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Braz. dent. j ; 35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550087


Abstract The objective is to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments and storage on the shear strength of ultratranslucent zirconia. 36 blocks of ultra-translucent zirconia were fabricated (7x7x2mm) and sintered. Then, divided into 12 groups according to the "surface treatment" (C -Primer; Al -Sandblasting with Al2O3 + Primer; Si -Silicate + Primer; Gl -Glaze + HF + Primer; Z -Zirlink; Zp -Zirlink + Primer) and "storage" factors (ST-with 150 days/37º and without). After surface treatment, five cylinders (Ø=2mm; h=2.0mm) of resin cement (n=15) were constructed in each ceramic block; at the end, the shear strength test was performed (1mm/min, 50Kgf), and analysis of surface failures. 60 additional samples (2x2x2mm) were made for extras analysis (surface roughness, MEV, and EDS). Bond strength and surface roughness data were statistically evaluated by ANOVA (2 factors/1 factor), Tukey test (5%), and Weibull analysis, respectively. ANOVA (2-way) revealed that all factors were statistically significant for bond strength. The silicatization groups (SiST: 30.47AMPa; Si: 29.21AMPa) showed the highest bond strength values, regardless of storage (Tukey's test). While the groups treated with Zirlink (ZST: 2.76FMPa; Z: 5.27EFMPa) showed the lowest values, just similar to the GlST group (5.14EFMPa). The Weibull modulus (m) showed a statistical difference between groups (p=0.000). ANOVA (1 factor) revealed that the "surface treatment" factor (p=0.0000) was statistically significant for surface roughness. Therefore, the application of Zirlink and Glaze on pre-sintered zirconia did not promote efficient adhesion of the ultratranslucent zirconia to the resin cement, even when associated with a primer containing MDP.

Resumo O objetivo é avaliar o efeito de diferentes tratamentos superficiais e do envelhecimento na resistência ao cisalhamento da zircônia ultratranslúcida. Foram confeccionados 36 blocos de zircônia ultratranslúcida (7x7x2mm) e sinterizados. Em seguida, divididos em 12 grupos de acordo com o "tratamento de superfície" (C-Primer; Al-Jateamento com Al2O3+Primer; Si-Silicato+Primer; Gl -Glaze+HF+Primer; Z-Zirlink; Zp-Zirlink+Primer) e fatores de "armazenamento" (ST-com, 150 dias/37º e sem). Após o tratamento superficial, foram construídos cinco cilindros (Ø=2mm; h=2,0mm) de cimento resinoso (n=15) em cada bloco cerâmico; ao final foi realizado o ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento (1mm/min, 50Kgf) e análise de falhas superficiais. Foram confeccionadas 60 amostras adicionais (2x2x2mm) para análises extras (rugosidade superficial, MEV e EDS). Os dados de resistência de união e rugosidade superficial foram avaliados estatisticamente por ANOVA (2 fatores/1fator), teste de Tukey (5%) e análise de Weibull, respectivamente. ANOVA (2 fatores) revelou que todos os fatores foram estatisticamente significativos para a resistência de união. Os grupos de silicatização (SiST: 30,47AMPa; Si: 29,21AMPa) apresentaram os maiores valores de resistência de união, independente do armazenamento (Tukey). Enquanto os grupos tratados com Zirlink (ZST: 2,76FMPa; Z: 5,27EFMPa) apresentaram os valores mais baixos, apenas semelhantes ao grupo GlST (5,14EFMPa). O módulo de Weibull (m) apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos (p=0,000). A ANOVA (1 fator) revelou que o fator "tratamento superficial" (p=0,0000) foi estatisticamente significativo para rugosidade superficial. Portanto, a aplicação de Zirlink e do Glaze na zircônia pré-sinterizada não promoveu adesão eficiente da zircônia ultratranslúcida ao cimento resinoso, mesmo quando associada a primer contendo MDP.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 71: e20230025, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1449011


ABSTRACT Objectives: To evaluate the translucency, contrast ratio and masking ability of a translucent zirconia with different thicknesses. Methods: Disc shaped specimens (n= 3) with 10 mm (Ø) x 1.5 mm, 1 mm and 0.7 mm (thickness) were manufactured simulating all-ceramic simplified restorations. Substrate discs (n= 2; Ø: 10 mm; thickness: 2 mm) were simulated with composite resin shades: A2 (positive control) and C4; and metal alloys: silver (Ni-Cr) and golden (Cu-Al). Optical properties of the 9 translucent zirconia specimens placed on the 3 different substrates were analyzed by a spectrophotometer. The color variation (ΔE00) between each ceramic structure over the positive control substrate (A2) and over the dark backgrounds (C4, silvery, golden) were obtained as to their ceramic masking ability and subjected to non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test (5%). The translucency parameter (TP00) and contrast ratio (CR) of the different thicknesses of the ceramic discs were also collected and analyzed by one-way ANOVA and the Tukey test (5%). Results: The translucent zirconia showed greater opacity in the thickness of 1.5 mm, although it was not statistically different between 0.7 and 1.0 mm. All dark backgrounds significantly affected the final color of the simplified restoration in all evaluated thicknesses. However, the increase in ceramic thickness showed a decrease in ΔE00 values for all substrates. Conclusion: The translucent zirconia was not able to mask the dark substrates, independent of the evaluated thickness.

RESUMO Objetivos: Avaliar a translucidez, razão de contraste e capacidade de mascaramento de uma zircônia translúcida com diferentes espessuras. Métodos: Espécimes em forma de disco (n= 3) com 10 mm (Ø) x 1,5 mm, 1 mm e 0,7 mm (espessura) foram confeccionados simulando restaurações simplificadas em cerâmica pura. Discos de substrato (n= 2; Ø: 10 mm; espessura: 2 mm) foram simulados com as cores de resina composta: A2 (controle positivo) e C4; e ligas metálicas: prata (Ni-Cr) e ouro (Cu-Al). As propriedades ópticas dos 9 espécimes de zircônia translúcida posicionados nos 3 substratos diferentes foram analisadas por um espectrofotômetro. A variação de cor (ΔE00) entre cada espécime cerâmico sobre o substrato controle positivo (A2) e sobre os fundos escuros (C4, prateado, dourado) foi calculada quanto à capacidade de mascaramento da cerâmica e submetida ao teste não paramétrico de Kruskal Wallis (5%). O parâmetro de translucidez (TP00) e a razão de contraste (CR) das diferentes espessuras dos discos cerâmicos também foram coletados e analisados por ANOVA de uma via e teste de Tukey (5%). Resultados: A zircônia translúcida apresentou maior opacidade na espessura de 1,5 mm, embora não tenha sido estatisticamente diferente entre 0,7 e 1,0 mm. Todos os fundos escuros afetaram significativamente a cor final da restauração simplificada em todas as espessuras avaliadas. No entanto, o aumento da espessura da cerâmica mostrou uma diminuição nos valores de ΔE00 para todos os substratos. Conclusão: A zircônia translúcida não foi capaz de mascarar os substratos escuros, independente da espessura avaliada.

Braz. dent. j ; 34(6): 30-39, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528024


Abstract This laboratory study aimed to evaluate the influence of endodontic sealer and cervical limit of root filling on the discoloration of root canal treated teeth. Bovine incisors were randomly distributed into six experimental groups and control (n=21/group), according to the endodontic sealer used [AH Plus (AP); MTA Fillapex (MF) and Sealer Plus BC (SPB)] and the cervical limit of root filling [dental cervix (DC) or 2 mm in apical direction (2mm-AD)]. Tooth discoloration (ΔE) was evaluated by a digital spectrophotometer using the CIED2000 method. Color assessments were performed immediately before (baseline), 1 week, 1, 3, 6 months, and 1 year after obturation. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (α=5%). Teeth filled with the three sealers showed perceptible tooth discoloration (ΔE≥2.7) in 1 week, maintaining similar values over time. There was a significant difference between MF and SPB sealers in the 2mm-AD groups. In addition, 2mm-AD groups promoted significantly lower discoloration than DC groups for AH (3 months) and SPB (1 and 3 months) sealer,s. Teeth filled with AP, MF, and SPB sealers displayed discoloration from 1 week to one year, with differences between MF and SPB sealers. A cervical limit of filling material at 2 mm from the dental cervix seems more advisable, promoting lower crown discoloration.

Resumo O presente estudo laboratorial teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do cimento endodôntico e do limite cervical da obturação radicular na alteração de cor de dentes tratados endodonticamente. Incisivos bovinos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis grupos experimentais e um controle (n=21/grupo), de acordo com o cimento endodôntico utilizado [AH Plus (AP); MTA Fillapex (MF) e Sealer Plus BC (SPB)] e o limite cervical da obturação [Colo dentário (CD) ou 2mm na direção apical (2mm-DA)]. A alteração de cor (ΔE) foi avaliada por um espectofotômetro digital usando o método CIED2000. As avaliações de cor foram realizadas imediatamente antes (baseline), 1 semana, 1, 3, 6 meses e 1 ano após a obturação. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes ANOVA e post-hoc de Tuckey (α=5%). Dentes obturados com os três cimentos apresentaram alteração de cor perceptível (ΔE≥2.7) em 1 semana, mantendo valores semelhantes ao longo do tempo. Houve uma diferença significativa entre os cimentos MF e SPB nos grupos 2mm-DA. Além disso, os grupos 2mm-DA promoveram uma alteração de cor significativamente menor do que o grupos CD para os cimentos AH (3 meses) e SPB (1 e 3 meses). Os dentes obturados com os cimentos AH, MF e SPB apresentaram alteração de cor entre 1 semana a um ano, com diferenças entre os cimentos MF e SPB. O limite cervical do material obturador a 2mm do colo dentário parece mais aconselhável, promovendo menor alteração de cor da coroa dentária.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e224265, jan.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1354719


Aim: This study assessed the color and translucency stability of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) and compared it with a resin composite (RC) and a feldspathic ceramic (FEL). Methods: Disc-shaped samples of a PICN (Vita Enamic), a feldspathic ceramic (Vitablocks Mark II), and a resin composite (Brava block) were prepared from CAD/CAM blocks. PICN and RC surfaces were finished with a sequence of polishing discs and diamond paste. FEL samples received a glaze layer. The samples were subjected to 30-min immersions in red wine twice a day for 30 days. CIEL*a*b* coordinates were assessed with a spectrophotometer at baseline and after 15 and 30 days of immersion. Color alteration (ΔE00) and translucency parameter (TP00) were calculated with CIEDE2000. Average roughness was measured before the staining procedures. Color difference and translucency data were analyzed with repeated-measures ANOVA and Tukey's tests. Roughness was analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Roughness was similar among the experimental groups. All materials had their color alteration significantly increased from 15 to 30 days of staining. PICN reached an intermediate ΔE00 between FEL and RC at 15 days. PICN revealed a color alteration as high as the composite after 30 days. No statistical difference was observed regarding translucency. Conclusion: PICN was not as color stable as the feldspathic ceramic at the end of the study. Its color alteration was comparable to the resin composite when exposed to red wine. However, the translucency of the tested materials was stable throughout the 30-day staining

Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Ceramics , Computer-Aided Design , Color , Composite Resins
Braz. j. oral sci ; 20: e211670, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in English | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1254259


Aim: To evaluate the effect of different surface treatments and adhesive approaches on the microshear bond strength of resin cement to a polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (PICN). Methods: PICN blocks were randomly assigned into 9 groups (n=10): CTRL: no treatment; HF: 5% hydrofluoric acid etching; HF-S: HF + silane; HF-S-A: HF-S + adhesive (Adper Single Bond 2); HF-UA: HF + universal adhesive (Single Bond Universal); SB: sandblasting with 50 µm Al2O3 particles; SB-S: SB + silane; SB-S-A: SB-S + adhesive; SB-UA: SB + universal adhesive. Resin cement microcylinders (Ø = 0.96 mm; height = 1 mm) (RelyX Ultimate) were built upon the PICN surface after roughness and contact angle measurements. Next, microshear bonding tests (µSBS) were performed (0.5 mm/min) after water storage (37ºC, 90 days) and thermocycling (12,000 cycles; 5ºC-55ºC). Failure modes were observed under stereomicroscope. Bond strength data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA/Tukey's test and t-tests. Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn's tests were conducted for roughness and contact angle data (α = 0.05). Results: A rougher surface and lower contact angles were observed for Sandblasting. HF-S (18.54 ± 2.03 MPa), SB-S (19.00 ± 1.66 MPa) and SB-UA (18.07 ± 2.36 MPa) provided the highest bond strength values, followed by the other treated groups. The CTRL group resulted in lower bond strength (7.18 ± 2.34 MPa). Conclusion: Hydrofluoric acid etching followed by silane application and sandblasting followed by silane or universal adhesive are useful clinical steps to enhance bonding to PICN. Adhesive applications after HF etching have no advantages in bonding to PICN

Surface Properties , Ceramics , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Resin Cements , Air Abrasion, Dental , Hydrofluoric Acid
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 23(2): 99-105, 20210621.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283092


A wide variety of dental ceramics is launched every year. Therefore, clinicians should constantly study and update themselves to correctly indicate these materials. This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the association of dentists' academic aspects with their knowledge and the indication of dental ceramics for metal free restorations. All the dentists from private clinics who affirmed to perform prosthetic treatments on their patients in a Southern Brazilian city were personally invited to this research to avoid dropouts. Participants answered questions related to their knowledge of different dental materials, their information sources and usage frequency of ceramic materials, and related to their academic training/education. Chi-square tests were performed to evaluate the association among the outcomes (knowledge of different materials, information sources considered for material selection and their frequencies of use) and exposure variables (time since graduation and post-graduation degree). Significant associations were also submitted to Chi-square residual analysis. A response rate of 73.3% was reached. The most known and used materials were Y-TZP and porcelain veneered zirconia, respectively, whereas the least known was leucite-based ceramic. The majority of the professionals with at least 25 years since graduation claimed not to know lithium disilicate or leucite-based ceramics, and a significant number of these professionals allow the laboratory prostheses technician to choose the restorative material. In addition, most of dentists with no post-graduation said they did not have knowledge about leucite and lithium disilicate. It was evidenced that continuing education plays an important role in the dentists' attitudes regarding ceramic materials. (AU)

Uma grande variedade de cerâmicas é lançada no mercado a cada ano. Portanto, os clínicos devem se manter em constante estudo e atualização para indicar corretamente o uso desses materiais. Assim, este estudo transversal teve por objetivo avaliar a associação entre aspectos acadêmicos de dentistas com seus conhecimentos e as indicações de cerâmicas dentárias para uso em restaurações livres de metal. Para isso, todos os dentistas de clínicas privadas que afirmaram realizar tratamentos protéticos em seus pacientes em uma cidade do sul do Brasil foram pessoalmente convidados a participar desta pesquisa para evitar desistências. Os participantes responderam a questões relacionadas ao seu conhecimento sobre diferentes materiais dentários, suas fontes de informação, a frequência de uso de materiais cerâmicos, e, também, sobre sua formação acadêmica. Testes qui-quadrado foram realizados para avaliar a associação entre os desfechos (conhecimento de diferentes materiais, fontes de informação consideradas para a seleção do material e sua frequência de uso) e as variáveis de exposição (tempo desde a graduação e grau de pós-graduação). As associações significativas foram submetidas à análise de resíduos do qui-quadrado. A taxa de resposta obtida foi de 73,3%. O material mais conhecido e usado foi a Y-TZP e zircônia recoberta por porcelana, respectivamente, enquanto que o material menos conhecido foi a cerâmica a base de leucita. A maioria dos profissionais com pelo menos 25 desde a graduação afirmaram não conhecer as cerâmicas a base de dissilicato de lítio ou leucita, e um significativo número desses profissionais permitem que o técnico em prótese dentária escolha o material restaurador. Ainda, a maioria dos dentistas sem pós-graduação disseram não conhecer as cerâmicas a base de dissilicato de lítio ou leucita. Concluiu-se que a educação continuada é um fator determinante nas atitudes de dentistas em relação aos materiais cerâmicos. (AU)

Braz. dent. j ; 32(3): 56-64, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1345501


Abstract It aims on evaluate the effect of the test environment on static fatigue behavior of lithium disilicate-based (LD), and yttrium oxide-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) ceramics. Specimens of LD (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent) and YSZ (IPS e.max ZirCAD MO, 3 mol% Y2O3, Ivoclar Vivadent) were randomly allocated into three groups: tested in air, inert (paraffin oil, Sigma Aldrich) or distilled water. The static fatigue test (n=15) was performed using a piston-on-three ball assembly, adapted from ISO 6872, as follows: starting load 100 N for LD and 300 N for YSZ; loading application time set to 1 hour for each loading step; step size of 50 N for LD and 100 N for YSZ, applied successively until fracture. Data from static fatigue strength (MPa) and time to fracture (hours) were recorded. Fractographic analysis was executed. Survival analysis corroborates absence of influence of environment on static fatigue outcomes (fatigue strength, time to fracture and survival rates) for YSZ. For LD, specimens tested in air presented statistically superior survival rate and static fatigue strength (p= 0.025). In regards of time to fracture, LD tested in air were superior than when tested in distilled water (p=0.019) or inert (p=0.017) environments. No statistical differences for Weibull modulus were observed. Failures started on the tensile stress surface. Thus, the test environment did not affect slow crack growth (SCG) mechanisms during static fatigue test of YSZ ceramics, but it plays a significant role for the static fatigue behavior of lithium disilicate-based glass ceramics, indicating a high susceptibility to SCG.

Resumo O presente estudo objetivou investigar a influência do ambiente de teste no comportamento a fadiga estática (resistência à fratura e tempo para falha) de cerâmicas à base de dissilicato de lítio (LD) e zircônia estabilizada com ítria (YSZ). Espécimes de LD (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent) e YSZ (IPS e.max ZirCAD MO, 3mol% Y2O3, Ivoclar Vivadent) foram obtidos e alocados aleatoriamente em três grupos: testado em ar, em líquido inerte (óleo de parafina) ou em água destilada. O teste de fadiga estática (n= 15) foi realizado usando o teste pistão sobre três esferas, ISO 6872, da seguinte forma: carga inicial 100 N para LD e 300 N para YSZ; tempo de aplicação de carregamento definido para 1 hora para cada etapa de carregamento; tamanho do passo de 50 N para LD e 100 N para YSZ, aplicados sucessivamente até a fratura. Dados de resistência à fadiga estática (MPa) e tempo até a fratura (horas) foram registrados. A análise fractográfica foi executada. A análise de sobrevivência corrobora a ausência de influência do ambiente de teste nos resultados de fadiga estática (resistência à fadiga, tempo de fratura e taxas de sobrevivência) para a YSZ. Para LD, os corpos de prova testados em ar apresentaram taxa de sobrevivência e resistência à fadiga estática estatisticamente superiores (p= 0,025). Em relação ao tempo de fratura, os espécimes LD testados em ar foram superiores aos testados em água destilada (p= 0,019) ou em ambiente inerte (p= 0,017). Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas para o módulo de Weibull. Todas as falhas começaram no lado onde se concentra a tensão de tração (lado de baixo) durante o teste. Com base nisso, observa-se que o ambiente de teste não afetou os mecanismos de crescimento lento de trinca durante o teste de fadiga estática da cerâmica YSZ, mas desempenha um papel significativo na resistência à fadiga estática da cerâmica de vidro à base de dissilicato de lítio, indicando alta susceptibilidade ao crescimento lento e subcrítico de trincas.

Ceramics , Dental Porcelain , Surface Properties , Zirconium , Materials Testing , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Stress Analysis , Glass
Braz. j. oral sci ; 18: e190918, jan.-dez. 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1087410


Aim: This study evaluated the effect of surface treatments of yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) ceramics on their bond strength to a resin cement. Methods: Seventy zirconia blocks (6 × 6 × 2 mm3, IPS e.max ZirCAD) were assigned into 7 groups (n=10) ­ as-sintered (AS), no treatment; tribochemical silica coating + silanization (TBS; Cojet-sand; ProSil); airabrasion with 45 µm alumina particles + universal primer (AAP; Monobond®Plus); fusion sputtering (FS); SiO2 nanofilm + silanization (SN; ProSil); FS+SN+ silanization (FSSN; ProSil); FS+SN+Universal Primer (FSSNP; Monobond®Plus). Afterwards, a resin cement (RelyX™ ARC) was applied inside cylinders (Ø = 0.96 mm × 1 mm height) placed on the zirconia surfaces. Microshear bond strength tests (µSBS) were carried out (1 mm/min). Failure and phase transformation analysis were performed. Bond strength data (MPa) were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis/Mann Whitney tests. Results: TBS (27 ± 1.2) and AAP (24.7 ± 0.8) showed higher bond strengths than the other groups, followed by FSSNP (15.5 ± 4.2) and FSSN (13.3 ± 3.6). FS (3.4 ± 0.44) and SN (9.5 ± 2.7) showed the lowest values (p < 0.001). Most of the specimens exhibited an adhesive failure. Conclusion: Air-abrasion by silica-coated alumina particles followed by silanization or by alumina particles followed by universal primer resulted in the highest resin bond strength to zirconia. Fusion sputtering and silica nanofilm deposition induced low strengths. However, when these methods are applied in combination and with a primer (FSSN and FSSNP), higher bond strengths may be achieved. Low bond strengths are obtained when no zirconia treatment is performed

Yttrium , Resin Cements , Dental Cements , Flexural Strength
Braz. j. oral sci ; 15(3)July-Sept. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-875039


Choosing the right chemical cleanser for removable partial dentures is a challenge, because they present an acrylic and a metallic portion, which should be cleaned and not damaged. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess surface changes of cobalt chromium alloys immersed in diferente cleaners solutions: 0.05% sodium hypochlorite, 4.2% acetic acid, 0.05% sodium salicylate, sodium perborate (Corega Tabs®) and 0.2% peracetic acid. Material and Methods: One hundred and twenty circular specimens (10 mm in diameter) of two commercial available Co-Cr alloys were tested: GM 800 ® (Dentaurum) and Co-Cr® (DeguDent). The samples were randomly divided into tem experimental groups (n=10), according to the trend mark of alloy and cleaners solutions in which they were immersed, and two control groups, in which the samples of the two alloys were immersed in distilled water. Evaluations were performed through roughness measurement (rugosimeter Surftest 211, Mitutoyo), visual evaluation with stereomicroscope (Stereo Discovery 20, Carl Zeiss) and scanning electron microscope surface (JSM, 6360 SEM, JEOL), at experimental times T0 ­ before immersions, T1 - after one immersion, and T2 - after 90 immersions. Intergroup comparison for the effect of immersion in the different cleanser agents was evaluated through ANOVA/Tukey tests (p≤0.05). The effect of the time in the immersion of each alloy was evaluated by t-pared test (p≤0.05). The two alloys were compared using the t-Student test. Results: The analysis of roughness and microscopy showed that surface changes were significantly greater in groups submitted to 0.05% sodium hypochlorite after 90 immersions (T2). When comparing the two alloys, a similar behavior of roughness was observed for the cleaning agents. However, alloy GM 800® showed significant statistical difference for roughness variations in experimental times (Δ1 and Δ2), when immersed in sodium 0.05% hypochlorite. The number of exposures of the alloys to the cleaning agents showed a negative influence when using sodium hypochlorite solution. Conclusions: It is possible to conclude that 0.05% sodium hypochlorite has caused the greatest apparent damage to alloy surface. (AU)

Chromium Alloys , Dental Alloys , Denture Cleansers , Sodium Hypochlorite , Denture, Partial, Removable
Braz. dent. sci ; 16(4): 34-40, 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-728097


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cuspal deflection of teeth restored directly and indirectly. Material and Methods: Forty sound maxillary premolar teeth were restored with composite and different base materials. Wide mesial-occlusal-distal cavity preparations were performed, with isthmus width of one third of the distance between the cuspal tips, 3 mm occlusal and a 5 mm interproximal preparation height. The teeth were divided into 4 groups (n = 10), according to the restoration type: G1) GIC-DCR (1 mm glass ionomer cement base and direct restoration using nanoparticulate composite); G2) FL-DCR (1 mm base of flowable composite resin and direct restoration using nanoparticulate composite); G3) GIC-ICR (1 mm glass ionomer cement base and indirect restoration using nanoparticulate composite GIC base); G4) FL-ICR (1 mm base of flowable composite resin and indirect restoration using nanoparticulate composite). The specimens were submitted to compressive load of 50 N on the buccal and lingual cusps, in a universal testing machine. The lingual cusp microstrain (με) measurements were executed by strain gauges. Results: The Kruskal-Wallis (5%) test was used and showed there were no significant differences among the microstrain values for the four study groups (G1 = 1250; G2 = 1075; G3 = 1279; G4 = 937). Conclusion: It could be concluded that the restorative techniques and the bases employed did not show any influences in cuspal deflection

Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de medidores de tensão, a deflexão cuspídea sofrida por dentes restaurados, direta e indiretamente, com resinas compostas e diferentes materiais de base. Material e Métodos: Para o preparo dos corpos-de-prova (CP) foram utilizados 28 dentes pré-molares humanos íntegros, extraídos por razões ortodônticas que tiveram suas raízes embutidas em poliuretano de densidade semelhante a do osso e suas raízes recobertas por um espaçador visando simular o espaço referente ao ligamento periodontal. Na etapa seguinte os dentes receberam preparos cavitários do tipo mésio-ocluso-distais amplos e então restaurados direta e indiretamente com resina composta e dois diferentes materiais de base/forramento, resina flow e cimento de ionômero de vidro. Para a realização das medidas de deflexão das cúspides foram utilizados extensômetros lineares elétricos colados à face lingual de cada dente e submetidos a uma carga de 50 N aplicada por uma ponta romba de diâmetro de 3,0 mm, que promoveu compressão simultânea nas vertentes triturantes das cúspides vestibular e lingual, numa máquina universal de ensaios. Resultados: Foi realizado o teste de Kruskall-Wallis (5%) de significância e não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticamente significantes entre os grupos (G1 – 1250; G2 = 1075; G3 = 1279; G4 = 937). Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que o tipo de restauração bem como o tipo de base empregados nesse estudo não alteram a deflexão cuspídea dos dentes com restaurações amplas.

Humans , Composite Resins , Glass Ionomer Cements
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2010. 171 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-587613


Neste estudo avaliou-se a influência da espessura oclusal do cimento e de sua união à cerâmica na resistência à fratura de coroas CAD/CAM. O software COMSOL Multiphysics® foi utilizado para análise de elementos finitos (AEF) em modelos axi-simétricos bidimensionais de coroas de cerâmica vítrea estilizadas, com espessura oclusal de 1,5 mm, cimentadas à troqueis de material análogo à dentina quanto ao módulo elástico e potencial de união à resina composta (NEMA G-10 International Paper, USA). Variou-se as espessuras oclusais de cimento resinoso de 50 a 500 μm. Uma carga de 500 N foi aplicada com um pistão de extremidade circular plana (2 mm de diâmetro) sobre as coroas. A contração de polimerização do cimento foi simulada através de contração térmica. O contato entre cimento e cerâmica foi configurado para “união” e“ausência de união”. O contato cimento-troquel foi sempre do tipo “união”.As tensões dadas pela AEF foram utilizadas para o cálculo de cargas para fratura, levando-se em conta os efeitos deletérios da usinagem e do condicionamento ácido relatados na literatura. As coroas (Mark II, VitaZhanfabrik, Germany) foram usinadas (CEREC InLab, Sirona, Germany),condicionadas e cimentadas (Multilink Automix, Ivoclar, Lietchstein) à troqueis de NEMA G-10 (n=6). Para a produção de corpos-de-prova na condição “ausência de união”, aplicou-se uma fina película de poli(dimetilsiloxano) 30,000 cSt na superfície interna das coroas. As coroas foram submetidas à carregamento de 5N/s, com pistão de NEMA G-10, de extremidade plana e 2 mm de diâmetro. As fraturas radiais foram detectadas por sensor acústico. A magnitude das tensões resultantes da contração de polimerização dependeram da condição de união à cerâmica e da espessura oclusal de cimento. As cargas médias para fratura (N) de coroas com “união” ao cimento foram de 673,5 N, na espessura de 50 μm e de 300,6 N na espessura de 500 μm. Na “ausência de união”, as cargas para fratura foram de 308,3 N para 50 μm...

In this study the influence of the occlusal cement thickness and its bonding to ceramic on the stresses and failure-loads of CAD/CAM crowns were evaluated. The software used for finite element analysis (FEA) was COMSOL Multiphysics®. Bi-dimensional axially symmetric models simulated stylized felds pathic crowns (1.5 mm occlusal thickness) with resin cement layers of 50 μm, 100 μm, 300 μm and 500 μm on dentin analog (NEMA G-10, International Paper, USA) under 500 N loading (2mm diameter piston). Polymerization shrinkage of the cement layer was simulated as thermal contraction. Ceramic-cement interface was either bonded or not; cement-dentin was always bonded. Stress data were used for load-to-fracture predictions, using literature strengths accounting for milling and acid etching. Mark II® (Vita Zahnfabrik) crowns were milled(Cerec InLab®, Sirona), etched and cemented (Multilink Automix®,Ivoclar) to dentin analogs (NEMA G-10) (n=6). Non-bonding was achievedby applying a thin layer of 30,000 cSt poly(dimethylsiloxane) on the internal surface of the crowns. Crowns were loaded (5N/s) beneath a 2mmflat G-10 piston and radial cracks were detected acoustically. Stress magnitude resulting after cement shrinkage and loading depended on the bonding condition and on the cement thickness. Average failure loads (N)of bonded crowns were: 673.5 N for 50μm-cement thickness and 300.6 Nfor 500 μm. For non-bonded crowns, failure loads were 308,3 N, for 50 μm cement thickness and 233,3 N, for 500 μm. Bonded crowns presented failure loads at least two times higher than non-bonded, for 50 μm cement thickness, both experimentally and by FEA-based predictions. The benefitof bonding was lost when the cement was thicker than 500 μm. The resistance to fracture decreased with the cement thickness. Calculated loads based on FEA stresses and experimental data were comparable for the evaluation of structural implications of occlusal cement thickness.

Ceramics , Tooth Crown , Resin Cements , Tensile Strength
RFO UPF ; 11(2): 41-44, 2006. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-457381


Neste trabalho foi avaliada a rugosidade superficial em noventa corpos-de-prova das resinas acrílicas Denkor, Vipi Cor e Duralay, submetidos ao polimento mecânico em torno de bancada, polimento mecânico com discos Sof-Lex e polimento químico (com fluido para polimento a 75 ± 2°C, por 10s). A rugosidade superficial (Ra) foi medida com um rugosimentro, sendo realizada seis leituras por corpo-de-prova, feitas em dois sentidos transversais entre si. os dois métodos mecânicos de polimento, utilizados nas três marcas de resina acrílica testadas, ofereceram resultados satisfatórios (Ra entre 0,21 e 0,37 µm). No entanto, apenas a resina acrílica Duralay apresentou lisura adequada quando polida quimicamente (Ra = 0,66 µm).

Humans , Male , Female , Acrylic Resins , Tooth Crown , Dental Polishing , Denture, Partial, Temporary