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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234208


Background: Breast carcinoma is one of the most researched cancers across the world. FNAC is often used as a first priority investigation in patients with breast lump. Tru-cut biopsy is useful in preoperative knowledge of prognostic parameters with the help of IHC markers ER, PR, Her2 neu. The technique is reliable, simple and reproducible which can be used even in resource poor countries like India. To analyze the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive values and the diagnostic accuracy (efficacy) of fine needle aspiration cytology and trucut biopsy. Methods: The study included 82 patients presenting with palpable breast lesions. All patients underwent FNAC followed by Tru-cut biopsy under ultrasound guidance. ER, PR, HER2 Neu, cytokeratin immunostaining was done in malignant cases. The data collected analysed statistically. Results: The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV of FNAC were 96.61 %, 95.65 %, 98.28%, 90.91% respectively and that of trucut biopsy were 100%, 100%, 100%, and 100 % respectively. Conclusions: Out of total 82 patients, maximum no of cases (57) were duct carcinoma accounting 69.50% on FNAC and Tru-cut biopsy. IHC was done in all carcinomas. Maximum (46 cases) were luminal type. The present study emphasizes that tru-cut biopsy can serve as confirmative diagnostic tool over FNAC and provides information regarding prognostic factors and treatment modalities based on IHC markers.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219762


Background:Digital health literacy and digital skills should become prerequisite competencies for health professionals to facilitate the implementation and leverage the potential of digital technologies to improve health. The primary objective of our study was to investigate perceptions of medical students on the role of online teaching in facilitating medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material And Methods:A cross-sectional study wasconducted at the national level using both offline and online (mixed) survey for a period of 3 months (Dec -Feb2020) with a self-administered questionnaire devised on the basis of a literature search “on current online teaching methods following the Covid-19 pandemic situation”among the Post Graduate medical students. Result:Our Study response s consisted of post graduate medical students (n=398) across Indiaamong them 29.9% agreed to that online teaching is helpful during covid-19 situation. Some of the barriers includeexperience, mode of accessing, tools used, internet facilities, availability of Audio-visual aids, user friendlinessof soft-ware. Conclusion:During Covid -19 pandemic online lectures provided a sustainable method of teaching-learning.Some of the facilitators in our study include web learning teaching mode, feasibility of class timing, easy grabbing of information, able to answer during online exam or class.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203562


Background: Helminthic infections have been major publichealth burdens. Some isolated helminths include Ascarislumbricoides, the whipworm Trichuris trichuira, the hookwormAncylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus andStrongyloides stercoralis. The present study was conducted tostudy the effect of socio-economic status, quality of hygiene,nutritional status on helminthic infection among school goingchildren aged between 5 to 13 years.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study on 352children at Govt. Primary school, Rajapur was conducted fromJanuary 2007 to June 2008. Children were interviewed usingpre-tested proformas to identify the risk factors and prevalenceof Helminthic infestation. Stool examination was done by usingthe formal ether concentration technique in microbiologylaboratory at M. R. Medical college. Statistical analysis wasdone by using the percentage, chi-square, SPSS statisticalsoftware.Results: Out of 352 children 162 tested positive for variousintestinal helminth’s in the age group 5 to 13 years. The overallprevalence of Helminthic infestation was 46.02% thepredominant parasites were Ascaris Lumbricoides 48.77%followed by Hymenolepsis Nana 27.16% Ancylostomaduodenale 11.73%, Trichuris Trichiura 9.88% & Enterobiusvermicularis 2.46%. 4.94% cases were of mixed infection. Thepresent study found that Socio-economic class, nutritionalstatus and pallor was significantly associated with prevalenceof Helminthic infestation. Habit of digit sucking or nail bitting,Storage of food and water were not significantly associatedwith Helminthic infestation (p>0.05). The association betweenHand wash before eating food, Status of Nails, practice of openair defecation and hand wash with soap after defecation,footwear use, eating mud or pica, drawing water for drinking,source of water, eating of raw vegetables or fruits, eating offood sold by vendor and prevalence of Helminthic infestationwere found to be significant (P<0.05). The association betweenprevalence of Helminthic Infestation and KAP of children wasalso found to be Significant.Conclusions: In the present study the prevalence ofhelminthic infestation in school children are on the higher sidewhich requires due attention and consideration despitehelminthic control programme in school for all children.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203413


Background: Worm infestation is a major Health problem inchildren of developing countries, its effective prevention andcontrol requires identification of local risk factors particularlyamong high risk groups. The present study was conducted tostudy t various factors like age, sex, religion and helminthicinfection among children aged between 5 to 13 years.Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study on 352children at Govt. Primary school, Rajapur was conducted fromJanuary 2007 to June 2008. Children were interviewed usingpre-tested proformas to identify the risk factors and prevalenceof Helminthic infestation. Stool examination was done by usingthe formal ether concentration technique in microbiologylaboratory at M. R. Medical College. Statistical analysis wasdone by using the percentage, chi-square, SPSS statisticalsoftware.Results: Out of 352 children 162 tested positive for variousintestinal helminth’s in the age group 5 to 13 years. The overallprevalence of Helminthic infestation was 46.02% thepredominant parasites were Ascaris Lumbricoides 48.77%followed by Hymenolepsis Nana 27.16% Ancylostomaduodenale 11.73%, Trichuris Trichiura 9.88% & Enterobiusvermicularis 2.46%. 4.94% cases were of mixed infection.Helminthic infestation among males was 48.33% and females43.60%. Religion, Sex, Type of family were not significantlyassociated with Helminthic infestation (p>0.05). Theassociation between prevalence of Helminthic Infestation andKAP of children was also found to be Significant.Conclusion: This study concluded that the prevalence ofHelminthic infestation among primary school children were highand need to be addressed.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175701


Background: A periodic measurement of lung functions would be a guiding principle to detect the lung abnormalities in the early stages and among lung function tests, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) is useful. The industrial workers are subjected to illness suffered not only of those of fellow citizens but are also subjected to certain illness due to mainly their work environment which is peculiar to each work place or industry. The objective of the study was aimed at the PEFR of workers in stone crushing units, Gulbarga city. The authors were also aimed at the study of the factors influencing PEFR of the workers and to suggest the various measures for the improvement in the health status of the workers. Methods: The study was undertaken among the workers engaged in stone crushing units and related respiratory ailment among workers based on PEFR in stone crushing units surrounding Gulbarga city, Karnataka, India. The study sample comprised a total of 150 workers examined. Results: The result of the study showed that 51 (34%) workers with less than 400 L/min PEFR having signs and symptoms like breathlessness and cough were as 99 (66%) workers with PEFR 400-600 L/min were normal. The study also shows that there is highly significant association between lung function parameter (PEFR) with duration of exposure. Conclusions: The result indicated the need to increase awareness among the workers regarding the dust generated by crushing units.