Demographic study of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and drug utilization in population is the basis for assessment of cardiovascular disease management. Aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of CVDs with drug utilization and current trends in Bangladesh. A cross-sectional type of descriptive study was carried out at the outdoor of National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD), Dhaka from July’09 to August’09. A total of 780 patients, who acquiesce with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were interviewed with structured questionnaire and followed up by prescription monitoring. Out of the total patients with a male, female ratio of 5.3: 4.7, 45.90% patients were over 55 years and 69.62% patients had come from urban area. The patients had lipid level disorder (47.05%), hypertension (28.05%), heart failure (27.25%), ischaemic heart disease (21.55%) and 40.39% were associated with diabetes. Individual patient got 6.35 ± 1.56 no. of drug of different class of which most frequently prescribed drugs were antiatherogenic (97.67%), lipid lowering agents (95.35%), antianginal (79.07%), beta-blockers (51.16%), ACE inhibitors (30.23%), diuretics (37.21%), anxiolytics (81.4%) etc. This data may be propitious for the general physicians for optimizing rational use of cardiovascular drugs and also accessible in formulating strategy for effective cardiovascular disease management.
In the present work, the roots of Musa Paradisiaca Lam. (Family: Musaceae) were investigated for preliminary phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity. Preliminary phytochemical screening of ethanol extract of the roots revealed the presence of various classes of compounds like alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, flavonoids, saponins, reducing sugars and tannins. The ethanol extract of the roots of Musa Paradisiaca Lam. was tested by using agar disc diffusion method for antimicrobial assay. The ethanol extract of Musa Paradisiaca Lam. showed moderate in-vitro antibacterial activity against both gram positive (B. Megaterium, B. Subtilis, S. aureus) and gram negative (E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. dysenteriae, S. typhi, Vibrio cholerae and S. flexneri) bacteria with the zones of inhibition ranging from 10.53 ± 0.37 to 12.42 ± 0.85 mm at concentration of 500 μg/disc. Thus the findings revealed the medicinal potential of Musa Paradisiaca Lam. against various infectious diseases to develop a drug.
In the present work, the ethanol extract of the barks of Phyllanthus acidus L. (Family: Euphorbiaceae) were investigated for preliminary phytochemical screening, cytotoxicity and antibacterial activities. The presence of phytochemical constituents was identified by characteristic changes using standard procedure. Brine shrimp lethality (BSL) bioassay was used to investigate the cytotoxic effects and the agar disc diffusion method was used for antimicrobial assay of the plant extract. The phytochemical screening of ethanol extract of the plant showed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides and steroids. The ethanol extracts of Phyllanthus acidus L. bark showed cytotoxicity with LC50 and LC90 values of 501.19μg/mL and LC90: 794.33μg/mL, respectively. The extract of Phyllanthus acidus L. bark showed significant antibacterial activity against gram negative bacteria only such as such as E. coli (19.25 ± 0.54mm), S. typhi (32.08 ± 0.51mm) and Vibrio cholerae (16.42 ± 0.42mm). The obtained results showed a potential source of biologically active compounds which can be used as antibacterial agents.