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Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(12): e20240064, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581716


Resumo Fundamento O tratamento ideal para regurgitação mitral isquêmica (RMI) em pacientes com infarto do miocárdio sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (IAMSSST) é um tópico debatido. Objetivo Avaliar o resultado a longo prazo em pacientes com IAMSSST e RMI, enfatizando particularmente a comparação de tratamentos naqueles com RM moderada a grave. Métodos Inscrevemos pacientes com IAMSSST e classificamos regurgitação não/trivial a leve como RMI insignificante e regurgitação moderada a grave como RMI significativa. Além disso, pacientes com RMI substancial foram avaliados para desfechos clínicos de longo prazo com relação a diferentes estratégias de tratamento. Um teste foi considerado estatisticamente significativo com base no valor de probabilidade p<0,05. Resultados De um total de 4.189 pacientes com IAMSSST, RMI significativa foi encontrada em 7,21% dos pacientes. Um número significativamente maior de pacientes com morte (1,21% vs. 13,24%, p<0,0001), choque cardiogênico (0,46% vs. 13,24%, p<0,0001) e insuficiência cardíaca (1,03% vs. 11,59%, p<0,0001) foram encontrados durante a hospitalização em pacientes com RMI significativa. Em um acompanhamento de 2 anos, uma taxa de evento maior foi observada no grupo RMI significativa. Pacientes com RMI significativa revascularizados por intervenção coronária percutânea (ICP), cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) ou cirurgia CRM+ válvula mitral (VM) apresentaram melhora substancial no grau de RM (32,65% vs. 6% vs. 16,98%, p<0,0001) e fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) (27,55% vs. 1% vs. 1,89%, p<0,0001) em 1 ano de acompanhamento e resultados significativamente melhores foram identificados em comparação ao grupo de revascularização recusada e tratamento médico com (-5,10% vs. 15% vs. 13,21%, p=0,04) mortalidade, (-33,67% vs. 61% vs. 73,58%, p<0,0001) readmissão e (- 15,31% vs. 27% vs. 33,96%, p=0,01) insuficiência cardíaca em 2 anos de acompanhamento. Conclusão Maiores taxas de mortalidade e admissão foram observadas em pacientes com RMI significativa em comparação àqueles com RMI insignificante. Notavelmente, pacientes com RMI significativa que passaram por ICP, CRM ou cirurgia CRM+VM apresentaram melhores resultados em comparação com seus equivalentes não revascularizados.

Abstract Background The optimal treatment for ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR) in patients of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) is a debated topic. Objective To evaluate the long term outcome on patients with NSTEMI and IMR, particularly emphasizing the comparison of treatments in those with moderate to severe MR. Methods We enrolled patients with NSTEMI and classified non/trivial to mild regurgitation as insignificant IMR and moderate to severe regurgitation as significant IMR. Furthermore, patients with substantial IMR were assessed for long-term clinical outcomes with respect to different management strategies. A test was considered statistically significant based on the probability value p<0.05. Results From a total of 4,189 patients of NSTEMI, significant IMR was found in 7.21% of patients. A significantly higher number of patients with death (1.21% vs. 13.24%, p<0.0001), cardiogenic shock (0.46% vs. 13.24%, p<0.0001) and heart failure (1.03% vs. 11.59%, p<0.0001) were found during hospitalization in patients with significant IMR. At a 2-year follow-up, a higher event rate was observed in the significant IMR group. Patients with significant IMR re-vascularized either by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), or CABG+ mitral valve (MV) surgery showed substantial improvement in MR grade ( 32.65% vs. 6% vs. 16.98%, p<0.0001) and LVEF (27.55% vs. 1% vs. 1.89%, p<0.0001) at 1 year follow up and significantly improved outcomes were identified compared to refused revascularization and medical management group with (-5.10% vs. 15% vs. 13.21%, p=0.04) mortality, (-33.67% vs. 61% vs. 73.58%, p<0.0001) readmission, and (-15.31% vs. 27% vs. 33.96%, p=0.01) heart failure at 2 years follow up. Conclusion Higher mortality and admission rates were observed in patients with significant IMR compared to those with in-significant IMR. Notably, significant IMR patients who underwent PCI, CABG, or CABG+MV surgery showed improved outcomes compared to non-revascularized counterparts.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216439


Artificial intelligence (AI) is often being touted as the means to bring about the fourth industrial revolution and its role in almost all sectors of our society is almost certain. This brings about an urgent need for evaluating the benefits and limitations of AI and machine learning (ML) across various sectors. Pharmaceutical industry has pioneered in embracing the use of AI in all its core areas but the success as of now seems very limited. The major advantage of AI is that it reduces the time that is needed for drug development, and in turn, it reduces the costs that are associated with drug development, enhances the returns on investment, and may even cause a decrease in cost for the end user along with improved drug safety. Hence, in this article, we will review the scope and limitations of AI in the pharmaceutical industry along with the brief review of how AI/ML can impact geriatric health care.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221274


Pulses are obtained from leguminous plants that have many bioactive components and good nutritional value, being rich in protein, vitamins, and abundant macro- and micronutrients and thus contribute to global food security. Moth bean is compatible with the climatic conditions of Rajasthan because it is a drought-resistant crop though it is affected by many pathogenic microorganisms as fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Infection of these microorganisms causes damage to plants which results in loss of productivity. In the current context, a review on fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases of moth bean has been dealt with. The major diseases of moth bean reported are leaf blight, leaf spots, seedling stem and root rot, pod rot, web blight, common bacterial blight, and mung bean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) causing yield loss

Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;59(2): 212-218, Apr.-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383847


ABSTRACT Background: Acute cholangitis (AC) is a gastro-intestinal emergency associated with significant mortality. Role of change in the levels of inflammatory markers post drainage in predicting outcome in acute cholangitis is uncertain. Objective: To evaluate the predictive value of changes in C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin levels after biliary drainage in relation to outcomes (survival or mortality) at 1 month. Methods A prospective observational study of consecutive adults presenting with AC was performed. At admission and at 48 hours post biliary drainage, procalcitonin and CRP were sent. Results: Between August 2020 till December 2020 we recruited 72 consecutive patients of AC. The median age of the patients was 55 years (range 43-62 years) and 42 (58.33%) were females. Although the delta change in serum procalcitonin (P value<0.001) and CRP (P value<0.001) was significant, it had no bearing on the outcome. Altered sensorium and INR were independently associated with mortality at 1 month. The 30-day mortality prediction of day 0 procalcitonin was measured by receiver operating characteristic analysis which resulted in an area under the curve of 0.697 with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of 0.545-0.849. The optimal cut-off of procalcitonin would be 0.57ng/mL with a sensitivity and specificity of 80% and 60% respectively to predict mortality. Conclusion: Change in serum procalcitonin and CRP levels at 48 hours post drainage although significant, had no impact on the outcome of acute cholangitis.

RESUMO Contexto: A colangite aguda (CA) é uma emergência gastro-intestinal associada à significativa mortalidade. O papel da mudança nos níveis de marcadores inflamatórios pós drenagem na previsão do desfecho em CA é incerto. Objetivo: Avaliar o valor preditivo das alterações nos níveis de proteína reativa C (PCR) e procalcitonina após drenagem biliar em relação aos desfechos (sobrevida ou mortalidade) em um mês. Métodos Realizou-se estudo observacional prospectivo de adultos consecutivos que apresentam CA. Na admissão e após 48 horas de drenagem biliar, foram analisadas a procalcitonina e a PCR. Resultados Entre agosto de 2020 e dezembro de 2020, foram recrutados 72 pacientes consecutivos de CA. A idade mediana dos pacientes foi de 55 anos (faixa de 43 a 62 anos) e 42 (58,33%) do sexo feminino. Embora a variação delta no soro procalcitonina (valor P<0,001) e PCR (valor P<0,001) tenha sido significativa, não houve influência sobre o resultado. Sensório alterado e INR foram independentemente associados à mortalidade em 1 mês. A previsão de mortalidade de 30 dias no dia 0 da procalcitonina foi medida pela análise característica operacional receptora que resultou em uma área sob a curva de 0,697 com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) de 0,545-0,849. O corte ideal de procalcitonina seria de 0,57ng/mL com sensibilidade e especificidade de 80% e 60% respectivamente para prever a mortalidade. Conclusão: A mudança nos níveis de procalcitonina sérica e PCR em 48 horas após a drenagem, embora significativa, não teve impacto no resultado da colangite aguda.

Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;59(2): 198-203, Apr.-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383854


ABSTRACT Background: The role of ascitic and serum levels of various tumour biomarkers in the discrimination of cause of ascites is not well established. Objective: To evaluate the role of serum and ascitic levels of tumor biomarkers (CA 72-4, CA 19-9, CEA and CA 125) in discrimination of cause of ascites. Methods: A prospective study was conducted in consecutive patients presenting with ascites. Serum and ascitic levels of CA 19-9, CA 125, CA 72-4 and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were determined at the presentation. The patients with cirrhotic ascites, tuberculous peritonitis (TBP) and peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) were eventually included in analysis. Results: Of the 93 patients (58 males, mean age 47 years) included, the underlying cause was cirrhosis in 31, PC in 42 and peritoneal tuberculosis in 20. The best cutoff for discriminating benign and malignant ascites for serum CEA, CA 19-9 and CA 72-4 were 6.7 ng/mL, 108 IU/mL and 8.9 IU/mL, respectively. The best cutoff for discriminating benign and malignant ascites for ascitic CA 125, CEA, CA 19-9 and CA 72-4 were 623 IU/mL, 8.7 ng/mL, 33.2 IU/mL and 7 IU/mL, respectively. Conclusion: The performance of single biomarker for the prediction of underlying PC is low but a combination of serum CA 19-9 and CA 72-4 best predicted the presence of peritoneal carcinomatosis.

RESUMO Contexto: O papel dos níveis ascíticos e séricos de vários biomarcadores de tumores na discriminação da causa das ascites não está bem estabelecido. Objetivo: Avaliar o papel dos níveis séricos e ascíticos de biomarcadores tumorais (CA 72-4, CA 19-9, CEA e CA 125) na discriminação da causa das ascites. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo foi realizado em pacientes consecutivos que apresentaram ascite. Foram determinados níveis do soro e ascítico de CA 19-9, CA 125, CA 72-4 e antígeno carcinoembrínico (CEA). Os pacientes com ascites cirróticas, peritonite tuberculosa e carcinomatose peritoneal (CP) foram eventualmente incluídos na análise. Resultados: Dos 93 pacientes (58 homens, média de idade 47 anos) incluídos, a causa básica foi cirrose em 31, CP em 42 e tuberculose peritoneal em 20. O melhor corte para discriminação de ascites benignas e malignas para soro CEA, CA 19-9 e CA 72-4 foram 6,7 ng/mL, 108 UI/mL e 8,9 UI/mL, respectivamente. O melhor corte para discriminação de ascites benignas e malignas para CA 125 ascitico, CEA, CA 19-9 e CA 72-4 foram 623 UI/mL, 8,7 ng/mL, 33,2 UI/mL e 7 UI/mL, respectivamente. Conclusão: O desempenho do biomarcador único para a previsão do CP subjacente é baixo, mas uma combinação de soro CA 19-9 e CA 72-4 melhor previu a presença de carcinomatose peritoneal.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221155


Background: A massive global human disaster has been created by a recent contagious respiratory infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The most effective way of controlling infectious diseases is often vaccination. Public vaccine hesitancy is a big problem for public health authorities. Present study was designed to assess the attitudes and hesitancy toward Covid -19 vaccine among healthcare workers and medical students of RUHS-College of Medical Sciences. Material and methods: It was an observational, questionnaire-based study carried out under the department of Pharmacology, RUHS-college of medical sciences Jaipur. The study tool was consists of a digital questionnaire which was prepared in English language. Result: The present study was carried out among 521 health care workers. In this study 48.9% participants were completely agree 31.9% somewhat agree, 13.6% neutral,3.5% somewhat disagree and 2.1% completely disagree to accept covid-19 vaccine without prior employer recommendation. After employer recommendation covid-19 vaccine acceptance was increased. Now 54% participants were completely agree to accept covid-19 vaccine. Hesitancy to covid-19 vaccine was maximal due to possible side effects (65.5%). Conclusions: Acceptability of vaccination in our participants was increased after awareness to vaccine. So by increasing awareness for acceptance of covid-19 vaccine, we can prevent mass rejection of covid-19 vaccine in general population during vaccination program. Vaccine hesitancy must be addressed for successful implementation of covid-19 vaccination program in future

Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;59(1): 75-79, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374432


ABSTRACT Background Procalcitonin may be increased in active ulcerative colitis (UC). We investigated the role of procalcitonin in predicting response in acute severe UC (ASUC). Methods Consecutive patients with ASUC diagnosed on basis of Truelove and Witts criteria were enrolled. Serum procalcitonin levels for consecutive patients were measured at admission and day 3. We assessed role of procalcitonin values at presentation and at day 3 in assessing response on day 3 (Oxford's criteria) and need for second line therapy (day 28). Results Of fifty patients (23 males, mean age: 35.98±13.8 years), 16 did not respond (day 3). Ten (20%) patients required second-line therapy. Baseline procalcitonin was significantly associated with response on day 3 (P=0.016). There was no association between day 1 or day 3 procalcitonin and need for second-line rescue therapy. Conclusion Serial procalcitonin is not an effective biomarker for predicting outcomes or need for second line therapy in ASUC.

RESUMO Contexto A procalcitonina pode estar aumentada em colite ulcerativa ativa. Investigamos o papel da procalcitonina na previsão de resposta na colite ulcerativa aguda grave. Métodos Foram inscritos pacientes consecutivos com colite ulcerativa aguda grave diagnosticados com base nos critérios de Truelove e Witts. Os níveis de procalcitonina sérica dos pacientes foram medidos consecutivamente na internação e no terceiro dia. Avaliamos o papel dos valores procalcitonina na apresentação e na avaliação da resposta no terceiro dia (critérios de Oxford) e necessidade de terapia de segunda linha (dia 28). Resultados Dos 50 pacientes (23 homens, idade média: 35,98±13,8 anos), 16 não responderam (terceiro dia). Dez pacientes (20%) necessitaram de terapia de segunda linha. A procalcitonina de linha de base foi significativamente associada à resposta no terceiro dia (P=0,016). Não houve associação entre o primeiro dia ou o terceiro dia de procalcitonina e necessidade de terapia de resgate de segunda linha. Conclusão A procalcitonina sérica não é um biomarcador eficaz para prever desfechos ou necessidade de terapia de segunda linha em colite ulcerativa aguda grave.

Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;59(1): 89-96, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374437


ABSTRACT Background Variceal hemorrhage (VH) is a medical emergency. Prompt endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) is therapeutic. Terlipressin is used in VH and continued for 2—5 days even after EVL. As hemostasis is primarily achieved by EVL, the benefit of continuing trelipressin after EVL is unknown. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of continuing terlipressin after EVL to prevent re-bleed and mortality. Methods In this pilot study, after EVL 74 patients of VH were randomized into two treatment groups TG2 & TG5, received terlipressin (1 mg IV bolus q 4 hourly) for 2 days and 5 days respectively and one control group (TG0), received 0.9% normal saline (10 mL IV bolus q 4 hourly) and followed up for 8 weeks. Results A total of 9 (12.6%) patients had re-bleed with maximum 4 (5.6%) patients in TG5 group followed by 3 (4.2%) in TG2 and 2 (2.8%) in TG0 groups (P=0.670). The overall mortality was 15 (21.1%) patients, 6 (8.5%) patients in TG0 group, followed by 5 (7.0%) in TG5 and 4 (5.6%) in TG2 group (P=0.691). Adverse drug reactions were significantly higher in treatment groups with maximum 18 (24.32%) patients in TG5, followed by 8 (10.8%) in TG2 and 2 (2.7%) in TG0 groups (P=0.00). Duration of hospital stay was also significantly higher in treatment group, 6.63 (±0.65) days in TG5 followed by 3.64 (±0.57) in TG2 and 2.40 (±0.50) days in TG0 groups (P=0.00). Conclusion The rational for continuing terlipressin after EVL is doubtful as it didn't have any benefit for the prevention of re-bleed or mortality; rather it increased the risk of adverse drug reactions and duration of hospital stay. Further randomized clinical trials are encouraged to generate more evidence in support or against continuing terlipressin after EVL.

RESUMO Contexto A hemorragia varicosa (HV) é emergência médica. A ligadura endoscópica imediata das varizes (LEV) é terapêutica. A terlipressina é usada em HV e contínua por 2—5 dias mesmo após a LEV. Como a hemostasia é alcançada principalmente pela LEV, o benefício do uso contínuo da terlipressina após o evento é desconhecido. Objetivo Avaliar a eficácia da terlipressina contínua após a LEV para evitar o ressangramento e a mortalidade. Métodos Neste estudo piloto, após a LEV, 74 pacientes com HV foram randomizados em dois grupos de tratamento TG2 & TG5, que receberam terlipressina (1 mg EV em bolus a cada 4 horas) durante 2—5 dias, respectivamente, e um grupo controle (TG0), que receberam soro fisiológico normal de 0,9% (10 mL EV em bolus a cada 4 horas) e foram seguidos por 8 semanas. Resultados Um total de 9 (12,6%) pacientes tiveram ressangramento, 4 (5,6%) no grupo TG5, seguidos por 3 (4,2%) no TG2 e 2 (2,8%) no grupo TG0 (P=0,670). A mortalidade geral de pacientes foi de 15 (21,1%), 6 (8,5%) no grupo TG0, seguidos por 5 (7,0%) no TG5 e 4 (5,6%) no TG2 (P=0,691). As reações adversas de medicamentos foram significativamente maiores em grupos de tratamento em 18 (24,32%) pacientes no TG5, seguidos por 8 (10,8%) no TG2 e 2 (2,7%) em grupo TG0 (P=0,00). A duração da internação hospitalar também foi significativamente maior no grupo de tratamento, 6,63 (±0,65) dias no TG5, seguido por 3,64 (±0,57) em TG2 e 2,40 (±0,50) dias em grupos TG0 (P=0,00). Conclusão O uso racional para a continuação da terlipressina após a LEV é duvidoso, pois não teve qualquer benefício para a prevenção de ressangramento ou mortalidade; pelo contrário, aumentou o risco de efeitos adversos e duração da internação hospitalar. Outros ensaios clínicos randomizados são necessários para gerar mais evidências em apoio ou contra a terlipressina contínua após a LEV.

Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;58(4): 534-540, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350105


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Traditionally peptic ulcer disease was the most common cause of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleed but with the changing epidemiology; other etiologies of UGI bleed are emerging. Many scores have been described for predicting outcomes and the need for intervention in UGI bleed but prospective comparison among them is scarce. OBJECTIVE: This study was planned to determine the etiological pattern of UGI bleed and to compare Glasgow Blatchford score, Pre-Endoscopy Rockall score, AIMS65, and Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) as predictors of outcome. METHODS: In this prospective cohort study 268 patients of UGI bleed were enrolled and followed up for 8 weeks. Glasgow Blatchford score, Endoscopy Rockall score, AIMS65, and MEWS were calculated for each patient, and the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC-ROC) curve for each score was compared. RESULTS: The most common etiology for UGI bleed were gastroesophageal varices 150 (63.55%) followed by peptic ulcer disease 29 (12.28%) and mucosal erosive disease 27 (11.44%). Total 38 (15.26%) patients had re-bleed and 71 (28.5%) patients died. Overall, 126 (47%) patients required blood component transfusion, 25 (9.3%) patients required mechanical ventilation and 2 (0.74%) patients required surgical intervention. Glasgow Blatchford score was the best in predicting the need for transfusion (cut off - 10, AUC-ROC= 0.678). Whereas AIMS65 with a score of ≥2 was best in predicting re-bleed (AUC-ROC=0.626) and mortality (AUC-ROC=0.725). CONCLUSION: Gastrointestinal bleed was most commonly of variceal origin at our tertiary referral center in Northern India. AIMS65 was the best & simplest score with a score of ≥2 for predicting re-bleed and mortality.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: Tradicionalmente, a doença úlcera péptica era a causa mais comum de sangramento digestivo alto, mas com a mudança da epidemiologia, outras etiologias do sangramento do trato digestivo alto estão emergindo. Muitas pontuações têm sido descritas para prever resultados e a necessidade de intervenção na hemorragia gastrointestinal superior, mas a comparação prospectiva entre elas é escassa. OBJETIVO: Este estudo foi planeado para determinar o padrão etiológico de pacientes com hemorragia digestiva alta e comparar os escores de Glasgow Blatchford, o Rockall pré-endoscopia, o AIMS65 e o Early Warning modificado (MEWS) como preditores do resultado. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo prospetivo de coorte, 268 pacientes com sangramento digestivo alto foram acompanhados durante 8 semanas. Os escores Glasgow Blatchford, Rockall pré-endoscopia, AIMS65 e MEWS foram calculados para cada paciente, e a área sob a curva (AUC-ROC) para cada pontuação foi comparada. RESULTADOS: A etiologia mais comum para a hemorragia gastrointestinal alta foi varizes gastroesofágicas 150 (63,55%), seguida de úlcera péptica 29 (12,28%) e de doença erosiva de mucosa 27 (11,44%). No total, 38 (15,26%) doentes voltaram a sangrar e 71 (28,5%) doentes morreram. No total, 126 (47%) doentes necessitaram de transfusão de componentes sanguíneos, 25 (9,3%) necessitaram de ventilação mecânica e 2 (0,74%) destes doentes necessitaram de intervenção cirúrgica. O escore de Glasgow Blatchford foi o melhor na previsão da necessidade de transfusão (corte - 10, AUC-ROC =0,678). Enquanto o AIMS65 com uma pontuação de ≥2 foi o melhor na previsão de ressangramento (AUC-ROC =0,626) e mortalidade (AUC-ROC =0,725). CONCLUSÃO: O sangramento gastrointestinal alto mais comum é de origem varicosa em centro de referência terciária. O AIMS65 é o melhor escore simples, com uma pontuação de ≥2 para prever o ressangramento e a mortalidade.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210892


In present experiment 288 day-old commercial broiler chicks were subjected to eight dietary treatments consisting of three replicates of twelve chicks in each replicate were reared for a period of 6 weeks in winter season. The dietary treatments includes: T0- Negative control, T1-control, T2-0.5 % Amla + 0.5 % Ashwagandha + 0.25 % Turmeric powder, T3-0.25 % Amla + 0.5% Ashwagandha + 0.25% Turmeric powder, T4-0.125% Amla + 0.5 % Ashwagandha + 0.25 % Turmeric powder, T5- 0.5 % Amla + 0.25 % Ashwagandha + 0.25 % Turmeric powder, T6-0.5 % Amla + 0.125 % Ashwagandha + 0.25 % Turmeric powder and T7-0.5 % Amla + 0.5 % Ashwagandha + 0.125 % Turmeric powder. Standard managemental practices were followed during the experimental period. Supplementation of phytogenic mixture consisting of 0.5 % amla and 0.5 % Ashwagandha with 0.25% or 0.125 % turmeric powder (T2 and T7) gave best results and improved the giblet percentage, eviscerated weight percentage and drawn percentage in winter season. The cost of production of drawn weight (`/kg) of broilers at six weeks of age was reduced as much as ` 10.23 (T2) and ` 9.48 (T7) in winter season. The study concluded that addition of 0.5 % amla and 0.5 % Ashwagandha with 0.25% or 0.125 % turmeric powder can be effectively supplemented as an alternative to antibiotics growth promoter in poultry ration in winter for improving the carcass characteristics and such ration was found more economical in comparison to that having antibiotic growth promoter

Braz. j. infect. dis ; Braz. J. Infect. Dis. (Online);17(6): 712-713, Nov.-Dec. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-696973
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-173890


Use of tobacco is singularly responsible for most cases of cancer and coronary artery disease (CAD). Efforts to stop tobacco-use need to be guided by social circumstances. It is believed that family milieu may play a role in tobacco addiction. We studied the prevalence and pattern of tobacco-use in families of 50 consecutive tobacco-user patients who presented to a tobacco-cessation clinic and compared with age- and gendermatched controls (non-users of tobacco). The tobacco-use rates were significantly higher in the family of patients with tobacco-use compared to the control group. We conclude that problems of tobacco-use are not related to individual phenomenon, and efforts for control of tobacco addiction must be focused on entire family.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2012 Jul-Sept;9 (3):217
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181374


Resident doctors often resort to strikes for reasons concerning safety at the workplace, better working conditions, better remuneration, and policy issues such as caste-based reservations and appointments to institute positions . Although many articles have discussed whether or not physicians should resort to strikes, few have analysed the prevalence of strikes, their direct impact on healthcare delivery, and beneficial outcomes, if any, for physicians . We conducted a single centre retrospective study for analysing the same.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2011 Jan-Mar;8 (1): 64-65
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181496


A stark difference exists in the healthcare facilities available to the rural and urban population in India. The country is currently facing a severe shortage of all categories of staff in the rural health system. While the comment made by Mahatma Gandhi that India lives in its villages holds true even today, rural India has suffered severe neglect as far as provision of adequate healthcare facilities is concerned. In recent years, planners have launched several endeavours to improve the status of healthcare in rural India.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2010 Oct-Dec; 7(4): 223-225
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-149562


Pharmaceutical companies use a variety of strategies, including gifts, to influence physicians. In December 2009, the Medical Council of India amended the Code of Medical Ethics to ban medical professionals from accepting gifts from pharmaceutical companies. In view of this ban, it is important to find out the magnitude and contours of the problem amongst Indian medical professionals. We aimed to study, through an e-mail based survey, the attitudes and practices of young resident doctors and interns from two medical colleges of New Delhi regarding acceptance of gifts from the pharmaceutical industry. We e-mailed the questionnaire to 150 fresh graduates. We found that the majority of graduates agreed with existing guidelines: they accepted low cost gifts but considered expensive gifts unrelated to patient welfare unethical. Despite the low response rate, this study is important because data from India on attitudes and practices of medical professionals regarding gifts from the pharmaceutical industry are virtually non-existent.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2010 Jul-Sept; 7(3): 175-176
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-144745


The shortage of voluntary blood donors is a problem in many countries including India. Myths regarding the ill effects of blood donation are common and many precious lives are lost for lack of replacement donations. Urgent measures are warranted to eliminate myths in the community regarding blood donation in order to encourage voluntary donation.

Blood Donors/psychology , Blood Donors/supply & distribution , Family , Female , Blood Donors/psychology , Blood Donors/supply & distribution , Family , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Services Needs and Demand , Humans , India , Male , Refusal to Participate , Social Marketing
Braz. j. infect. dis ; Braz. J. Infect. Dis. (Online);14(3): 297-298, May-June 2010.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-556846


Monoclonal gammopathy can accompany diverse conditions and is usually benign. It should be distinguished from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) which can rarely turn malignant. Visceral leishmaniasis has only rarely been associated with monoclonal gammopathy. We describe the case of a 55-year-old male who had monoclonal gammopathy associated with visceral leishmanisais, which reversed with stibogluconate therapy.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/complications , Paraproteinemias/parasitology , Antimony Sodium Gluconate/therapeutic use , Antiprotozoal Agents/therapeutic use , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/diagnosis , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/drug therapy , Paraproteinemias/diagnosis