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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-490358


Objective To study the impact of respiratory frequency and amplitude of patients with the thoracic or abdomen tumor on 4DCT' s reconstructed image.Methods 75 thoracic or abdomen tumor patients who performed a scanning with belly belt-type respiratory gating on 4DCT between November 2012 to March 2013 in our hospital were retrieved.Reviewed their respiratory frequency,amplitude and fault distance of 4DCT' s reconstructed image and analyzed the correlation fault distance of the reconstructed image.The correlation analysis was used by bivariate Spearman method.Results Among these reconstructed images,fault distance more than 6 mm could be seen in 11 cases,fault distance ranging from 3 mm to 6 mm could be found in 46 cases,and distance less than 3 mm could be detected in 18 case.Respiratory frequency correlated significantly with the amplitude (rs =0.369,P =0.000);the respiratory rate had a tight association with the fault distance of the reconstructed image (r,=0.273,P=0.018);and respiratory amplitude was associated obviously with the fault distance of the reconstructed image (r,=0.696,P=0.000).Conclusions Both 4DCT reconstructed image and respiratory amplitude are significantly correlated to the continuity of the respiratory frequency.The smaller the respiratory frequence and amplitude change are,the better continuity will be.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-495207


Objective To study the impact of setup error caused by computed tomography ( CT) images with different resolutions in the Sentinel system on clinical treatment. Methods A phantom was scanned by large?aperture positioning CT with two different resolutions ( CT1:0. 5 mm × 0. 5 mm × 1. 0 mm, FOV 256 mm, Matrix 512, thickness 1 mm;CT3:1. 0 mm×1. 0 mm×3. 0 mm, FOV 500 mm, Matrix 512, thickness 3 mm) . The CT images were transferred to the planning system. The radiation fields were designed and transferred to MOSAIQ and Sentinel systems. Ten fixed setup errors were applied to a six degree of freedom couch. The Sentinel system was used to position the two groups of CT images and generate the setup errors. The comparison of two datasets was made by paired t?test. Cone?beam CT was used for independent verification. Results The setup errors in x?, y?, and z?directions were significantly smaller on CT1 than on CT3(0.19±0. 11 vs. 0.33±0. 16 mm, P=0. 061;0.59±0. 79 vs. 1.07±1. 09 mm, P=0. 008;0.67±0. 75 vs. 1.16±1. 30 mm, P=0. 043). There were no significant differences in rotational errors in x?, y?, or z?directions between the two datasets ( P=0. 494;P=0. 182;P=0. 298) . Conclusions The Sentinel system has a higher setup accuracy in the 0. 5 mm×0. 5 mm×1. 0 mm mode than in the 1. 0 mm×1. 0 mm×3. 0 mm mode. However, the later mode is still an acceptable choice in clinical treatment.