India’s health‑care delivery is challenged with different inequalities and the dual burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Lockdown posed negative effects on the growth and economy of the country; simultaneously, some positive effects, like increased health consciousness and adoption of hygienic practices, were also there. Health‑care delivery system faced tremendous challenges in diagnostics, therapeutics, infrastructure for inpatient care, and protection of health‑care manpower. During this period, people chose to self medicate which in turn increased the threat of emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Due to shifting priority to COVID from other diseases, resources were shifted to COVID, affecting the management of other acute and chronic diseases. The launching of COVID‑19 vaccination campaign showed some hope. However, despite the vaccination drive, strengthening infrastructure, and surveillance system, the devastating second wave could not be avoided due to the conglomeration of the crowd for pilgrimage, election campaign, and tourism in an unrestricted manner. It may be concluded that the fourth wave may be short lasting due to increased herd immunity.
Introduction: Lymph nodes are an integral component of the immune system and their enlargement is commonly noted in clinical practice in a wide spectrum of diseases, including infections like tuberculosis and malignancy. FNAC is an important diagnostic tool for rapid evaluation of mainly superficial lesions, especially of lymph nodes. It is cost effective, relatively less traumatic, and enables the pathologist to provide the clinician with a diagnosis in a very short time, and hence is ideal especially for OPD patients. Objectives: 1. To study the age and sex distribution of the patients of FNAC of peripheral lymph node. 2. To study the spectrum of diseases diagnosed on FNAC of peripheral lymph nodes. Methods: Cross-sectional hospital based Observational study. Total 50 patients who had superficial lymphadenopathy were included in this study. Male patients were 21 (42%) and Female patients were 29 (58%). FNAC was performed on this 50 patients. Diagnosis was made by light Microscopy. Result was tabulated and statistical analysis was done. Results: Male patients were 21 (42%) and Female patients were 29 (58%). 50 % patients were in the age group of 21 to 40 years. Reactive hyperplasia was 46% and Granulomatous lymphadenitis was 18%. Cervical lymph nodes were most commonly involved. Conclusion: FNAC is a simple, quick, low cost, minimally invasive and easy diagnostic procedure which is very much helpful in the diagnosis of diseases causing superficial lymphadenopathy in all age groups. Reactive hyperplasia of lymph node was the most common cytological diagnosis followed by Granulomatous lymphadenitis.