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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-386436


Objective To observe the effect of pioglitazone on peroxisome proliferators activated receptors (PPARγ) mRNA expression in rats with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). Methods 54 rats were randomly divided into sham group, ANP group, and pioglitazone group. ANP was induced by the retrograde injection of sodium taurocholate into pancreatic duct. The levels of serum amylase at 3 h, 6 h, and 12 h after ANP induction were determined and pancreatic pathological scores were measured, and the expression of pancreatic PPARγ mRNA was determined by RT-PCR. Results The levels of serum amylase and pancreatic pathological scores at 6 h in ANP group were (7171 ± 1636) U/L and 13.00 ±2.36; which were significantly higher than those in sham group [ (523 ± 166)U/L and 1.67 ± 234, P < 0. 01 ]. While the expressions of PPARγ mRNA were weakly expressed in ANP gyoup and sharm group(0. 18 ± 0.05 vs 0. 22 ±0. 03, P > 0. 05). The levels of serum amylase and pancreatic pathological scores at 6 h in pioglitazone group were (4504 ± 1901 )U/L and 9.00 ±0.89, which were significantly lower than those in ANP group (P <0. 05).While the expressions of PPARγ mRNA was higher than that in ANP group (0.56 ±0.05 vs 0. 18 ±0.05, P <0.05). Conclusions The protective role of pioglitazone on ANP rats was closely correlated with up-regulation of PPARγgene expression.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-398968


Objective To investigate the changes of PPARr mRNA and protein expressions in rats with ANP. Methods 36 rats were randomly divided into sham group and ANP group. The rats were sacrificed 3 h, 6 h,12 h after ANP induction, the levels of serum amylase were measured, the pancreatic pathological changes were determined and the expressions of pancreatic PPARr mRNA and protein was examined by RT- PCR and immunohistochemistry. Results In ANP group, the level of serum amylase at 6h was (7170.83± 1635.59) U/L, the scores of pathological changes were 6.67±1.03 and 13.00±2.36, which were much higher than those of sham group (P<0.01) ; the PPARr mRNA expression was 0.18±0.05, and there were no obvious differences compared with that of sham group (0.22±0.03 ) ; PPARr protein expression was 4.17 ±0.98, which was significantly higher than that of sham group (1.83±0.71, P<0.05). Conclusions Inflammatory injury resulted in increased deactivation of pancreatic acinar PPARr, meanwhile PPARr gene expression was inhibited by feedback.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-399689


Objective To investigate the effect of pretreatment of pioglitazone on acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP) rats. Methods ANP was induced by retrograde injection of 5% sedinm deoxycholate into bilio-pancreatic ducts. The animals were randomly divided into ANP (n=18), sham operation (n=18) and pioglitazone pretreatment group (n=18). Pioglitazone was given 20 mg/kg in pioglitazone group before ANP was induced. The rats were sacrificed 3 h, 6 h, 12 h after ANP induction, respectively. Bblood samples were taken for serum amylase measurement. Tissue samples of pancreas were harvested for morphological observation under conventional light microscopy. Pathological change of pancreas was evaluated by Hughes and Kusske score system. Results The concentration of serum amylase and the pancreatic histological score in pioglitazone and ANP groups were significantly higher than those in sham operation group (P<0.001 ). The concentration of serum amylase, Hughes and Kusske score in pioglitazone group at 12 h after ANP induction were (2980± 1080) U/L,4.50±2.07 and 7.50±1.05, respectively, and were lower than (7598±1072) U/L, 7.17±1.47 and 11.33±1.75 of ANP group at 12 h (P<0.01). Conclusions Pioglitazone pretreatment could decrease the serum level of amylase and the pancreatic histological score. Pioglitazone may ameliorate the severity of ANP.