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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226697


Background: The present study aimed to compare hemodynamic parameters (heart rate, blood pressure) and adverse effects (injection pain, myoclonus, postoperative nausea/vomiting) between Etomidate and propofol groups. Methods: Patients were divided into two groups: Etomidate Group E and a Propofol Group P. All hemodynamic data were measured during induction, intubation, and post-intubation up to 15 min. Intravenous cortisol levels were measured at baseline, just after induction and at 24 hours after induction. Results: At 3 min and 5 min SBP was decreased by 22.04% and 18.39% in Group P. At 3 min there was fall in DBP by 20.13% in group P whereas there was an increase in group E by 0.13% which is statistically significant (p<0.001). At 1 min, 3 min and 5 min after intubation, fall in the MAP by 26.07%, 21.08% and 18.60% in group P and 0.77%, 0.42% and 1.30% in group E (p value <0.001). Serum cortisol level immediate after surgery was decrease (54%) in Group E (p value <0.001). In Group P, 40% of the patients and in group E 16.66 % of the patients complained of pain on injection (p value 0.046). Conclusions: The cortisol suppression by Etomidate may be beneficial for intubation stress response. Etomidate is better for its hemodynamic stability over propofol.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-169326


Pulmonary infections due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are increasingly being reported. These can mimic drugresitant tubercuolosis. A diagnosis of NTM infections needs a high degree of clinical suspicion and repeated isolation of the organism on culture. NTM infections occur commonly in immunocompromised individuals and in people with lung abnormalities. Currently there are no guidelines on drug combinations and the duration of treatment is not adequately defined. Two cases of pulmonary infection with NTM in immune-competent individuals are described in the present report. Although the bacteriological, radiological and clinical response to treatment was good; early discontinuation of treatment resulted in recurrence and change in drug susceptibility pattern, suggesting the need for prolonged treatment for achieving cure.