TSCI have dyskinesia and sensory disturbance that can cause various life-threaten complications. The patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI), seriously affecting the quality of life of patients. Based on the epidemiology of TSCI and domestic and foreign literatures as well as expert investigations, this expert consensus reviews the definition, injury classification, rehabilitation assessment, rehabilitation strategies and rehabilitation measures of TSCI so as to provide early standardized rehabilitation treatment methods for TSCI.
Objective:To explore the utility of the muscle redistribution technique (MRT) in the signal recognition of an intelligent bionic prosthesis.Methods:Between December 2016 and April 2017, 4 male patients were treated with muscle redistribution procedures. Among them, 3 were upper limb amputees of the distal 1/3 of the forearm, at the carpometacarpal joint and at the midcarpal joint. One was a lower limb amputee at the distal 1/3 of the lower leg. In each case, 4-6 muscles and tendons in the stump were transferred and the tendons were anchored in different areas of the skin. When the muscle contracted actively, the tendon pulled the skin, resulting in obvious deformation of the skin in different areas. The skin′s deformation, capacitance signal data and postoperative complications were used as indicators in the evaluations. To measure the capacitance signals the patients were asked to grip, flex and extend the wrist, and flex and extend the fingers , or dorsi- and plantar-flex the ankle, and flex and extend the toes. With the help of capacitance sensors the limb′s deformation was analyzed.Results:Three months after the surgery the patients were able to actively control contraction of the transferred muscle and produce skin deformation. At the final follow-up, the effective deformation rate was 80% (16/20). Two kinds of classifiers were identified by linear discriminant analysis and quadratic discriminant analysis. In the upper limb, the overall recognition accuracies were 97.27% and 100% respectively, and the recognition accuracy of each action was 100%. In the lower limb, the overall recognition accuracies were 95.32% and 100%, and the recognition accuracy of each action was again 100%. In one case wound healing was delayed and several dressing changes were required.Conclusions:MRT can effectively output motion intentions and increase the number and intensity of motion signals. The procedure provides a novel way for better control of intelligent bionic prostheses.
Objective To analyze kinematic characteristics of children with spastic cerebral palsy during walking based on the method of gait analysis. Methods The gait of 14 children with spastic cerebral palsy and 16 healthy children, who were required to walk back and forth on level ground at normal speed, was tested using portable gait analyzer. The gait differences between diseased side and healthy side of lower limbs for children with spastic cerebral palsy, as well as the gait differences between children with spastic cerebral palsy children and healthy children were compared. Results For children with spastic cerebral palsy, single step time, swing time and toe-off time of diseased side were significantly longer than those of healthy side (P<0.05), while step frequency, velocity and terminal stance were significantly shorter than those of healthy side (P<0.05). Compared with healthy children, gait cycle time, single step time, stance time, swing time, percentage of stance phase, mid stance phase, pre-swing stage and toe-off time for diseased side of children with spastic cerebral palsy were significantly longer (P<0.05). Stride, velocity, step frequency and terminal stance of the children with spastic cerebral palsy were significantly lower than those of healthy children (P<0.05). Pulling acceleration for children with spastic cerebral palsy also decreased compared with healthy children (P=0.05). Conclusions The stability of children with spastic cerebral palsy decreased during walking, and their single step time, swing time, toe-off time and pulling acceleration might be considered as the sensitive indicators.