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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876499


Objective To understand the clinical characteristics, susceptibility factors, and the composition and distribution of pathogenic fungi in Shiyan area. Methods From January 2018 to December 2018, at the outpatient department of Taihe Hospital, a total of 498 patients with superficial mycosis were confirmed by clinical features and microbial identification. Clinical data was collected and statistical analysis of these patients was carried out. Results Among 498 patients, the top three diseases were 123 cases of tinea corporis (24.70%), 110 cases of onychomycosis (22.09%), and 54 cases of body ringworm (10.84%). The top three pathogenic fungi were Trichophyton rubrum (232 strains, 46.59%), Trichophyton interdigitale (71 strains, 14.26%) and Candida albicans (41 strains, 8.23%). There were some differences in the incidence of patients of different genders, ages, and jobs. Conclusion Tinea cruris was the main superficial mycosis in Shiyan area and Trichophyton rubrum was the main pathogen of superficial mycosis. The epidemic trend is similar to that in most regions of the country, but it has its own characteristics.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-579576


Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Jin's three-needling therapy on children autism with different TCM syndrome types.Methods A total of 202 autism children was enrolled into the study.Autism children were divided into two groups:the treatment group(N=118)received Jin's three-needling therapy,the acupoints mainly consisted of Sishen needling,Dingshen needling,temporal triple needling,supertemporal triple needling,brain triple needling,mental triple needling,Xingshen needling,hand needling for improving mental,foot needling for improving mental and tongue triple needling,and some other acupoints were selected according to the syndrome patterns;the control group(N=84)received special training.The treatment was done one time per day,six times one week,and 4 months constituted one treatment course.After treatment,the therapeutic effect was evaluated by Children Autism Rating Scale(CARS).Results After one treatment course,the total curative effective rate was 88.1% in the treatment group and 65.5% in the control group(P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-683104


【Objective】 To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture for autismin children.【Methods】Subjecting tothe willing of the children s parents,80 children with autismwere equally dividedintotwo groups :group Areceived acupuncture mainly onthe ten groups of acupoints for autism,whichis founded by Professor Jinrui,qd,sixtimes per week,suspension of medication on Sunday,and 120 times constituting one treatment course;group Breceived physical therapy,cognitive training,behavioral analysis and correction,linguistic training,qd,4 hour for eachtime,sixtimes per week,suspension of medication on Sunday,and 120 times constituting one treatment course.After treatment,the therapeutic effect was evaluated with functional development scale in Chinese version of Children Psychoeducational Profile(C-PEP).【Results】After one treatment course,the scores of functional development were increasedin both of groups Aand B(P