Fractionation of the EtOH extract from aerial parts of Baccharis uncinella C. DC. (Asteraceae) led to isolation of caffeic and ferulic acids, which were identified from spectroscopic and spectrometric evidence. These compounds exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to be effective in the prevention/treatment of metabolic syndrome. This study investigated whether the combined treatment of caffeic and ferulic acids exhibits a more significant beneficial effect in a mouse model with metabolic syndrome. The combination treatment with caffeic and ferulic acids was tested for 60 days in C57 mice kept on a high-fat (40%) diet. The data obtained indicated that treatment with caffeic and ferulic acids prevented gain in body weight induced by the high-fat diet and improved hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. The expression of a number of metabolically relevant genes was affected in the liver of these animals, showing that caffeic and ferulic acid treatment results in increased cholesterol uptake and reduced hepatic triglyceride synthesis in the liver, which is a likely explanation for the prevention of hepatic steatosis. In conclusion, the combined treatment of caffeic and ferulic acids displayed major positive effects towards prevention of multiple aspects of the metabolic syndrome and liver steatosis in an obese mouse model.
Animals , Male , Baccharis/chemistry , Caffeic Acids/administration & dosage , Coumaric Acids/administration & dosage , Metabolic Syndrome/prevention & control , Protective Agents/administration & dosage , Caffeic Acids/chemistry , Cholesterol/metabolism , Coumaric Acids/chemistry , Diet, High-Fat/adverse effects , Drug Therapy, Combination/methods , Fatty Liver/metabolism , Fatty Liver/pathology , Metabolic Syndrome/drug therapy , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Models, Animal , Protective Agents/chemistry , Triglycerides/metabolismABSTRACT
Foram realizados estudos histopatologicos e ultraestruturais de 23 pacientes que morreram com diagnostico clinico de sarampo. Presenca de nucleocapsides virais foi pesquisada em 12 casos e detectada em 50 por cento destes casos no SNC. Eram, na maioria dos casos, intranucleares. As alteracoes histopatologicas associadas a manifestacoes neurologicas e a deteccao do virus sao discutidas em relacao as manifestacoes clinicas agudas e tardias.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Encephalitis/diagnosis , Measles/pathology , Measles/immunology , Neurologic ManifestationsABSTRACT
E descrito o caso de uma crianca de seis anos com diarreia aquosa cronica, com dois anos de duracao, na qual constatou-se apos exaustiva pesquisa clinica, um ganglioneuroma, tumor secretante de VIP (polipeptico vasoativo intestinal), situado a nivel da cadeia ganglionar simpatica paravertebral esquerda. Sao relatados o comportamento clinico do caso, sua fisiopatologia, raridade e dificuldade diagnostica
Child , Humans , Male , Diarrhea , Ganglioneuroma , Kidney Neoplasms , Vasoactive Intestinal PeptideABSTRACT
E relatado um caso de encefalite a virus, tendo o paciente desenvolvido no decurso da evolucao a sindrome de Kluver-Bucy. Inicialmente sao feitas consideracoes a respeito da etiologia do processo virotico, ressaltando os autores a provavel participacao do virus "herpes simplex" na origem do quadro. Os exames complementares realizados (liquido cefalo cefalorraqueano, eletrencefalograma, tomografia computadorizada e biopsia cerebral) sao altamente sugestivos de etiologia virotica. A seguir a sindrome de Kluver-Bucy e analisada nas suas varias vertentes: baixa incidencia no ser humano, aspectos clinicos e fisiopatologicos