Results@#A total of 5,090 panels were included, comprising 6,853 visits. Frequent users were 333 (6.5% of all panels), and their ED visits were 1,364 (19.9% of all ED visits). In the multivariable regression analysis, medical aid coverage (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] of the National Health Service coverage, 0.55; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.40–0.75), unemployment (aOR of employment, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.56–0.91), prior ward admission in a year (aOR, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.67–2.75), and frequent outpatient department use (aOR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.35–2.20) were associated with frequent use. Moreover, frequent users visited the ED of public hospitals more often than than nonfrequent users (19.2% vs. 9.8%). Medical problems rather than injury/poisoning were the more common reasons for visiting the ED (84.5% vs. 71.2%). @*Conclusion@#We found that frequent ED users were likely to be those with socioeconomic disadvantage or with high demand for medical service. Based on this study, further studies on interventions to reduce frequent ED use are required for better ED services.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-926027


Objective@#: Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a common disease in neurosurgical departments, but optimal perioperative management guidelines have not yet been established. We aimed to assess the current clinical management and outcomes for CSDH patients and identify prognostic factors for CSDH recurrence. @*Methods@#: We enrolled a total of 293 consecutive patients with CSDH who underwent burr hole craniostomy at seven institutions in 2018. Clinical and surgery-related characteristics and surgical outcomes were analyzed. The cohort included 208 men and 85 women. @*Results@#: The median patient age was 75 years. Antithrombotic agents were prescribed to 105 patients. History of head trauma was identified in 59% of patients. Two hundred twenty-seven of 293 patients (77.5%) had unilateral hematoma and 46.1% had a homogenous hematoma type. About 70% of patients underwent surgery under general anesthesia, and 74.7% underwent a single burr hole craniostomy surgery. Recurrence requiring surgery was observed in 17 of 293 patients (5.8%), with a median of 32 days to recurrence. The postoperative complication rate was 4.1%. In multivariate analysis, factors associated with CSDH recurrence were separated hematoma type (odds ratio, 3.906; p=0.017) and patient who underwent surgery under general anesthesia had less recurrence (odds ratio, 0.277; p=0.017). @*Conclusion@#: This is the first retrospective multicenter generalized cohort pilot study in the Republic of Korea as a first step towards the development of Korean clinical practice guidelines for CSDH. The type of hematoma and anesthesia was associated with CSDH recurrence. Although the detailed surgical method differs depending on the institution, the surgical treatment of CSDH was effective. Further studies may establish appropriate management guidelines to minimize CSDH recurrence.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-926788


Purpose@#The aims of this study were to investigate the clinical value of Rab27a as a urinary biomarker, and its efficiency in the prediction of bladder cancer grade. @*Materials and Methods@#The expression of Rab27a in urine samples of patients with bladder cancer, cell line (T-24), and tissue samples of patients with bladder cancer was estimated via quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The Rab27a expression level was investigated according to sex, age, and histological grade via qRT-PCR and Western blotting. @*Results@#Rab27a was also expressed at high levels in urine compared to cell lines and tissues from bladder cancer patients. In addition, Rab27a expression varied significantly according to tumor grade (p<0.001). Rab27a was expressed at high levels in male and elderly patients, however, there was not statistically significant. @*Conclusions@#Our results indicated that Rab27a is valuable as a urinary diagnostic biomarker for bladder cancer. In addition, it may serve as a predictive factor for determining bladder cancer grade.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-914888


Purpose@#Malnutrition is the main complication after gastrectomy and the degree may vary depending on the extent of resection. This study sought to help determine an appropriate type of resection and provide methods for addressing malnutrition after gastrectomy. @*Materials and Methods@#We retrospectively reviewed medical records of patients with gastric cancer who underwent radical resection at the Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital between December 2012 and December 2013.A total of 100 patients were screened, and all patients were followed for 1 to 3 years. Among this group, 12 underwent total gastrectomy, 5 underwent proximal gastrectomy, 46 underwent distal gastrectomy with Billroth I anastomosis, and 37 with Billroth II anastomosis. The nutritional status assessment included body weight, body mass index, serum albumin, serum hemoglobin, vitamin B12, ferritin, and Nutritional Risk Index (NRI). @*Results@#Patients who underwent total gastrectomy had lower hemoglobin and vitamin B12 levels compared to patients who underwent distal gastrectomy. The NRI was statistically significantly lower in patients who underwent total gastrectomy than patients who underwent distal gastrectomy. Patients who underwent total gastrectomy had lower vitamin B12 than patients who underwent proximal gastrectomy till the second year after gastrectomy. Regarding postdistal gastrectomy reconstruction, there was no statistically significant difference between the Billroth I and Billroth II groups. @*Conclusion@#This study showed that patients who underwent total gastrectomy were more susceptible to malnutrition than those who underwent distal or proximal gastrectomy. Patients who undergo gastrectomy should be monitored carefully for nutritional status and given appropriate nutritional support in the post-operative period.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-875099


Objective@#We aimed to investigate the epidemiological characteristics and trends of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in the National Emergency Department Information System (NEDIS). @*Methods@#Using the NEDIS data from 2014 to 2018, we included patients who had visited the emergency department (ED) with CO poisoning (T58.0 in 7th Korean Standard Classification of Diseases [KCD-7]). We excluded patients with an uncertain time of onset, uncertain intentionality of poisoning, mental state, and unknown clinical outcome. We surveyed age, sex, time of onset, the intentionality of poisoning, mental state, results of emergency treatment, the proportion of admissions to intensive care units (ICU), the outcome of hospitalization, and the regional distribution. We analyzed the rate of incidence and trends of CO poisoning in patients using time series analysis. @*Results@#A total of 18,533 patients, including 10,671 (57.6%) males and 7,862 (42.4%) females, with a mean age of 40.38±18.41 years, were included in this study. Gyeonggi Province (n=6,354, 34.3%) had the highest distribution of patients, followed by Seoul (n=3,357, 18.1%). The incidence of unintentional CO poisoning was more frequent in January and December, and less frequent in August and September. However, the incidence of intentional CO poisoning showed no seasonal variation. The severity, ICU hospitalization rate, and mortality rate for intentional CO poisoning were higher than unintentional CO poisoning (4.1% vs. 0.8%, 29.9% vs. 16.7%, and 2.0% vs. 0.8% respectively) (P<0.001). Applying Winter’s additive method, we could predict that the rate of unintentional CO poisoning would continue to increase and the seasonal fluctuation, such as cases increasing in January-December and decreasing in August-September, would also increase. @*Conclusion@#Intentional CO poisoning showed higher severity than unintentional CO poisoning. In the time series analysis, the rate of unintentional CO poisoning and seasonal fluctuation is predicted to increase.