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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025592


Objective:To explore the developmental characteristics of event-related potential(ERP) in cognitive function of recognition memory in children aged 6-12.Methods:A total of 130 normal children were divided into seven age groups (6 ( n=20), 7 ( n=17), 8 ( n=23), 9 ( n=24), 10 ( n=19), 11 ( n=15), and 12 years old ( n=12)) to perform a picture study-recognition task and record the reaction time, accuracy, and ERP components of all participants. SPSS 22.0 software was used for data analysis. Single factor analysis of variance and trend of variance were used to compare the response time and accuracy of 7 groups of children during the recognition stage. Pearson correlation analysis was used to study the correlation between the amplitude of the central midline N2 component and age. Paired t-test was used to examine the old/new effects of the amplitude of midfrontal N2 and midparietal P3 waves. Results:(1) The differences of recognition ability ( F(6, 123)=2.476, P<0.05), old picture reaction time ( F(6, 123)=6.461, P<0.001), and new picture reaction time ( F(6, 123)=4.163, P<0.001) among 7 age groups of children were statistically significant. Recognition ability of children aged 6 (0.61±0.24) was lower than those of 8-12 years old children((0.76±0.27), (0.76±0.10), (0.73±0.11), (0.75±0.10), (0.70±0.17) respectively)(all P<0.05). The reaction time of the old picture showed no difference among the children aged 6-9 (all P>0.05), and the reaction time of old picture of children aged 12 was shorter than those of 6-10 years old children (all P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the reaction time of new pictures among the children aged 6-10 (all P>0.05), and which in children aged 12 was shorter than those in 6-10 years old children(all P<0.01). (2) Age was positively correlated with the amplitude of the N2 component in the central region under the new ( r=0.488, P<0.001) and old picture( r=0.452, P<0.001) conditions. (3)At 6 years old, children showed old/new effects on the mid-frontal electrodes. At 7 years old, there were no old/new effects in either the mid-frontal or mid-parietal regions. From 8 to 9 years old, old/new effects appeared in the mid-parietal lobe. At 10 years old, old/new effects were present in both the mid-frontal and mid-parietal regions. At 11 years old, the mid-parietal lobe showed old/new effects. Finally, at 12 years old, negative old/new effects could be observed in both the mid-frontal and mid-parietal regions. Conclusion:There are three periods of changes in the behavior of picture recognition memory in school-age children. At ages 6-7, the accuracy rate is relatively low; at ages 8-9, it improves; and between ages 10-12, the accuracy rate stabilizes while also enabling faster judgments.Children's recognition memory retrieval process is more complex than their behavioral performance. Children have different tendencies toward strategies, but strategic transitions in recognition processing are not always beneficial for performance.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986610


Objective To evaluate systematically the correlation between the expression level of human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) and lymph node metastasis of endometrial cancer (EC). Methods Computers were used to search for the literatures about the correlation between the expression level of HE4 and lymph node metastasis of EC in PubMed, Cochrane, Web of Science, CBM, CNKI, and Wanfang Database. The search time was from the database establishment to May 2021. Articles were screened in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the quality of literature was evaluated by Newcastle Ottawa scale. Stata12.0 was used to perform meta-analysis, and TSA was used to evaluate the sample size. Results A total of 2736 patients with EC were included in the 25 eligible studies. The results of meta-analysis showed that the expression level of HE4 in the EC-lymph-node metastasis group was significantly higher than that in the non-metastasis group (SMD=1.58, 95%CI: 1.13-2.03), and meta-regression analysis revealed that the results were related to the average age of patients in each study. TSA analysis exhibited that the total sample size of the included studies met the requirements. Conclusion The expression level of HE4 is correlated with lymph node metastasis of EC, and this correlation may be affected by age, body mass index, and other factors. The correlation weakens with the increase in age.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956210


Objective:To explore the developmental characteristics of Chinese semantic and orthographic processing in normal school-age children by event-related potential (ERP) technique.Methods:Children aged 7-11 in an ordinary primary school in Changzhou were randomly selected and divided into 7-year old group ( n=21 ), 8-year old group ( n=21), 9-year old group ( n=19), 10-year old group ( n=20) and 11- year old group ( n=22) according to their age.ERP was recorded while subjects completed the Chinese character semantic activation task and pseudo word judgment task. Then the N400 and P200 amplitudes of school-age children under the conditions of semantic correlation, semantic uncorrelation and pseudo word judgment were collected, and the data were analyzed by three factors mixed design ANOVA.Data of behavioral accuracy and response time were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni correction was used for multiple hypothesis testing. The statistical software was SPSS 25.0. Results:(1)Behavioral results: the accuracy of semantic related and semantic unrelated tasks of children in the five groups aged 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 were statistically significant ( F=15.55, 4.01, both P<0.01), and the accuracy of children in the 7-year old group was significantly lower than those in the other four groups (all P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the accuracy of pseudo word judgment task among the five groups ( F=0.68, P=0.609). The response time of children in the five groups under semantic related and semantic unrelated tasks was significantly different ( F=3.90, 3.13, both P<0.05). The response time of the 11-year old group under semantic related tasks was significantly shorter than those of the 7-, 8- and 9-year old groups (all P<0.05). The response time of the 7-year old and 11-year old groups under semantic unrelated tasks was significantly shorter than those of the 8-, 9- and 10-year old groups (all P<0.05). (2)ERP results: N400 amplitudes of 7-, 8-, 9-, 10- and 11-year old children under semantic related tasks were significantly smaller than those under semantic unrelated tasks and pseudo word judgment tasks (all P<0.05). The N400 amplitude of the subjects gradually decreased with the increase of age, except that there was no statistical difference between the 10-year old and 11-year old groups under the semantic related task, between the 8-year old and 9-year old groups under the semantic unrelated task and the pseudo word judgment task, and between the 10-year old and 11-year old groups (all P>0.05), there were statistical differences between the other age groups (all P<0.05). P200 amplitude of semantic related task at 7-, 8-, 9- and 10-year old was significantly higher than that at semantic unrelated task (all P<0.05), and the amplitude of semantic related task at 7-, 8-, 10- and 11-year old was significantly higher than that at pseudo word judgment (all P<0.05). The amplitude of P200 gradually increased with age, and there were significant differences in pairwise comparison among other age groups ( P<0.05), except semantic related task and unrelated task among 7-, 8- and 9-year old groups, between 10- and 11-year old groups, and pseudo word task between 7- and 8- years old groups, 10- and 11- year old groups (all P>0.05). Conclusion:The semantic processing and orthographic processing of school-age children develop with age in a unique way. The age of 7 is an important period for cognitive development of Chinese language.The age of 8-9 may be a sensitive period for the development of brain plasticity, and the development slows down at the age of 10-11.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-661980


Objective To discuss the prognostic evaluation of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in term neonates with mild and severe asphyxia.Methods Eleven neonates with mild asphyxia,14 neonates with severe asphyxia and 10 control neonates were studied.All the neonates were examined by conventional magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) and DTI.Fraction anisotropy (FA) values,apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values,voxel numbers and fiber numbers were calculated in seven regions of interest(ROI) and compared among the 3 groups.The correlation between FA values and neonatal behavioral neurological assessment (NBNA) scores were analyzed.Results (1) FA values in the left and the right thalamus were 0.54 ± 0.08 and 0.56 ± 0.15 in control group,0.45 ±0.03 and 0.44 ± 0.10 in mild group,and 0.21 ± 0.11 and 0.25 ± 0.13,respectively in severe group.FA values in posterior limbs of internal capsule were 0.49 ± 0.09 and 0.48 ± 0.08 in control group,0.37 ± 0.08 and 0.38 ± 0.03 in mild group,and 0.20 ± 0.04,0.19 ± 0.13 in severe group;FA values in thalamus and posterior limbs of internal capsule had statistical differences among the 3 groups (F =9.12,9.11,8.18,8.55,all P < 0.05).Voxel numbers in the left and the right superior longitudinal fasciculus were 1 094 ± 112 and 1 123 ± 113 in control group,986 ± 111 and 1 009 ± 144 in mild group,450 ± 116 and 671 ± 126 in severe group.Voxel numbers in anterior limbs of internal capsule were 947 ± 104 and 1 237 ± 184 in control group,854 ± 118 and 799 ± 114 in mild group,324 ± 110 and 311 ± 126 in severe group.Voxel numbers in posterior limbs of internal capsule were 2 047 ± 129 and 2 137 ± 238 in control group,1 843 ± 233 and 1 753 ± 247 in mild group,867 ± 118 and 999 ± 167 in severe group.Voxel numbers in superior longitudinal fasciculus,anterior and posterior limbs of internal capsule had statistical differences among the 3 groups (F =10.11,9.45,7.33,8.45,12.65,11.23,all P < 0.05);Fiber numbers in the left and the right cingulate gyrus were 245 ±72 and 405 ±94 in control group,225 ±52 and 365 ± 114 in mild group,145 ±62 and 185 ±84 in severe group.Fiber numbers in inferior front-occipital fasciculus were 56 ± 19 and 212 ± 33 in control group,49 ±22 and 197 ± 33 in mild group,33 ± 12 and 156 ± 39 in severe group.Fiber numbers in posterior limbs of internal capsule were 284 ± 112 and 988 ± 233 in control group,234 ± 67 and 678 ± 234 in mild group,114 ± 67 and 188 ± 84 in severe group.Fiber numbers in cingulate gyrus,inferior front-occipital fasciculus and posterior limbs of internal capsule had statistical differences among the 3 groups (F =3.11,3.45,9.88,9.12,7.45,8.88,all P < 0.05).(2) The correlation between FA value and NBNA scores was analyzed:the correlation coefficient in posterior limbs of internal capsule was 0.666 which was higher than those of the other areas.The area under the ROC curve of FA values in anterior limbs of internal capsule was 0.816 (P =0.005),used NBNA scores ≥ 35 as a good outcome.FA values (≥ 0.375) in the posterior limbs of the internal capsules predicted a good outcome and the corresponding sensitivity and specificity was 73.1% and 77.8%,respectively.Conclusion In some ROIs,FA values,voxel numbers,and fiber numbers can quantitatively reflect the degree of white matter injury in neonates with asphyxia.Furthermore,the FA values in the posterior limbs of the internal capsules are closely correlated with NBNA scores,so it has more important clinical significance,and can accurately and objectively assess the prognosis in neonates with asphyxia.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 338-341, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-608332


Objective To investigate the characteristics of cognitive development of newborn's cerebral hemispheres with event related potential (ERP). Methods Forty-five healthy full-term newborns and 11 infants of 29-60 days in the Department of Newborns, Changzhou Children's Hospital between December 2013 and October 2015 were randomly included in this study. They fulfilled all inclusion/exclusion criteria. An auditory oddball paradigm was used with frequently occurring standand tones at 1 000 Hz with 90% probability and infrequent deviant tones at 2 000 Hz with 10% probability. Waveforms were recorded at Fz, Cz, F3, F4, C3 and C4 scalp locations. And a comparative study of area and latency of N2 was done at F3, F4, C3 and C4 scalp locations in the two hemispheres. Results N2 wave of 1-28 days neonatal at C3, C4 scalp locations: area (ms·μV) was 5 193.68±2 137.45 vs 4 324.51±1 334.73, with statistically significant difference (t=2.288, P=0.025);latency (ms) was 764.27±216.60 vs 878.29±294.06, also with statistically significant difference (t=2.185, P=0.031). N2 wave of 1-28 days neonatal at F3,F4 scalp locations: area (ms·μV) was 5 739.44±2 271.03 vs 5 614.87±2 280.83, without statistically significant difference;latency (ms) was 876.20±316.02 vs 860.45±289.04, also without statistically significant difference. N2 wave of 29-60 days infants at F3, F4 scalp locations: area (ms·μV) was 7 681.35±1 723.49 vs 5 993.55±735.63, with statistically significant difference (t=2.848, P=0.011);latency (ms) was 571.60±1.2248 vs 733.40±232.73, without statistically significant difference though F3 was shorter than F4. Conclusions The newborn's auditory perception cognition in the left side of central lobe is superior to the right side. With the growth of the newborn, the left side of the frontal lobe is also superior to that of the right side. Dominant hemisphere has appeared in the neonatal period. Proper stimulation can promote the newborn's cognitive development.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-659157


Objective To discuss the prognostic evaluation of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in term neonates with mild and severe asphyxia.Methods Eleven neonates with mild asphyxia,14 neonates with severe asphyxia and 10 control neonates were studied.All the neonates were examined by conventional magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) and DTI.Fraction anisotropy (FA) values,apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values,voxel numbers and fiber numbers were calculated in seven regions of interest(ROI) and compared among the 3 groups.The correlation between FA values and neonatal behavioral neurological assessment (NBNA) scores were analyzed.Results (1) FA values in the left and the right thalamus were 0.54 ± 0.08 and 0.56 ± 0.15 in control group,0.45 ±0.03 and 0.44 ± 0.10 in mild group,and 0.21 ± 0.11 and 0.25 ± 0.13,respectively in severe group.FA values in posterior limbs of internal capsule were 0.49 ± 0.09 and 0.48 ± 0.08 in control group,0.37 ± 0.08 and 0.38 ± 0.03 in mild group,and 0.20 ± 0.04,0.19 ± 0.13 in severe group;FA values in thalamus and posterior limbs of internal capsule had statistical differences among the 3 groups (F =9.12,9.11,8.18,8.55,all P < 0.05).Voxel numbers in the left and the right superior longitudinal fasciculus were 1 094 ± 112 and 1 123 ± 113 in control group,986 ± 111 and 1 009 ± 144 in mild group,450 ± 116 and 671 ± 126 in severe group.Voxel numbers in anterior limbs of internal capsule were 947 ± 104 and 1 237 ± 184 in control group,854 ± 118 and 799 ± 114 in mild group,324 ± 110 and 311 ± 126 in severe group.Voxel numbers in posterior limbs of internal capsule were 2 047 ± 129 and 2 137 ± 238 in control group,1 843 ± 233 and 1 753 ± 247 in mild group,867 ± 118 and 999 ± 167 in severe group.Voxel numbers in superior longitudinal fasciculus,anterior and posterior limbs of internal capsule had statistical differences among the 3 groups (F =10.11,9.45,7.33,8.45,12.65,11.23,all P < 0.05);Fiber numbers in the left and the right cingulate gyrus were 245 ±72 and 405 ±94 in control group,225 ±52 and 365 ± 114 in mild group,145 ±62 and 185 ±84 in severe group.Fiber numbers in inferior front-occipital fasciculus were 56 ± 19 and 212 ± 33 in control group,49 ±22 and 197 ± 33 in mild group,33 ± 12 and 156 ± 39 in severe group.Fiber numbers in posterior limbs of internal capsule were 284 ± 112 and 988 ± 233 in control group,234 ± 67 and 678 ± 234 in mild group,114 ± 67 and 188 ± 84 in severe group.Fiber numbers in cingulate gyrus,inferior front-occipital fasciculus and posterior limbs of internal capsule had statistical differences among the 3 groups (F =3.11,3.45,9.88,9.12,7.45,8.88,all P < 0.05).(2) The correlation between FA value and NBNA scores was analyzed:the correlation coefficient in posterior limbs of internal capsule was 0.666 which was higher than those of the other areas.The area under the ROC curve of FA values in anterior limbs of internal capsule was 0.816 (P =0.005),used NBNA scores ≥ 35 as a good outcome.FA values (≥ 0.375) in the posterior limbs of the internal capsules predicted a good outcome and the corresponding sensitivity and specificity was 73.1% and 77.8%,respectively.Conclusion In some ROIs,FA values,voxel numbers,and fiber numbers can quantitatively reflect the degree of white matter injury in neonates with asphyxia.Furthermore,the FA values in the posterior limbs of the internal capsules are closely correlated with NBNA scores,so it has more important clinical significance,and can accurately and objectively assess the prognosis in neonates with asphyxia.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 1032-1033,1036, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-603837


Objective To analyze the risk factors of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding complicating cervical cancer .Methods Totally 43 cases of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding complicating cervical cancer were selected as the observation group ,while 52 cases of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding complicating non‐organic lesions and benign lesions were selected as the control group . Through the medical records and self‐developed questionnaire ,the risk factors of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding complicating cer‐vical cancer were investigated .Results There were no statistically significant differences in age of menopause ,age of IUD place‐ment ,usage of postmenopausal estrogen drugs ,smoking history ,complicating hypertension between the two groups (t= 0 .674 , 1 .156 ,χ2 =0 .283 ,0 .425 ,0 .281 ,P>0 .05);while the years of menopause to vaginal bleeding occurrence ,endometrial thickness and duration of vaginal bleeding in the observation group were more than those in the control group ,the differences were statistically significant (t=6 .717 ,5 .000 ,10 .754 ,P< 0 .05) .The univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis results showed that the risk factors of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding complicating cervical cancer were the years of menopause to bleeding ,endometri‐al thickness and duration of vaginal bleeding (P<0 .05) .Conclusion For the patients with postmenopausal bleeding ,the risk of complicating cervical cancer should be considered ,especially the years of menopause to bleeding ,endometrial thickness and duration of vaginal bleeding .

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-497071


Objective To investigate the characteristics of cognitive development in different aged neonates.Methods Sixty-two newborns were randomly selected from relatively normal full-term babies in Changzhou Children's Hospital from December 2013 to September 2015.Electroencephalogram (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded with the auditory Oddball paradigm.Cognitive EEG delta power and the N2 wave area of different ages (1-10,11-20 and 21-28 days) were compared.Paired t test,analysis of variance and the LSD test were used for statistical analysis.Results (1) Delta power in the resting and cognition state:neonatal cognitive delta power in the 11-20 and 21-28 days old groups was (268.22± 132.09) and (236.01±97.40) μ V2,respectively,significantly higher than the resting delta power of the same groups [(175.80 ± 80.80) and (178.78 ± 104.74) μ V2,t=2.539 and 2.845,P=0.020 and 0.010,respectively].(2) Cognitive delta power in different aged neonates:cognitive delta power in the 11-20 and 21-28 days old groups was (268.22± 132.09) and (236.01 ±97.40) μ V2,respectively,higher than that of the 1-10 days old group [(116.70± 56.70) μV2],with statistically significant difference (LSD test,both P<0.05).(3) Neonatal ERP:ERP of the 1-10 days old group presented with multiple peaks of a flat composite wave,in the 11-20 and 21-28 days old groups,the N2 wave showed a regular and rising trend,gradually to a single wave,and became gradually mature.The N2 wave area in the 11-20 and 21-28 days old groups was (6 435.08±2 212.34) and (6 536.75± 1 969.86) ms · μ V,respectively,which was larger than that in the 1-10 days old group [(4 230.04± 1 550.55) ms · μ V] (LSD test,both P<0.05).Conclusions Neonatal cognitive development is enhanced with age and there may be a period of more rapid cognitive development,especially at 11-20 days of age.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-483112


Objective To study the characteristics of cognitive development of newborns with auditory event related potentials (aERP).Methods Thirty full-term neonates who were admitted to Changzhou Children's Hospital and met the inclusion criteria, those with neonatal neural behavioral score over 37 and both ears passed the hearing screening, and exclusion criteria, those who suffered from perinatal brain injury, were sclccted randomly.Thcy wcre divided into three groups according to the days of age (group 1 : 1-10 days;group 2:11-20 days;group 3:21-28 days).aERP was recorded with auditory Oddball paradigm.The data were collected and analyzed by Brain Electrical Source Analysis software.Relationship between N2latencies/areas among the three groups and their age was researched with Pearson correlation analysis.Results During the neonatal period, there was a significant negative correlation between N2 latency and neonatal age in days (r=-0.609, P < 0.05), while significant positive correlation was shown between N2 area and the age (r=0.689, P < 0.05).In Fz and Cz leads, the total average waveform diagram of the three groups showed spacious flat, less smoothed curve, and mostly jagged pattern.N2 area in group 1 showed a complex plurality of peaks, and regular, soaring waves, which changed into single wave thereafter, in group 2 and 3.The N2 latencies tended to shorten gradually.Conclusions Neonatal cognitive competence, including concentration and discrimination ability, would be improved with their growth.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 228-230, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-418606


ObjectiveTo observe the ultrastructural changes of Chlamydia trachomatis after treatment with azithromycin.Methods The Chlamydia trachomatis laboratory strain (D/UW-3/Cx) was cultured in McCoy cells with or without the presence of azithromycin of 0.0667,0.1340,0.1900,0.2680 and 0.3330 mg/L for 48 hours.The ultrastructural changes of host cells andChlamydia trachomatis were observed by transmission electron microscopy.ResultsAfter 48-hour culture,vesicles increased in number both inside and outside of the inclusion bodies with the rise in azithromycin concentration; there were abnormally large reticulate bodies,some of which experienced abnormal division and even necrosis or breakdown; the number of elementary bodies was decreased,while their size was enlarged,with a more wrinkled outer membrane.No inclusionbodieswereseenwhentheconcentrationofazithromycinwas0.333mg/L. Conclusions Azithromycin can induce an increment in the outer membrane of Chlamydia trachomatis,formation of vesicles,abnormal enlargement or breakdown of reticulate bodies,and a decrease in elementary bodies.

J. biomed. eng ; Sheng wu yi xue gong cheng xue za zhi;(6): 1183-1190, 2006.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-331452


The new techniques of three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and segmentation, display and analysis of series slices of images including microscopic wide field optical sectioning by deconvolution method and Cryoelectron microscope slices by electron tomography (ET) and series of computed tomography (CT) were investigated. As a result, this paper presents the 3D reconstruction segmentation display, and analysis results of pollen spore, chaperonin, head, cervical vertabra, tibia and carpale. Mean while, this paper also proposes the application of these new techniques in biomedical field.

Humans , Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted , Methods , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Methods , Tomography , Methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed