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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-539124


Objective To explore the ways of repairing the large long-bone and skin defects as single stage procedures. Methods Five clinic cases were studied, firstly, the arteriae fibularis were restructuered into one or two vaso-nasa which nourished the related fibula segments and the overlying skin, then, binding all of the fibula segments and turn it into a bulky bone with a periosteal vaso-nasa wraparound. The graft was rich in blood supply so osteogenesis activity was vigorous under the periostum, the interspace in the graft soon disappear and the graft increased in diameter gradually. Results All of the harvested skin flaps survived and the wound healed on schedule, besides, the involved fractures were union 1 year later and the grafts were strong enough for weight-bearing and walking 2 year later, Neither fracture occur nor morbidity was created at the donor site, No problem was caused at the ankle. Conclusions It's appropriate way to repair large long-bone and skin defects with a vascularized fibula segments complex transfer incorporationg the overlying skin that was supplied via the same peroneal vessel pedicle.