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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995560


Objective:To retrospectively analyze the gender differences in the clinical characteristics and perioperative outcomes of patients with type A aortic dissection in our institution.Methods:From January 2019 to January 2020, total 405 patients underwent surgical treatment for type A aortic dissection at Beijing Anzhen Hospital, including extensive aortic repair (total aortic arch replacement combined with stenting elephant trunk implantation) and limited aortic repair. In the entire cohort, male 295 cases, female 110 cases. All measures in this study were expressed as ± s or median(quartiles) and analyzed by Student t test for variables or non- parametric tests; count data were expressed as frequencies and percentages and analyzed by χ2 test and Fisher exact probability test. Independent risk factors were analyzed by logistic multivariate regression. Results:Females were older than males[(53.3 ± 12.4)years old vs. (47.1 ± 11.0)years old, P<0.001] and had significantly higher proportion of diabetes(9.1% vs. 4.1%, P=0.047) and previous cerebrovascular disease (11.8% vs. 5.8%, P=0.038). Females had a lower proportion of total aortic arch replacement combined with elephant trunk implantation (64.5% vs. 82.7%, P<0.001), while aortic cross-clamp time[168.0(144.8, 201.5) minutes vs. 190.0 (163.0, 217.0) minutes, P<0.001] and CPB time[99.0 (79.8, 118.0) min vs. 107.0 (91.0, 126.0) min, P=0.006] were significantly shorter than males. Females had significantly higher rates of pulmonary infection (14.5% vs. 5.8%, P=0.004) and stroke than males (15.5% vs. 8.1%, P=0.030). The difference in the proportion of postoperative deaths between female and male TAAD patients was not statistically significant (3.6% vs. 7.8%). Logistics multivariable regression analysis found that female was an independent risk factor for postoperative stroke ( OR=2.574, 95% CI: 1.198-5.531, P=0.015) and pulmonary infection ( OR=2.610, 95% CI: 1.180-5.772, P=0.018). Conclusion:Gender did not affect mortality after TAAD repair significantly, but females increased the risk of stroke and pulmonary infection after TAAD surgery.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-934217


Objective:To analyze the long-term outcomes of hybrid arch repair(HAR) treating aortic arch pathologies.Methods:Between January 2009 and January 2018, 87 consecutive patients underwent HAR for aortic arch pathologies at Beijing Anzhen Hospital. 76 were males. 2 cases were in zone 0, 46 cases were in zone 1, and 39 cases were in zone 2. The zones of the aortic arch were defined following the Ishimaru classification.Results:Five(5.7%) operative death occurred. 13 patients(19.1%) died during the follow-up. The overall survival rate was 88.4%, 83.3%, 83.3%, 49.8% at 1, 3, 5, 10 year, respectively. Multivariate Cox proportional risk analysis showed that stroke( HR=20.626, 95% CI: 2.698-157.685, P=0.004) was an independent risk factor for short-term death. Stroke( HR=16.234, 95% CI: 4.103-64.229, P<0.001) and spinal cord infury( HR=11.060, 95% CI: 2.150-56.893, P=0.004) were independent risk factors for long-term death. Conclusion:In conclusion, HAR could be an alternative procedure for the patients that are not suitable for open repair under the premise of strict control of indications. In the future, the risk assessment system and uniform operational indications for HAR should be further established.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-871586


Objective:To summarize the surgical treatment strategy for aortic injury caused by trauma.Methods:From January 2009 to January 2018, 34 patients with TAI were treated in Beijing Anzhen Hospital. 10 had hypertension. 23 cases were males. There were 31 cases caused by traffic accidents, 2 cases were fall injuries, and 1 case was bruise. 9 cases were thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm, 6 cases were thoracic aorta, and 19 cases were aortic dissection. 29 patients underwent TEVAR and 5 patients underwent OR (2 patients with type A aortic dissection undergoing Bentall + Sun's procedure, 1 patient with type B aortic dissection and 2 patients with thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm undergoing stented elephant trunk procedure).Results:The follow-up time was (45.09±23.10) months. The mean age of patients undergoing OR or TEVAR was (44.80±20.57) years old, (45.93±11.01) years old; the mean operation time was(403.20±30.30) minutes, (105.72±27.76) minutes; the mean hospitalization (19.00±6.04), (5.76±3.08) days. There were no deaths in the two groups. 2 patients uundergoing TEVAR had left upper limb numbness.Conclusion:The treatment of patients with TAI should be based on the general condition, the classification of injury, the involving regions and anatomical features to choose different treatments. In addition, the long-term prognosis of patients remains to be determined.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-871653


Objective:Acute type A dissection with mitral regurgitation was very rare. To sum up our experience of surgical treatment of acute type A dissection with mitral regurgitation.Methods:From October 2010 to January 2017, 17 patients with acute type A dissection with mitral regurgitation underwent surgical treatment. There were 12 males, 5 females; mean age, (38±11) years(range, 18-59 years). Hypertension was noted in 9 patients, Marfan syndrome in 2 patients, renal dysfuction in 3 patients, cardiac dysfunction in 3 patients, lower limb ischemia was observed in 2 patients and dilated cardiomyopathy in one patient. Preoperative abdominal aortic replacement was observed in one case.Results:Concomitant procedures included Bentall procedure in 16 patients, aortic arch operation in 15 patients, tricuspid valve plasty in 3 patients, coronary artery bypass grafting in 2 patients and asceding aorta - femoral artery bypass in one patient. 11 patients required mechanical ventilation for <24 hours, 3 cases for <48 hours and 3 subjects for > 48 hours. Continuous renal replacement therapy was required in 3 patients, re-operation in one patient and partial pericardial excision in one patient. One patient was out of follow-up. The remaining had a normal life during follow-up.Conclusion:Repair of acute type A dissection with mitral regurgitation carried with a relatively high mortality and morbidity. Under better protection of heart and cerebrum, it obtained accepted surgical results in patients with this lesion

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-711755


Objective To explore the mid-term results of the staged total aortic replacement in Stanford type A aortic dissection.Methods During March 2009 to September 2016,a total of 49 patients with Stanford type A aortic dissection in Beijing Anzhen Hospital cardiovascular center underwent total aortic replacement with a median age of 36 (27,41 years),male 36 (73.5%) cases.30 (61.2%) cases of them combined with Marfan syndrome.Results The interval between two stage operation was 23 (10,57) months.In the first stage operation,45 (91.8%) cases underwent Sun's procedure,2 (4.1%) underwent total aortic arch replacement,2 (4.1%) cases underwent classic elephant trunk and total aortic arch replacement.All patients underwent thoracoabdominal aortic repair(TAAAR).Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest surgery was 12(24.5%)cases in the second stage.7 (14.3%)cases dead postoperative.Spinal cord related complications happened in 3 (6.1%) cases with stroke in 2(4.1%) cases,acute renal insufficiency in 7(14.3 %) cases,respiratory insufficiency in 7 cases (14.3%),re-operation for hemostasis in 3 (6.1%) cases and gastrointestinal bleeding in 3 cases(6.1%).Univariate analysis showed that the interval between two stage operation,operation time,deep hypothermic circulatory arrest surgery are risk factors for in-hospital mortality;multivariate analysis showed that deep hypothermic circulatory arrest surgery and the interval between two stage operation were independent risk factors for in-hospital mortality.3 years,5 years survival rate were 94.4% and 78.7%.Conclusion For Stanford type A dissection especially the thoracoabdominal aortic expands,staged total aortic replacement shows good mid-term results.Block stentgraft can reduce the use of deep hypothermic circulatory arrests to decrease the mortality.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-711777


Objective To summarize the clinical outcomes and surgical indications for chronic type A aortic dissection (CTAD) by using Sun's procedure with preservation of autologous brachiocephalic vessels.Methods From September 2010 to December 2013, 23 patients with CTAD underwent Sun's procedure with preservation of autologous brachiocephalic vessels under moderate hypothermic circulatory arrest combined with selective cerebral perfusion in our center .The data was collected and analysed retrospectively.There were 20 males and 3 females patients with a mean age of(49.91 ±10.05) years.Preopera-tive comorbidities included Marfan syndrome in 1 patient, isolated left vertebral artery in 1, hypertension in 19, coronary artery disease in 2, heart dysfunction in 1, renal insufficiency in 1, mitral regurgitation in 1, and pulmonary infection in 1.Previous operation history included thoracic endovascular aortic repair in 3, percutaneous coronary intervention in 1, aortic valve re-placement in 1, Bentall procedure in 1, and coronary artery bypass grafting in 1.Results The average operation time, car-diopulmonary bypass time, aortic cross clamping time and selective cerebral perfusion time was(6.43 ±1.03) h,(167.07 ± 49.62) min,(80.74 ±29.00) min, and(27.35 ±6.03) min, respectively.Concomitant procedures included Bentall proce-dure in 6 patients, ascending aorta replacement in 17, ascending aorta-femoral artery bypass in 1, mitral valvuloplasty in 1, and CABG in 1.There were 2(8.70%) in hospital deaths.Three patients suffered temporary renal dysfunction, and 1 with re-nal failure recieved continuous renal replacement therapy .Postoperative hypoxemia were found in 2 patients, and 1 of them re-ceived reintubation.These patients recovered before discharge.The mean follow-up time was(52.52 ±9.89) months with a follow-up rate of 95.23%(20/21).One patient suffered cerebral embolism but recovered soon after treatment.The others were free from any complications.Conclusion Sun's procedure with preservation of autologous brachiocephalic vessels simplified the aortic arch surgery and obtained satisfactory outcomes for suitable patients with CTAD , but surgical indications should be strictly considered.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-660940


Objeetive To summarize the resuhs of the surgical management of complicated type B dissection with an iso lated left vertebral artery(ILVA) using the stented elephant trunk technique.Methods Between February 2009 and September 2016,12 patients with complicated type B dissection(acute in 7 and chronic in 5) underwent the stented elephant trunk procedure under moderate circulatory arrest with selective antegrade cerebral perfusion.11 patients were males with a mean age of(50.9 ± 6.1) years(ranged 42-59 years).Preoperative limb ischaemia was obscrved in 2 patients,renal dysfunction in 1 patient.Results There was no in-hospital death.1 patient was suffered permanent hoarseness after the surgery.The cardiopulmonary bypass time was 143.1 ± 26.3 min and selective cerebral perfusion time was (27.2 ± 11.2) min.The follow-up time was 6-92 months,mean (40.9 ± 30.6) months.1 of the ischaemia of the limb patients was ameliorated after surgical stentgraft implantation,the other 1 was ameliorated after surgical stent-graft implantation combined with a bypass of the ascending aorta to the right femoral artery.No neurological deficits were observed in any patients prior to hospital discharge.2 patients underwent thoracic endovascular aortic repair and total thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair respectively due to distal aortic aneurysm within the mean follow-up period.Conclusion Surgical repair of complicated type B dissection with an ILVA using the stented elephant trunk technique can obtain a satisfactory med-term clinical results.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-662882


Objeetive To summarize the resuhs of the surgical management of complicated type B dissection with an iso lated left vertebral artery(ILVA) using the stented elephant trunk technique.Methods Between February 2009 and September 2016,12 patients with complicated type B dissection(acute in 7 and chronic in 5) underwent the stented elephant trunk procedure under moderate circulatory arrest with selective antegrade cerebral perfusion.11 patients were males with a mean age of(50.9 ± 6.1) years(ranged 42-59 years).Preoperative limb ischaemia was obscrved in 2 patients,renal dysfunction in 1 patient.Results There was no in-hospital death.1 patient was suffered permanent hoarseness after the surgery.The cardiopulmonary bypass time was 143.1 ± 26.3 min and selective cerebral perfusion time was (27.2 ± 11.2) min.The follow-up time was 6-92 months,mean (40.9 ± 30.6) months.1 of the ischaemia of the limb patients was ameliorated after surgical stentgraft implantation,the other 1 was ameliorated after surgical stent-graft implantation combined with a bypass of the ascending aorta to the right femoral artery.No neurological deficits were observed in any patients prior to hospital discharge.2 patients underwent thoracic endovascular aortic repair and total thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair respectively due to distal aortic aneurysm within the mean follow-up period.Conclusion Surgical repair of complicated type B dissection with an ILVA using the stented elephant trunk technique can obtain a satisfactory med-term clinical results.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-621465


Objective To summarize surgical treatment of Takayasu arteritis,and analysis the drug treatment effect during the perioperative period.Methods Retrospective analysis 46 patients with Takayasu's arteritis disease and received cardiovascular surgery between January 2010 to December 2015,in Anzhen Hospital.By collecting their clinical characteristics,preoperative drug therapy,surgical treatment,pathological examination results to analyze operation conditions,effect of drugs and preoperative conditions.Results The perioperative mortality rate was 2.2% and the complication rate was 23.9% in 46 patients.There were 34 patients with symptomatic relief in the perioperative period,11 patients didn't take hormone drugs before operation.There were 11 cases of complications during the perioperative period,of which 7 patients were in active stage and 10 patients had not been used before operation.Conclusion The surgical treatment of patients with Takayasu's arteritis disease can effectively improve symptoms.The patients in Takayasu's arteritis active stage will affect the outcome of the surgery.Rational use of hormone drugs before surgery,can effectively control the patient's condition,improve the rate of remission of symptoms,and effectively reduce the incidence of perioperative complications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686722


Objective To summarize the clinical results of the surgical treatment for Stanford B aortic dissection patients with proximal aortic aneurysm(including aortic root,ascending,arch) by enblock technique.Methods From Jun.2011 to Oct.2015,20 patients with Stanford type B aortic dissection and proximal aortic aneurysm underwent open surgery by enbloc technique in our center.Among them,there were 15 male and 5 female.Average age of patients was(40.65 ± 13.55) years (range:22-65 years).The comorbidities of proximal aortic diseases are ascending aortic aneurysm in 10,aortic root aneurysm in 8,and aortic arch aneurysm in 2.All the surgeries were accomplished by hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass assist.The combined surgery includes:extra-anatomy bypass grafting in 16,Bentall procedure in 15,ascending aortic repair in 5.Before surgery and discharged from hospital computed tomography angiography(CTA) was performed in each patient.All patients except 2 were followed.During the follow-up,CTA was performed and recorded.Results The average operation time,cardiopulmonary bypass time,aortic clamping time and selective cerebral perfusion (SCP) time are (6.47 ± 1.01)h (4.5-9 h),(173.60 ± 43.39) min (109-303 min),(91.25 ± 28.63) min (51-165 min),(27.25 ± 6.80) min (17-43 min),respectively.The mean nasopharyngeal temperature during SCP is(23.77 ± 1.27)℃ (21.6-26℃).There were no operative deaths.The mean follow-up time is (32.44 ± 17.27)months (range:8-60 months).Two patients underwent aortic re-intervention during follow-up.And 2 patients were lost follow-up(The follow-up rate is 90%).One late death was found.The patient succumbed to sudden distal aortic rupture.Other patients are survived without any complications.Conclusion Enblock technique is a relatively simple procedure in total aortic arch repair surgery.And it can be a safely surgical treatment for type B aortic dissection patients with proximal aortic aneurysm.The indications of enblock technique for Stanford B aortic dissection patients are those who combined with proximal aortic aneurysm.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-495489


Objective To summarize our experience of surgical repair for cervical aortic arch(CAA) aneurysm and eval-uate early and midterm results of these patients.Methods From January 2010 to December 2014, 22 patients with left-sided CAA aneurysm admitted in our center.There were 6 male and 16 female patients with a mean age of(34.09 ±13.14) years. Comorbidities included pseudocoarctation in 9 patients, hypertension in 4 patients, and aortic valve insufficiency, Stanford type B aortic dissection and middle cerebral artery aneurysm each had 1 patient.All of the patients underwent surgical aortic arch re-construction using artificial graft replacement.Among them, 4(4/22, 18.18%) were performed under moderate hypothermic circulatory arrest(MHCA) combined with selective antegrade cerebral perfusion(SACP) via a median sternotomy, and concom-itant aortic valve replacement(AVR) was implemented in 1 patient.18(18/22, 81.82%) were performed via posterolateral left thoracotomy through the 4th intercostal space, and adjunct methods applied included partial CPB and “simple clamping” in 10 and 8 of these patients respectively.Results The average mechanical ventilation time and ICU stay time was (13.05 ± 4.73)h and(19.14 ±8.08) h respectively.1 patient required repeat thoracotomy for bleeding, 1 patient with delayed wound healing and 1 patient suffered transient liver dysfunction.There were no in-hospital deaths.Mean follow-up time was 34.73 months, and 3 patients were lost during follow-up.There were no late deaths during follow-up.Conclusion Repair of CAA is indicated for the patients with arch aneurysm formation .According to the locations and types of aneurysms and other concomi-tant proximal cardiovascular diseases, performing one-stage surgical aortic arch reconstruction with individualized incisions , ad-junct methods and operative procedures can obtain satisfactory clinical outcomes in patients with CAA aneurysm .