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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(2): 391-400, mar.-abr. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-910385


O objetivo deste estudo longitudinal foi avaliar a influência da vacinação materna na transferência de anticorpos (ACs) contra as viroses respiratórias em bezerros. Para tanto, vacas e bezerros foram distribuídos em dois grupos conforme a realização (VAC, n=6) ou não (NVAC, n=4) da vacinação no pré-parto. Amostras sanguíneas foram obtidas após a parição (D0); em seguida, apenas os bezerros foram acompanhados até D180. ACs séricos foram determinados pela vírus-neutralização (VN) contra BVDV, BoHV-1, BRSV e BPI3-V. Vacas VAC apresentaram diferenças para ACs contra BoHV-1 (P=0,01) em D0. As frequências (%) de bezerros soropositivos para BoHV-1 foram maiores em VAC do D2 ao D120; para BRSV em D4, D8, D10 e D150 (P≤0,08); medianas de ACs contra BoHV-1 em VAC do D2 ao D120 (P=0,08). A vacinação das vacas no pré-parto foi fundamental para a transferência e a duração de ACs contra BoHV-1 e BRSV, porém o protocolo adotado não foi eficiente para o aumento de ACs para BVDV e BPI3-V. A eficácia parcial da vacinação materna não inviabiliza a sua recomendação devido à importância do Herpesvírus e do BRSV na DRB, porém estratégias para a melhoria nas respostas imunes contra as demais viroses devem ser estabelecidas.(AU)

The aim of this longitudinal research was to evaluate the influence of maternal vaccination for the passive immune transfer of antibodies (Abs) against respiratory viruses in calves. Therefore, cows and calves sourced from two groups according to having received (VAC, n=6) or not (NVAC, n=4) of vaccination at pre-partum period. Blood samples of cows and calves harvested after parturition (D0), and then only calves followed until the age of 180 days. Abs performed by virus neutralization (VN) against BVDV, BoHV-1, BRSV and BPI3-V. VAC cows presented differences for Abs against BoHV-1 (P=0.01) in D0. Frequencies (%) of seropositive VAC calves for BoHV-1 were higher in D2 to D120; to BRSV D4, D8, D10 and D150 (P≤0.08); higher medians of Abs against BoHV-1 in VAC at D2 up to D120 (P=0.08). Partial efficacy of vaccination of cows does not impair its recommendation due to the importance of Herpesvirus and BRSV in BRD, but strategies for improvement in immune responses against other viruses should be established.(AU)

Animals , Female , Cattle , Cattle/abnormalities , Cattle/immunology , Vaccination/veterinary , Virus Diseases/immunology
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);68(3): 587-595, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-785693


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, de forma longitudinal, o perfil sérico proteico de 13 vacas Holandesas durante o período de transição. Amostras de sangue (n=78) foram coletadas semanalmente, da segunda semana pré-parto (M-2) até a terceira semana pós-parto (M3), para determinação do perfil sérico proteico, por meio de teste bioquímico (proteínas séricas totais - PT) e eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida SDS-PAGE, para as outras proteínas analisadas. Os valores de PT diminuíram de forma gradativa (P=0,000) de M-2 (6,4g/dL) a M0 (6,2g/dL), aumentando nos momentos subsequentes (M3=7,3g/dL). As concentrações da IgG de cadeia pesada (M-2=919,4; M-1=1074,5mg/dL) e de cadeia leve (M-2=393,9; M-1=466,7mg/dL) foram menores no pré-parto em relação ao pós-parto (M1=1283,3; M2=1374,2 e M3=1630,3 mg/dL para IgG pesada e M1=463,4; M2=573,7; M3=651,8mg/dL para IgG leve). Para a IgA, houve diminuição nos valores (P=0,001), de M-2 (51,9mg/dL) a M1 (34,0mg/dL), e aumento em M2 (45,4g/dL) e M3 (62,6g/dL). Os valores de haptoglobina (Hp) e ceruloplasmina (Cp) aumentaram (P=0,000) de M-2 (Hp=16,6mg/dL; Cp=8,6mg/dL) a M3 (Hp=60,9mg/dL; Cp=127,1mg/dL). A albumina apresentou ligeiras variações durante o período de transição (P=0,000), enquanto a transferrina sérica (P=0,101) e a glicoproteína ácida (P=0,105) foram estáveis. O escore de condição corporal (ECC) também foi analisado durante o período de transição, verificando-se diferença (P=0,003) entre M-2 (ECC=4,0) e M1 (ECC=3,0). Foi relatada ainda a ocorrência de distocias (4/13), retenção de placenta (1/13) e hipocalcemia (1/13) no dia da parição (M0) e infecções uterinas (5/13) e cetose (1/13) ocorridas no pós-parto. Concluiu-se, portanto, que houve aumento nas concentrações séricas de Hp e Cp e diminuição nos valores de imunoglobulina e transferrina em vacas Holandesas no período de transição, relacionados às doenças ocorridas nesse período e ao elevado ECC, promovendo modificações metabólicas e imunossupressão.(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate longitudinally the serum protein profile of 13 Holstein cows during the transition period. Blood samples (n=78) were taken weekly, from the second week before parturition (M-2) to the third week after parturition (M3) for determination of serum protein profile by biochemical tests (total serum protein - PT) and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, for the other proteins analyzed. PT values decreased gradually (P = 0.000) from M-2 (6.4g/dL) to M0 (6.2g/dL), increasing in subsequent moments (M3 = 7.3g/dL). The concentrations of the heavy chain (M-2=919.4; M-1=1074.5mg/dL) and the light chain of IgG (M-2=393.9; M-1=466.7mg/dL) were lower in pre-calving compared to post calving (M1= 1,283.3; M2=1,374.2 and M3=1,630.3 mg/dL for the heavy chain, and M1=463.4; M2=573.7 and M3=651,8 mg/dL for the light chain of IgG). For IgA there was a decrease in the values (P=0.001), from M-2 (51.9mg/dL) to M1 (34.0mg/dL), and increase in M2 (45,4g/dL) and M3 (62,6g/dL). The values of haptoglobin (Hp) and ceruloplasmin (Cp) increased (P=0,000) from M-2 (Hp=16.6mg/dL; Cp=8.6 mg/dL) to M3 (Hp=60.9mg/dL; Cp=127.1mg/dl). Albumin showed slight variations during the transition period (P=0.000), while the serum transferrin (P=0.101) and acid glycoprotein (P=0.105) were stable. Body condition score (BCS) was also analyzed during the transition period, checking the difference (P=0.003) between M-2 (ECC= 4.0) and M1 (ECC=3.0). It was also reported the occurrence of dystocia (4/13), retained placenta (1/13) and hypocalcemia (1/13) on the day of calving (M0) and uterine infections (5/13) and ketosis (1/13) occurring in the post calving. In conclusion, there was an increase in serum Hp and Cp, and a decrease in the immunoglobulins and transferrin amounts in Holstein cows during the transition period, related to diseases occurring during this period and the high BCS, promoting metabolic changes and immunosuppression.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Immunosuppressive Agents/analysis , Peripartum Period/immunology , Peripartum Period/metabolism , Serum/microbiology , Activation, Metabolic , Bacterial Infections/veterinary , Biomarkers/analysis
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;32(4): 469-72, Apr. 1999. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-231740


Theta rhythm in many brain structures characterizes wakefulness and desynchronized sleep in most subprimate mammalian brains. In close relation to behaviors, theta frequency and voltage undergo a fine modulation which may involve mobilization of dorsal raphe nucleus efferent pathways. In the present study we analyzed frequency modulation (through instantaneous frequency variation) of theta waves occurring in three cortical areas, in hippocampal CA1 and in the dorsal raphe nucleus of Wistar rats during normal wakefulness and after injection of the 5-HT1a receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT into the dorsal raphe. We demonstrated that in attentive states the variation of theta frequency among the above structures is highly congruent, whereas after 8-OH-DPAT injection, although regular signals are present, the variation is much more complex and shows no relation to behaviors. Such functional uncoupling after blockade demonstrates the influence of dorsal raphe nucleus efferent serotoninergic fibers on the organization of alertness, as evaluated by electro-oscillographic analysis.

Hippocampus/physiology , Neocortex/physiology , Raphe Nuclei/physiology , Serotonin Receptor Agonists/pharmacology , Theta Rhythm , Wakefulness/physiology , Rats, Wistar