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Chinese Journal of Diabetes ; (12): 161-168, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025168


Objective To investigate doctors'knowledge and differences in islet function assessment methods in China.Methods This is a cross-sectional study that conducted by online questionnaire survey.Demographic data,examination items,blood collection point of OGTT,detection method,kit type and follow-up frequency were collected and compared among doctors in different regions,different levels of hospitals,different specialties and different titles.Results 79.2%and 85.1%of physicians believed that the levels of insulin and C-peptide should be measured at the same time to assess islet function in patients with newly diagnosed and follow-up diabetes mellitus patients.Endocrinologists preferred to access insulin and C-peptide at the same time(P<0.05).56.0%of physicians chose bread meal test for T1DM patients and 54.7%for T2DM patients.Compared with non-specialists,endocrinologists preferred to commit bread meal test to T1DM patients(61.4%vs 41.0%,P<0.05).In addition,for the islet function assessment of new-onset diabetes patients,7.6%of physicians chose the six-point method(0,30,60,90,120,180 min),27.3%selected the five-point method I(0,30,60,120,180 min),8.5%selected the five-point method II(0,30,60,90,120 min),9.8%selected the four-point method I(0,30,60,120 min),10.3%selected the four-point method II(0,60,120,180 min),13.8%chose the three-point method(0,60,120 min)and 13.4%chose the two-point method(0,120 min).At the time of follow-up assessment,the above selection rates were 5.3%,20.4%,6.4%,6.6%,9.4%,15.8%and 24.1%,respectively.In terms of the frequency of assessment,39.2%of doctors assessed islet function once a year and 24.7%once every six months.Specialists preferred to assess islet function once a year,and physicians with senior titles chose to assess islet function more variably.Conclusion At present,there are still great differences in assessment methods of islet function in China.It is of great significance for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of diabetes to understand the differences in the selection of islet function assessment methods among doctors in different regions,specialties and job titles.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027591


Objective:To study the prognosis of congenital bile duct cysts following cyst resection, and to analyze the risk factors associated with the development of postoperative biliary calculus.Methods:Clinical data of 149 patients with congenital bile duct cysts undergoing surgery in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from May 2004 to January 2022 were retrospectively analyzed, including 59 males and 90 females, with a median age of 32 (21, 47) years old. Patients were divided into two groups: the stone group ( n=51, biliary calculus occurred during the follow-ups after surgery) and non-stone group ( n=98). Clinical data such as gender, age, medical history, cyst type, biliary calculus, anastomotic stenosis and occurrence of cancer were compared. All patients were followed up via telephone consultations. A logistic regression analysis was used to identify the risk factors associated with the occurrence of biliary calculus after surgery. Results:The duration of the follow-ups was 120 (24, 211) months. The observed incidence of postoperative biliary calculus, anastomotic stricture, and cancer in the patients were 34.2% (51/149), 8.7% (13/149), and 4.7% (7/149), respectively. The logistic regression analysis indicated that incomplete cyst resection ( OR=3.332, 95% CI: 1.221-9.094) and postoperative anastomotic stenosis ( OR=13.300, 95% CI: 2.586-68.401) were associated with a higher risk of biliary calculus formation after cystectomy (all P<0.05). Conclusion:Patients with congenital bile duct cysts suffer a high risk of biliary calculus formation after cystectomy. The residual cyst and postoperative anastomotic stenosis are independent risk factors for biliary calculus after surgery.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029438


Objective:To observe the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on functional connectivity (FC) in language-related brain regions of patients with picture-naming dysfunction after cerebral infarction by using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging(rs-fMRI).Methods:Twenty-eight patients with post-infarction picture-naming dysfunction were divided into an acute stage group( n=16) and a recovery stage group( n=12) according to the course of the disease, and 18 middle-aged and elderly volunteers were recruited as the normal control group.The anodic tDCS was applied on the posterior perisylvian region(PPR) of the left sylvian of the patients, 5 days a week for 2 weeks.Before and after the 2 weeks′ treatment, the rs-fMRI and Psycholinguistic Assessment of Chinese Aphasia (PACA)-picture-naming subscale were performed, and FC changes in language-related brain areas were observed. Results:After treatment, the PACA scores of patients in both acute and recovery stage groups were significantly improved after treatment( P<0.05). Compared with normal subjects, FC in multiple brain regions and particularly the Wernicke area was reduced in both cerebral hemispheres among the patient group. It was more severe in the dominant hemisphere.After the tDCS treatment, FC in both frontotemporal lobes and in the Wernicke area was significantly enhanced in both the acute and recovery groups. Further comparison showed that in the acute group FC in both temporo-occipital lobes was significantly enhanced after treatment. In the recovery group, the enhanced FC in the left temporal lobe before the treatment was significantly reduced after treatment. Conclusion:The fMRI technique can evaluate changes in brain connectivity in aphasia patients with picture-naming dysfunction after cerebral infarction accurately and non-invasively.tDCS may improve picture-naming function of stroke patients by enhancing the FC in bilateral language-related brain areas(concentrated in frontotemporal lobes) and Wernicke area.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1043281


Background@#and Purpose Despite the growing demands and challenges faced by patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in accessing healthcare services, our understanding of this access remains poor. This study aimed to investigate the healthcare utilization patterns and timing of nutritional and respiration support in patients with ALS in South Korea. @*Methods@#A retrospective cohort study was conducted on patients diagnosed with ALS at a single tertiary hospital between 2016 and 2019 and followed up for 2 years. We evaluated patient characteristics, healthcare utilization (hospital admissions, outpatient visits, and emergency department [ED] visits), and the timing of nutritional and respiration support (noninvasive positive pressure ventilation [NIPPV], tracheostomy, gastrostomy, and nasogastric tube) at 6-month intervals from the first outpatient visit. @*Results@#Among the 143 included patients, 73.4% were admitted at least once, 18.9% experienced unplanned admissions, and 30.1% visited the ED at least once during the study period.The most-common reason for ED visits was neurological symptoms during the first 6 months (59.1%), followed by respiratory symptoms. One fifth of patients who visited the ED underwent tracheostomy (20.9%) or NIPPV (20.9%). Two years after the first visit, 32.2% used a ventilator, and 13.3%, 26.6%, and 6.3% had undergone tracheostomy, gastrostomy, and nasogastric tube insertion, respectively. @*Conclusions@#During the 2 years following their first outpatient visit, 20% of patients with ALS experienced unplanned admissions and 30% visited the ED. An active and prompt supportivecare program should be implemented to ensure timely functional support in order to reduce these risks of unplanned admissions.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1043409


Purpose@#This study aims to find the mental health characteristics and factors affecting depressive symptoms in military social service personnel. @*Methods@#This descriptive investigation retrospective cohort study analyzed secondary data of social service personnel at I City for five years from April 2016 to May 2020. The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-K, the Paranoia Scale, and the Reynolds Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire were used to examine the mental health of social service personnel. @*Results@#Compared to the military social service personnel with no depression, depressed social service personnel were more paranoid (t=7.13, p<.001), and had more suicidal ideas (t=7.44, p<.001). Depressive symptoms had a significant positive correlation with alcohol use disorder scores (r=.262, p<.001), paranoid ideas (r=.594, p<.01), and suicidal ideas (r=.594, p<.01). Alcohol use disorder scores (β=.16, t=2.86, p=.005), paranoid scores (β=.30, t=4.34, p<.001), and suicidal ideas (β=.42, t=5.95, p<.001) predicted depressive symptoms (R2=.49, p<.001). @*Conclusion@#Alcohol addiction, paranoid ideas, and suicidal ideas were found to be factors that affect depressive symptoms in military social service personnel.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1043591


Background@#Despite medical advancements in neonatal survival rates, many children have poor neurological outcomes. Because the law in Korea restricts the withdrawal of lifesustaining treatment to only cases of imminent death, treatment discontinuation may not be an option, even in patients with poor neurological prognosis. This study investigated the opinions of the general population and clinicians regarding life-sustaining treatment withdrawal in such cases using hypothetical scenarios. @*Methods@#We conducted a cross-sectional study on the general population and clinicians using a web-based questionnaire. The sample of the general population from an online panel comprised 500 individuals aged 20–69 years selected by quota sampling. The clinician sample comprised 200 clinicians from a tertiary university hospital. We created hypothetical vignettes and questionnaire items to assess attitudes regarding mechanical ventilation withdrawal for an infant at risk of poor neurological prognosis due to birth asphyxia at 2 months and 3 years after the incidence. @*Results@#Overall, 73% of the general population and 74% of clinicians had positive attitudes toward mechanical ventilator withdrawal at 2 months after birth asphyxia. The proportion of positive attitudes toward mechanical ventilator withdrawal was increased in the general population (84%, P < 0.001) and clinicians (80.5%, P = 0.02) at 3 years after birth asphyxia.Religion, spirituality, the presence of a person with a disability in the household, and household income were associated with the attitudes of the general population. In the multivariable logistic regression analysis of the general population, respondents living with a person with a disability or having a disability were more likely to find the withdrawal of the ventilator at 2 months and 3 years after birth asphyxia not permissible. Regarding religion, respondents who identified as Christians were more likely to find the ventilator withdrawal at 2 months after birth asphyxia unacceptable. @*Conclusion@#The general population and clinicians shared the perspective that the decision to withdraw life-sustaining treatment in infants with a poor neurological prognosis should be considered before the end of life. A societal discussion about making decisions centered around the best interest of pediatric patients is warranted.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1044174


Nutrition education is essential for the health of people with disabilities. This paper presents nutrition education topics and operational directions for people with disabilities living in social welfare facilities for people with disabilities. This study was conducted through one-on-one, in-depth interviews with 11 operators and workers at social welfare facilities where people with disabilities reside. They were asked about the current status of nutrition education at the social welfare facility for people with disabilities where the interviewee works, major diseases of residents, topics of nutrition education needed, and preferred education methods to determine the type of nutrition education for people with disabilities needed in the field. As a topic of nutrition education, dietary education for obesity prevention and management was most requested, and education on basic nutritional ingredients was also desired. It was mentioned that the educational level would be appropriate for children aged 6∼9, and using materials that would attract interest was recommended. Activity-based face-to-face education was preferred for the operation of the program, and it was mentioned that education would be possible in a short period. In addition, it was mentioned that nutrition education is necessary for people with disabilities and workers at social welfare facilities for people with disabilities. Confirming the topic and operation direction of the nutrition education program required by social welfare facilities for people with disabilities will make it possible to contribute to providing nutrition education tailored to social welfare facilities for people with disabilities in Korea.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1044595


Objectives@#This study investigated the need for nutrition education aimed at improving the health of residents and users of social welfare facilities for persons with disability and aimed to provide basic information for developing a nutrition education program that meets the needs of the field. @*Methods@#Altogether, 249 employees working in social welfare facilities for people with disabilities were included in the study. Data on the health status of residents/users, meal management, nutritional education, nutritional education needs, and awareness of nutritional education were obtained through online surveys. A descriptive analysis was conducted to analyze the demographic characteristics, needs, and perceptions of the respondents, and independent t-tests and χ2 tests were performed to analyze and compare the differences between residential and daycare facilities. @*Results@#The majority of residents/users of social welfare facilities for persons with disabilities have developmental disabilities. When educating residents with residents/users of social welfare facilities, ‘personal hygiene’ was the most necessary topic, followed by ‘obesity management’ education. Regarding the methods of providing education, face-toface lectures demonstrated a high demand. They responded that when nutrition education experts provide nutrition education to people with disabilities, they must understand ‘the physical characteristics of persons with disabilities’ and have the ability to determine appropriate nutrition for such people. The most appropriate nutrition program training would be twice a year, lasting 30 min to 1 h per training session. @*Conclusions@#It will present a direction for operating a nutrition education program for persons with disabilities that meets their needs of social welfare facilities and ultimately contribute to the establishment and activation of nutrition education tailored to welfare facilities for such individuals in Korea.

Safety and Health at Work ; : 220-227, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045225


Background@#Though the artificial neural network (ANN) technique has been used to predict noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), the established prediction models have primarily relied on cross-sectional datasets, and hence, they may not comprehensively capture the chronic nature of NIHL as a disease linked to long-term noise exposure among workers. @*Methods@#A comprehensive dataset was utilized, encompassing eight-year longitudinal personal hearing threshold levels (HTLs) as well as information on seven personal variables and two environmental variables to establish NIHL predicting models through the ANN technique. Three subdatasets were extracted from the afirementioned comprehensive dataset to assess the advantages of the present study in NIHL predictions. @*Results@#The dataset was gathered from 170 workers employed in a steel-making industry, with a median cumulative noise exposure and HTL of 88.40 dBA-year and 19.58 dB, respectively. Utilizing the longitudinal dataset demonstrated superior prediction capabilities compared to cross-sectional datasets. Incorporating the more comprehensive dataset led to improved NIHL predictions, particularly when considering variables such as noise pattern and use of personal protective equipment. Despite fluctuations observed in the measured HTLs, the ANN predicting models consistently revealed a discernible trend. @*Conclusions@#A consistent correlation was observed between the measured HTLs and the results obtained from the predicting models. However, it is essential to exercise caution when utilizing the model-predicted NIHLs for individual workers due to inherent personal fluctuations in HTLs. Nonetheless, these ANN models can serve as a valuable reference for the industry in effectively managing its hearing conservation program.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045226


Background@#This study aimed to investigate the relationship between work-related communication devices use during work outside of regular working hours and depressive symptoms in wage workers. @*Methods@#Data from 50,538 workers aged 15 years or older who had participated in the 6th Korean Working Condition Survey (KWCS) were used. The final sample was 32,994 wage workers. The questionnaire asked the respondents how often they used communication devices for work during work outside of regular working hours. Depressive symptoms were assessed using WHO-5 Well-Being Index. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the association between work-related communication devices use during work outside of regular working hours and depressive symptoms. @*Results@#The rate of depressive symptoms was highest among workers who did not use work-related communication devices during work outside of regular working hours. After adjusting for socio-demographic and work-related factors, the odds ratio of depressive symptoms among workers who used communication devices when working outside of regular working hours was 1.20 (95% CI: 1.09–1.32); the odds ratio of depressive symptoms in the group not using communication devices for free-time work was 1.66 (95% CI: 1.37–2.00), which was higher than that of the reference group, that is, workers who did not work outside of regular working hours, and was statistically significant. @*Conclusion@#Regardless of whether work-related communication devices are used, working outside of regular working hours increases depressive symptoms. The use of work-related communication devices during work outside of regular working hours can reduce the rate of depressive symptoms.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040437


Background@#Delta checks increase patient safety by identifying automated hematology analyzer errors. International standards and guidelines for the complete blood count (CBC) delta check method have not been established. We established an effective, practical CBC delta check method and criteria. @*Methods@#We assessed five delta check methods for nine CBC items (Hb, mean corpuscular volume, platelet count, white blood cell [WBC] count, and five-part WBC differential counts) using 219,804 blood samples from outpatients and inpatients collected over nine months. We adopted the best method and criteria and evaluated them using 42,652 CBC samples collected over two weeks with a new workflow algorithm for identifying test errors and corrections for Hb and platelet count. @*Results@#The median delta check time interval was 1 and 21 days for inpatients and outpatients (range, 1–20 and 1–222 days), respectively. We used delta values at 99.5% as delta check criteria; the criteria varied among the five methods and between outpatients and inpatients. The delta percent change (DPC)/reference range (RR) rate performed best as the delta check for CBC items. Using the new DPC/RR rate method, 1.7% of total test results exceeded the delta check criteria; the retesting and resampling rates were 0.5% and 0.001%, respectively. @*Conclusions@#We developed an effective, practical delta check method, including RRs and delta check time intervals, and delta check criteria for nine CBC items. The criteria differ between outpatients and inpatients. Using the new workflow algorithm, we can identify the causes of criterion exceedance and report correct test results.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040973


Purpose@#Despite enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) and/or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, individuals with mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) I or II often experience significant growth deficiencies. This study aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) treatment in children diagnosed with MPS I or II. @*Materials and Methods@#A total of nine pediatric patients—four with MPS I and five with MPS II—underwent treatment with ERT and hGH at Samsung Medical Center. @*Results@#The mean hGH dose administered was 0.26±0.03 mg/kg/week. In the MPS I group, three patients showed an increase in height Z-score from –4.09±0.83 to –3.68±0.43 after 1 year of hGH treatment, and to –3.10±0.72 by the end of the hGH regimen. In the MPS II group, while the height Z-score of four patients decreased according to standard growth charts, it improved from 1.61±1.79 to 2.71±1.68 based on the disease-specific growth chart through hGH treatment. Two patients discontinued hGH treatment due to lack of efficacy after 22 and 6 months each of treatment, respectively. No new-onset neurological symptoms or necessity for prosthetic or orthopedic surgery were reported during hGH treatment. @*Conclusion@#This study provides insights into the impact of hGH on MPS patients, demonstrating its potential to reverse growth deceleration in some cases. Further research is needed to explore the long-term effects of hGH on changes in body composition, muscle strength, and bone health in this population.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017938


Ischemic stroke is a common cerebrovascular disease with high mortality and disability rates. Astrocytes, as the most abundant glial cells in the brain, have the function of maintaining the homeostasis of the central nervous system, which requires precise coupling between neurotransmission and energy metabolism. Therefore, the metabolic crosstalk between astrocytes and neurons plays an important role in the occurrence and development of ischemic stroke. On the one hand, ischemic stroke leads to neuronal excessive excitation, metabolic disorders, and even death, simultaneously promoting changes in astrocyte metabolism profile and increased heterogeneity. On the other hand, the metabolic crosstalk between astrocytes and neurons can also affect the outcome of ischemic stroke. This article reviews the role of the metabolic crosstalk between astrocytes and neurons in ischemic brain injury, and looks forward to potential research directions and treatment targets in the future, in order to provide theoretical reference for the treatment of ischemic stroke.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 1078-1084, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013784


Aim To investigate the mechanism of action of paeonol based on JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway to ameliorate liver inflammation and oxidative stress injury induced by acute alcohol stimulation in mice. Methods C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into normal group, model group, silibinin group (36. 8 mg • kg

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981713


OBJECTIVE@#To verify the safety of three dimensional printing percutaneous guide plate assisted percutaneous kyphoplasty(PKP) in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures(OVCFs).@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 60 patients with OVCFs treated by PKP from November 2020 to August 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 24 males and 36 females, aged from 72 to 86 years old with an average of (76.5±7.9) years. Routine percutaneous kyphoplasty was performed in 30 cases (conventional group) and three dimensional printing percutaneous guide plate assisted PKP was performed in 30 cases (guide plate group). Intraoperative pedicle puncture time (puncture needle to posterior vertebral body edge) and number of fluoroscopy, total operation time, total number of fluoroscopy, amount of bone cement injection, and complication (spinal canal leakage of bone cement) were observed. The visual analogue scale (VAS) and the anterior edge compression rate of the injured vertebra were compared before operation and 3 days after operation between two groups.@*RESULTS@#All 60 patients were successfully operated without complication of spinal canal leakage of bone cement. In the guide plate group, the pedicle puncture time was(10.23±3.15) min and the number of fluoroscopy was(4.77±1.07) times, the total operation time was (33.83±4.21) min, the total number of fluoroscopy was(12.27±2.61) times;and in the conventional group, the pedicle puncture time was (22.83±3.09) min and the number of fluoroscopy was (10.93±1.62) times, the total operation time was(44.33±3.57) min, the total number of fluoroscopy was(19.20±2.67) times. There were statistically significant differences in the pedicle puncture time, intraoperative number of fluoroscopy, the total operation time, and the total number of fluoroscopy between the two groups(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in amount of bone cement injection between the two groups(P>0.05). There were no significant differences in VAS and the anterior edge compression rate of the injured vertebra at 3 days after operation between two groups(P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Three dimensional printing percutaneous guide plate assisted percutaneous kyphoplasty is safe and reliable, which can reduce the number of fluoroscopy, shorten the operation time, and decrease the radiation exposure of patients and medical staff, and conforms to the concept of precise orthopaedic management.

Male , Female , Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Kyphoplasty/methods , Fractures, Compression/surgery , Spinal Fractures/surgery , Bone Cements , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Osteoporotic Fractures/surgery
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966272


Coffin-Lowry syndrome (CLS, OMIM # 303600) is a rare X-linked disorder caused by mutations in RPS6KA3. CLS is characterized by facial dysmorphism, digit abnormalities, developmental delays, growth retardation, and progressive skeletal changes in male patients. Females with CLS are variably affected, complicating diagnosis. Here, we describe the clinical and molecular findings in a female Korean child with CLS and review the associated literature. A 5-year-old girl presented with short stature and developmental delays. She had a coarse facial appearance characterized by a prominent forehead, hypertelorism, thick lips, and hypodontia. She also had puffy tapering fingers and pectus excavatum. We performed exome sequencing and identified a novel, likely pathogenic, heterozygous variant, c.326_338delinsCTCGAGAC (p.Val109Alafs*10), in RPS6KA3 (NM_004586.2). This is the first Korean female genetically diagnosed with CLS. In contrast to the delayed bone age reported in previous studies, our patient showed advanced bone age and central precocious puberty. CLS should be considered as a differential diagnosis of short stature, tapering fingers, and developmental delay. We suggest that molecular techniques can be a useful tool for diagnosis of rare disorders such as CLS because such conditions are not simple, and the associated spectrum of phenotypes can vary.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-967464


Background@#The epidemiology of pathogenic bacteria varies according to the socioeconomic status and antimicrobial resistance status. However, longitudinal epidemiological studies to evaluate the changes in species distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogenic bacteria nationwide are lacking. We retrospectively investigated the nationwide trends in species distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogenic bacteria over the last 20 years in Korea. @*Methods@#From 1997 to 2016, annual cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility and species distribution data were collected from 12 university hospitals in five provinces and four metropolitan cities in South Korea. @*Results@#The prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus was the highest (13.1%) until 2012 but decreased to 10.3% in 2016, consistent with the decrease in oxacillin resistance from 76.1% in 2008 to 62.5% in 2016. While the cefotaxime resistance of Escherichia coli increased from 9.0% in 1997 to 34.2% in 2016, E. coli became the most common species since 2013, accounting for 14.5% of all isolates in 2016. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii rose to third and fifth places in 2008 and 2010, respectively, while imipenem resistance increased from 13.9% to 30.8% and 0.7% to 73.5% during the study period, respectively.Streptococcus agalactiae became the most common pathogenic streptococcal species in 2016, as the prevalence of Streptococcus pneumoniae decreased since 2010. During the same period, pneumococcal penicillin susceptibility decreased to 79.0%, and levofloxacin susceptibility of S. agalactiae decreased to 77.1% in 2016. @*Conclusion@#The epidemiology of pathogenic bacteria has changed significantly over the past 20 years according to trends in antimicrobial resistance in Korea. Efforts to confine antimicrobial resistance would change the epidemiology of pathogenic bacteria and, consequently, the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-967665


Objectives@#The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a global shortage of medical resources; therefore, we investigated whether COVID-19 impacted the quality of non-COVID-19 hospital care in Korea by comparing hospital standardized mortality rates (HSMRs) before and during the pandemic. @*Methods@#This retrospective cohort study analyzed Korean National Health Insurance discharge claim data obtained from January to June in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Patients’ in-hospital deaths were classified according to the most responsible diagnosis categories. The HSMR is calculated as the ratio of expected deaths to actual deaths. The time trend in the overall HSMR was analyzed by region and hospital type. @*Results@#The final analysis included 2 252 824 patients. In 2020, the HSMR increased nationwide (HSMR, 99.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 97.7 to 101.0) in comparison to 2019 (HSMR, 97.3; 95% CI, 95.8 to 98.8). In the COVID-19 pandemic zone, the HSMR increased significantly in 2020 (HSMR, 112.7; 95% CI, 107.0 to 118.7) compared to 2019 (HSMR, 101.7; 95% CI, 96.9 to 106.6). The HSMR in all general hospitals increased significantly in 2020 (HSMR, 106.4; 95% CI, 104.3 to 108.5) compared to 2019 (HSMR, 100.3; 95% CI, 98.4 to 102.2). Hospitals participating in the COVID-19 response had a lower HSMR (HSMR, 95.6; 95% CI, 93.9 to 97.4) than hospitals not participating in the COVID-19 response (HSMR, 124.3; 95% CI, 119.3 to 129.4). @*Conclusions@#This study suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic may have negatively impacted the quality of care in hospitals, especially general hospitals with relatively few beds. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to prevent excessive workloads in hospitals and to properly employ and coordinate the workforce.

Experimental Neurobiology ; : 91-101, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976773


The FK506 binding protein 5 (FKBP5) is a co-chaperone that regulates the activity of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and has been reported to mediate stress resilience. This study aimed to determine the effects of Fkbp5 deletion on acute stress-induced recognition memory impairment and hippocampal GR signaling. Wild-type and Fkbp5-knockout mice were subjected to acute uncontrollable stress induced by restraint and electrical tail shock. First, we assessed the cognitive status of mice using a novel object recognition task. Next, we measured plasma corticosterone, GR levels, and the levels of GR phosphorylation at serine 211 in the hippocampus. Wild-type mice exhibited stress-induced memory impairments, whereas Fkbp5-knockout mice did not. Plasma corticosterone and GR levels did not differ between the non-stressed wild-type and Fkbp5-knockout mice, but the levels of phosphorylated GR were lower in Fkbp5-knockout mice than in wild-type mice. Wild-type and Fkbp5-knockout mice showed increased nuclear GR levels following stress, indicating GR translocation. However, cytosolic phosphorylated GR levels were lower in the hippocampi of Fkbp5-knockout mice following stress than in those of wild-type mice. These results suggest that FKBP5 deficiency increases resilience to acute stress by altering GR signaling.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976951


Background@#Healthcare professionals often experience moral distress while providing endof-life care. This study explored how physicians and nurses experienced moral distress when they cared for critically and terminally ill patients in tertiary hospitals in South Korea. @*Methods@#This study used semi-structured in-depth interviews. A total of 22 people in two tertiary hospitals were interviewed, nine (40.9%) of which were physicians and 13 (59.1%) were nurses. The recorded interview files and memos were analyzed using grounded theory. @*Results@#Most physicians and nurses encountered similar feelings of anger, helplessness, and burden owing to a lack of appropriate resources for end-of-life care. However, the factors and contexts of their moral distress differed. Nurses mainly addressed poorly organized end-of-life care, intensive labor conditions without support for nurses, and providing care without participation in decision-making. Meanwhile, physicians addressed the prevailing misperceptions on end-of-life care, communication failure between physicians owing to hierarchy and fragmented disciplines, the burden of responsibility in making difficult decisions, and the burden of resource allocation. @*Conclusion@#Differences in moral distress between physicians and nurses leave them isolated and can affect communication regarding healthcare. Mutual understanding between job disciplines will enhance their communication and help resolve conflicts in end-of-life care.