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Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(5): 808-812, Sept.-Oct. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529944


Abstract The present study reports a rare case of avulsion fracture of the tibial tuberosity in an adolescent. A 14-year-old male patient sprained his left knee during a soccer match. At the first emergency-room visit, he presented pain in his left knee, 2 +/4+ edema, and inability to walk and flex the affected knee, but no neurovascular changes or signs of compartment syndrome. Radiographs revealed a physeal fracture at the left proximal tibia, classified by Ogden, Tross and Murphy, and modified by Ryu and Debenham, as type IV, and complemented by Aerts et al. as type IV-B. Immobilization was performed with a plaster cast from the inguinal to malleolar regions, followed by analgesia. The patient was operated on the next day, when open reduction and internal fixation using 4.5-mm cannulated screws were performed. The patient was discharged one day after surgery, with plaster cast immobilization and load restraint for four weeks, and bone consolidation was radiologically confirmed three months after the procedure. The patient evolved with a range of motion similar to that of the contralateral limb, no length discrepancy in the lower limbs, and no complaints after one year of follow-up.

Resumo O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar um caso raro de fratura por avulsão da tuberosidade da tíbia em adolescente. Um paciente de 14 anos, do sexo masculino, sofreu entorse de joelho esquerdo durante partida de futebol. No primeiro atendimento em pronto-socorro, ele apresentava dor no joelho esquerdo, edema 2 +/4 + , incapacidade de deambulação e de flexo-extensão do joelho acometido, sem alterações neurovasculares ou sinais de síndrome compartimental. Nas radiografias, identificou-se fratura fisária na tíbia proximal esquerda, classificada por Ogden, Tross e Murphy, com modificação por Ryu e Debenham, como tipo IV, e complementada por Aerts et al. como tipo IV-B. Foi realizada imobilização com tala gessada inguino-maleolar e analgesia, e o paciente submetido a cirurgia no dia seguinte, com redução aberta e fixação interna utilizando parafusos canulados 4,5 mm. O paciente recebeu alta no dia seguinte à cirurgia, sendo mantida a imobilização com tala gessada e a restrição de carga por quatro semanas, e apresentou consolidação óssea confirmada por radiografia com três meses do pós-operatório. O paciente evoluiu sem discrepância de comprimento dos membros inferiores, arco de movimento igual ao do membro contralateral, e sem queixas no seguimento de um ano.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Tibial Fractures , Fractures, Avulsion , Knee Injuries
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 20: eAO6318, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360397


ABSTRACT Objective To describe the technical specificities and feasibility of simulation of minimally invasive spine surgery in live pigs, as well as similarities and differences in comparison to surgery in humans. Methods A total of 22 Large White class swine models, weighing between 60 and 80kg, were submitted to surgical simulations, performed during theoretical-practical courses for training surgical techniques (microsurgical and endoscopic lumbar decompression; percutaneous pedicular instrumentation; lateral access to the thoracic spine, and anterior and retroperitoneal to the lumbar spine, and management of complications) by 86 spine surgeons. For each surgical technique, porcine anatomy (similarities and differences in relation to human anatomy), access route, and dimensions of the instruments and implants used were evaluated. Thus, the authors describe the feasibility of each operative simulation, as well as suggestions to optimize training. Study results are descriptive, with figures and drawings. Results Neural decompression surgeries (microsurgeries and endoscopic) and pedicular instrumentation presented higher similarities to surgery on humans. On the other hand, intradiscal procedures had limitations due to the narrow disc space in swines. We were able to simulate situations of surgical trauma in surgical complication scenarios, such as cerebrospinal fluid fistulas and excessive bleeding, with comparable realism to surgery on humans. Conclusion A porcine model for simulation of minimally invasive spinal surgical techniques had similarities with surgery on humans, and is therefore feasible for surgeon training.

Animals , Spinal Fusion/methods , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration , Swine , Treatment Outcome , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Lumbar Vertebrae , Lumbosacral Region