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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235625


Background: Depression is an emerging severe disorder and a serious public health problem, which can often go undetected. It is associated with many disease conditions. Increase in non-communicable diseases, suicide rate, has made its incidence to increase. These will have a negative impact on patient’s quality of life and will increase the burden of morbidity and mortality. Objective: The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the role of escitalopram in the management of depression by collecting clinical insights and expert opinion from Indian clinicians through a set of questionnaire. Methodology: A cross sectional, questionnaire based study was conducted to collect opinion among doctors in the major Indian cities, about experience and satisfaction with current pharmacotherapy and role of escitalopram in the management of depression across India between June to October 2017. Convenient sampling method was used. The pretested questionnaire booklet titled CHEER (Clinicians Opinions on Depression and role of Escitalopram) study was sent to the doctors who were willing to participate. For this, physicians were requested to complete this survey and express their opinion towards the various aspect of managing depression. Results: Totally, 177 out of 200 clinicians shared their experiences and opinion from all over India. As per survey data, 58.19% of clinicians reported that in their clinical practice, on an average, more than 15 patients were diagnosed with depression in a month. Around 75% of clinicians say that incidence of depression was more common in the female when compared to the male patients. Reports showed that incidence of depression was more common in urban educated patients (47.11%). Depression was seen more commonly in the age group of 31-40 years. About 58% of clinicians reported that counselling was as important as pharmacotherapy. The survey report suggested that more than 90% of clinicians prefer escitalopram as a first-line therapeutic agent for treating depression. More than 87% of clinicians prefer escitalopram in combination with clonazepam to treat co-morbidity of anxiety depression in their clinical practise. Conclusion: The present survey report suggested that majority of clinicians (85%) preferred escitalopram to treat depression among the SSRIs and other antidepressants agents. Survey also showed that escitalopram has better efficacy and lesser adverse effects.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234092


Background: Multiple Myeloma is a neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells, associated with an M (monoclonal) protein in serum and/or urine and evidence of organ damage. Despite advances in treatment, the disease remains heterogeneous, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of its risk stratification. Risk-adapted initial therapy, maintenance therapy, refractory disease management and prognosis varies according to risk group. The aim of our study is to categorize the newly diagnosed MM patients according to their risk groups. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted at the Department of Haematology of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, from August 2019 to July 2020. A total of 31 newly diagnosed MM patients were enrolled based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Risk stratification was performed using ISS, R-ISS, mSMART criteria and Avets risk group categorization. Result: The majority of the patients were male (64.52%) and aged between 55-64 years (45.16%). Clinical features predominantly included low back pain (74.19%) and general weakness (38.71%). Cytogenetic abnormalities were noted in 38.7% of the patients, with del (13q) being the most common (32.30%). Most patients were in ISS Stage III (70.97%) and R-ISS Stage II (48.39%). According to mSMART criteria, 80.65% were at standard risk while Avet's risk stratification identifies 58.06% were at intermediate risk. Conclusion: The study reveals a high prevalence of patients in advanced ISS stages and intermediate to high-risk categories, emphasizing the need for early and personalized intervention strategies.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242174


Cardiac arrhythmias are commonly encountered in the peri-operative period, out of which atrial fibrillation has a relatively higher prevalence. Tachyarrhythmias are associated with various underlying factors like hypertension, heart disease, long-standing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hyperthyroidism, electrolyte abnormalities, and diabetes. Hence, understanding the pathophysiology and the management of cardiac arrhythmias is paramount for the anesthesiologist. This series would focus on managing peri-operative cardiac arrhythmias in non-cardiac surgeries, with a particular emphasis on atrial fibrillation.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235887


Background: In India, breast cancer has become a leading cause of cancer death. The indication of a breast lump can be cause of great concern in most patients. While most of the lumps are benign in nature, there is a possibility of an increased risk of developing premalignant lesions. Any breast mass/lump requires histological diagnosis to get a clear picture of the lump associated problems. Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive and a cross-sectional study of all the patients with breast lumps seen in Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute from January 2018 till March 2022. Histopathology reports of breast biopsies of patients required at Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute were included in the study. Results: The total number of cases of breast biopsies available were 449. These cases are grouped into benign and malignant cases which comprise of 276 (61.47%) and 173 (38.53%) cases respectively. The most common benign diagnosis observed was fibroadenoma which accounted for 184 (66.67%) cases. Based on age grouping, the 21-40 age group contained the maximum number of benign cases. The most common malignancy observed was of ductal carcinoma with 163 (94.21%) cases. Based on age grouping, the age group of 41-60 contained the maximum number of malignant cases. Conclusions: It is imperative that all breast lesions should undergo biopsies irrespective of clinical findings for the following reasons: rising incidence of breast cancer, to rule out/confirm malignancy and to complete the diagnostic triad of clinical diagnosis, radiology and pathology.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226629


Background: Overuse of antibiotics among the patients with upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) is a worldwide problem, leading to antimicrobial resistance. This study is aimed to evaluate the appropriateness of the antimicrobial prescribing for upper respiratory tract infections in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, observational study. Data was collected from outdoor adult patients who were clinically diagnosed to have URTIs from General Medicine and Otorhinolaryngology Department of a tertiary care teaching hospital. The appropriateness of antibiotics used in URTI was assessed. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Total 100 cases, clinically diagnosed to have URTI were included in the study. Among these, common cold (46%) and acute otitis media (23%) were the most frequent encounters. 75% of the prescriptions contained at least one antibiotic. In fact, antibiotics were the most commonly prescribed agents (21.2%) followed by antihistaminic (19.8%) and NSAIDs. 57% of the antibiotics were prescribed inappropriately, either in terms of inappropriate choice (37%) or over use (20%) of antibiotic. Conclusions: Inappropriate prescription of antibiotics for otherwise self-limiting URTI cases is a common practice even in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Implementation of multifaceted approach is needed to curtail the same.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216357


Background: There is a paucity of data regarding the consequences of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection in patients with maintenance hemodialysis (MHD). Our objective was to identify the clinical manifestations and prognostic factors and to assess the impact of treatment schemes on the outcome. Materials and methods: Here we present retrospectively collected data from medical records of patients on MHD hospitalized with COVID-19 infection from 1st June to 30th November 2020. Result: Around 69 patients were admitted with a median age of 51 years. About 81% had hypertension, 41% had diabetes, and 24% had body mass index (BMI) ? 23 kg/m2 . Of all who died, 73.33% had dialysis vintage of <12 months (p = 0.06). Common presenting symptoms were fatigue (67%), fever (58%), cough (42%), and dyspnea (35%). Milder, severe, and critical disease was found in 35, 45, and 20% of patients, respectively. About 54 patients were living 4 weeks after discharge. Around 15 patients died, that includes all who received invasive ventilatory support. Nonsurvivors were older and had lower oxygen saturation on admission, lower hemoglobin (Hb), and worst lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), interleukin (IL)—6, and D-dimer values than survivors, which were statistically significant. Use of remdesivir and anticoagulant improves chances of survival (p-value 0.035 and 0.034, respectively) Conclusion: About one-third of patients had mild disease. Those with critical disease displayed high mortality. Older age, male gender, short dialysis vintage, lower oxygen saturation on admission, anemia, leucocytosis, higher inflammatory markers [except C-reactive protein (CRP)], bilateral lung opacity, and requirement of the mechanical ventilator are poor prognostic factors. CRP, ferritin, and lymphopenia are not good prognostic markers unlike in the general population. These findings need to be verified in larger cohorts.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235776


Background: One of the most common problems associated with the abdomen is appendicitis. The acute cases of appendicitis are generally treated with appendectomy. The surgical process of removal of appendix, that is, appendectomy, helps in diagnosis of appendicitis. However, the appendix which looks normal macroscopically can actually harbour pathological findings when histopathological assessment is done. Appendiceal tumours or any type of parasitic function can occur in a normal looking appendix. Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive and a cross-sectional study of all the patients with appendix biopsies seen in Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute from January 2018 till March 2022. Ethical approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee was obtained for this study. Histopathology reports of appendix biopsies of patients required at Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute were included in the study. Results: Out of the total 359 cases of appendix biopsies, 209 (58.2%) cases of acute appendix were found to be the most common. Males accounted for 216 (60.17%) cases of appendix biopsies which are in majority in comparison to 143 (39.83%) cases of female appendix biopsies. Based on age grouping, the age group of 11-20 showed majority (25.1%) cases of appendix biopsies. Conclusions: All appendix specimens should be sent for histopathological analysis to document the removal of appendix, to know the pathology diagnosis and to rule out malignancy in the appendix.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235770


Background: Lymph nodes are spread throughout the body and are routinely checked for abnormalities. These lymph nodes have the potential to become infected or malignant. The swelling of lymph nodes and the nodes which are abnormal in terms of size and/or number is commonly known as lymphadenopathy. One of the most common causes of lymphadenopathy observed is reactive lymphadenitis followed by granulomatous lymphadenitis. For diagnosis of lymph node biopsies, excisional biopsy and histopathological analysis are considered as the ‘gold standard’. Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive and a cross-sectional study of all the patients with lymph node biopsies seen in Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute from January 2018 till March 2022. Histopathology reports of lymph node biopsies of patients required at Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute were included in the study. Results: The most common diagnosis is of tuberculous lymphadenitis which accounted for 251 (53.2%) of the total 469 cases. Tuberculous lymphadenitis was most commonly observed in females (68.92%) as compared to males (31.07%). Cancer cases which accounted for 83 (17.70%) cases formed the second most common diagnosis in which females (53.01%) accounted for most cases as compared to males (46.99%). Conclusions: Enlarged lymph nodes should undergo fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), truecut biopsy and/or excisional biopsy for correct diagnosis. The diagnostic spectrum ranges from benign reactive to TB and also malignancies.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232959


Hurler syndrome also known as mucopolysaccharidosis type 1H (MPS-1H) or gargoylism is an autosomal recessive disorder due to defective gene which encodes for enzyme alpha L-iduronidase (IUDA) located on chromosome 4p16.3 (gene encoding protein iduronidase). In the present case, 4-year Down’s syndrome child with coarse facial features, hypothyroidism presented with umbilical hernia. Clinical diagnosis of Hurler syndrome was made corelating with clinical features, X-ray findings.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228187


Background: Perinatal hypoxia is still a major cause of death and disability in developing countries. The infant mortality rate fell from 92 per 1000 live births in 1991 to 43 per 1000 live births in 2011. The aim of the study was to study the electrolyte abnormalities in perinatal asphyxia cases.Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Rangpur Medical College and Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh. The study duration was 2 years, from January 2012 to December 2013. The study was conducted with a total of 120 neonates admitted in the neonatal ward of the study hospital, among which, 60 neonates who had perinatal asphyxia were selected for the case group, and the remaining 60 were age and gender-matched control group participants.Results: In 70% of cases, the mother was Primipara. Among the neonates, 61.67% were male, and 38.33% were female. Only 33% of the case neonates had received regular antenatal check-ups, while 55% had irregular check-ups, and 11.67% had no antenatal checkups. According to the grading of asphyxia, 51.67% of neonates had moderate asphyxia, 20% had mild asphyxia, and 28.33% had severe asphyxia. The comparison of mean values between the case, and control groups showed that both blood urea, and serum creatinine levels were significantly higher among the case group participants, compared to control group values. The mean serum sodium value in mild, moderate, and severe asphyxia were 135.33, 123.42, and 121.53 mmol/l respectively. Mean serum potassium values were 4.11, 4.86, and 5.51 mmol/l respectively. Mean serum creatinine 0.72, 1.00, and 1.83 mg/dl respectively. Mean blood urea levels were 36.17, 58.97, and 88.06 mg/dl respectively. A significant difference was observed between the mean values of serum electrolytes and patients’ asphyxia grade.Conclusions: The study findings can conclude that electrolyte abnormalities are common among perinatal asphyxia patients, and babies with perinatal asphyxia developed hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia at a higher frequency, and significant raises of serum creatinine, and blood urea was also observed, which was proportionate to the severity of asphyxia.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-10, 2023. map, tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468838


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the serious global public health burden of liver disease. Approximately 170 million people in the world are infected with (HCV). In Pakistan, where the disease has high occurrence rate. The present study envisages an up-to-date prevalence of HCV and genotypic distribution in the general population of Mardan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. The blood samples from 6,538 individuals including 3,263 males and 3,275 females were analyzed for hepatitis C surface antigen by Immuno-chromatographic test (ICT), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was found that 396 (12.13%) out of 3263 individuals contained antibodies in their blood against HCV, while among the different age groups, the highest incidences of HCV antibodies were found in the 31-40 age group (11.01%). The ICT positive samples were further screened by nested PCR to determine the existence of active HCV-RNA. It was identified that 7.11% (3263) of the total population (6538) tested was positive, among which the 461 (14.07%) females possessed antibodies in their blood against HCV. Our data showed total HCV infection in the investigated population was 5.78%. Higher percentage of HCV prevalence was detected in males than females in the age group 31-40 and 41-50. To compare the prevalence of HCV genotypes age-wise in male and female genotype 3a was found most prevalent genotype followed by 1a, 2a and 3b, respectively.

O vírus da hepatite C (HCV) é o grave problema de saúde pública das doenças hepáticas. Aproximadamente 170 milhões de pessoas no mundo estão infectadas com HCV; no Paquistão, a doença tem alto índice de ocorrência. O presente estudo prevê uma prevalência atualizada do HCV e distribuição genotípica na população geral do distrito de Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Paquistão. As amostras de sangue de 6.538 indivíduos, incluindo 3.263 homens e 3.275 mulheres, foram analisadas para o antígeno de superfície da hepatite C por teste imunocromatográfico (ICT), ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) e reação em cadeia da polimerase de transcrição reversa (PCR). Verificou-se que 396 (12,13%) de 3.263 indivíduos continham anticorpos no sangue contra o HCV, enquanto entre as diferentes faixas etárias as maiores incidências de anticorpos anti-HCV foram encontradas na faixa etária de 31 a 40 anos (11,01%). As amostras positivas para ICT foram posteriormente rastreadas por nested PCR para determinar a existência de HCV-RNA ativo. Identificou-se que 7,11% (3.263) do total da população (6.538) testada foram positivos, dentre os quais 461 (14,07%) mulheres possuíam anticorpos no sangue contra o HCV. Nossos dados mostraram que a infecção total pelo HCV na população investigada foi de 5,78%. Maior porcentagem de prevalência de HCV foi detectada em homens do que em mulheres nas faixas etárias de 31-40 e 41-50. Para comparar a prevalência de genótipos de HCV com relação à idade no genótipo masculino e feminino 3a foi encontrado o genótipo mais prevalente seguido por 1a, 2a e 3b, respectivamente.

Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Hepatitis C/epidemiology , Hepatitis C/blood , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Prevalence
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-6, 2023. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468983


The most common form of psycho-social dysfunction is anxiety with depression being related closely without any age bar. They are present with combined state of sadness, confusion, stress, fear etc. Glyoxalase system contains enzyme named glyoxalase 1 (GLO1).It is a metabolic pathway which detoxifies alpha-oxo-aldehydes, particularly methylglyoxal (MG). Methylglyoxal is mainly made by the breakdown of the glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphates and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Glyoxylase-1 expression is also related with anxiety behavior. A casual role or GLO-1 in anxiety behavior by using viral vectors for over expression in the anterior cingulate cortex was found and it was found that local GLO-1 over expression increased anxiety behavior. The present study deals with the molecular mechanism of protective activity of eugenol against anxiolytic disorder. A pre-clinical animal study was performed on 42 BALB/c mice. Animals were given stress through conventional restrain model. The mRNA expression of GLO-1 was analyzed by real time RT-PCR. Moreover, the GLO-1 protein expression was also examined by immunohistochemistry in whole brain and mean density was calculated. The mRNA and protein expressions were found to be increased in animals given anxiety as compared to the normal control. Whereas, the expressions were decreased in the animals treated with eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers in a dose dependent manner. However, the results were better in animals treated with nanocarriers as compared to the compound alone. It is concluded that the eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers exert anxiolytic activity by down-regulating GLO-1 protein expression in mice.

A forma mais comum de disfunção psicossocial é a ansiedade intimamente relacionada com a depressão, sem qualquer barreira de idade. Elas estão presentes em um estado combinado de tristeza, confusão, estresse, medo etc. O sistema de glioxalase contém uma enzima chamada glioxalase 1 (GLO1). É uma via metabólica que desintoxica alfa-oxo-aldeídos, particularmente metilglioxal (MG). O metilglioxal é produzido principalmente pela quebra dos intermediários glicolíticos, gliceraldeído-3-fosfatos e fosfato de diidroxiacetona. A expressão da glioxalase 1 também está relacionada ao comportamento de ansiedade. Um papel casual ou GLO1 no comportamento de ansiedade usando vetores virais para superexpressão no córtex cingulado anterior foi encontrado e descobriu-se que a superexpressão local de GLO1 aumentava o comportamento de ansiedade. O presente estudo trata do mecanismo molecular da atividade protetora do eugenol contra o transtorno ansiolítico. Um estudo pré-clínico em animais foi realizado em 42 camundongos BALB / c. Os animais foram submetidos ao estresse por meio do modelo de contenção convencional. A expressão de mRNA de GLO1 foi analisada por RT-PCR em tempo real. Além disso, a expressão da proteína GLO1 também foi examinada por imuno-histoquímica em todo o cérebro e a densidade média foi calculada. Verificou-se que as expressões de mRNA e proteínas estavam aumentadas em animais que receberam ansiedade em comparação com o controle normal. Considerando que as expressões foram diminuídas nos animais tratados com eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas de forma dependente da dose. No entanto, os resultados foram melhores em animais tratados com nanocarreadores em comparação com o composto sozinho. Conclui-se que o eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas exercem atividade ansiolítica por regulação negativa da expressão da proteína GLO1 em camundongos.

Male , Animals , Mice , Anxiety/drug therapy , Eugenol/administration & dosage , Lactoylglutathione Lyase
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469054


Abstract Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the serious global public health burden of liver disease. Approximately 170 million people in the world are infected with (HCV). In Pakistan, where the disease has high occurrence rate. The present study envisages an up-to-date prevalence of HCV and genotypic distribution in the general population of Mardan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. The blood samples from 6,538 individuals including 3,263 males and 3,275 females were analyzed for hepatitis C surface antigen by Immuno-chromatographic test (ICT), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was found that 396 (12.13%) out of 3263 individuals contained antibodies in their blood against HCV, while among the different age groups, the highest incidences of HCV antibodies were found in the 31-40 age group (11.01%). The ICT positive samples were further screened by nested PCR to determine the existence of active HCV-RNA. It was identified that 7.11% (3263) of the total population (6538) tested was positive, among which the 461 (14.07%) females possessed antibodies in their blood against HCV. Our data showed total HCV infection in the investigated population was 5.78%. Higher percentage of HCV prevalence was detected in males than females in the age group 31-40 and 41-50. To compare the prevalence of HCV genotypes age-wise in male and female genotype 3a was found most prevalent genotype followed by 1a, 2a and 3b, respectively.

Resumo O vírus da hepatite C (HCV) é o grave problema de saúde pública das doenças hepáticas. Aproximadamente 170 milhões de pessoas no mundo estão infectadas com HCV; no Paquistão, a doença tem alto índice de ocorrência. O presente estudo prevê uma prevalência atualizada do HCV e distribuição genotípica na população geral do distrito de Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Paquistão. As amostras de sangue de 6.538 indivíduos, incluindo 3.263 homens e 3.275 mulheres, foram analisadas para o antígeno de superfície da hepatite C por teste imunocromatográfico (ICT), ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) e reação em cadeia da polimerase de transcrição reversa (PCR). Verificou-se que 396 (12,13%) de 3.263 indivíduos continham anticorpos no sangue contra o HCV, enquanto entre as diferentes faixas etárias as maiores incidências de anticorpos anti-HCV foram encontradas na faixa etária de 31 a 40 anos (11,01%). As amostras positivas para ICT foram posteriormente rastreadas por nested PCR para determinar a existência de HCV-RNA ativo. Identificou-se que 7,11% (3.263) do total da população (6.538) testada foram positivos, dentre os quais 461 (14,07%) mulheres possuíam anticorpos no sangue contra o HCV. Nossos dados mostraram que a infecção total pelo HCV na população investigada foi de 5,78%. Maior porcentagem de prevalência de HCV foi detectada em homens do que em mulheres nas faixas etárias de 31-40 e 41-50. Para comparar a prevalência de genótipos de HCV com relação à idade no genótipo masculino e feminino 3a foi encontrado o genótipo mais prevalente seguido por 1a, 2a e 3b, respectivamente.

Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469199


Abstract The most common form of psycho-social dysfunction is anxiety with depression being related closely without any age bar. They are present with combined state of sadness, confusion, stress, fear etc. Glyoxalase system contains enzyme named glyoxalase 1 (GLO1).It is a metabolic pathway which detoxifies alpha-oxo-aldehydes, particularly methylglyoxal (MG). Methylglyoxal is mainly made by the breakdown of the glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphates and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Glyoxylase-1 expression is also related with anxiety behavior. A casual role or GLO-1 in anxiety behavior by using viral vectors for over expression in the anterior cingulate cortex was found and it was found that local GLO-1 over expression increased anxiety behavior. The present study deals with the molecular mechanism of protective activity of eugenol against anxiolytic disorder. A pre-clinical animal study was performed on 42 BALB/c mice. Animals were given stress through conventional restrain model. The mRNA expression of GLO-1 was analyzed by real time RT-PCR. Moreover, the GLO-1 protein expression was also examined by immunohistochemistry in whole brain and mean density was calculated. The mRNA and protein expressions were found to be increased in animals given anxiety as compared to the normal control. Whereas, the expressions were decreased in the animals treated with eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers in a dose dependent manner. However, the results were better in animals treated with nanocarriers as compared to the compound alone. It is concluded that the eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers exert anxiolytic activity by down-regulating GLO-1 protein expression in mice.

Resumo A forma mais comum de disfunção psicossocial é a ansiedade intimamente relacionada com a depressão, sem qualquer barreira de idade. Elas estão presentes em um estado combinado de tristeza, confusão, estresse, medo etc. O sistema de glioxalase contém uma enzima chamada glioxalase 1 (GLO1). É uma via metabólica que desintoxica alfa-oxo-aldeídos, particularmente metilglioxal (MG). O metilglioxal é produzido principalmente pela quebra dos intermediários glicolíticos, gliceraldeído-3-fosfatos e fosfato de diidroxiacetona. A expressão da glioxalase 1 também está relacionada ao comportamento de ansiedade. Um papel casual ou GLO1 no comportamento de ansiedade usando vetores virais para superexpressão no córtex cingulado anterior foi encontrado e descobriu-se que a superexpressão local de GLO1 aumentava o comportamento de ansiedade. O presente estudo trata do mecanismo molecular da atividade protetora do eugenol contra o transtorno ansiolítico. Um estudo pré-clínico em animais foi realizado em 42 camundongos BALB / c. Os animais foram submetidos ao estresse por meio do modelo de contenção convencional. A expressão de mRNA de GLO1 foi analisada por RT-PCR em tempo real. Além disso, a expressão da proteína GLO1 também foi examinada por imuno-histoquímica em todo o cérebro e a densidade média foi calculada. Verificou-se que as expressões de mRNA e proteínas estavam aumentadas em animais que receberam ansiedade em comparação com o controle normal. Considerando que as expressões foram diminuídas nos animais tratados com eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas de forma dependente da dose. No entanto, os resultados foram melhores em animais tratados com nanocarreadores em comparação com o composto sozinho. Conclui-se que o eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas exercem atividade ansiolítica por regulação negativa da expressão da proteína GLO1 em camundongos.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e244977, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285621


Abstract Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the serious global public health burden of liver disease. Approximately 170 million people in the world are infected with (HCV). In Pakistan, where the disease has high occurrence rate. The present study envisages an up-to-date prevalence of HCV and genotypic distribution in the general population of Mardan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. The blood samples from 6,538 individuals including 3,263 males and 3,275 females were analyzed for hepatitis C surface antigen by Immuno-chromatographic test (ICT), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was found that 396 (12.13%) out of 3263 individuals contained antibodies in their blood against HCV, while among the different age groups, the highest incidences of HCV antibodies were found in the 31-40 age group (11.01%). The ICT positive samples were further screened by nested PCR to determine the existence of active HCV-RNA. It was identified that 7.11% (3263) of the total population (6538) tested was positive, among which the 461 (14.07%) females possessed antibodies in their blood against HCV. Our data showed total HCV infection in the investigated population was 5.78%. Higher percentage of HCV prevalence was detected in males than females in the age group 31-40 and 41-50. To compare the prevalence of HCV genotypes age-wise in male and female genotype 3a was found most prevalent genotype followed by 1a, 2a and 3b, respectively.

Resumo O vírus da hepatite C (HCV) é o grave problema de saúde pública das doenças hepáticas. Aproximadamente 170 milhões de pessoas no mundo estão infectadas com HCV; no Paquistão, a doença tem alto índice de ocorrência. O presente estudo prevê uma prevalência atualizada do HCV e distribuição genotípica na população geral do distrito de Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Paquistão. As amostras de sangue de 6.538 indivíduos, incluindo 3.263 homens e 3.275 mulheres, foram analisadas para o antígeno de superfície da hepatite C por teste imunocromatográfico (ICT), ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) e reação em cadeia da polimerase de transcrição reversa (PCR). Verificou-se que 396 (12,13%) de 3.263 indivíduos continham anticorpos no sangue contra o HCV, enquanto entre as diferentes faixas etárias as maiores incidências de anticorpos anti-HCV foram encontradas na faixa etária de 31 a 40 anos (11,01%). As amostras positivas para ICT foram posteriormente rastreadas por nested PCR para determinar a existência de HCV-RNA ativo. Identificou-se que 7,11% (3.263) do total da população (6.538) testada foram positivos, dentre os quais 461 (14,07%) mulheres possuíam anticorpos no sangue contra o HCV. Nossos dados mostraram que a infecção total pelo HCV na população investigada foi de 5,78%. Maior porcentagem de prevalência de HCV foi detectada em homens do que em mulheres nas faixas etárias de 31-40 e 41-50. Para comparar a prevalência de genótipos de HCV com relação à idade no genótipo masculino e feminino 3a foi encontrado o genótipo mais prevalente seguido por 1a, 2a e 3b, respectivamente.

Humans , Male , Female , Hepatitis C/epidemiology , Hepacivirus/genetics , Pakistan/epidemiology , Prevalence , Genotype
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e251219, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345535


Abstract The most common form of psycho-social dysfunction is anxiety with depression being related closely without any age bar. They are present with combined state of sadness, confusion, stress, fear etc. Glyoxalase system contains enzyme named glyoxalase 1 (GLO1).It is a metabolic pathway which detoxifies alpha-oxo-aldehydes, particularly methylglyoxal (MG). Methylglyoxal is mainly made by the breakdown of the glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphates and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Glyoxylase-1 expression is also related with anxiety behavior. A casual role or GLO-1 in anxiety behavior by using viral vectors for over expression in the anterior cingulate cortex was found and it was found that local GLO-1 over expression increased anxiety behavior. The present study deals with the molecular mechanism of protective activity of eugenol against anxiolytic disorder. A pre-clinical animal study was performed on 42 BALB/c mice. Animals were given stress through conventional restrain model. The mRNA expression of GLO-1 was analyzed by real time RT-PCR. Moreover, the GLO-1 protein expression was also examined by immunohistochemistry in whole brain and mean density was calculated. The mRNA and protein expressions were found to be increased in animals given anxiety as compared to the normal control. Whereas, the expressions were decreased in the animals treated with eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers in a dose dependent manner. However, the results were better in animals treated with nanocarriers as compared to the compound alone. It is concluded that the eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers exert anxiolytic activity by down-regulating GLO-1 protein expression in mice.

Resumo A forma mais comum de disfunção psicossocial é a ansiedade intimamente relacionada com a depressão, sem qualquer barreira de idade. Elas estão presentes em um estado combinado de tristeza, confusão, estresse, medo etc. O sistema de glioxalase contém uma enzima chamada glioxalase 1 (GLO1). É uma via metabólica que desintoxica alfa-oxo-aldeídos, particularmente metilglioxal (MG). O metilglioxal é produzido principalmente pela quebra dos intermediários glicolíticos, gliceraldeído-3-fosfatos e fosfato de diidroxiacetona. A expressão da glioxalase 1 também está relacionada ao comportamento de ansiedade. Um papel casual ou GLO1 no comportamento de ansiedade usando vetores virais para superexpressão no córtex cingulado anterior foi encontrado e descobriu-se que a superexpressão local de GLO1 aumentava o comportamento de ansiedade. O presente estudo trata do mecanismo molecular da atividade protetora do eugenol contra o transtorno ansiolítico. Um estudo pré-clínico em animais foi realizado em 42 camundongos BALB / c. Os animais foram submetidos ao estresse por meio do modelo de contenção convencional. A expressão de mRNA de GLO1 foi analisada por RT-PCR em tempo real. Além disso, a expressão da proteína GLO1 também foi examinada por imuno-histoquímica em todo o cérebro e a densidade média foi calculada. Verificou-se que as expressões de mRNA e proteínas estavam aumentadas em animais que receberam ansiedade em comparação com o controle normal. Considerando que as expressões foram diminuídas nos animais tratados com eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas de forma dependente da dose. No entanto, os resultados foram melhores em animais tratados com nanocarreadores em comparação com o composto sozinho. Conclui-se que o eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas exercem atividade ansiolítica por regulação negativa da expressão da proteína GLO1 em camundongos.

Animals , Rabbits , Eugenol/therapeutic use , Eugenol/pharmacology , Lactoylglutathione Lyase/antagonists & inhibitors , Anxiety/drug therapy , Liposomes , Mice, Inbred BALB C
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216297


Context: Fatigue is the most prominent feature of long COVID. With the increasing burden of long COVID cases post-acute phase of illness after recurrent waves of the pandemic, understanding its pathophysiology is of paramount importance. Such fatigue and post-viral illness could be associated with features of neuroimmune exhaustion and thus be a part of a larger syndrome such as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Identifying the proportion of patients having ME from those experiencing fatigue would bring us one step closer to understanding the pathophysiology. International consensus criteria (ICC) originally published in English (ICC-E) is a valid and reliable tool for identifying cases of ME. However, a validated Hindi version of ICC-E is not available. Aims: To develop and validate an equivalent version of ICC-E in the native Hindi language (ICC-H) to suit Indian patients and health care workers even at peripheries and to make conducting large scales surveys more feasible. Subjects and methods: Once permission from the ethics board was granted, guidelines given by MAPI Research Trust were followed and ICC-H was developed from ICC-E, in the following steps: (a) translation to Hindi, (b) back translation, (c) comparison between the translated and back-translated version performed by experts, and (d) pre-pilot test in the intended population. The ICC-H was applied to 53 bilingual individuals knowing both Hindi and English. Statistical analysis used: The distribution of Hindi and English questionnaires was analyzed using the Chi-square test and Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used for correlation between answers of each question. Results: The score of individual items and its global score was highly correlated with each other (p<0.001). The scores of individual components and global scores of ICC-H at baseline and original ICC-E after 4 weeks did not differ significantly. Conclusion: This study shows that the ICC-H is a valid and reliable instrument for the assessment of ME. ICC-H can be used for Hindi speaking population for identifying cases of ME.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217506


Background: Drug utilization studies (DUS) provide insight into recent trend of drug usage and facilitate rationality of prescribed drugs. Few DUS have been conducted in ophthalmology. Aim and Objective: To analyse the prescription pattern in outpatients of the ophthalmology department at a tertiary care teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: A prospective, observational and cross-sectional study was conducted at GCS Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Ahmedabad. All patients who visited ophthalmic outpatient department were enrolled and necessary data were recorded regarding drugs prescribed in pre-defined case record form. Data analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel. Results: A total of 388 prescriptions were analysed. Average number of drugs and fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) per prescription were 2.47 (95% CI, 2.29–2.64) and 0.44 (95% CI, 0.36–0.51), respectively. Drugs were prescribed in different dosage forms with eye drops being the most common (95.1%) followed by tablet (12.3%), ointments (8.5%), capsules (2.8%), syrup (1.1%), and injections (0.3%). One or more dosage forms were seen per prescription. Total 957 drugs were prescribed, out of which drugs with brands name and generic name were 88.4% and 11.6%, respectively. Total FDCs prescribed were 17.5%. Overall, 43.5% of prescriptions had antibiotics ranging from 1 to 5 per prescription and 25% of antibiotics were seen out of total drugs. Conclusion: Most of the drugs prescribed were in the form of drops. FDCs and antimicrobial use have been increasing in the management of ophthalmic diseases. Less numbers of drugs were prescribed by generic names.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: e242205, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339332


Tapeworms of zoonotic importance have been described as a leading public health problem. Current research was aim to assess the prevalence of tapeworms among 5-12years school children residing in district Lower Dir, Pakistan from January 2019-December 2019. The wet mount preparation in saline/iodine/methods were used for stool examination. Data was analyzed using appropriate descriptive, static methods. Of the 400 children studied 71.7% were infected with one or more species of intestinal parasites. Single infection of cestode species was found in 69 individuals with 17.2% prevalence and multiple parasitic infections were identified in 19.7% (n=79/400) individuals. The multiple infection were comprised as 10% (n=40) double, 6.75% (n=27) triple and 3% (n=12) quadruple. A total of 9 species of helminths and one species of protozoan infection. Among the helminths Ascaris lumbricoides was the most prevalent 33.1% (n=95), Taenia saginata 22.6% (n=65), hookworm 19.8% (n=57), Hymenolepis nana 18.8% (n=54), Enterobius vermicularis and Hymenolepis diminuta 1.39% (n=4each), Trichuris trichura 1.04% (n=3), Toxocara spp 0.69% (n=2) and Schistosoma japonicum 0.34% (n=1) were reported. One protozoan species was Cryptosporidium spp 0.69% (n=2) in current study. In case of A.lumbricoides, hookworm, E.vermicularis, T.trichura, T.saginata, H.nana and H.diminuta the male children of below 8 years of age were highly infected. Other infections are reported in the same prevalence with slight difference if any. We conclude that there is a need for mass scale campaigns to create awareness regarding health and hygiene in children and the need for development of effective poverty control programs because deworming alone is not adequate to control parasitic infections.

As tênias de importância zoonótica têm sido descritas como um dos principais problemas de saúde pública. A pesquisa atual teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de tênias entre crianças em idade escolar de 5 a 12 anos que residem no distrito de Lower Dir, Paquistão, de janeiro de 2019 a dezembro de 2019. Os métodos de preparação para montagem úmida em solução salina/iodo foram usados para exame de fezes. Os dados foram analisados usando métodos descritivos e estáticos apropriados. Das 400 crianças estudadas, 71,7% estavam infectadas com uma ou mais espécies de parasitas intestinais. Infecção única de espécies de cestóides foi encontrada em 69 indivíduos com prevalência de 17,2% e infecções parasitárias múltiplas foram identificadas em 19,7% (n = 79/400) indivíduos. As infecções múltiplas foram compostas por 10% (n = 40) dupla, 6,75% (n = 27) tripla e 3% (n = 12) quádrupla. Um total de 9 espécies de helmintos e uma espécie de infecção por protozoários. Entre os helmintos, Ascaris lumbricoides foi o mais prevalente 33,1% (n = 95), Taenia saginata 22,6% (n = 65), ancilóstomo 19,8% (n = 57), Hymenolepis nana 18,8% (n = 54), Enterobius vermicularis e Hymenolepis diminuta 1,39% (n = 4cada), Trichuris trichura 1,04% (n = 3), Toxocara spp 0,69% (n = 2) e Schistosoma japonicum 0,34% (n = 1). Uma espécie de protozoário foi Cryptosporidium spp 0,69% (n = 2) no estudo atual. No caso de A.lumbricoides, ancilostomíase, E.vermicularis, T.trichura, T.saginata, H.nana e H.diminuta, as crianças do sexo masculino com menos de 8 anos de idade estavam altamente infectadas. Outras infecções são relatadas na mesma prevalência, com ligeira diferença, se houver. Concluímos que há uma necessidade de campanhas em massa para criar consciência sobre saúde e higiene em crianças e a necessidade de desenvolvimento de programas eficazes de controle da pobreza, porque a desparasitação por si só não é adequada para controlar infecções parasitárias.

Humans , Male , Child , Cryptosporidiosis , Cryptosporidium , Pakistan/epidemiology , Schools , Prevalence , Feces
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e243670, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278509


For the proper growth of fish, it is necessary to feed the fish with a proper and balanced diet. A study was conducted to find out the effect of different protein-based diets on fingerlings of Tor putitora (mahseer). A feed with dietary protein levels of 35%, 40%, 45%, and 50% were prepared. The effect of different protein-based feed on weight gain, standard growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR), percent weight gain, food conversion efficiency (FCE), and protein efficiency ratio (PER) was studied. An increase was observed in the growth rate with an increase in protein concentration up to 45%. The fingerlings fed a 45% protein diet shown the highest growth, followed by 50%, 40%, and 35%. The SGR value was greatest for 45% protein diet (8.56) followed by 50% and 40%, while the least values were observed for 35% protein feed (1.57). The same trend was observed for FCE. The highest PER values was observed in fishes fed 45% protein-based feed (0.65) followed by 50% (0.56), 40% (0.38) and35% (0.17). The food conversion ratio was lowest for 45% protein diet (3.41), while the greatest for 35% protein feed (16.85). It was concluded that a 45% protein-based diet was the best feed formulation for higher production of Tor putitora. However, research on the same percentage of protein diet is recommended for yearlings.

Para o bom crescimento dos peixes, é necessário alimentá-los com uma alimentação adequada e balanceada. Um estudo foi realizado para descobrir o efeito de diferentes dietas à base de proteínas em alevinos de Tor putitora (mahseer). Foi preparado um alimento com níveis de proteína dietética de 35%, 40%, 45% e 50%. O efeito de diferentes alimentos à base de proteína no ganho de peso, taxa de crescimento padrão (SGR), taxa de conversão alimentar (FCR), ganho de peso percentual, eficiência de conversão alimentar (FCE) e taxa de eficiência proteica (PER) foi estudado. Foi observado um aumento na taxa de crescimento com um aumento na concentração de proteína de até 45%. Os alevinos alimentados com dieta de 45% de proteína apresentaram o maior crescimento, seguidos de 50%, 40% e 35%. O valor de SGR foi maior para dieta com 45% de proteína (8,56), seguido de 50% e 40%, enquanto os menores valores foram observados para ração com 35% de proteína (1,57). A mesma tendência foi observada para FCE. Os maiores valores de PER foram observados em peixes alimentados com 45% de ração à base de proteína (0,65), seguido por 50% (0,56), 40% (0,38) e 35% (0,17). A taxa de conversão alimentar foi menor para a dieta com 45% de proteína (3,41), enquanto a maior para a dieta com 35% de proteína (16,85). Concluiu-se que a dieta à base de proteína de 45% foi a melhor formulação alimentar para maior produção de Tor putitora. No entanto, a pesquisa sobre a mesma porcentagem de dieta proteica é recomendada para animais de um ano.

Animals , Cyprinidae , Animal Feed/analysis , Dietary Proteins , Diet/veterinary