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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018929


Objective:To retrospectively analyze the establishment and implementation effect of ECPR rapid response medical team in emergency department, and to explore a more efficient rescue mode.Methods:A total of 41 patients who started ECPR in the emergency room of a tertiary hospital in Beijing from November 2017 to September 2022 were selected as subjects. The 14 patients treated by the ECPR rapid response medical team in the emergency department were set as the experimental group, and the 27 patients treated by the ECPR team of the MDT mode led by the cardiac surgeon were set as the control group. The ECPR start-up time, pipeline pre-filling time, ECPR start-up to ECMO successful operation time, complication rate and treatment success rate were compared between the two groups.Results:There was no significant difference in the outcome between the two groups (all P>0.05), but the total time (min) of ECPR implementation by the rapid response medical team in the emergency department was shorter (20.86 ± 10.86 vs. 23.04 ± 11.40), the incidence of complications was lower, and the success rate of treatment was higher (28.57 % vs. 25.93 %). Conclusion:Establishing a mature ECPR rapid response team dominated by emergency medical care helps improve the rescue coordination and work efficiency, thereby providing the emergency protection and management of full -chain for the treatment of critical condition.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 1438-1466, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982802


Reprogramming of energy metabolism is one of the basic characteristics of cancer and has been proved to be an important cancer treatment strategy. Isocitrate dehydrogenases (IDHs) are a class of key proteins in energy metabolism, including IDH1, IDH2, and IDH3, which are involved in the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to yield α-ketoglutarate (α-KG). Mutants of IDH1 or IDH2 can produce d-2-hydroxyglutarate (D-2HG) with α-KG as the substrate, and then mediate the occurrence and development of cancer. At present, no IDH3 mutation has been reported. The results of pan-cancer research showed that IDH1 has a higher mutation frequency and involves more cancer types than IDH2, implying IDH1 as a promising anti-cancer target. Therefore, in this review, we summarized the regulatory mechanisms of IDH1 on cancer from four aspects: metabolic reprogramming, epigenetics, immune microenvironment, and phenotypic changes, which will provide guidance for the understanding of IDH1 and exploring leading-edge targeted treatment strategies. In addition, we also reviewed available IDH1 inhibitors so far. The detailed clinical trial results and diverse structures of preclinical candidates illustrated here will provide a deep insight into the research for the treatment of IDH1-related cancers.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 49-51, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026560


The shortage of emergency and critical care resources has become increasingly prominent,seriously reducing the quality and safety of care.How to improve the efficiency of the emergency and critical care platform is an urgent problem to be solved.Since 2020,the emergency department of Peking University Third Hospital has achieved an increase of 10%-20%in the annual visits of emergency and critically ill patients,the reduction of the emergency department length of stay and the improvement of survival rate using Objectives and Key Results(OKR)as an advanced management tool.It provides a new paradigm for improving efficiency of emergency department in large general hospitals.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931235


In this study,a functionalized covalent-organic framework(COF)was first synthesized using porphyrin as the fabrication unit and showed an edge-curled,petal-like and well-ordered structure.The synthesized COF was then introduced to prepare porous organic polymer monolithic materials(POPMs).Two com-posite POPM/COF monolithic materials with rod shapes,referred to as sorbent A and sorbent B,were prepared in stainless steel tubes using different monomers.Sorbents A and B exhibited relatively uniform porous structures and enhanced specific surface areas of 153.14 m2/g and 80.01 m2/g,respectively.The prepared composite monoliths were used as in-tube solid-phase extraction(SPE)sorbents combined with HPLC for the on-line extraction and quantitative analytical systems.Indole alkaloids(from Catharanthus roseus G.Don and Uncaria rhynchophylla(Miq.)Miq.Ex Havil.)contained in mouse plasma were extracted and quantitatively analyzed using the online system.The two composite multifunctional monoliths showed excellent clean-up ability for complex biological matrices,as well as superior selec-tivity for target indole alkaloids.Method validation showed that the RSD values of the repeatability(n=6)were≤3.46%,and the accuracy expressed by the spiked recoveries was in the ranges of 99.38%-100.91%and 96.39%-103.50%for vinca alkaloids and Uncaria alkaloids,respectively.Furthermore,sorbents A and B exhibited strong reusability,with RSD values≤5.32%,which were based on the peak area of the corresponding alkaloids with more than 100 injections.These results indicate that the composite POPM/COF rod-shaped monoliths are promising media as SPE sorbents for extracting trace compounds in complex biological samples.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 766-788, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828852


SARS-CoV-2 has caused tens of thousands of infections and more than one thousand deaths. There are currently no registered therapies for treating coronavirus infections. Because of time consuming process of new drug development, drug repositioning may be the only solution to the epidemic of sudden infectious diseases. We systematically analyzed all the proteins encoded by SARS-CoV-2 genes, compared them with proteins from other coronaviruses, predicted their structures, and built 19 structures that could be done by homology modeling. By performing target-based virtual ligand screening, a total of 21 targets (including two human targets) were screened against compound libraries including ZINC drug database and our own database of natural products. Structure and screening results of important targets such as 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro), Spike, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), and papain like protease (PLpro) were discussed in detail. In addition, a database of 78 commonly used anti-viral drugs including those currently on the market and undergoing clinical trials for SARS-CoV-2 was constructed. Possible targets of these compounds and potential drugs acting on a certain target were predicted. This study will provide new lead compounds and targets for further and studies of SARS-CoV-2, new insights for those drugs currently ongoing clinical studies, and also possible new strategies for drug repositioning to treat SARS-CoV-2 infections.