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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-463913


Presently, there are many issues in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) decoction, such as the uncertain sources of TCM, the lack of reminder for medication taboo, the nonstardard herb operation, and difficult supervision, etc. A digital service system of TCM decoction was established to solve the problems mentioned above. The digital service system mainly includes automatic coding for checking in & out, drug medication taboo database, digital operation in decoction, distribution through 2D code, the corresponding application for mobile phone, and the information supervision platform for TCM decoction. The digital service system of TCM decoction can track the quality & duty of the pieces, remind decoction medicine contraindications, improve the standard operation process of decoction, develop decoction distribution & tracking through cell phone, save the waiting time, and hence provides a new supervising method for TCM decoction. The digital service system of TCM decoction solves the key issues for the formula, operation, delivery and supervision of TCM. In the same vein, this system will expand the market share of TCM decoction and promote the development of TCM.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-459680


Odor and taste are characteristic properties of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). They are closely related to the chemical compositions in TCM. They are also the outer reflection of TCM quality and an important part of the character identification. This article reviewed the current research on odor and taste identification of TCM, which indicated that odor and taste identification had not been paid enough attention to and its research lagged behind modern social development. Based on current analytical techniques and methods, this article proposed a new idea for odor and taste identification of TCM. The idea emphasized the objectification of odor and taste and TCM identification research should be combined with chemical components analysis.