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Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 27-31, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026627


Objective To develop and validate a questionnaire for assessing the synergistic effects of physician col-laboration within a tiered healthcare system,dissect its structural dimensions,and explore the internal logical rela-tionships among these dimensions.Methods Literature review and focus group discussions were employed to clarify the conceptual framework and components of the synergistic effects of physician collaboration in a tiered healthcare system,leading to the development of the questionnaire.Multi-stage sampling was used to survey 1 959 physi-cians.Results The questionnaire for assessing physician collaborative synergy effects consists of four dimensions:col-laborative cognition,collaborative trust,collaborative willingness,and collaborative behavior,comprising 10 items in total.The overall Cronbach's coefficient and the coefficients for four dimensions were all above 0.7.Exploratory factor analysis results extracted four common factors,with a cumulative variance contribution rate of 86.7%.Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the composite reliability of the four dimensions of the questionnaire was above 0.7,and the average variance extracted was above 0.5.Collaborative cognition influenced collaborative behavior through the chain-mediating roles of collaborative trust and collaborative willingness.Conclusion The developed questionnaire for assessing the synergistic effects of physician collaboration in a tiered healthcare system has good reliability and validity.Its dimensions fit well with the interrelated structure of"knowledge","emotion","intention"and"action",making it a suitable reference tool for evaluating the extent and effectiveness of physician collaboration across different medical institutions within a tiered healthcare system.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-872207


Objective:To evaluate the new compensation mechanism for primary healthcare institutions in Zhejiang province, in terms of fairness, performance, incentive mechanism and sustainability in pilot areas.Methods:Evaluation indicators were constructed based on stakeholder theory, fairness theory, expectation theory and sustainable development theory.Focus group interviews were conducted with stakeholders and quantitative data were collected through questionnaires. Meanwhile, the financial compensation, income and expenditure and work equivalent data were collected from such institutions of the four pilot areas, with quantitative data subject to descriptive analysis.Results:This study found the reform used reasonable proportion of funds allocated(the proportion of basic salary for employees was lower than 50%)and adjustment factors(1.0-1.8)of different primary healthcare institutions to guarantee the fairness of the reform; the increase of work equivalents(the per capita work equivalents of medical staff in pilot counties had increased from 38.435 million in the previous year to 42.590 million work equivalents)reflected the performance outcomes of the reform. The incentive and sustainability of the reforms were the weak parts. These were mainly due to the fact that the internal distribution system of primary healthcare institutions failed to make corresponding reforms.Conclusions:The reform of the compensation mechanism based on the equivalent method has changed medical staff′s perception of the distribution of funds. The principle of" more pay for more work" and the use of information technology to capture work equivalents have improved the enthusiasm of primary medical staff and the operational efficiency of these institutions, thus, making reform generally scientific and reasonable.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-798664


Objective@#To evaluate the new compensation mechanism for primary healthcare institutions in Zhejiang province, in terms of fairness, performance, incentive mechanism and sustainability in pilot areas.@*Methods@#Evaluation indicators were constructed based on stakeholder theory, fairness theory, expectation theory and sustainable development theory.Focus group interviews were conducted with stakeholders and quantitative data were collected through questionnaires. Meanwhile, the financial compensation, income and expenditure and work equivalent data were collected from such institutions of the four pilot areas, with quantitative data subject to descriptive analysis.@*Results@#This study found the reform used reasonable proportion of funds allocated(the proportion of basic salary for employees was lower than 50%)and adjustment factors(1.0-1.8)of different primary healthcare institutions to guarantee the fairness of the reform; the increase of work equivalents(the per capita work equivalents of medical staff in pilot counties had increased from 38.435 million in the previous year to 42.590 million work equivalents)reflected the performance outcomes of the reform. The incentive and sustainability of the reforms were the weak parts. These were mainly due to the fact that the internal distribution system of primary healthcare institutions failed to make corresponding reforms.@*Conclusions@#The reform of the compensation mechanism based on the equivalent method has changed medical staff′s perception of the distribution of funds. The principle of" more pay for more work" and the use of information technology to capture work equivalents have improved the enthusiasm of primary medical staff and the operational efficiency of these institutions, thus, making reform generally scientific and reasonable.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-712478


This paper described the market reform′s influence and the healthcare reform on medical behaviors of both doctors and patients.It is held that the healthcare reform should ensure the public welfare nature of public hospitals and focus on medical quality and patient′s health,so as to promote the harmonious development of the doctor-patient relationship from the policy and practice aspect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667295


This paper introduced the development of medical specialists alliance in Zhejiang University. With Jinhua Central Hospital as an example,merits and setbacks of the 3-level trusteeship model in practice were discussed,with improvement recommendations raised for progress of the hierarchical medical system.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-612671


In China's new healthcare reform, the pilot local governments explore the practice of establishing a new model of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system.Zhejiang Province has adopted a special policy of effectively allocating hospital resources and human resources, and efficiently improving primary healthcare institution capability and patient satisfaction(hereinafter referred to as double allocation, double improvement), focusing on the implementation of the 'Healthcare Talents Project', in order to fill a vacancy of human resources in primary healthcare institutions.This paper uses system dynamics modeling and the WISN method of WHO to estimate the gap in physician supply in primary healthcare institutions.After building the system dynamics model of 'Healthcare Talents Project', this paper simulates the influence of the policy on the vacancy of doctors in primary healthcare institutions and analyzes the sensitivity of regulatory factors.The simulation results show that, there are a big gap in physician supply of about 14,000 to build the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system.The project can gradually increase the number of primary doctors, and the policy may fill the vacancy by 2021.However, if the efficiency of the hospital doctors who give assistance to primary institutions is increased by 10%, the targeted training and recruitment 100% achieve the policy plans and objectives, the project goal may be achieved by 2020.Therefore, this project can effectively adjust the human resources structure quickly and reasonably, and it can be used as reference for the reform of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-507214


This paper described the measures taken by Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine in development of general medicine,and differential care of acute and chronic diseases. Rational allocation of medical resources and leveraging of tertiary hospital′s advantages in medicine and education effectively improved the utilization ratio of medical resources for better health of the people.