Introduction@#Constant stress predisposes medical students to anxiety. The study aimed to determine the association between animal companionship and anxiety among medical students at UERMMMCI.@*Methods@#The study utilized an analytical cross-sectional design via an online form with the anxiety portion of the HADS questionnaire. Participants included first to third year medical students of a private medical school.@*Results@#A total of 161 responses were recorded. Sex and year-level exhibited significant association with anxiety. Those with anxiety were 2.71 times more likely to be females (p = 0.007). Stratification showed that those with anxiety were 1.72 times less likely to be females with pets (p = 0.37) while, in contrast, those with anxiety were 3.64 times more likely (p = 0.02) to be males with pets. Those with anxiety were likely to belong to first and second-years (p = 0.01 and p = 0.06), respectively and pet owners, though, not statistically significant (p = 0.357).@*Conclusion@#An association between sex and year-level with anxiety was noted. Those with anxiety were likely to be females, first-years, and males with animal companionship. Although they did not reach statistical significance.
Animals , Anxiety , Students, MedicalABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: La cetoacidosis en el embarazo es una emergencia médica que requiere tratamiento en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos debido a su asociación con morbimortalidad maternofetal. Las gestantes pueden presentar una forma atípica del cuadro llamada cetoacidosis normoglicémica, siendo muy infrecuente en pacientes sin antecedente de diabetes. Caso Clínico: Se presenta una gestante cursando tercer trimestre de embarazo, sin antecedente de diabetes, ingresada en Unidad de Paciente Crítico debido a neumonía por COVID-19 y acidosis metabólica con anión gap aumentado. Se realizó diagnóstico de cetoacidosis normoglicémica posterior al ingreso, iniciándose tratamiento intensivo de trastorno ácido-base con buena evolución. Conclusión: La infección por SARS-CoV-2 puede causar cetoacidosis normoglicémicas en embarazadas no diabéticas; se requiere una alta sospecha clínica para realizar el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Ketoacidosis in pregnancy is a medical emergency that requires treatment in an intensive care unit due to its association with maternal-fetal morbimortality. Pregnant women may present an atypical form of the condition called normoglycemic ketoacidosis, being very rare in patients with no history of diabetes. Clinical Case: We present a pregnant woman in the third trimester of pregnancy, without history of diabetes, admitted to a critical patient unit due to COVID-19 pneumonia and metabolic acidosis with an increased anion gap. A diagnosis of normoglycemic ketoacidosis was made after admission, and intensive treatment of acid-base disorder was initiated, with good evolution. Conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause normoglycemic ketoacidosis in non-diabetic pregnant women; is required a high clinical suspicion to make the diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pneumonia, Viral/complications , Pneumonia, Viral/therapy , Coronavirus Infections/complications , Coronavirus Infections/therapy , Ketosis/etiology , Ketosis/therapy , Pandemics , Betacoronavirus , Ketosis/diagnosisABSTRACT
RESUMEN El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar la calidad higiénico-sanitaria de dos sistemas de ordeño en fincas bovinas del municipio Maturín estado Monagas (Venezuela). El ensayo tuvo una duración de seis semanas, se calculó la eficiencia higiénica (%EH) de las instalaciones, el personal, la rutina de ordeño, la limpieza-desinfección y el almacenamiento-transporte de dos unidades de producción. Adicionalmente, se determinó la población de bacterias aerobias mesófilas (BAM) que se cuantificaron en un experimento en bloques al azar, con arreglo factorial de los tratamientos (2x2) donde el factor A, correspondió al sistema de ordeño manual y mecánico y el factor B, a la aplicación y omisión de secado de los pezones de cada animal previo al ordeño. La variable se examinó por análisis de varianza y sus valores promedios comparados por Tukey al 5% de probabilidad. El %EH de las fincas evaluadas fue de 66,66% para la finca 2 y de 54,84% para la finca 1, considerados no satisfactorios. Los resultados obtenidos para la variable BAM indican que el factor sistema de ordeño mostró diferencia altamente significativa (p ≤ 0,01); el sistema manual presentó el menor conteo con 5,24 Log10 UFC/ mL; mientras que para el factor condición de secado se constató diferencia significativa (p ≤ 0,05), ya que la aplicación de secado presentó la menor población de bacterias aerobias mesófilas con 5,25 Log10 UFC/mL. Las medidas higiénicas y sanitarias implementadas en la rutina de ordeño influyeron directamente en la calidad de la leche cruda.
ABSTRACT The objective of the present investigation, was to evaluate the 'Hygienic-Sanitary Quality of two Milking Systems in Bovine Farms' in Vuelta Larga Sector, Maturín City, Monagas State (Venezuela). The trial lasted six weeks, in which the Hygienic Efficiency (% EH) of the facilities, the workers, the milking routine, the cleaning and disinfection measures and the storage and transport of both milking systems, were calculated. Furthermore, the population of Mesophilic Aerobic Bacteria (BAM) was determined ; The data were processed following a distribution in random blocks with factorial arrangement (2x2) whose factor A represented the milking system: manual and mechanical, and the factor B was the application and omission of manual drying of teats for each animal prior to milking. The percentage of Hygienic Efficiency (% EH) of the farms evaluated was not satisfactory, corresponding to 66.66% in the farm 2 and 54.84% in the farm 1. The variable was examined by analysis of variance and its mean values compared by Tukey test at 5% of probability. Factor A achieved a highly significant difference (p ≤0.01), with the manual system obtaining the lowest count with 5.24 Log10 CFU / mL. In factor B significant difference was found (p≤0.05), the drying application decreased the BAM population with 5.25 Log10 CFU / mL. The Hygienic and Sanitary measures implemented in the milking routine directly influence the quality of raw milk.
Animals , Cattle , Bacteria, Aerobic , Sterilization , Sanitary Profiles , Milk , Good Manipulation Practices , Nipple Aspirate Fluid , Microbiology , Bacteria , Cattle , Diagnosis , Efficiency , NipplesABSTRACT
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las consecuencias clínicas expresadas en índices COPD y ceod y su relación con la presencia de hipomineralización incisivo molar (HIM) en una población de escolares de 6 a 12 años de la provincia de Santiago. Método: Este estudio de corte transversal fue realizado en 851 escolares de 6 a 12 años de la provincia de Santiago, quienes fueron evaluados por 2 dentistas calibrados. Con consentimiento de los tutores legales, los escolares fueron examinados, y se utilizaron los criterios diagnósticos para HIM de la Academia Europea de Odontopediatría (EAPD). La historia de caries fue determinada con COPD/ceod de acuerdo a los criterios de la OMS. Los datos fueron recolectados en una ficha especialmente diseñada para esto. Los datos fueron analizados con test «t¼ para muestras individuales (considerando p < 0,05). Resultados: Los escolares afectados por HIM tuvieron una media de COPD de 0,91 (±1,21) y una media de ceod de 1,98 (±2,48), el cual fue mayor que el COPD y ceod de escolares sin HIM (0,41 [±0,95] y 1,34 [±2,15] respectivamente). La diferencia entre ambos grupos fue estadísticamente significativa para COPD (p < 0,000) y ceod (p = 0,002). Conclusiones: Escolares de la provincia de Santiago de 6 a 12 años afectados con HIM presentaron mayor COPD/ceod que escolares sin HIM.
Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical consequences, expressed in DMFT and dmft, and their relationship with Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) in a population of schoolchildren of 6 to 12 years old in the Santiago Province. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 851 schoolchildren between 6-12 years old from the Santiago Province were examined by two calibrated examiners. With informed consent from their parents, the schoolchildren were examined, and the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) diagnostic criteria was used for MIH detection. Caries history was assessed with the DMFT/dmft score according to WHO criteria. Data was collected with a form specially designed for this study. Data was analysed using Student's t-test for individual samples and a post-hoc Bonferroni (P < .05). Results: The mean DMFT score in the MIH-affected schoolchildren was 0.91 (±1.21), with a mean dmft score of 1.98 (±2.48), which were greater than the scores in the non-MIH affected schoolchildren (mean DMFT score 0.41 [±0.95] and mean dmft 1.34 [±2.15]). The differences between DMFT and dmft scores in the two groups were statistically significant (P < .000 and P = .002, respectively). Conclusions: Schoolchildren of Santiago Province of 6-12 year old diagnosed with MIH had higher DMFT/dmft scores compared to schoolchildren not affected with MIH.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Dental Caries/etiology , Tooth Demineralization/complications , Tooth Demineralization/epidemiology , Chile , DMF Index , Tooth Diseases/epidemiology , Tooth Diseases/etiologyABSTRACT
Normoglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis should be suspected in pregnant women presenting nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and anorexia. We report a 39 years old woman with a 32 weeks pregnancy who sought emergency care due to hyperemesis. She was hospitalized with the following diagnoses: pregnancy hypertension syndrome, gestational diabetes, morbid obesity and poor prenatal control. The evaluation of the feto-placental unit showed perception of fetal movements, non-reactive non-stress baseline record and a biophysical profile of 6/8. Fetal maturation was initiated. Laboratory tests showed a metabolic acidosis, a low pH, an increased Gap anion, elevated ketonemia and a blood glucose of 172 mg/dl. A diagnosis of normoglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis was formulated and treatment with hydration and regular insulin according to capillary blood glucose levels was started. An emergency caesarean section was performed. The newborn weighed 2.650 kg, had a length of 46 cm, was large for gestational age, had an Apgar score of 2.7, had perinatal asphyxia, convulsive syndrome and a possible congenital cardiopathy. Once the ketoacidosis was resolved during the immediate puerperium, slow acting insulin was initiated.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/blood , Pregnancy in Diabetics/blood , Diabetic Ketoacidosis/blood , Pregnancy Complications/therapy , Pregnancy in Diabetics/therapy , Blood Glucose/analysis , Pregnancy Outcome , Gestational Age , Treatment Outcome , Diabetic Ketoacidosis/therapy , Hyperemesis Gravidarum/bloodABSTRACT
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile has developed a program, where students play an important role colaborating with their teachers in research. Traditionally it has been related to basic and/or clinical research. We present here an innovation: the participation of students in educational research. Medical students from different learning stages participated actively planning and performing this research, and they were indeed crucial for its success. The study shown here, is intended to favour the development of a Continous Joint Educational Research Program, which main goal would be to identify eventual teaching problems in order to develop prompt and adecuate solutions to continously improve the quality of medical education. The diagnosis made by the students opinions is only the first step of this project. Teachers opinions need to be considered also in a second stage. Learning outcomes evaluation was identified by medical students as being one of the most problematic areas. A great number of them confess traumatic experiences in this field, some of which are described here as a mean of making teachers aware of the problem, leading them to seek for teaching and evaluation methodologies capacitation.
Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Young Adult , Educational Measurement , Schools, Medical , Students, Medical/psychology , Faculty, Medical , Chile , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Objetivos: Demostrar la utilidad de un inventario sobe calidad de vida para evaluar síntomas pre y postquirúrgicos en pacientes con prolapso anteior y posterior. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, longitudinal, comparativo. Enero 2009-diciembre 2010. Se incluyeron 26 ptes, prom: 63 años con prolapso ant (EIII) y post (EII). Tratamiento: colporrafia anterior con malla subvesical y colpoperineorrafia. Evaluación de síntomas genitales, miccionales y defecatorios pre y postquirúrgicos con "Inventario de molestias por trastornos del piso pélvico" de Barber. Se utilizá Prueba Mc Nemar para variables cualitativas. Nivel de significación estadístico p=0.05. Resultados: Síntomas vaginales: preQ en el 100 por ciento. Los más frecuentes: pesadez y bulto vaginal que se redujeron en el postQ a 7 por ciento (p=0,000). Síntomas miccionales: preQ en el 84 por ciento. Los más frecuentes: a) sensación de vaciamiento incompleto de vejiga 77 por ciento que se redujo al 9 por ciento en postQ (P=0,001) y b) Aumento de la frecuencia miccional 68 por ciento que se redujo al 45 por ciento (p=0,063) Sintomas defecatorios preQ 46 por ciento. Los más frecuentes: a) necesidad de aumentar esfuerzo defecatorio 58 por ciento se redujo al 41 por ciento en postQ (P=0500) y b) maniiobras para completar la defecación 33 por ciento que desapareció en postQ (p=0.12). Conclusiones: mediante la utilización del Inventario se pudo comprobar que los resultados fueron estadísticamente significativos para los síntomas vaginales y para los miccionales de vaciado incompleto. El resto de los síntomas a pesar de no ser significativos evidenciaron mejoría en el postoperatorio.
Women with pelvic floor disorders show a negative impact on their quality of life questionnaires. The aim of the present report, was to demonstrate the usefulness of a quality of life questionnaire, to evaluate both pre and postsurgical outcomes in patients with anterior or posterior prolapses. Conclusion: the employement of an Inventary could arrive to the demonstration that the results were statistically significative for the vaginal symptons and for the micturation of incomplete emptiness. The rest of the symptons, despite that they were not significatives, showed improvement during the outcomes.
Aged , Colposcopy , Urinary Incontinence, Stress/pathology , Uterine Prolapse/surgery , Uterine Prolapse/diagnosis , Uterine Prolapse/pathology , Uterine Prolapse/therapy , Quality of Life , Quality-Adjusted Life YearsABSTRACT
El sarcoma de Ewing es un tumor maligno perteneciente al grupo de tumores neuroectodérmicos primitivos. Se conoce poco acerca de los factores etiológicos y generalmente afecta la diáfisis de hueso largo y la pelvis. Rara vez puede localizarse extraesqueléticamente. La tendencia es a presentarse en gente joven durante la fase de mayor crecimiento. Representa el 1 por ciento de los tumores en la infancia y es el segundo tumor maligno primario del hueso en la niñez y adolescencia, con un pico de edad entre 5 y 13 años. En el presente se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 10 años de edad, con diagnóstico de Sarcoma de Ewing Primario en Húmero Izquierdo Estadio III. Fue tratado con esquema de Quimioterapia y Radioterapia; en vista de su buena evolución se ofreció Cirugía Reconstructiva como medida de salvataje del miembro superior. Se realizó resección del húmero con márgenes quirúrgicos amplios y se colocó aloinjerto óseo de tibia, estabilizándose con material de osteosíntesis proximal y distalmente. Como resultado se observó remodelación ósea y osteointegración completa del injerto, así como rangos de movilidad aceptables en el primer año de evolución. Los procedimientos quirúrgicos para la reconstrucción de los miembros, después de la extirpación del Sarcoma de Ewing Primario, constituyen una alternativa en un intento por evitar la amputación.
The Sarcoma of Ewing is a malignant tumor pertaining to the gruop of primitive neuroectodermal tumors. Little is known about the etiologic factors and it generally affects the diaphysis of long bones and pelvis. Rarely it can be located extraskeletally. The tendency is to appear in young people during the phase of greater growth. It represents 1 percent of the tumors in the childhood and is the second primary malignant tumor of the bone in the childhood and adolescence, with a tip of age between 5 and 13 years. In the present work the case of a masculine patient of 10 years of age is resported, with diagnosis of Sarcoma of Primary Ewing in Left Chimney Stage III. It was dealed with schemes Chemotherapy and X-ray; in view of its good evolution Reconstructive Surgery was offered like measurement of salvataje of the member superior. Resection of the chimmey with ample surgical margins was realised and aloinjerto bony of tibia was placed distate, becoming stabilized with material of proximal osteosynthesisand as result were observed bony remodeling and complete osseointegration of the graft, as well as acceptable ranks of mobility in the first yeras of evolution. The surgical procedures for the reconstruction of the members, after the extirpation of the Sarcoma of Primary Ewing, constitute an alternative in an attempt to avoid the amputation.
Humans , Male , Child , Diaphyses/injuries , Upper Extremity/injuries , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant/methods , Radiotherapy, Adjuvant/methods , Sarcoma, Ewing/diagnosis , Medical Oncology , Pediatrics , TraumatologyABSTRACT
Se evaluó el uso de sangre entera para el diagnóstico molecular de histoplasmosis utilizando un método artesanal de extracción de ADN fúngico y una PCR anidada que amplifica una porción del gen HcP100 específica de Histoplasma capsulatum. La sangre entera se trató con liticasa, enzima lisante de Trichoderma harzianum y proteinasa K, seguido de una extracción fenólica. Este tratamiento permitió una lisis completa de las células, mostró buen rendimiento en la obtención de ADN y posibilitó la detección de la banda de 210 pb específica de H. capsulatum en la PCR anidada. El límite de detección fue de 0,25-1 levaduras/ml de sangre. El método se evaluó en 31 muestras de sangre de 19 pacientes con diagnóstico microbiológico de histoplasmosis, en 21 muestras de pacientes con otras micosis o infecciones por micobacterias y en 30 controles sanos. La PCR fue positiva en sangre para 17/19 pacientes con histoplasmosis (14/15 inmunocomprometidos y 3/4 sin inmunocompromiso aparente). Las muestras de sangre de los 30 controles sanos y de 20 pacientes con otras patologías fueron negativas, sólo hubo un falso positivo correspondiente a un paciente con infección por Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. El método presentó 89% de sensibilidad y 96% de especificidad para el diagnóstico de histoplasmosis en sangre entera.
To assess the value of using whole blood samples for the molecular diagnosis of histoplasmosis, we applied an in-house DNA extraction method and a nested PCR targeting a 210 bp specific segment of the Histoplasma capsulatum HcP100 gene. A whole blood volume of 2.5-3 milliliters was centrifuged and the cellular pellet was treated with Trichoderma harzianum lyticase and proteinase K prior to applying a conventional phenol DNA extraction. This procedure allowed complete cell lysis, high DNA yield and specific amplification. The PCR detection limit was 0.25-1 yeast cells/ml of blood sample. The method was assessed on 31 blood samples from 19 patients with microbiological diagnosis of histoplasmosis, 30 healthy persons and 21 patients with other mycoses or mycobacterial diseases. Positive results were obtained in samples from 17/19 patients with histoplasmosis (14/15 immunocompromised and 3/4 without known immunological disorder). Blood samples from the 30 healthy controls and 20 patients with other conditions proved negative; the only false positive result was obtained from a patient with Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection. With 89% sensitivity and 98% specificity, this molecular method for detection of the agent in blood shows promising for the rapid diagnosis of human histoplasmosis.